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The Billionaire's Seed: A Secret Baby Romance by Natasha Spencer (10)

Chapter 21


The next morning Sally got up and made them breakfast. While she was preparing the food Silas came up behind her in the kitchen and kissed her, holding her firmly in his arms.

“Smells wonderful.” He said.

“It is nothing much; just a country omelet.” Sally said.

When they sat down to eat Silas asked her, “Do you mind coming back to Hampton with me. I would really like to be there when my mother wakes up, if she does ever wake up.”

“Think positive Silas, she’ll wake up soon.” Sally said, “I’ll go back with you, but what about work?”

“I think the boss will be okay with you missing some time.” He laughed.

“You think?” Sally joined in his laughter.

Sally enjoyed seeing Silas laughing again. Sally only hoped that soon there would be much more to celebrate.

“What should I pack for and for how long?” Sally called out from the bedroom.

Silas was washing the dishes from breakfast for her so she could get ready. “I don’t know. Pack what you think you’ll need for at least three days, maybe five. There is a washer at my parents’ that you can use. So if we end up staying longer you’ll be fine. Or we could always buy you some more clothes too.”

“I’m sure the last thing you will want to do is go shopping. I’ll pack for a couple weeks so I will have plenty of outfits to choose from.” Sally said.

A little later they were in his car as he was maneuvering out of the city and towards his parents’ house.

Sally felt nervous about meeting Silas’ parents. Of course, she would meet them separately since his mother was still in a coma, but that didn’t make it any easier.

She also wondered if they would comment on the age difference between her and Silas. Sally knew that many people would see her as a young girl who had seduced an older man and probably wouldn’t believe that there was true love between the two of them.

“What’s wrong?” Silas asked as if he could feel her nervousness.

“What do you think your parents will say about our age difference?” Sally asked.

“They won’t care, and you shouldn’t either. They’ve always told me as long as I’m happy they will be fine with the decisions I make.” Silas commented.

“You know there are people who aren’t going to be like that though.”

“I don’t care what other people think Sally. I love you and I want to be with you, and that’s all that really matters.” Silas said.

“I don’t care either, but I don’t want to hear the nasty comments that might be said about me.”

“What kind of comments do you think will be said?” He asked.

“You know they’ll call me a bimbo and gold digger.”

He laughed, “Well if they say anything wrong about you they’ll have to deal with me.”

“I contacted my lawyer he’s drawing up the divorce papers and will soon deliver them to Jackie’s lawyer. She is still threatening to expose my little secret. But like you said, I can deal with that. We can make it seem like she’s just making up things because she’s just angry she got caught cheating.” Silas explained.

“Sounds like a perfect plan. I’ll be there with you Silas even if it does get ugly.” Sally said.

“I hope so, this might be something that will cause us some bad press.”

“I had some ideas of how to combat that.” Sally commented.

“What are they?” Silas asked.

She spent the next few hours telling him scenarios and the reactions they could use. He listened intently, and whistled when she was done, “Wow you put a lot of thought into this didn’t you.”

“Yes I did.” She said.

“Were almost there.” Silas commented.

Sally had been enjoying the scenery along the drive as she had talked to Silas. “It’s really beautiful out here. So peaceful and quiet.” Sally commented.

“I know it’s very odd when you compare it to New York City.”

“I can see why you come out here as often as you can. Instead of moving back in creating an office in Sugar Hill, you should move your corporate office to this town. That way you would live near parents and be able to see them even more.” Sally said.

“That is a good idea, but have this special lady in my life now that really loves the city. I don’t want to be without her so I would never move and be this far away from her.”

“Maybe that special lady would be willing to move with you, if you asked her nicely.”

“But you said you loved New York City and you’ve only been there for a little bit. I would feel bad asking you to leave.”

“Silas I love you more than I could ever love the city. Also I kind of do miss the slow pace of a small town. If you really want to do this, then I’m on board.” Sally stated.

“Sally you are truly one amazing woman and I wish I could have met you sooner.” Silas complemented her.

“But I don’t know how that would have worked, remember I’m only 24, and I probably wouldn’t have been legal,” Sally said, laughing.

“Look at who’s worried about the age difference!” He said jokingly.

“So tell me what do they call a male cougar?” Sally chuckled.

“Oh no! You didn’t just call me a cougar! I’ll have you know that I would be called a manther.”

Sally busted out laughing, “Are you kidding me? A manther? What the hell is that?”

“The male equivalent of a cougar! Duh! I guess they couldn’t call it panther, because it doesn’t sound as good!”

“So my sexy manther, which house belongs to your parents?” Sally laughed.

“Hmm, I shouldn’t have told you that word! It’s two houses down on the left.” He pointed as he drove to their destination.

He got her bag out of the car and opened her door for her. “Welcome to Chateau McComb!”

“Wow! It’s so beautiful.” Sally commented.

“My dad used to work in construction and had his crew build this house before he retired. My mother and he designed it together. Wait until you see the inside. They really did some amazing things with this house!” Silas said proudly.

He gave her a quick tour, cutting it short so they could go to the hospital.