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The Billionaire's Seed: A Secret Baby Romance by Natasha Spencer (20)

Chapter 6


Christie felt giddy when she sat at her desk. She wasn’t used to being so bold and empowered, and it was a very strange feeling to her. She was usually shy, but something about Ace brought out her bravery and her playfulness, and it made her feel warm in ways that she didn’t understand.

Her ex had never made her feel this good. She found herself hoping that he would call her back and ask to see her again. Even the stress of her job somehow felt more manageable. She felt more motivated and determined than ever to get the big story she needed to stay there.

She was determined to succeed, and anyway she didn’t have a choice. With the memory of his hands on her skin, Christie got to work.




It wasn’t until the next day that Christie received a phone call from Ace. He invited her to go out for drinks. Christie felt a warmth inside her. She had been expecting nothing more than a casual call for sex, and was surprised that he had the decency to take her out for drinks first.

When she arrived that evening, he looked as handsome as ever and he even took her out to dinner. It sent butterflies through her stomach and a realization that maybe, just maybe, he saw her as something more than a one-night stand.

Sex that night was mind blowing, just like it had been the first time. And afterward, Ace was a perfect gentleman.

He even remembered how she liked her coffee. Christie knew he was dangerous. She saw the bandages on his hands and the bruises on his skin. She knew that he lived a dangerous lifestyle and found it odd that he wouldn’t talk to her about his job. She knew that he was a bad-boy, but she couldn’t help the way that she was drawn to him, like a moth to a flame.

He was everything that she wanted and so much more, and yet she knew that she was meant to stay away. Christie bit her lip and tried to ignore the feelings that he had ignited in her.



A week later and she was no closer to finding the story she was looking for. In fact, she had not received anything in way of help from anyone, and she was no closer to finding the lead that she so desperately needed.

She was trying to put it out of her mind but the deadline was closing in on her fast and she needed to think of something. She never expected the story to come looking for her.

Ace had invited her out again and they were having drinks at a bar. Christie was enjoying his company, but Ace seemed tense.

“I’ll have to go in an hour or so.” He muttered. Christie noticed that he hadn’t had much to drink tonight at all, and it wasn’t like him to end the evenings early. She looked at him with concern.

“Is something wrong?”

Ace shook his head, “Just work.”

Christie nodded slowly, “Just work? Well, is it something I can help with?” She was growing more and more curious about what he did for a living.

Ace shook his head again, “No way. It isn’t your scene.”

“No? Well, I don’t even know what you do.”

Ace looked at her with a dark, intense gaze, “You don’t want to know what I do.”

“What are you, a mercenary?” Christie bit back. When Ace didn’t answer he eyes widened, “You’re not, are you?”

“No, I’m not.” Christie felt a rush of relief, “Well, it can’t be that bad then.”

“You don’t want to know.”

Christie sighed and looked at him dead on, “You can tell me.”

Ace shook his head, and Christie persisted, “Come on. I see the bruises, Ace, I know you’re not teaching at a preschool here.”

Ace let out a deep sigh, “Alright, but I warned you.” He looked almost resigned, “I'm a fighter.”

“You what?” Christie blinked, unsure what he meant.

“I fight.” He shrugged, “Get paid.” He looked at her intensely and the pieces fell into place. Unless he was a professional and Christie didn’t believe she’d ever seen him in television, then that meant it was underground fighting, which was technically illegal. The fighters didn’t usually get more than a slap on the wrist, but the men who ran the places could be facing serious time if they got caught. Christie swallowed, trying to find her voice, “You just fight, though, right?”

Ace nodded, “Yep. No killing, and I don’t run the joint.” Christie felt relief surge through her. It was followed soon afterwards by a massive burst of excitement.

An underground fighting ring in the city. That was the kind of story that could get Christie places. Okay, maybe not front page news, but enough to keep her job. It was a good, solid story. Christie felt giddy at the thought.

“Ace…” He seemed unnerved by her quick change in attitude.

“Ace, take me with you.” Christie paused and tried to think, “Do you want to keep doing this for the rest of your life?”

Ace frowned at the sudden and personal question and he shrugged, “Not sure.”

Christie nodded. If he wasn’t sure then he wasn’t committed to this as a career choice.

“The papers would love the story.”

Something changed in Ace’s eyes and he stared at her hard, “What do you mean?”

“I’m a reporter, I thought I told you that.” Christie rubbed her face, “And I need a story, and a good one, or I’ll lose my job.” She looked at him seriously, “I mean, if I did the story, I’d keep you out of it, and if you didn’t go back then you’d be okay, right?”

Anger flared in Ace’s eyes, “No, I most certainly would not be fine! That’s my job!” He seemed to be struggling to keep his voice even, “I lose that job, I lose everything. I need to fight!”

“But couldn’t you get other work? It’s dangerous, Ace.”

Ace glared and pushed himself up from his seat, “I know. Look, don’t interfere with my work, okay? You’re not coming with, and I have a fight to get ready for.”

“Ace, wait…” Christie felt worry in her gut, the odd feeling that she had done something wrong, even though he was the one doing illegal fighting.

“I’m late.” His voice was curt.

“Ace, I wouldn’t cause any trouble, you know that.”

But he didn’t bother to listen.

“Look, don’t follow me.”

Then he was gone, making his way through the bar and leaving Christie to sit at the bar and wonder how everything had turned so quickly.

Her heart was aching at his dismissal, but there were hopeful flames in her heart. There was a story out there, a story that would help her keep her job. There was hope and she wasn’t about to let it slip away from her into nothing.

She didn’t want to hurt Ace, but he didn’t seem to care about walking out on her. Christie wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. If she wanted any shot at living in this city, she’d have to find out where this underground club was, and she’d have to bust it wide open.

She just needed to make sure that Ace didn’t get into any trouble with the law. He wasn’t a bad guy, and Christie didn’t want to focus on the budding heartbreak that was threatening to make her cry.