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The Cowboy's Virgin by Emerson Rose (16)

Chapter Sixteen

Secrets and more sex.


Charlotte’s sister has a secret, a big one. It just so happens that I have a friend in law enforcement that was willing to look up a license plate and tell me who it belongs to. I’m glad because Charlotte asked for a favor and I want her to keep asking me for favors so I can keep giving them to her. On the other hand this information could ruin the evening I have planned with her if she loves her sister and I suspect that she does.

The limo in question is registered to a service, no big deal. The service is used by hundreds of people, also no big deal. The man who reserves that limo, with that service, twice a month religiously when he visits Redwater Montana is Ashton Emilio Pride, definitely a big deal.

Ashton, or Ash as most know him, is the wealthiest cattle rancher in Northern Montana. He is also surrounded by more controversy and paparazzi than Kim and Kanye West.

To put it mildly, the man is trouble.

I hope Charlotte knows who Ash is, if she doesn’t she’s been living under a rock, which is entirely possible since she has spent the past four years in college actually studying and working instead of partying and losing her virginity like the other 90% of the student body.

I still find this incredibly difficult to swallow, especially since the day and evening we spent having sex was some of the most intense sex I’ve ever had. Maybe holding out that long makes it better when you finally give it up, I wouldn’t know.

The sex was intense not because it was exerting or exhausting, although it was for her. I could have kept it up for a week, pun intended. It was intense because for the first time ever, there were feelings intertwined with the sex. Sex was making love with Charlotte even though we have hardly known each other long enough to be in love.

There’s a sort of association to the term making love that separates it from fucking or sex, or if you’re a medical professional or a sex-ed teacher in a high school the dreaded intercourse.

Love or no love it was different with Charlotte and I want more of that different.

I haven’t seen my dad since he stomped off the porch. I stayed with mom all morning and had our accountant Mara come and stay with her this afternoon so I could get out in the pasture and work.

I needed the release of doing something routine and herding cows from one pasture to another was the cure for my busy mind. When I decided to quit for the day, and I say decided to quit because ranch work is never done, I went to my own house to clean up and get ready for my date with Charlotte. I let her out of my sight this morning with one stipulation, that I would see her again tonight.

This afternoon I had groceries delivered since I haven’t lived here for months and I plan on cooking for Charlotte. I’ve never cooked for a woman before. I’ve never spent more than one night with one either, not even Carmen.

After I shower and marinate steak to grill, I drive to the airstrip to pick her up. We decided this was the best plan since she isn’t familiar with the roads on our ranch yet. There is a direct road from the strip to my house and then onto the main house, so I don’t have to go all the way to the main road to get to either place.

We both pull up at the same time and park right next to each other. I’m out and around my truck to open her door before she cuts the engine.

Chivalry; another first, how many is that so far? Three? Four? I can’t even keep track.

“Hey Princess, you look beautiful.”

“Princess? I have a nick name already?”

“Yeah I guess you do.” Now I can add giving a woman a nickname to my list of firsts.

I take her hand and help her down. She looks innocent in her off the shoulder pale pink dress but her heels say otherwise.

“You look nice too, we match.” She looks down at her short flowing dress and back at my pale pink, almost white, button down oxford. She’s right, weird.

“I knew you’d be in a pink kind of mood.”

“You did, did you? And what’s a pink kind of mood?”

I pull her against me and sift one hand into her hair that is hanging straight as a stick almost to her waist tonight and slide the other onto the small of her back. Her arms wrap around my waist.

“Happy,” I say trailing a finger down the side of her face. “Calm.” I focus on her mouth and her lips part. “Relaxed.” I place a soft kiss on her pretty bow shaped mouth and feel a shiver run through her body.


“No, it’s you,” she whispers and I lift one corner of my mouth in a smirk. I like that she’s honest about her desire, most women aren’t.

“I make you shiver?”

“You do.”

“I’m going to make you do more than that after dinner.”


This makes me laugh. She’s a little sassy and I love sassy.

“Yes, I promise, and I never break a promise. Come on.” I guide her to my truck and lift her in. “How tall are you?”

“Five foot one and three quarters.”

I chuckle, “That three quarters of an inch must be important to you.”

“Every little bit helps when you’re short.”

“Petite, you’re petite not short. Sticks are short.”

“Okay, petite works for me.”

We chat while we drive and I point out that the road we are on continues to the main house so she will know how to get to the barn when she moves in.

Walking up the path to my house she is quiet. I take her hand and lace my fingers with hers, “You okay?”

She stops and stares at the sprawling ranch house in front of us. “It’s not what I expected.”

Not the reaction I was expecting.

“Not what you expected bad? Or not what you expected good?”

She shakes her head, “Are you kidding? Definitely not what I expected good. Are you sure about this? It’s so big, and beautiful, I can’t believe you’re not living here. When you said you built yourself a house I figured it would be something small and bachelor pad-ish. This looks like a house for a huge family.”

“I’ve been working on it for years, not done yet either. I want to put a pool out back. And the answer to your question is, yes, I’m sure I want you to live here. I have to be close to my mother for a while. Your friend Constance is starting tomorrow but I want to see how mom does with a stranger in the house. You’ll be doing me a favor taking care of the place. Let’s go inside.”

I guide her up the steps but she’s not done talking about the living arrangements. “What if things go great with Constance and you want to move back in?”

“I guess we will have to talk about that when and if it happens.”

“I’m not sure I want to do this. I could stay with my parents, you’re going to want your house back eventually.”

“The house your parents are going to live in is a nice size but you’d have no privacy.”

“Neither does the one bedroom hotel I’m staying in. And I’m a college student, being cramped and not having privacy isn’t a new thing for me.”

“I want you here,” I say with more authority then I had intended but it works. She turns her eyes to me and whatever she sees causes her to nod and agree.

No more is said about living arrangements for the rest of the evening. I gave her a tour of the house. She complimented my decorating skills and her eyes lit up when she saw the walk in closet in my bedroom and the sinker Jacuzzi in my en suite bathroom.

She sipped on a Mojito stretched out on a chaise lounge while I barbequed two thick steaks. We ate outside under the stars and she gave me her opinion on where she though the pool should be in the yard.

Later inside on the couch we are curled up together like people who have been dating for months instead of days when the subject of her going back to school comes up.

“When are your parents moving out of the hotel?”

“I don’t know how all that works but the sooner the better. I need to be back at school yesterday.”

“There’s nothing they need to do. I left the keys in the mailbox they can let themselves in whenever they want.”

She twists in my arms to see me, “Really? They don’t have to sign any papers or meet with anyone?”

“Nope. They might have to do a little cleaning, it’s been empty for a while but everything else has been taken care of.”

“You’re amazing you know that?”

“Yeah, so I’ve been told.”

“I mean it, Beau. What you’ve done is life altering for us and I can never repay you.”

“It was my pleasure and you are repaying me remember? Living here, being our vet, that was the deal.”

“It’s a one sided deal but I’m in no position to turn you down.”

“That’s right.” I cup her face and she leans into my hand closing her eyes. When she does little things like this I get hard. Her sweet tenderness is a huge turn on for me. Maybe that’s why I’ve never fallen for anyone before? I’ve always chosen women with black moods and casual cool mannerisms. Charlotte is all pink and warm and sweet wrapped up and tied with a sexy sequined bow.

“I’m going to miss you pretty lady.”

She smiles without opening her eyes. “I’m going to miss you too, a lot.”

“Do you have a flight booked yet?”

She opens her eyes, “Yes, tomorrow afternoon at three.”

This surprises me, I new she was going back soon but tomorrow?

“That’s soon.”

“I have to get caught up, every day I’m gone makes it harder.”

“When’s graduation?”

“May fifteenth.”

It’s March twenty second. She will be gone almost two full months.

“Am I invited to your graduation?”

She raises her eyebrows, “Do you want to be?”

“I do.”

“Then you are officially invited.”

“How will your family feel about that?”

“I don’t know and I don’t think I care.”

“I don’t want to stir up trouble or make you uncomfortable.”

“If we are going to keep seeing each other they’re going to know. They might as well get used to it.”


“Well, I didn’t want to make any assumptions. I’m new to all this but I get the feeling this isn’t your thing.”

“What isn’t my thing?”

“Dating, relationships, spending time with a woman.”

“You would be right.”

“So, I’m your virgin guinea pig?”

This cracks me up, especially because it’s kind of true. I tip my head back and laugh at this gorgeous woman in my arms.

“You’re not a virgin anymore remember?”

“Oh, I remember. I’ll never forget that.”

“I’m going to make sure of that.”

“How so?”

“I plan on having a very similar night tonight minus the deflowering.”

“And then what?”

“And then I’ll come to see you every weekend that I can over the next two months and remind you again. And when you come home I’ll be right down the road out there whenever you’re up for another reminder, which I hope will be often.”

“So we’re doing this?”

“If this is me and you as often as possible, yes, we are.”



“Now what would you like to do?”

“I’d like you to tell me if you found out who that license plate belonged to that I asked you about today.”

“Oh yes, that. Now what I was hoping you’d say but I do have something for you.”

“I’m still interested in a repeat of last night but I’m dying to know who my sister is seeing. She refuses to tell me and she pretty much challenged me to figure it out so…”

“I’m not sure how happy you’re going to be about it.”

Her eyebrows draw together tight and she frowns. “What do you mean? Is he a criminal? Is he married? Because she told me he wasn’t married and I can’t stand the thought of my sister being a home wrecker.”

“No, he’s not married or a criminal but he’s bad news. You’re sister is dating Ashton Pride, he’s a billionaire…”

“Cattle rancher in Texas, yeah I know who he is, everybody in the free world knows that guy. Are you sure? He seems like such a jerk, whenever the paparazzi photograph him he looks so angry and drama follows him around like a lost puppy.”

“So you’re not a total hermit at school, I’m glad, I was worried.”

“You’d have to be living under a rock not to know who Ash Pride is.”

Funny, that’s exactly where I envisioned her living at ISU with her animal anatomy books all around her while she dissected a cat.

“How would your sister get involved with someone like him?”

“I don’t know, she’s always been interested in the business end of ranching, maybe they met that way.”

“Doubt it, guys like Ash have people to do that stuff for them.”

“Well, I guess that’s why she didn’t want me to know. She said she couldn’t tell me though, something about it being complicated.”

“Well a grouch ass billionaire with the paparazzi on his ass all the time might be complicated.”

“I don’t like it.”

“I didn’t figure you would but she’s a big girl, I’m sure she can take care of herself.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen her so distracted. She’s got her nose buried in her phone all the time and she’s smoking like she’s got anxiety.”

“I’d talk to her about it. Don’t tell her I helped you figure it out though, I don’t need anybody else pissed off at me.”

“Who else is mad at you? Oh… I bet your dad wasn’t happy when you told him about the land was he?”

“That’s an understatement. He refused to believe me at first, even told me not to tell your parents.”

“Are you ever going to tell me how you got him to agree with all of this? Should I wear a bullet proof vest when I’m working here?”

“You don’t want to know how I did it and absolutely not, no one is going to give you a hard time, I’ll make sure of it. We’re done talking about your sister and my dad and Ash Pride.”

“Then who…”

‘No talking.” I lean to the side pulling her down on top of me on the couch in a surprise attack and quiet her with a kiss. I slide my hands down her back and under her ass to adjust her where I want her pulling her knees up so she’s straddling me in her pretty pink dress.

“You feel so fucking good,” I murmur into her mouth as my hands travel up her back taking her dress with it.

“I thought we weren’t supposed to talk,” she says still kissing me.

“Dirty talk is okay.”

She smiles and starts a trail of kisses down my neck to my ear.

“I don’t know how to dirty talk.”

“I’ll bet you do.” I slide my hands into her tiny lace panties to cup her ass and push my hips up so she can feel my length growing between her legs.

She moans and I decide to teach her something new. “See, that feels good doesn’t it?”


“How good Charlotte? Tell me exactly how good my cock feels against your pussy. What does it do to you?”

“So good, you’re so hard, so big, I want you to put it inside me and make me come.”

“You do? Where do you want me to put it baby, in your mouth, in your pussy, in your ass? You tell me and I’ll do whatever you want.”

“I, I’ve only had it one place and that felt really good.”

I have to remind myself that her only sexual experiences have been with me. I move my hands to the sides of her face and pull her back so I can see her.

“Baby, I’ll start there because it felt amazing for me too and I love your tight little pussy but since you’re leaving me tomorrow I’m going to fill you up every way I can tonight.”

“Oh,” she breathes looking at me with surprised, curious, apprehensive eyes.

“It’ll all feel good I promise. I want to send you back to school sore and satisfied and I’ll be out next weekend to make sure you stay that way.”

“Oh,” she breathes again with a pop of one eyebrow.

“You like that plan?”

A smile stretches across her face, “I love that plan.”

“Good. Sit up so I can take this dress over your head and get to work.”

She does as she’s told sitting up and lifting her hands over her head. I sit up to peel it off of her and toss it on the floor leaving her in the sexy lace panties and fuck me heels.

“Fuck you’re so beautiful. I wish you didn’t have to go back to school, a man could get used to all this.” I press a kiss between her perky breasts cupping them with my hands. She sighs and gasps when I take her stiff nipple in my mouth sucking and circling it with my tongue. Her hands are on my chest roaming around feeling every chiseled muscle of my abs and brushing her thumbs over my nipples.

I turn to put my feet on the floor, slide my hands under her ass and stand. I’m taking her to my bed. I’m not into couch sex. I want to be able to get at her and into her every way I can and the couch is not the place for that.

The walk to my bedroom is far but she’s light as a feather. She’s got herself wrapped around me so tight I could let go and she’d stay right where she is but there’s no way I’m taking my hands off her perfect round ass.

At the East end of the house there is a long hall, my bedroom is at the end of it isolated from the rest of the house. All of the other bedrooms are on the opposite end to provide myself with ultimate privacy. Not that I have many visitors out here, I usually keep to myself.

With Charlotte still clinging to my body and our lips still kissing I swing open the double doors and make a beeline for the bed in the center of the room.

There’s a sliver of light cutting across the room from the walk in closet. Charlotte must have left it on earlier when I gave her the grand tour but that’s not enough for me. I reach under a floor lamp next to my bed and switch it on.

I like to see her naked, watch her face when she comes, see my hands on her body, make sure she’s real.

Still locked together I unbutton my pants and step out, my shoes came off at the front door earlier but I insisted she keep her silver stilettos on.

When my cock springs free she moans feeling it right below her and I slide her body down so her pussy and my cock are aligned. Her body reacts naturally to mine, legs gripping my waist, hips tilting in to bring us closer but I want this to last a while.

I lay her down on her back but she doesn’t loosen her grip on me and our kiss deepens.

“You have to let go baby.”

She whimpers in protest but I go about helping her untangle her legs and peel her arms from my neck. When I’m standing between her legs at the edge of the bed I unbutton and shrug out of my shirt and drag my eyes from her plump lips, that are already swollen from our kissing down her body and back up.

That gripping feeling in my chest returns and the thought of being five hours away from her for weeks at a time doesn’t settle well in my gut.

“You okay?” she asks.

“Yeah, just thinking about how much I’m gonna miss all of this when you’re gone.”

“Don’t think about that now, think about this instead.” She stretches her hands out to me, wrists together and bends her knees up placing her feet on the edge of the bed on either side of my thighs.

We talked about tying her hands yesterday when she couldn’t keep them above her head but I wasn’t sure she was open to it. She is. “I’ll be right back.”

I have a large collection of kink paraphernalia but Charlotte is special and I don’t want to scare her off. I grab a scarf from the winter gear still hanging right inside the closet door. It hasn’t been warm long enough to put it away and now I’m glad I didn’t.

Back in the bedroom Charlotte hasn’t moved a muscle and this strikes me as unusual for a woman who is so inexperienced, independent and a little sassy. I would have expected her to flop her arms down in a huff and pout while she waited.

I move close and tie her hands together. “You’re very obedient, where did you learn that?” I say pressing my knees into the mattress on either side of her to help scoot her to the head of the bed.


I straddle her and work at tying her hands to the slats on the headboard.

“Yes, I’ve noticed you listen to directions and respond without question, is that a natural thing for you?”

When I’m finished I look down into her Caribbean blue eyes.

“I think so, I’ve never thought about it before.”

“No one has ever pointed that out to you?”


“Maybe it’s something you only do in the bedroom?”

“I wouldn’t know.”

That’s right, I keep forgetting.

“Am I doing something wrong?” The worry line in her forehead makes me wish I hadn’t pointed it out. I sit back resting my ass on my heels and smile down at her. “No baby, you’re doing everything right.”

She releases a breath she’s been holding and I realize how important it is for her to please me. That in and of itself pleases me to no end.

If there were such thing as a perfect woman this one would be mine.