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The CEO’s Fake Fiancee: (A Virgin & Billionaire Romance) by Amber Burns (15)



At ten on the dot, little Miss Ells showed back up at the bar. I was surprised, but happy because I was out in the yard cleaning up my own bike. For some reason I wanted her to see me next to my pride and joy. A ‘94 Dyna Wide Glide, I slaved and saved every penny I could pinch for this beauty. She was a brilliant silver, and if I could make love to a motorcycle, I would definitely be trying to shove my cock into my silver girl.


Sex with inanimate objects aside, the current object of my attention pulled into the lot just like she did the other day, parking right in the middle of it. We didn’t really cater to cars. Hers still sounded like it was riding like shit. She got out and gave me a cautious look. I did nothing but offer her my best grin. At least I still had all my teeth, not all the fuckers in the club can say that.


“Morning, sweetcheeks,” I winked at her.


She flushed, it was so pretty, and gave me a nod.


“Morning. I told you my name yesterday,” she tried to go for stern, but it faltered as her voice quaked. “So you wouldn’t call me that.”


“Oh,” I gave the gas tank one last swipe of the cloth before stuffing it into the back pocket of my jeans. “You sure did,” I said as I approached her. “Do you think I forgot it?”


She laughed shakily then shrugged, “Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me.”


Today she chose to wear another long sleeved, button up blouse and a pencil skirt. Looking as if she was trying to blend in and not catch any attention. Only, she caught my eye.


“Miss Madison Ells,” I put on my most charming grin. “I wouldn’t say that’s forgettable. C’mon let’s get you to Teddy,” I gestured towards the bar door. She started forward, and I instantly put my hand to the small of her back, guiding her along. She tensed and paused so that my hand was against her with a bit more pressure. I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, “Okay?”


That pretty blush of hers had me thinking all kinds of wrong things. Another day that my pecker decided that he’d been down and out for long enough. She had his full undivided attention in a way the vibrating engine of my bike never did. She didn’t protest, but she looked up at me with those big green eyes. Shit, I was in trouble. What was I going to do when she served her papers and got her signature?


We started moving again, and I struggled to think of a way to get her to come back. Maybe I could find out where she worked and pay her a visit. Was that too much? Would that put me right into creeper-ville? I stepped ahead of her and opened the door for her so she could go in first.


“I’ll take ya right to him,” I promised.


“This is a bar?” she asked looking away from me and around the room.


Kinda,” I didn’t bother to elaborate. I nodded towards one the doors in the back part of the bar, close to obvious bathrooms. “Teddy’s in the office. But, piece of advice, dude gets pissy if you call him Teddy.”


“Why do you call him Teddy?” she asked, eyeing me curiously. I hoped that I got her attention like she got mine.


“I think it’s fun to piss him off and I can take a punch,” I tapped on the door. “If you called him Teddy and he started swinging I’d have to lay him flat and I dunno how he’d handle that.”


“What?” Wilson barked.


I didn’t bother reporting anything I just opened the door. “Teddy’s got a visitor.”


“I’m really starting to regret dragging your drunk ass out of that bar,” Ted groaned from the other side of the table. He sat up when he saw the girl I brought with me, and I could see the appreciation in his gaze. Though, I had to admit. Madison looked like she could probably be his daughter. “This the girl you told me about yesterday?”


“Yep,” I ushered her further into the room so she could handle her business. “You remember what I said yesterday?”


He snorted and eyed Madi, as I’d taken to call her, with a more serious expression.


“What have you got for me?”


“I'm a representative of Mister Fredrick Stevens who is representing Doris Tillman,” her voice quaked a little, and I suspected it had something to do with being in a room with three bikers. She offered him the thick, orange envelope. “I can imagine the frustration, and I'm very sorry for inconveniencing you, but I need your signature to prove that you received this.”


He gave her a hard look, and I thought for a second he was going to give her trouble. I glowered, edging closer to her. Teddy noted the movement and raised an eyebrow. “You gotta pen, Private?”


I snorted and fished one out of my back pocket before I offered it to him. I watched Madi curiously as she waited patiently for the slip of paper that said she had done her job. Teddy handed it over before giving me a look, “Alright, you got your shit. You can go.”


Th-thank you,” she stuttered.


“You’re such a gentleman, Teddy,” I grumbled as I opened the office door.


“Tell that to my soon to be ex-wife,” he gave me the one-fingered salute before he turned back to the papers on the desk before him.


I’d have to check on him later, but first, there was something more important. I ushered Madi out of the office and closed the door behind us.


“Sorry about that,” I apologized on Teddy’s behalf. “He’s usually like a teddy bear and not so damn ornery.”


She cleared her throat and had my full attention, “The reaction was appropriate. I assume you don’t understand because you’ve not been in his position. There’s nothing pleasant about getting served divorce papers.”


She carefully folded the paper that held Teddy’s signature. She fidgeted and made no effort to meet my gaze. Her shyness appealed to me in a way I didn’t understand, but I wanted to explore just how shy and innocent she was. Only, I wasn’t that much of an asshole that I would push her out of her comfort zone in a public place.


“Divorce,” she began again as I walked her through the bar. “Is not a pleasant thing.”


“I guess I’ll find out with the way Teddy handles it,” I made sure to hold the door open that led outside for her. I would be a perfect gentleman even if I didn’t look it. “Hopefully it’s not something I’ll ever find out about first hand.” I followed her to her car, and I couldn’t tell whether or not I was making her uncomfortable.


“Thank you,” she said uneasily, speaking without stumbling over her words. “I appreciate your help.”


I guess being outside must be helping. Maybe it was the fact that there were fewer people out here. She went to her car door and opened it, getting ready to drive off, and I’d probably never see her again.


Fuck that. I told myself. Not gonna have that.


I stood at the front of her car and gave the hood a slight knock, “This thing is running funny. You need to get it looked at.”


I got a deer caught in headlights look from her again. She shook her head before dropping her gaze from mine.


“I don’t have the money for a mechanic right now,” she frowned, and I felt like an ass for pointing it out. “I know it sounds bad, I keep putting it off in hopes it’ll last me a little bit longer.”


“Well,” I tried to give her my best grin. “It’s your lucky day, sweetcheeks. I just so happen to work on engines. You take me to lunch, and I’ll take a look at your car free of charge.”


“I thought if I told you my name you weren’t going to call me that,” she looked at me again, her brows drawing down together and the look she gave me wanted me to tug her out of her shell. There was potential here with her, and I definitely couldn’t let her get away.


“Force of habit,” I shrugged. “It means you have a nice ass. If it bothers you, we’re good with me calling you Madi, right?”


She did have a nice ass, from what I could tell with the clothes that she wore. They weren’t tight and didn’t show off her figure, I had to use my imagination. Her face flushed as I translated and I leaned forward onto the hood of her car.


“M-madi’s fine.”


“Am I gonna get lunch out of you to look at your car?”


She looked hesitant, and I was afraid that I lost my chance with her. She pulled out her phone from her bag and looked at it, “I take lunch at one.”


I took the opportunity to pull my own phone from a pocket and offered it to her, “Gimme your number, and we can arrange for me to give your car the once over and see what it takes to get it fixed.”


She looked uncertain, but took my phone and swiped it to the contacts. I watched as she programmed her name and number into it before she offered it back to me.


“Do you have an idea what it is?” she asked.


“It could be your transmission,” I said honestly as I took my phone and gave the phone number she put in there a text. I kept it simple, a ‘hi beautiful’ seemed to be just enough. “Have you had any problems shifting gears or anything like that?”


She jumped a little, her phone vibrating. It let me know she got my message, especially when she turned pink.


“Not that I’ve noticed. The only thing I’ve noticed is the funny noise.”


That didn’t say a lot. Sometimes when it came to cars women tended to ignore a lot.


“Okay, we’ll see when I get the chance to look at it. Text me,” I said seriously as I put my phone away. “I am holding you to this lunch thing. I’d like to look at this,” I tapped at the hood of her car. “Today if you don’t mind.”


“I get off of work at five,” she shifted from foot to foot. “I need to get back. Thank you, I-I guess I’ll see you at lunch.”




I watched her sit, and I stepped away from her car. She pulled out, and I checked my phone for the time. I had a couple of hours to wait to see her again. I was gonna be antsy. I went back to the building with my phone in my hand, pulling up a website on the make of her car. I was hoping that it wasn’t the transmission. Maybe it just needed to be flushed.


“Did you get a date out of that girl?” Jimmy asked standing just outside of the bar door. “Man, I didn’t know you had skills.”


“I got skills,” I said without looking from my phone. “This limp ain’t just from an IED, son. My dick is so big it affects the way I walk.” I nudged him with my shoulder, “Women recognize it and want to get a piece.”


“You’re so full of shit,” he shook his head with a laugh.


“Blue eyes, dude,” I pulled on my cheek to emphasize my eye color. “I ain’t full of shit. Unlike your brown eyed ass. My dick is so big I could win a three legged race by myself.”


He laughed louder at that, “With the way you hobble around here I doubt it.” He pulled a cigarette out from the stash he had rolled up in his sleeve. He offered me one, but I waved it off. I was on a fixed income and couldn’t really afford a vice like smoking. “How’d you manage to talk her into seeing you?”


I shrugged and leaned back against the building, standing beside him. “You gotta question these good looks,” I gestured to himself and gave the beard I had a slight tug. “Honestly, grow yourself one of these and women will throw themselves at you.”


He scratched his chin and jaw like he was contemplating my advice, “I got peach fuzz right now.”


“It’s a work in progress,” I patted his shoulder. “Grow a beard and the women will come.”


“Got any work to do today,” he stuck the cigarette in his mouth and let it dangle from his lip as he spoke. “Or is it a day off and you’re just so fucking sad that you got nowhere to go?”


“Motherfucker I gotta lunch date,” I straightened and wavered on my feet slightly, a spasm started at the small of my back, and I gritted my teeth to keep from cursing more. “I ain’t sad. I’m fucking ecstatic.


“I got a friend that just picked up a piece of shit bike that needs work,” he cut in, apparently not seeing me falter or he didn’t care. “He’s willing to pay.”


I took a breath through my teeth as I tried to shake off the pain. “So he’s not a part of the club?”


Jimmy shook his head, “He’s never served. Unless Ted and Wilson are considering taking in civis? Then I’ll definitely vouch for the guy..”


“You haven’t been patched in yet, dude,” I shrugged then stretched, trying to get some relief as I reached my hands up to hit the roof’s overhang. “I got no problems looking at the guy’s bike. All my tools are here, so he’ll have to bring it here. You’ll have to okay that with Teddy,” I turned to go inside, deciding I’d need a to take something and maybe sit down with my trusty tens unit for some much-needed relief. “I got plans for today, but I could probably see the guy before five.”


Jimmy pulled something out of his pocket and offered it to me. It took me a second to realize it was money. “I’ll send him a text to be here at three, so you can give it a good look. Then you can make a list of parts you might need so he can get them for you.”


I took the money, and my eyebrows rose, the kid gave me two hundred just for saying I’d look at his friend's bike.


“Where’d you get this?” I questioned.


“Side jobs, man,” he smirked at me. “If Teddy wasn’t protecting your disability claim you could do them, too.” He opened the door for me, cigarette still on his lip, “You do me this favor, and I’ll pay you three hundred more if you get his bike fixed.”


“Is it a project bike?”


“Nah, I think he dropped it or some shit. It doesn’t look like it really needs body work, but the engine is definitely fucked,” he shrugged. “You’ll probably be able to tell when you look at it.”


I nodded as I went inside, stuffing the money he gave me into a pocket and deciding it’s better to get relief then to question him. The spasms shifted lower, and I had about two hours to get some sense of normality before I tried to get Madi’s attention.


Girls dig oily guys, right?