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The Cowboy's Virgin by Emerson Rose (12)

Chapter Twelve

End of Innocence


This was the last thing I imagined we would be doing on our first official date. I was confident I would be kissing her goodbye after we touched down at the Whiskey Hill ranch.

But this, this is like asking for a dollar raise and getting a million. Charlotte is the giant teddy bear at the fair that nobody can touch. But somehow I’ve just knocked down all of the milk bottles, popped every balloon on the board with a dart and made five baskets in a row.

And what I won is Charlotte.

We may not know each other well but I plan on changing that every day until she goes back to school. And when she comes home I will pick up where we left off. I want this woman and not just her body or her virginity. I want every part of her forever, only her.

“Beau, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“If you think I’m saying I want to be the man who takes your virginity today then yes, I am.”


“Yes beautiful girl, today, right here, right now. If I haven’t made it clear so far, I like you, a lot, maybe too much.”

“Too much?”

“I don’t do this.”

“Take a woman’s virginity? Sleep with a woman on the first date. Have breakfast and knock boots?”

I smile at her and lean against the open door. People who cover up their anxiety with comedy have good coping skills. I learned that in one of the fluff psych classes I had to take at Cornell.

“Come inside, I won’t attack you and if you decide you don’t want to do it today fine, we can wait until tomorrow, or the next day, or next week. But know this sweetheart, your V card is mine, don’t give it to somebody else understand?”

She nods and I open the door wider so she can pass through it. I watch her enter the living room of my father’s private suite and close the door locking it so we won’t be disturbed.

“What is it that you don’t do Beau?”

I take her hand and lead her into the bedroom where an enormous king sized poster bed sits in the center on a platform that raises it up two steps higher than the floor.

“I don’t spend time with women.”

She stands at the threshold of the bedroom hesitating and looking around, taking in the beauty of the newly renovated very old hotel room.

“You’re a virgin too?”

Now that makes me laugh, hard. I throw my head back and let go like I’m at a comedy show in Vegas. I know she’s kidding, or at least I hope she is and I plan on showing her just how un-virginal I am.

“No baby, I am not a virgin, haven’t been since I was fourteen. What I mean is I don’t have relationships with women. I have sex with them and they leave.”

“Like prostitutes?” she says, her voice raising an octave and stepping back.

I close the distance between us and take her hand. “No, not prostitutes, more like friends with benefits. We both get what we need physically and go our separate ways.”

Her muscles relax a bit but she’s still guarded. “You’ve never had a girlfriend?”

“No, I tried once but it didn’t work out.”


“Because I’m a selfish man Charlotte and I want everything to be my way all the time. I like my privacy, I don’t like telling people about myself or my past or my plans for the future. I like being alone.”

Her eyebrows knit together tightly and her lips straighten into a line. “You told me about yourself, you’re planning on letting me live in your house and you seem to like being with me.”

“Yes, exactly. Like I said, I don’t do this. But I want to with you.”

“Why me?”

I turn her around facing away from me by her shoulders. She tries to twist and look back but I firmly move her head to face the living room while I remove the rubber band holding the braid in her hair. When it’s loose and all of her hair is now cascading down her back I sift through it with my long fingers and massage her scalp.

When I feel her relax I turn her back around and god if she isn’t the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her hair looks like a lion’s mane all tussled and wild and her wide eyes are full of hesitance, lust, fear but most of all curiosity.

I move into her personal space until I feel her warm maple syrup breath on my lips “You believe in love at first sight Charlotte?”


“Me either. How about lust at first sight?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never lusted after someone.”


“I… I’m not sure.”

“How do I make you feel? When I’m close like this?” I turn her back to the bedroom door and cage her in with my hands on either side of her head never breaking our gaze.


She is nervous, her chest is rising and falling rapidly and she hasn’t stopped worrying her lip since we entered the suite.

“I can understand why but you don’t have to be, in fact I’m going to work very hard at making you comfortable and relaxed.”

“You are?”

“Yes, I am but you have to trust me, you still trust me right?”

She nods and I can’t help but kiss her perfect bow tipped lips. She has one of those mouths they use for toothpaste commercials, perfect white teeth, full lips, the exact color pink of other places on her body that I’d like to put my mouth. One thing at a time though, she needs slow and gentle and I can give her that.

“Yes.” Her answer is breathy and so fucking sexy it’s all I can do not to take her up against the wall right here. But that’s not how a woman wants her first time to be, I may not know much about being a virgin but I’m pretty sure of that.

I kiss her slow and careful with only my lips at first. She’s so soft and she tastes like fucking heaven. One kiss on the corner of her mouth and then the other and her lips part when she lets out a soft moan and I ball my hands into fists against the wall. Resisting her isn’t going to be easy but I’ve never been more determined to give instead of receive.

I trace her lips with the tip of my tongue and feel a shudder race through her body. Good, that’s very good. When I slip my tongue into her mouth she doesn’t hesitate to open. We spend a long time exploring, tasting and learning each other’s kiss and here’s what I learned about hers.

She doesn’t kiss like a virgin. She doesn’t kiss like any woman I’ve ever known. The stroke of her tongue, the way she responds and the way she sucks my bottom lip biting it gently with her teeth tells me she is going to be a very fast learner.

I move closer to her still not touching her with my hands and press my rock hard cock against her belly. She sighs into my mouth and something in my brain misfires. I reach down and cup her ass with my hands and hoist her into my arms. Her legs instinctually wrap around my waist and her arms curl around my neck as we continue to kiss.

I walk her to the bed and sit down on the edge with her straddling my hips.

“Charlotte,” I say softly against her lips.

“Yes?” she breathes, her eyes still closed and her breath coming in quick pants. I know that look. It’s the dazed, lost, look of being on the edge of ecstasy. The look a woman gets when she’s ready to let you do anything and take her anywhere. She’s willing to give up control, submit, and give you anything you want in return.

It’s exactly the look I want to see on this beautiful woman’s face. There’s one problem with that though. This will be her first time and that is an enormous responsibility. I have never taken a woman’s virginity as far as I know anyway.

The women I sleep with are more than a little experienced and usually I like it that way. This situation with Charlotte has caught me off guard. I am attracted to her innocence, the fresh green of her inexperience. I want to teach her how I like things and learn how she likes things. The idea that she’s never been with anyone else is intoxicating and the thought of keeping it that way is a desperate one.

Once I’m inside her I never want another man to go where I’ve been, so right here, right now, fucking counts.

“You’re sure, I’m not forcing you into anything, you want this too?”

“Yes, no, yes, please Beau.”

Three confirmations and my name on a sigh is all I needed.

I lower myself back onto the plush bed pulling her with me. Sliding my hands up her back with her hair hanging down all around my face we stare at each other. My dark navy blue eyes to her Caribbean blues and an unspoken contract is sealed.

Her virginity is mine, I’m not taking it, she’s giving it to me.

I push her away gently until she is sitting up and slide the straps of her thin jumper thing off her shoulders. With no elastic or straps to hold it up the top pools around her waist. My cock pulses between her legs when I find her bare breasts and erect nipples with no bra.

Perfect. She is absolutely perfect.

Her shoulders hunch in an effort to hide her nakedness but there will be none of that. Time for lesson number one, she will be bare and unashamed with me. Only me.

Reaching up I square her shoulders and scoop her hair behind them so I can see more of her. I want so much more of her it hurts. I have never ached for a woman the way I ache for Charlotte.

I smooth my hands down her arms from her shoulders and stop when I am level with her breasts. My fingers are long and her torso is petite enough that I can brush her nipples with my thumbs while still holding her arms.

I know what I’m doing and her body reacts exactly how I’d planned it would. My touch causes her back to arch and her hips to rock forward against my cock. The combination makes her lean forward placing her palms flat on my chest as if she was pushing me away but she isn’t. No, she is spreading her legs wider, feeling more of me, offering more of her breasts.

I cup them and sit up to kiss her again. I was already missing her lips and like an addict I dive back in deep, long and hard kissing her mouth and massaging her breasts.

An overwhelming urge to taste her takes over my brain and I flip her onto her back. She looks up at me with surprise her hazy bedroom eyes gone.

“I’m going to finish undressing you Charlotte and I am going to taste you and make you come so hard you will scream. It’s okay to scream, no one will hear you but me and I want you to okay?”

I don’t know when I decided to narrate my intentions but it feels right to let her know what’s going to happen before it does. Anticipation is the best aphrodisiac anyway, not that she will have to wait long.

Scooting off the edge of the bed I take her foot in my hand and slide her boot off. Her pretty little foot fits in one of my hands and I make a note to myself to massage these feet later. I remove her other boot revealing another perfectly manicured foot and look down at her half naked body with admiration. Her round breasts stand at attention, not too big, not too small, but perfect. The delicate chain around her neck with a tiny butterfly that rests in the divot of her throat, her lion’s mane hair spread out over the deep royal blue comforter, everything about Charlotte turns me on, even the tiny black mole on her hip is erotic.

I wonder if she’s ever made out with a man, undressed and fooled around but never made it all the way. We didn’t discuss her lack of experience past the fact that she was a virgin.

I’m not sure how slow I should take this. I’m not sure how slow I can take this. I am sure that it would kill the mood and give her an opportunity to change her mind if I say anything so I decide not to worry about what she has or hasn’t done and just do what I’m going to do which is make her scream.

Leaning forward I hook my fingers into the material at her waist. “Lift up your hips.” My words are lustful and thick but gentle enough not to worry her. She obeys pushing her feet into the mattress and lifting up her hips.

The material slides down over her hips and thighs exposing the body I’ve been fantasizing about at night while I stare at the ceiling of my parent’s guest bedroom.

I thought I was prepared.

I know my way around the female body. I’ve always been a connoisseur of different types of women. I never planned on settling down with any of them so why not experience a variety?

I thought I was prepared.

I’m a player, an anti-monogamist womanizer some would even call me a man whore and I wouldn’t argue.

I thought I was prepared.

I am not.

An unfamiliar tightening takes ahold in my chest, warmth spreads through my body like molasses heating every cell and tunnel vision sets in making Charlotte’s naked body the only thing I am aware of.

My eyes roam over every inch of her perfect skin memorizing it, mapping it, planning every kiss, lick and bite.


“Yeah baby?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, you’re just… Damn it, Charlotte you’re so fucking beautiful. How did I miss this? How did I not plaster myself at your side in kindergarten and stick to you like fucking Elmer’s glue every second until now?”

I am acutely aware of her flat belly caving inward and quivering when she giggles. “Because my mom told me you were a dirty filthy liar who couldn’t be trusted with a spoon full of dirt.”

I begin to unbutton my shirt and smirk at her mother’s description of me. “Well, she had part of that right, I am filthy but not in the way she described.”

Her hand covers her mouth and the belly quivering becomes worse with her laughter. My cock pulses and my jaw clenches with the effort it takes to control myself with this beauty spread out before me.

I pull my shirt from my jeans and let it fall to the floor while I start on my belt buckle and her laughter quiets. The anticipation in the room is heavy as I watch her eyes take me in. When I’m down to my boxers I stop and crawl onto the bed sliding my arm under her waist and dragging her up to the pillows.

Straddling her I think again of the responsibility of being someone’s first, not just someone, Charlotte. I reach up and spread her hair out over the pillow with her eyes tracking my hands like a sharp shooter in the Marines.

Leaning back I take her wrists and move them over her head. Tipping my chin down and raising my eyebrows I instruct her not to move.

“Okay, why?”

I smile at her inquisitive streak. I usually don’t have to explain myself and I think if I did it would annoy me. But not with Charlotte, with her it’s like explaining the rules of my favorite game to someone I’m dying to play it with.

“You’ll enjoy it more if you don’t have to worry about where your hands go.”

A tiny wrinkle forms between her eyes but she nods accepting my explanation. I lean down and kiss her forehead, the tip of her nose and end by tracing her luscious lips with my tongue.

When her back arches into me, and her legs are fidgeting underneath me, I break our kiss and continue my journey down her body tasting every surface of her skin I possibly can on the way to her apex.

Her legs are firmly pressed against each other, not in an attempt to keep me out but in pent up misplaced nervous energy. It’s my job to organize that energy into mind-blowing orgasms and an amazing first sexual experience.

I take my work seriously.

I place a warm kiss on her inner thigh and nudge her leg with my nose until she relaxes. She moves a mere centimeter but I take it as progress when her muscles twitch and a whimper escapes her mouth.

Two more kisses and two more nudges against her thighs I’m feeling like Willy Wonka’s Charlie holding the golden ticket when she opens for me. When she gives me an inch I take a mile and press her knees apart exposing her glistening core. More kisses from her knees to that wet place I plan on devouring momentarily have her squirming. I press my hand on her belly to still her and lick her seam all the way up to her clit.

She gasps clamping her thighs on my head and moving her hands into my hair. I circle her clit and give it a quick suck before taking control again.

I rise up onto my knees again and place her hands back over her head. I look into her eyes and find the shock and awe there from my mouth on her. I like that she’s still stuck in that place. I return to the warm V of her body bending her knees and pressing her legs open wide to return to the business at hand.

God I love this job.