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The Choice by Alice Ward (16)



“No, you can’t go with me to the airport, Mother.”

I rolled my eyes as my mother stuck her lower lip out at me. “Please! I just want to meet this girl. She—”


The great Luna planted her fists on her hips. “But you never talk about anyone like you’ve talked about her this entire week. And your phone. I’m surprised your thumbs haven’t plumb fell off.”

“Mom…” She was turning me into a whiney little boy, so I cleared my throat. “I told you that she can’t cross security. I’m meeting her at our gate.”

She pulled her hands together in a pleading gesture. “I can buy a ticket and after I meet her just tell everybody that I changed my mind. Woman’s prerogative and all that.”

“No. You’ll scare her off before I’ve spent more than a couple hours with her.”

Mom seriously looked hurt with that. “I will not. She’ll love me just like I’ll love her. We can share stories and I’ll tell her about how you didn’t get potty-trained until you were near four years old.”

I scrubbed my face with my hands. “Mom.”

She laughed. “I’m just kiddin’. I’ll save those stories for when you put a ring on her sweet little finger.”

I scoffed so loud it hurt my throat a little. “Then that gives me even more reason to never, ever do that. Thanks. Appreciate the added incentive.”

She pish-poshed me, just like my Nana Kline always did. But I didn’t think she actually realized how not interested in a serious relationship I was.

“And before you put Journey up on a pedestal, remember that she’s also seeing someone else. She’s not looking for anything serious either.”

Mom patted my cheek. “That’s because, my dear boy, she just hasn’t gotten to know the real you yet.”

My cock pulsed. I was looking forward to her meeting the real me this weekend.

It had been a damn couple weeks since I’d last had sex, and I could feel the need clawing under my skin. Nashville had been nothing but back-to-back meetings when Mom surprised me, letting me know she wanted back on stage and was thinking of a “short” three-month tour. And more than that, she wanted special guests to join her on stage during each concert. A new surprise guest each time.

“Won’t that be fuuuun?” she’d gushed, clapping her hands together.

Um… a minimum of sixteen concerts with sixteen country music divas to attend to each night? Fun wasn’t in the realm of what I’d call it. But, what Mama wanted, Mama got.

I’d practically had a phone stuck to my ear since Sunday, not only working on logistics but dialing up stars of the country music scene, seeing who could be where and when.

Yeah, to say I was ready for a little beach fun was an understatement. Ocean by day. Journey by night. Fucking Journey in the ocean sounded fun too.

Damn, she was sweet. And not just that damn tight pussy either.

Just sweet. Happy. Easy to be around. Funny. Cute to look at. And that ass… that ass made up for lack of tits any day.

“Stop it.”

I snapped my attention back to my mother. “Stop what?”

“Stop whatever your dirty mind was just thinkin’, gutter boy.”

I pointed a finger at her. “That’s it. You’re never meeting a girlfriend of mine.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “So, she’s your girlfriend. I knew it.”

I blew out a breath so hard it made my lips smack together.

“What’s going on in here?” My smiling father came striding into the room, looking from me to my mother.

Mom pointed at me, shooting a fake glare in my direction. “Your son is thinking dirty thoughts in the presence of his mama.”

Dad laughed and patted her bottom. “I have dirty thoughts when I’m in the presence of his mama too.”

Holy shit. I needed to get out of here. When they began to kiss, I headed for the door. Mom laughed. “Don’t go, honey. We’ll behave.”

Slowly, I turned to face them, and sure enough, they had their arms around each other, but their hands were in appropriate spots. It was actually nice how much they loved each other. And I did want that one day. Maybe. The problem was that I got itchy after being with the same person very long. There was always the passion of the first couple dates, then things just got boring.

And there were worse things than playing the field. I was always honest with the woman, was always good to her while we were together, and I always let them down easy. They hardly ever got pissed about it either. Maybe they just got bored of me too. Who the hell knew? I’d given up trying to read women many moons ago.

“Now, do you have enough money for the trip, honey? I’ve got cash I can give you if you don’t.”

I just shook my head, incredulous that she’d still ask me that. Were all mothers like this? Hell, she had been slipping twenties in my pocket when I was in college and had half a billion dollars at my disposal.

But I knew why she did it. She’d grown up dirt poor, as she called it. Some of her first memories were planting tobacco and hoeing corn. If not for her voice, she’d still be plowing a garden somewhere. Not that there was anything wrong with that. But Luna had another destiny. She just never forgot the path that had led her there.

“Mom, I have plenty of cash, I promise.”

She sighed and left Dad’s side to pull me into a hug. “I know you do, honey. It’s just hard to remember you’re not my baby boy anymore.”

I glanced at the clock. “I need to be going. Journey’s flight will land shortly, and I want to surprise her at her arrival gate instead of our departure gate like I told her. Then I thought we’d grab some dinner before our flight to St. Thomas takes off.”

“Tell me again, why you aren’t taking your jet?” Dad asked.

Mom fake scowled at me. “Because he’s hidin’ his identity…” I smiled as the word came out iii-deeent-taaa-tyyy, “from this sweet girl, thinkin’ he can just win her over with his charm and good looks.” She fluttered her lips, but then laughed that loud bodacious laugh of hers, making sure I knew she was kidding.

“I’m sending her first-class. Doesn’t that count?”

She tapped her ruby lips with her long ruby fingernail. “Well, I s’pose it’ll have to do.”

“Yes, I suppose it will,” Dad added. “Especially since your grandfather effectively cut your wealth in half.”

That sobered me. I still hated what Grandfather did to me and Dad. Aside from just being angry at his father’s manipulations, Dad had taken the news well. In fact, after he’d had a day or two to absorb it, he said that it was a relief to have the weight of the family fortune off his shoulders. Now, he could just enjoy the life he treasured with my mother, to hell with family expectations.

I snorted. “That old rat bastard could cut my current wealth in half and then half again, and I’d still have plenty for several lifetimes, Dad. Like you said before, now we can just enjoy life.”

“Indeed, son.”

Glancing at the clock again, I really needed to be going. I wanted to be there when Journey got off the plane, as corny as that sounded. My initial plan had been to fly back to New York yesterday, and then we’d fly together from there.

Luna’s plans put a lid on that idea, so I’d made these alternate arrangements. Luckily, Journey was easygoing about it and didn’t pitch a damn hissy fit like most women would.

“Did you pack your sunscreen?” Mom asked.

With all the willpower inside my body, I was able to resist rolling my eyes. “Yes, Mom. I’ve got plenty.”

“Your phone charger? Cause you need to call me and let me know how it’s going. Send pictures. I want to see this girl.”

I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her a long squeeze. “I’m not calling and if you call me, I’m not answering.”

She pouted, but I ignored her and hugged Dad.

“Condoms? Do you have plenty of those?”

I groaned and headed toward the door, picking up my bag. Behind me, Mom laughed. “Or you could just skip them. Can’t wait to have me a grandbaby to love.”

I didn’t even turn around, just headed through the cavernous stained glass domed foyer of their Brentwood mansion, shaking my head.

That was one of the reasons the world loved my mother, but living with that level of honesty as her child wasn’t always easy.

Not that I could complain that much. I was a lucky bastard, and I knew it.

I thanked Fred, Mom and Dad’s driver, for the ride to the airport, pulled a baseball cap low on my forehead, and breezed through check-in and security, and still had twenty minutes to spare before Journey’s plane was supposed to land.

Cruising one of the gift shops, I thought about things I could buy her for the six-hour flight. I chose a fluffy blanket in case she got cold on the plane… and the better to hide any fooling around we might be able to get away with. In the candy aisle, I tossed a variety of snacks into the mini basket, not knowing if she had a sweet tooth, and if she did, how she liked to satiate it.

Cruising the book aisle, I tossed in a Cosmo magazine when a “Fifty Ways To Rock Your Man’s World” caught my eye. I eyed the titles of some books but had no clue what she liked and decided to pass on that.

Checking my watch, I was glad to see that it was about time for Journey’s plane to land. Excitement began to churn in my gut. I paid for my shit and headed to the arrival gate, finding myself a wall to lean against until she came through the door.

And there she was. Her plane, pulling up. She was close, and since she was in first-class, she’d get off first.

The first thing I saw was her smile, she was practically beaming as she stepped through the door. The next thing I saw were her legs.


Both times I’d seen her, she’d been wearing pants. Now, she was in these white shorts that flared out from her legs just a couple inches below her ass. She wore a strappy pink top underneath a white cotton sweater thing that was almost longer than the shorts.

She looked fresh and mind-bendingly pretty in that sexy girl-next-door kind of way. The only time she stopped smiling was when she looked at the ticket in her hand. Biting her lower lip, she scanned the signs pointing this way and that. Then she saw me, and the smile was back.

“Hey…” she said when she was only a few feet away.

“Hey yourself, pretty lady.”

She went in for a hug, but I took her lips instead, turning my baseball cap backwards so I didn’t scalp her.

Damn, the second kiss was good too. And when her bag slipped from her arm and caught her on the elbow, it would have knocked her sideways had I not been there. Mouth reconnecting with hers, I transferred her bag to my shoulder. Damn, it was heavy. Why did women need to bring so much for a single weekend?


She blushed, and her eyes fell to my lips. “Very.”

My cock pulsed, and I kissed her again. “Me too.”

Someone cleared their throat loudly and said, “Children,” in a singsong warning voice.

I grinned. “I think they think we need to get a room.”

She grinned back. “Maybe we do, so maybe we should grab a bite to eat instead. Distract ourselves with food.”

Readjusting her bag and mine on my shoulder, I pulled the cap low again and waited until she’d grabbed the handle of her carry-on suitcase that must have barely fit under the size requirements by a millimeter.

I offered her my arm and we strolled to the tavern. I needed a beer.

“How was your flight?”

The big smile got even bigger. “It was great. First-class was really special. Thank you.”

I squeezed her against me as we found a table, and she felt good by my side. “Nothing’s too good for my girl.” I didn’t even need to scan the menu, but I waited while Journey scanned hers.

She looked up. “What are you having?”

“Club and fries. And beer. Lots of beer.”

She set the menu down. “A club actually sounds great, with sweet potato fries. Minus the beer.” She looked up at the waitress. “Just water, please, extra lemon.”

I mentally shrugged. If the girl didn’t want to drink, I wouldn’t force her.

“Well, since I’m not flyin’, I’m drinkin’.”

Her brow lifted. “Do you fly?”

I wondered if I should be honest. What the hell. I wouldn’t be able to keep my identity a secret much longer. I was already surprised that no one had asked for my mama’s autograph. “Yeah. A buddy and me got our pilot’s license together a few years ago.”

A bemused expression came over her face.


She just shook her head lightly. “It’s nothing. It just seems I’m meeting more and more people who know how to fly a plane lately.”

“Maybe I’ll have to introduce you to the mile-high club someday.” She blushed and looked down at her hands. Interesting response. “Or maybe you’re already familiar with that club?”

The blush deepened, and she unrolled her napkin from her silverware, taking a very, very long time to do so. Clearly uncomfortable with the subject, I changed it.

“I checked the weather. Supposed to be nothing but sunshine all weekend.”

That brought her back around. Her light blue eyes practically shone. “Aren’t you ever going to tell me where we’re going?”

It had been a fun little game all week, teasing her with hints of our destination but never fully giving in. “You’ll know soon enough.”

She wrinkled her nose, but the eyes still held humor. “You’re being wicked again.”

I leaned forward and covered her hand with mine. “Oh, darlin’. You haven’t seen wicked yet.”