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The Dragon's Omega: M/M Mpreg Gay Paranormal Romance by Kellan Larkin (3)

Chapter Three

“You’ll want to make sure that you present yourself at your best for graduation, of course,” said Ariannis, painfully brushing my scalp to style my hair into a formal look. I winced as he wove the stiff brush through my hair, pressing it against my scalp. The other omegas were sitting facing me and I could see grimaces of sympathy on their faces.

“Make sure you shave and use the make up kit we gave you, as well,” he continued. “You’re also welcome to venture into the market in town and purchase your own.”

“This is a more traditional style you might want to try,” said Ariannis, peering at me with his dark blue eyes, as if he was critiquing his own work. “But the Knights love men with personality, so be sure to make yours show through. We don’t all look the same here, and that’s what’s special about us.”

I took a seat with the other boys. “Do you have any questions?” asked Ariannis.

“How do we know which Knight we’ll be paired with?” asked one of my fellow trainees.

I shivered with excitement. Over the past month, we had seen a bit more of the junior Knights as they helped us in our training. It slowly came out that this was part of their training as well; it allowed them to try different techniques with someone on their level, rather than one of the senior omegas. I wondered why they couldn’t have just gone with someone more experienced, but Leno, a classmate, had explained that it had to do with the “alpha ego.”

“They’ll choose you, like last time,” said Ariannis. “It’ll get you used to the dynamic of being chosen, as it’s not really up to us who we serve. At the end of the ceremony, you will pair off and leave for the evening.”

I felt a frisson go up my spine when I thought of how Spar had said he’d make me his. We hadn’t had any other private interactions with the Knights since the last time I saw him, just basic demonstrations in class with some senior Knights which were significantly less sexually-charged. Would Spar even remember me?

We already knew that the night of our graduation ceremony was when we would be bedding a man for the first time. All of us were virgins when we arrived at the Guild, and even though we had practice with other erotic activities, we hadn’t yet been penetrated with a real cock. Tomorrow night would be a new experience for all of us.

Ariannis dismissed us and Leno caught up to me as we filed out of the room. “So, who do you think you’ll get for the evening?” he asked with a sly smile.

“Who do you think you’ll get,” I asked, deflecting. Even thought I had been hanging on only to Spar’s comment for the past few weeks, I suspected that he would come through. I hoped he would, at least. The thought of a man pursuing me like that was intoxicating. What could I possibly have done to arouse such interest in him? Surely the other omegas were trained to be obedient as well?

“Come on now,” he said. “I’m sure you have someone in mind.”

A flicker of paranoia crossed my mind; did he know? But of course, he couldn’t. Spar and I had simply completed the exercise together, in the privacy of my own room. His interest in me intrigued me, but I wasn’t going to be too upset if I wasn’t matched with him.

“The Knights are all such handsome men,” I said generically, “I’d be honored to be matched with any of them.”

He laughed. “They are handsome indeed.”

He didn’t press me further. But he had left me thinking—what if Spar chose me like he did last time? It wasn’t like I had much of a choice in the matter. We had been warned against attachments, but the Knights did have their favorite omegas. Would I be his favorite? The thought made a curious bubble of joy burst in my heart. To be rendered special like that… Would it emulate the feelings of attachment my friends had for their husbands? I felt like I could have the best of both worlds, if I could be someone’s favorite and experience other men.

Every time I thought about it, I was sure that Malin had been right. I couldn’t see any way in which I would end up regretting my choice.

* * *

The next evening, after getting ready with some of the other omegas, I made my way to the graduation ceremony. Like the other ceremonies of the omegas, it was private in nature, and was to be held in that mysterious room that I had seen at my initiation. The darkness of that room had made it unsettling and I didn’t care to be going back there, but this time at least, I would have my fellow junior omegas.

The Knights were nowhere in sight, but Malin was waiting there again. I hadn’t seen him since that first day and we smiled at each other in greeting. “Welcome, young omegas,” he said. “In just a moment I’ll let you in. But first, I must tell you how this ceremony will proceed.”

We hung onto his words, curious. All we knew was that we would be leaving with one of the Knights, newly minted as official omegas. We would be given a new set of official tunics marking us as part of the Guild, and learn even more advanced techniques as we continued our careers. Being an omega was a never-ending process of learning, and this was just the beginning.

“When you enter, the Council will make some remarks,” said Malin. “The Knights are already there, and will be waiting with you. After the remarks, you will be granted your gifts and will each be chosen, one by one, by a Knight. And finally, as you know, you will be able to put all you’ve learned to the test tonight. Any questions?”

There weren’t any. I suspected we were all buzzing with excitement, too eager to proceed to ask questions and delay the process further. We heard a bell chiming from the other side of the door, signaling us to go in. Malin held open the door, which was simply a black void like last time, and we went inside.

When I stepped into the room, I realized that we were being funneled towards a more well-lit area; the same candles were hanging from the ceiling but there were also star shaped lamps this time. The same staging ground was there, with the councilmen standing in a row.

To my surprise, there were also some older Knights present, standing stolidly off to the side. Their leather coats and scarred, rakish faces were illuminated in the dim light, along with their features, which to me seemed even more dragon-like than those of the younger Knights. Perhaps the dragon and human parts of their souls become more entwined as they grew older, or at least, that was what it looked like.

The junior Knights stood behind them and of course, I spotted Spar, who, like the others, was gazing forward like he was trying not to look at us. They looked far more dignified than the last time I saw them, as if they were disciplined soldiers and not cocky young men.

Ramiz, standing in the middle, stepped forward as we filed in and stood in a line across from the councilmen. “Welcome,” he said, a cool smile on his face. “I am so proud of all of you for making it through training. I know it was difficult, but you’ve begun an incredible journey and I’m thrilled to initiate you as omegas today.”

We stood rapt, gazing at his shimmering skin and tunic. He was wearing something golden and gauzy that looked like starlight rather than fabric. It draped over his skin, emphasizing the shadows of his lean body underneath. During my training, I had accrued a fraction of the confidence and elegance he had, becoming more at ease with my naked form, but I was nowhere near his level. He carried his wisdom like a cape.

“Being an omega is a special responsibility,” he continued, “and you have proven through your training that you are worthy of it. As you know, there are many pleasures and luxuries to be had, but they are tempered by the pain you will face and the sacrifices you have already made. You have chosen a difficult path, but one that is infinitely rewarding.”

He turned back to the other councilmen, one of whom handed him a box not unlike the one we received on our first day here. It was larger, though, and made of a lighter-colored wood.

“In this box are gifts of a silk tunic, embroidered belts, and a badge adorned with dragons, our symbol. These accouterments will mark you as an omega wherever you go. People outside the Guild may not understand us, but I know this: they admire us and envy us. Be proud of what you do.

“Each of you will now come up and take a chest, after which a Knight will choose you so you can complete the last part of your ceremony. I am confident that you will perform well and provide these Knights with the relief and companionship they cherish so much. Naril, you are up first.”

There were only six of us so it all happened quickly. Before I knew it, I was receiving the box of gifts from Ramiz, and a Knight was walking towards me. It was Spar, just as I expected. I was curiously watching him the whole time, wondering if he meant what he said, and he did. He grinned like a cat as he walked up to me, and we left the room together.

I was dazed when I left, squinting in the brighter lights of the hall. Malin was nowhere to be seen. I led Spar back to the junior omegas’ hall, feeling my heart thud with every step I took. I had a hard time believing that the ceremony had been so short, but of course, that was because it wasn’t over yet.

Spar had a smug expression on his face when he looked over at me. “I told you I’d pick you,” he said. “I bet you thought I wouldn’t.”

“It was risky,” I said, “I could have been picked by one of your fellows.”

“No chance,” he said. “I told them I was going to get you. They wouldn’t have disrespected me. Knight’s honor.”

I was stunned by that simple pronouncement. Why had he wanted me so much that he had told his friends that I was his? I almost felt guilty for feeling ambivalent about which Knight chose me, when he had had his eye on me the whole time. It was puzzling.

“Spar,” I said, trying his name out, “What is so enticing about me that you had to pick me?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you complaining?”

“No, of course not,” I said hastily. “But my fellow omegas are all handsome and skilled, so I am not sure what distinguishes me so much that you had to have me.”

“You are alluring,” he said simply, “and I found your demeanor charming. That is why I picked you the first time. But after our, ah, training exercise, I felt a specific connection with you. Do you remember what I told you then?”

I wracked my brains. I could remember vividly how I felt, how he had ignited my body, but not much of what he had actually said, beyond his promise to pick me again. “No.”

He seemed slightly disappointed, but I could have been imagining it. “I said I liked my men obedient. I sensed that in you, along with many other things that aroused me like nothing else. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. In any case, we’ll find out.”

I was amazed to notice that he had taken control of the situation. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was right, and that I was the obedient type, in the bedroom at least. I was only too happy to acquiesce to his leadership and even now, he was the one taking me to my own room.

The halls were quiet, though I thought I heard some scuffling and laughter coming from the other rooms. I had been told that the walls were thick, which was a necessity for what we did. Spar stopped in front of my door and motioned toward it. I fumbled for my key, nerves rendering me clumsy, but I got it to work and I opened the door, quickly setting my box on the table and walking right back up to him.

Even if I was to be obedient, I could still take initiative.

He gripped my head in his hands and started kissing me with force, wasting no time in penetrating my mouth and exploring it with his tongue. I gamely matched his movements and we pressed our bodies together. I could feel heat coming off of him like he had an inner fire, and he wove his fingers into my hair, holding me fast.

I melted in his arms, giving myself over to the lust coursing through me. I moaned into his kiss and put my hands on his chest, feeling his heart beating like a drum, lusty and strong. His kisses became more aggressive and he nipped my lips and pulled on my hair.

He moved away and looked right into my eyes. I was shocked to see that his own were glowing a fiery saffron with arousal, the green having given way to a rich golden color. He had completely acquiesced to the animal inside him and I was swiftly joining him.

With deft hands, he unbuttoned my tunic and slid it off me. I hadn’t been wearing anything underneath, so I was instantly nude. I could tell that I was getting hard down there already. This was thanks to the exercises we had to do—Ariannis had encouraged us to edge as often as possible, as a matter of course, so that we would always be ready to serve the Knights. Of course, I had edged several times today, so I wanted a cock inside me more than anything.

He slipped two fingers into my ass, pushing all the way, deep into my core, sending sparks through my nerves. I was glad I could lean on him as I was so overwhelmed by desire that I had gone limp in his arms. He rolled my nipples between his fingers, pinching and pulling them.

The lucid part of my mind was joyous, recognizing this as my first complete experience with a man. It was significantly better than I thought it would be, for sure. There was nothing to match the feeling of a real, warm man caressing my body and pleasuring me.

“Now kneel,” he said roughly, and I did it automatically, on the floor in front of him. I hadn’t even had to think about it—maybe that was what he meant by obedient. He undid his pants and took his erection out, thrusting it in front of my face.

I had trained for a moment like this and was thrilled to put my skills into action. I had never tasted a real cock before. Precome was beading on the tip and I anticipated its salty taste. He put a hand on the back of my head and I opened my mouth, enveloping him in my lips.

Slowly, I took him fully, glad I had taken the time to practice with the toy. His cock, as I had observed previously, was much larger and more challenging, but being gagged with it as I looked into his flaming eyes turned me on more than ever. I felt like I was made of lust and created for the sole purpose of pleasuring him. I bobbed up and down, getting into a rhythm easily. I was rewarded with the sight of his eyes closed in bliss.

I swirled my tongue around the head, enjoying his musky male scent. He didn’t smell like the sweaty workers on the farm or manual laborers I saw around town. His natural smell was distinctly different, like an animal almost. A bolt of excitement struck me as I realized, yet again, that I was with a Knight and not just any man.

He took my head and pushed it further, burying himself in my throat. I had no idea I was even capable of taking his full length, but I tried my best, his hair tickling my cheeks. He was groaning slightly as his cock twitched and throbbed in my mouth.

He was fully hard now and took his cock out. I knew that this meant. He was going to finally bed me. I whimpered in anticipation, fully aware of the hollow space that was soon going to be filled. Still holding on to my hair, he pulled up on it, gently but firmly, and I stood up. He led me over to my bed and forced me down, on my back.

Spar grinned as he undressed. When that leer was focused on me in a situation like this, showing his raw desire for me, it aroused me. I was nearly drooling as he uncovered more and more of his body and I felt the urge to touch myself. My hands snaked downwards as he revealed his muscular, scarred chest and arms. His legs were powerful and thick as well, his thigh muscles clearly defined and broad.

He was soon naked and stroked his cock to maintain his erection. My heart pounded as he approached the bed.

“There’s something else I need to do to prepare you for my cock,” he said, his voice almost a whisper. “I want you to turn over.”

I did as he said, moving so that I was on my stomach. I felt him grab my hips and pull me towards him so that my backside was facing him. Was he going to take me from behind?

To my surprise, I felt a slap on my ass. Of course, he was a Knight. This was part of how he warmed up.

I was shocked by how tough his spankings were. Perhaps it was his large, rough, hand like a paddle, or perhaps he was hitting me as a catharsis. Either way, I was glad my training had prepared me for something like this. I couldn’t imagine any of the friends I had left behind enduring it.

Just as my training had promised, the pain, as it became layered more and more intricately, only added to my lust. The more he spanked me, the more I wanted to feel his cock buried inside me. I felt filthy, exposing my backside to him, and that made me even more aroused. It was exhilarating to be liberated like this.

Between sets of spankings, he reached down to stroke my cock, making me squirm. As much as I enjoyed being spanked, I was growing increasingly desperate for his cock, and could feel it brushing against my skin incidentally. I breathed deeply, willing myself to be patient and go at his pace. Even if this was my graduation ceremony, my service was for his pleasure.

He took an unbearably long time stroking me to build me up to an edge, which didn’t take long because I had done it myself earlier in the day. I writhed, wondering if Spar liked his omegas to have many orgasms or wait until they were allowed to have one. I had to hold off on it in case he was the latter, but it was painful to do so when it was a man touching me rather than myself. The sensations were more unpredictable when he was controlling them.

Finally, he stopped and flipped me over with his arms. But instead of crawling on top of me, he opened the first gift box I had received and retrieved the nipple clamps. I could feel my nipples tingling already, and when they felt the pinch of the metal, I moaned, overwhelmed by the exquisite torture. The pain delivered a constant dose of pleasure into my nerves. The chain lay on my chest, icy cold.

He moved me further onto the bed so that I was fully supported by the mattress, then crawled onto it himself. I could tell that he was enjoying drawing it out. It was a special occasion after all—the night I would finally lose my virginity. I appreciated the care he was taking.

“You’re rock hard,” he said hungrily, lubing up two fingers and plunging them into my ass. “Nice and ready for my cock.”

I whimpered involuntarily and squirmed, which only caused him to laugh. Between the nipple clamps and his teasing, I was ready to explode. “Please,” I said, “don’t make me wait any longer!”

“That’s what I like to hear,” he said, “please and thank you. I’m going to take you now, and I want you to ask me permission before you orgasm. You’re only going to receive it if you’re a good, obedient omega.”

So he was that kind of man. A perverse part of me had been hoping that he was. While not all of the omegas enjoyed doing edges to make sure they were aroused at all times, I did. It always made me even harder.

He positioned himself over me and even though I couldn’t see his cock, I could feel it hovering over my entrance, waiting to plunge inside. I wanted to bring myself up to meet him, but I knew I had to wait. He was teasing me, and I was loving it.

“Good boy,” he said, “waiting just like you should. Are you ready for me to take you?”

I barely got out a “yes” before he pushed it in. I was ready to take him, lubed and ready, but it was an unprecedented feeling. Unlike the toys, his cock was a warm, living thing. It felt alive, throbbing inside me, pulsing and veiny. His head pushed against my bounds and stretched me out, and I gasped as he thrust into me, building up a rhythm.

He put one hand on my throat, enclosing his fingers around it—not in a hurtful way, but in a firm way, as if to let me know that I wasn’t going anywhere, that I was his. With his other hand, he kneaded my nipples, clamps and all, causing me to twinge in pain when he brushed them. The coalescence of all these bodily sensations left me paralyzed in a state of bliss for several moments while I took stock of the situation.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. There was nothing human about his expression now—it was all the dragon, behind a human façade. His eyes glowed even brighter and his mouth was curved in a feral snarl, as if I was a prey animal and he was running me down, getting ready for the kill—his orgasm.

But I was enduring as well, thanks to my training. I locked my body into a comfortable position and held on to him as he moved against me, his chest muscles rippling and contracting as if they too were alive, and the waves of his pleasure rebounded and sent shivers through them.

There was no word to describe this other than sublime—it was not like the pleasure of a simple orgasm I gave myself. It was something else entirely, something transcendent. It was not pure pleasure as there was a great deal of discomfort as well—his cock being so large, his hands rough and pawing at me, the clamps biting me, and my backside still stinging from his spankings. I felt like I was falling into a consciousness of something greater than myself that I could not identify. Was it the connection between me and him, an iteration of the archetypal bond between a Knight and his omega? Was it the feeling of my mind enveloping all of reality, so that the pain and pleasure were all that existed in my world? I did not know and I did not care—all that mattered was the present moment.

He groaned and growled and I could tell that his orgasm was bubbling to the surface. A new thought occurred to me—I had never before felt a man come inside me, filling me with his hot, sticky seed. The toys, of course, could never replicate that sensation, and I thrilled at the prospect of finding out for myself. Of course, I hoped he would let me climax as well. I had never had the experience of climaxing with a cock inside me, and I could tell that it would bring me to new heights of pleasure.

He lowered himself closer to me as he started to focus on bringing himself to his own orgasm and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He bit my shoulder painfully and I felt his teeth against my muscles, threatening to break my delicate, flushed skin. I could hear all the small sounds he was making as he further lost himself in his world of pleasure, and tightened my body against his, trying to allow him to go as deep as possible.

Soon enough, I knew it was imminent. I had no idea how I knew, as it wasn’t the kind of thing that could be taught. Maybe it was the way his cock twitched inside my core, or the way his breathing quickened in pace. He let out a great groan and thrust into me deeper than he had before, pumping me full of his seed. I gasped and moaned at the sensation, which caused my cock to tingle, and he shuddered against me as he came back down to earth, panting.

He rested there for a moment and then sat up slowly. I watched him as he composed himself, intensely curious as to what he would say—or do—next.

“Truly, you are a skilled omega,” he said, his voice ragged. “You belong here.”

My heart felt lighter as I took in his compliment. I had officially had my virginity taken and was an official omega. And the first man I had been with had confirmed it for me.

“Now, I’m sure your cock is desperate for pleasure, isn’t it?” he asked, and my heart sped up, sure that I was going to be allowed to have my own climax now.

“Yes,” I said cautiously, still trying to be obedient. “If it would please you.”

He smiled. He seemed to like that. “Luckily for you, it would indeed please me.” He started to stroke my thighs and I shivered, my skin rendered sensitive from his earlier roughness.

He started to stroke my cock, which was still swollen and ready to burst with pleasure. I let out an involuntary moan. I hadn’t realized I was so close to the edge already. He settled into a rhythm and slipped two other fingers inside my ass as well, simulating the pounding I had just received.

“Remember, you are not to come without my permission,” he said. “You must ask first.”

“Yes,” I said automatically, lost in the increasing haze of pleasure. It occurred to me that asking permission meant that he could say no, but I didn’t think anything of it. I was too focused on finally earning an orgasm.

“You’re getting there fast, aren’t you,” he said, nearly whispering.

“I am,” I said, my words blurry from arousal. I bucked my hips against his hands recklessly. “I’m so close. May I please come?”

“No,” he said softly. “I want you on the edge a little longer. I like watching you struggle.”

It took me a second to process what he had said and I had to reel myself back in from the edge. A note of fear bubbled up inside me—what if he didn’t let me come at all tonight? Was he even allowed to do that?

“Good boy,” he said soothingly, increasing his pace. “Hold it, now.”

It was abominably difficult to do what he said. I had been ready to go over the edge and release the tension, but now that I had to hold back, he was torturing me even more. His other hand crept up to my nipples and stroked my chest gently, tugging on the clamps and reminding me that they were there.

I started whimpering, afraid that I would lose control. What would happen if I disobeyed him? Would he be angry? Would he not want to see me again? I tried to think of mundane things—drinking tea, the book I had been reading—in an effort to stave off the inevitable orgasm, but it was no use.

“Please, Spar,” I said, my voice plaintive. “I need to come. I can’t hold off. I don’t want to disobey you.”

His eyes lit up. “That’s what I like to hear. You want to come?”

“Yes, please,” I said, increasingly desperate. “Please let me come.”

“Okay,” he said. “You may, but I want to hear your pleasure.”

I let myself go and moaned mightily, bucking wildly against his hand. He tugged on the chain and my nipples exploded into flares of pain which only caused more pleasure, suffusing my body with a bliss unlike anything I had ever experienced. This was easily the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. I kept bucking and twitching, panting like a dog in heat, and he kept touching me until all I had left were aftershocks of pleasure.

I lay there for a moment, bringing myself back to reality, then looked up at him. He looked thrilled.

“What a sight to behold,” he said, unclipping the clamps. I winced as the feeling flooded back into my nipples. “The orgasm of an omega who has earned it.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that so I continued to breathe, enjoying the elevated emotions I was feeling. Not only had I just had an incredibly pleasurable experience, I was now a fully graduated omega. I couldn’t believe it, and I certainly couldn’t believe that I had many more experiences like this in my future. I knew I wouldn’t be able to believe it for weeks. It was like the first day of the rest of my life.

“Are you going to go back to the castle?” I asked.

“Maybe after a while,” he said, laying back down on the bed and settling into the sheets. “I am a little tired, but I do have drills early in the morning.”

I was surprised by the casual way he was talking to me, like I was one of his fellow juniors and not a near stranger. It was as if our shared experience had rendered him more comfortable with the situation, like we were in a post-coital bubble together.

“Drills?” I asked, wondering if I could tease more information about the Knights from him. “I don’t know anything about the Knights. I’d love to see a drill.”

He laughed, a strangely soft sound for someone who had just been so strict with me. “The drills are private, even for our trusted omegas. But sometimes we do shows, you know, to display our aerial talents for the town.”

I vaguely recalled what he was talking about. My parents had never been able to afford to go, but once or twice, I had been able to sneak up to the fence with friends and see the dragons do their tricks from afar. It would be nice to finally get a front row seat.

“Do you like being a Knight?” I asked.

He paused. I could hear him breathe. “I do,” he said hesitantly. “But I don’t know anything else, do I? I could never know what it’s like to be a farmer or a miner or whatever it is the people in town do.”

There was a certain detachment I read there. I gathered that Knights didn’t venture outside the castle too often.

“I will say,” he said, continuing, “that there is nothing else like flying. I wouldn’t give up being able to transform for anything.”

“I wouldn’t either, I’m sure,” I said, envious. “Does it hurt?”

“No,” he said. “It feels entirely natural and easy. Like spreading your arms and finding that they’re wings, or drinking a pint and finding your senses altered. Going back to being a human is more difficult than anything. Being constrained to the ground is not preferable.”

We were silent for some time after that. I was tired, but my mind was fully awake, not only with thoughts of the sex we had just had, but also the things he had just opened up to me about. Something in my heart softened to hear him tell me how he felt. This wasn’t information I could learn from just anyone.

He had been right about the connection, as well, but not in the way he thought. I suspected that he didn’t tell any omega he bedded about all this. I was obedient and he liked obedient men, but there was tenderness in the way he talked that seemed like—dare I think it—it was just for me. Could I really grow to be his favorite omega? I hadn’t realized before how much I wanted to be chosen like that.

A tendril of worry crept in as I realized that if I formed an attachment, I’d be in trouble. Maybe it was risky to be someone’s favorite. It was safer to just rotate between different Knights, getting to know all of them. But Spar himself was so intoxicating—the way he regarded me was completely different from the downright blandness of some of the other Knights. Sure, they all enjoyed rough sex, but Spar seemed different.

Well, I didn’t have to cross that bridge until I came to it. There was no reason to worry prematurely. I continued listening to the sound of his breath, steady and calming, and even his heartbeat, and eventually, exhaustion from the events of the day and the sex brought me to sleep.