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The Drummer's Heartbeat: A Winter Romance (Vale Valley Book 11) by Giovanna Reaves (9)

Chapter Nine

Chance moved the cast iron griddle he’d cooked the steaks in off the burner to let them rest while he waited for Grayson.

A quick glance at his watch showed he had a few more minutes before his date got there. He’d made up his mind about being Grayson’s Dominant after talking with Scott. He’d planned on calling the kid the next day, and it was only luck he’d seen Grayson and Quintus on his way home.

Chance didn’t need to go to The Vault to figure out what was his hesitation. He did put the idea in the back of his mind that one day he and Grayson would visit the club together.

He might have been brash when he’d ordered the boy to his home but that was his nature, and he didn’t plan on changing. Chance had figured out why he’d taken so long to decide. He wanted to be with Grayson, in every way, not only as his Dominant but his lover as well. Playing and training submissive that would one day belong to someone else was completely different than claiming one as your own. Which was why he wanted to change the rules a bit and simply let things flow between them.

Chance liked the passion he saw and felt in the boy and wanted to experience it more, to show the boy that there was more to the lifestyle than spankings and whips. Chance could only assume that was all Grayson was shown. For the first time in a long while, he wanted to take things slow.

Chance had planned a very romantic night where he wanted to talk and find out everything about Grayson. Chance kept trying to recall things he knew about Grayson growing up, and he couldn’t come up with much other than him having long curly hair.

He’d left the garage early, leaving Jason and Sheri in charge which he’d done countless of times before. But he’d been doing more so lately to either do paperwork or take a walk around town. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly interested in the life and activities that was going on, when usually he kept to himself. Chance had a thought as to what was going on with him but didn’t want to say the word out loud. But his loneliness was also feeding into why he had been feeling out of sorts lately.

The knock at the door pulled Chance away from his thoughts. He looked at his watch smirking and appreciative of the fact that Grayson was ten minutes early. He had a thing about punctuality and disliked showing up late when there wasn’t a reason for it. He checked his clothes to make sure he hadn’t spilled anything on them. He wore black jeans and a fitted, long sleeve T-shirt, he wanted Grayson to feel comfortable in his home.

“You’re early,” he said opening the door.

“I didn’t want to make you angry by showing up too late,” Grayson said to him, handing him a warming bag and another with ice cream inside of it. “I brought dessert.”

“Store bought or homemade?” Taking the bag, he could smell freshly baked apple pie.

“Homemade of course,” Grayson answered.

Chance noticed Grayson didn’t seem as nervous as he was the other night. He was also pleased to see that Grayson was casually dressed in a white shirt and ripped blue jeans.

What color is he wearing? Pity I won’t get to find out tonight.

“Come in.” he stepped aside letting Grayson in.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Water, please.”

“Coming right up, make yourself comfortable.”

Grayson nodded and went and sat on the couch. “So, tell me about your day?”

“There’s nothing exciting about my day. I see clients, help them improve their health, that’s pretty much it.”

Chance handed him a bottle of water then sat on the other end of the couch. “What is it you do exactly?”

“Right now, I’m a personal trainer. Once the health center opens up, I will be able to put my degrees, certifications, and training to work as a sports therapist and holistic aromatherapist.”

Okay, what the hell does all that mean?

Grayson smiled. “I can tell by the confused look on your face you have no idea what I’m talking about.”

“And you’d be correct.”

“Meaning,” he said with a smile. “I use natural means to help you heal when you get hurt. I’m also an acupuncturist. And I know that not everyone likes needles, so I’ve learned other ways to help my clients heal. Like using soaps, bath bombs, even candles combined with essential oils and other properties. Plus, I get a kick out of making them.”

“And you think this will help a community where more of the residents are shifters, which I still don’t understand that much about?”

“I do, we get hurt and break a bone or two. Sure, shifting repairs the broken bones but it still puts a lot of strain and stress on the body, and you’re in pain for a couple of days still. I’m also doing this because it’s something I was meant to do. But I’ll also be caring for humans as well.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought this out.”

“I have. When I left for college, albeit reluctantly, I knew what I wanted to study. And I knew what I wanted to do when I returned home.”

Chance watched and liked the expression Grayson’s face when he talked about his business. He could imagine it was the same look he had on his face when he spoke about remodeled older made cars.

“I hope you’re able to help Vale Valley the way you want to.”

“Me too,” Grayson whispered.

They stared at each other and Chance scooted closer to him. His thumb brushed against his cheek. Grayson licked his lips and Chance’s eyes fell to his mouth then back to his eyes.

“I told myself that I wasn’t going to touch you tonight, that we need to get to know each other. But I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

“I’m not complaining.”

Grayson leaned in and the instant their lips touched, Chance knew he was never going to get enough of him. Their kiss lasted a while longer and allowed Grayson to push him down on the couch getting on top of him. He ran his fingers through Grayson’s soft curly hair and groaned, pivoting his hips, pressing his cock against the sweet boy on top of him. Fuck, this is not supposed to happen. Regretfully he slowly separated from their kiss, Chance opened his eyes and watched as Grayson opened his.

“There’s something about you that makes me forget about everything else around me.”

“Again, I’m not complaining.”

Chance patted Grayson on his ass. “Sit up.”

“What if I don’t want to? I like where I am right now.” He ground his hips, rubbing against Chance’s erection.

Chance groaned and pressed his head into the cushions. “You are so fucking tempting.”

Grayson moaned and kissed his collarbone. “Well, what’s wrong with giving in?”

Chance put a finger under his chin raising his head. “Because tonight is about getting to know each other, baby.”

“I know everything there is to know about you,” Grayson said sounding very confident.

“Oh really?”

“Well, maybe not everything.”

“Well, that’s what I want for us to do tonight. Talk and eat.”

Grayson sighed and pressed his forehead into his chest groaning. “Fine.”

He sat back up, and Chance did the same, collecting himself before he stood and held out his hand for Grayson to take it. “Come on let’s eat, I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“Starved, but I could ignore my hunger for a few more of your kisses.”

Chance circled his waist and pulled him close. “Once we have that talk, we’ll get back to kissing and maybe more.” He wiggled his eyebrows causing Grayson to chuckle.

“I can’t see it.”

“See what?” Chance asked guiding him over to the table and pulling out a chair for him to sit.

“The town’s grump, did you know that’s what most people call you?”

“I thought it was the Grinch?” Chance walked over to the fridge and pulled out the green salad made to go with the steaks.

“So, you know about the nickname?”

“Who do you think started it?”

“You,” Grayson answered his eyes open wide.

“No, your grandmother.”

“She didn’t?” he asked in shock.

Chance nodded. “I think it was her way of getting back at me for skipping out on a few Christmas parties over the years. I don’t think I helped dispel the rumors. According to Erica, I have a tendency to growl at people.”

“Really I never noticed,” Grayson said with honesty in his voice.

He sat down in the chair beside Grayson’s before he leaned closer and growled in his ear. “How about now?”

Grayson giggled. “Now who’s tempting whom?”

“Guilty,” Chance said leaning back but not too far, he liked touching Grayson.

“I can’t believe my nana was the one to start calling you the Grinch,” he said chuckling.

Chance shrugged his shoulders. “The kids get a kick out of it around the holiday season, so it’s no problem for me.”

“True,” he said smiling. “Having a town Grinch falls right in with a town that’s filled with holiday nuts makes sense now.”

“Oh, I know,” Chance said. “Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I can already see sprinklings of Christmas decorations in certain parts of town.”

“Yeah, Mom is all ready to go.”

“Winter wonderland, yippee,” he cheered leaving the sarcasm in his tone.

“Secretly you love it, admit it.”

“Maybe a little,” Chance said smiling.

“I knew it! You’re a holiday nut just like the rest of us.”

“Eat up and stop trying to analyze me.”

“Yes, Sir,” Grayson said picking up his fork, spearing some salad for himself and digging in.

“Please tell me you’re not a picky eater?” Chance hadn’t thought to ask if Grayson ate meat.

“Nope, I just have a habit of eating my salad first.”

“Good,” Chance said and dug into his own meal. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“I know I will because you made it,” Grayson said before taking a bite of his salad.

“Damn, you’re good for my ego.”

“If it gets you to fuck me the way you did the night we met, I’ll say anything you want to hear.”

“And here I thought you were a good boy and above manipulation.”

Grayson put his fork down and leaned closer to Chance. “Then I guess you will have to spank it out of me.”

Chance smirked taking one of Grayson’s hands into his, rubbing the back of it. “You are one persistent tempting little minx.” He kissed Grayson slowly, pulling erotic sounds from his mouth. He leaned back and watched as the boy opened his glazed, filled eyes, looking up at him wantonly.

“I was always told to never hold back from the things I want,” Grayson whispered.

Grayson leaned in for another kiss, but Chance stopped him. He smiled thinking that he was going to have fun teasing the boy, even if it was going to be murderous on his cock.

“Eat up before I really give you that spanking.”

Grayson licked his lips. “Yes, Sir.”

Yup, it’s going to be torturous.

* * *

Grayson moaned when Chance kissed the side of his neck. They were still sitting at the table and had eaten their wonderful meal.

“I thought you said we’re going to talk first?” He licked his lips and tilted his head to the side giving Chance more access to his neck.

“I did, and we will, but right now I’m more interested in this spot on your neck.”

He licked the very spot he was referring to, and Grayson couldn’t hide his reaction. He kissed his way up Grayson’s cheek and turned his head, pulling him into a kiss that seemed to go on for hours instead of sweet minutes.

“You really are distracting,” Chance whispered once their lips separated.

“Again, I’m not complaining.”

Chance leaned back and looked at him for a few seconds before standing and taking deep breaths as if he was trying to calm his thoughts. “Help me clean up.”

“You wash, and I’ll dry,” Grayson said getting up and grabbed his plate.

They worked in silence for a few minutes before Chance started speaking. “I’ve never been in a long-term relationship either, BDSM or otherwise. Being tied to anyone permanent wasn’t my thing when I was younger and learning the ropes on how to be a good Dom, but I’ve found over the years I’ve been wanting more.” He looked at Grayson. “I’ve trained and played with submissives, but I’ve never had one of my own.” He handed Grayson the last dish then dried his hand and leaned against the counter. “I’m not a traditional Dom, Grayson.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have rules that must not be broken, I can understand a slip up here and there but not constant. I want a lover as well as a sub, who understands that I’m in charge always. Outside we are Chance and Grayson, but once we are alone, you are mine to do with as I please. Don’t get me wrong, I don’ care who knows about us, but I want to manipulate all the time we have together before we let anyone else in. Trust between us is important, Grayson, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, ever. Safe words are a must. If I do something, you’re not comfortable with use it, and then we can talk about it.”

He was contemplating on whether he should tell Chance that they might be fated mates. But then again, he could also be wrong in his assumption, since he doesn’t remember Chance knotting him the first time they slept together. Fuck, that night was so good all I could think about was the way Chance left me feeling as if I was walking on cloud nine for days. He also didn’t want to think about what he’d do if Chance wasn’t his mate and the real one showed up.

“What are your safe words?” Chance’s question cut into his thoughts.

Grayson set the dish down and leaned his hip against the counter giving Chance his complete attention. “I’ve always used red to stop, yellow to slow things down, and green to continue. But I would like to have something different for us, can I have some time to think about them?”

“Of course.” He reached up and tapped Grayson on his chin. “I also want a list of your likes and dislikes and what you’ve done with another Dom. You asked me to be your Dom, and I’m agreeing to it willingly. But I need to know what it is you really want?”

Grayson didn’t need to think about it. “I need be yours and know that I’m yours.”

Chance stared at him as if his answer was too simple or he didn’t take long enough to decide.

“Three dates,” Chance said suddenly. “On the third date, we will sign a temporary contract between us.”

“Okay does tonight count as our first date?”

“Of course, it does.”

Grayson nodded trying to stamp down his excitement.

“Come here,” Chance whispered, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around Grayson’s waist.

Flattening his palms on Chance’s chest, Grayson looked up at the man he’d wanted since he was sixteen. This is all too good to be true.

He laid his head on Chance’s chest listening to the rhythm of the older man’s heartbeat as his calming scent surrounded him, making him realize there was nowhere else he wanted to be. Because in a short time he was already feeling secure in Chance’s strong arms. And he didn’t want to let go of him, ever.