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The Drummer's Heartbeat: A Winter Romance (Vale Valley Book 11) by Giovanna Reaves (10)

Chapter Ten

Chance placed the pizza on the counter and looked at the time.

He was waiting for Grayson to arrive for their third date. For their second date, they had gone to the movies and walked around Vale Valley and talked, getting to know each other.

Chance was becoming increasingly interested in Grayson’s business and even took a tour around the unfinished building. He was impressed to learn that Grayson made his own soaps, lotions, candles, massage oils, and many other therapeutic ointments that would be sold in his health center.

Chance realized he was enjoying the time they were spending together. He also found he couldn’t stop touching Grayson. There was a spot of Grayson’s neck that Chance couldn’t stop licking and nibbling on each time they were together. He’d suck up a mark, and when it started to fade, he would darken it again.

He got a sense of pride seeing his mark a few inches above where his collar would one day lay around Grayson’s neck. He’d blamed it on the essential oil Grayson used that day since he didn’t wear cologne. He set out two bottles of water on the table just as there was a soft knocking at his door.

As he walked to the door, he made a mental note to give Grayson his own set of keys to his apartment. He stopped for a second wondering if it was too early then shaking it off remembering the stipulation, he’d put in the contract that Grayson might sign later that night.

“Early as always,” he said opening the door expecting to see Grayson when he opened the door, but it was the Mayor instead.

“I take it you weren’t expecting me?”

“Ah no, I have a date coming over,” he answered.

“A date?” she asked quirking a perfectly arched brow.

“Then I’ll make this quick. Can I come in?”

Chance sighed and stepped back. “Yeah, come on in.” He wasn’t sure why she would need to see him, especially now. “What can I do for you, Mayor Rose?”

“You can stop being so formal for one.”

Rosemary walked in and took in the scene, the table set for two, and the candles sitting in the center of the table waiting to be lit. She sniffed the air and grinned. “Pepperoni and banana peppers.”

“Right on point.”

“The nose never lies,” she said tapping her nose. “Let me get to it before your date gets here. I’m just going to come out and say it. Sometime in the new year, I’m stepping down as Mayor, and I’d like for you to think about being my replacement.”

“Wha…What?” Chance was confused. He stumbled over to the couch and dropped down in it. Step down as Mayor, what the hell is up with the Vale family and asking me for shit? “Why me? Why not LaMarkus or your deputy mayor?”

“LaMarkus wants to remain in his position as sheriff. He wants to continue the work his father started. And as much as I adore Jafaris, he is not who I want to entrust Vale Valley to once I leave my position. And besides, since my sister’s death, he hasn’t been in his right mind.”

“I…” Chance paused, not sure what to say.

“I know I should have spoken to you about this, but there were things I had to prepare.”

Chance still wasn’t sure what to say.

“I know you’re concerned about the responsibilities and your shop. But if you agree, I will be by your side until you are sure you can handle it on your own. You won’t need to stop working at your shop or playing with your band. Your duties will increase sure, but not by much per se.”

Ermaline had been a significant loss to the Vale Valley community. Now that he thought about it, Chance could not remember Grayson being at the funeral. “I…” He tried to speak but couldn’t, because he was still in a bit of a daze.

“You don’t need to give me your answer now, my dear boy. I’ll give you time to think about things.” She looked at her watch. “I hope I didn’t ruin your night? Listen, put it in the back of your mind and enjoy your date. When you’ve had time to think things through, we’ll talk again.”

“That’s going to be kind of hard now, don’t you think?” he snapped, finally finding his voice. “Couldn’t you have waited until tomorrow? Dammit, Rosemary,” he yelled, getting up and walked over to the kitchen and turned on the oven so that he could warm up the pizza. “How do you expect me to enjoy my night with Gr…my date?” He stumbled over saying Grayson’s name. He wasn’t sure if Grayson had said anything to his family about them yet.

“Easy, as I said, dear one, put it in the back of your mind for a later thought. I’m not asking you for your answer tonight nor tomorrow. I simply want you to think about it.”

“What if my answer is no, tonight and any other time you plan on asking me again?”

Rosemary sighed. “Chance Knight, the day you found your way to Vale Valley I saw something in you that I doubt you saw in yourself. You are a protector, and it has nothing to do with your lifestyle.” She raised an eyebrow when he gasped in surprise. “I’m the Mayor, Chance, and no matter how much Vale as grown, I know everything that happens in my beloved town. I know when someone new sees our sweet little town for the first time and looking for a new home.”

“Why would you want to give that all up?”

“Because it’s time. My time as this town’s protector is coming to an end. It’s now time for someone new to take up the mantle.”

Oh gods, is she dying?

“Get that thought out of your head right now. I’m not dying. I’m as healthy as they come, for a woman my age and will live a lot longer than most.”

“How do you know that’s what I was thinking?”

“I just do,” she said with a shoulder shrug.

“So why the hell are you stepping down as mayor?”

“It’s time for a new town guard.”

“And you picked me?” Chance asked unbelievingly.

“There’s something you need to understand. I am not the only one that wants you to be Vale’s protector. Vale Valley, the town itself choose you.”

“You make it sound as if the town has a mind of its own.”

“In some ways it does.”

“Sounds creepy if you ask me.” Rosemary snorted at his comment. “I don’t know, Rosemary. I’m not sure I’m the mayor type.”

She sighed and took the few shorts steps to stand beside him. “You want to know something?” He nodded. “I’d be worried if you agreed right away. Chance, take all the time you need to think about things.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before walking over to the door. “Your decision will not only affect your life, so I understand your hesitation.”

“Who else besides Vale resident would be affected?”

“Grayson’s of course,” she said nonchalantly.

“Grayson, what does this have to do with him?”

“Isn’t he the one who’s coming to dinner?”

Before Chance could respond, she opened the door and was gone, leaving him stunned.

“Well, that answers the question of if they know about Grayson and me.”

* * *

“Are you okay?”

Grayson had arrived late to Chance’s house for their third date. He’d finally hired three new staff members, one for the reception desk, one with experience and certification in fitness, and another as his secretary. Grayson still needed to hire another person with medical expertise. He was thinking of speaking with the director of the general hospital to have their interns do a few hours at his center as a part of their rotations.

“I’m fine, why do you ask?”

“Well, you’ve been distracted since I walked through the door. Usually, I’m the one that would be able to distract you, but I get the feeling I’m not who you’re thinking about.”

“It’s your grandmother.”

Grayson’s brows creased together in confusion. “My grandmother, has you distracted? What did she do now?”

“She came to see me,” Chance said turning to look at him. “Did you know she plans on stepping down as mayor sometime next year?”

“What?” Grayson said in shock, sitting up. He knew that his grandmother hadn’t been herself since her sister’s death, she still portrayed a pillar of strength because Rosemary Vale never shows weakness, ever. “What do you mean stepping down? And why would she tell you and not her family?”

“Because she wants me to replace her.”

“Say what?”

Grayson felt crazy, all he could do was ask questions. He had no idea that his grandmother was thinking of retiring. He couldn’t think of Vale Valley and not think of his grandmother being at the helm, leading and caring for its residents.

“What did you tell her?” he whispered looking at Chance.

“I didn’t really know what to say, she kind of blindsided me with her request. And I can’t tell you why she hasn’t mentioned it to you, that’s something you will have to ask her.”

Chance stood and grabbed the empty box of pizza then walked into the kitchen, dumping it in the trash. Grayson stood and followed him. “I’m not cut out for mayoral duties. I like my quiet life, playing with my band, and working in my shop. I’m not leadership material.”

“You’re wrong, you know. I think one of the reasons why I was attracted to you was your quiet strength. When you walk into a room, you command it without even saying a word.” He walked over to Chance and pressed his body into the other man. “I’m not telling you to take the position if you don’t want to, but I think you would do a wonderful job as mayor.”

“You do, huh?” Chance wrapped his arms around his waist and bent his head kissing his lips softly.

“I do, Sir,” he whispered.

Chance groaned and tilted his head back. “This wasn’t how I wanted our night to go. I planned on us signing the contracts, me giving you my temporary collar. And us celebrating my way, with me pounding you through the mattress.”

Grayson’s hazel green eyes darkened. “Who says things have to change?”

“I guess they don’t. My grandmother doesn’t need an answer right away.”

“No, she doesn’t.” Grayson leaned up and kissed him quickly before stepping back.

“Go sit down and I’ll get the contracts.”

Taking a shaky, excited breath, Grayson went and sat back down at the table and waited for Chance to return. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the sheet of paper with everything he’d done before and things he hadn’t. He also made a list of things he’d like to try.

“Okay, I want you to read this carefully,” Chance said sitting down at the table, handing him a folder.

“Here is my list, even though I am a shifter and cannot get human diseases, I added my test results.”

Chance gave him a sharp nod and Grayson started reading through the contract, taking in all the information and got excited with all that Chance wanted to do with him. It was a temporary contract for six months. After the first month, Grayson would move in with Chance where they would take things a bit further. After six months, they would revisit the conversation.

There were a few things he’d tried before like spanking, whippings, and wax play. He’d also tried sounding a couple of times, but what he hadn’t tried was blood play and was intrigued by the idea. Once he got to the last page, he saw that Chance also inserted his test results which was appreciated but not needed.

After reading through it twice, Grayson signed on the bottom line, then handed it back to Chance who signed his name then closed the folder, setting it to the side. He picked up the box that Grayson had just noticed off the table then walked over to the wingback chair facing the room.

“Strip and then present yourself to me,” he ordered.

Eagerly, Grayson stood and did as he was told.

“Stop,” Chance said in a low and hypnotizing voice. Grayson’s fingers froze on the thin string of his purple thongs he had worn that night. “Leave them on.”

“Yes, Sir,” Grayson responded then walked over and kneeled in front of Chance with his thighs apart and his back straight, his hands locked behind him in the small of his back.

Grayson’s head was down, and he didn’t flinch or look up when Chance walked into the bedroom. Chance was pleased with the boy’s show respect. Maybe his previous dominant was good at something? The room was quiet, the only sound was his slow and even breathing. He felt so right kneeling in front of Chance with the feeling that it was where he belonged.

“In public, you will refer to me by my first name or Sir. When we are alone, you will call me Sir or Daddy.”

Grayson gasped and licked his lips. His belly quivered with anticipation. He would have chuckled at himself if the word didn’t do things to him. He jumped when he felt cold metal touch his skin, but he didn’t dare look up.

“This is your temporary collar. I had a new one made when I decided to do this.” Grayson sighed in relief when he heard the lock click, in the back. “Look at me.” Slowly Grayson raised his head and their eyes connected. “Spend the night with me?”

“You never have to ask me that, Daddy,”

Chance smirked. “I like hearing you calling me that.”

“I love saying it.”

“Go in the bedroom and wait for me.”

Grayson stood slowly and walked into the bedroom, he stopped and looked into the mirror and stared lovingly at the gold chain necklace with the engraved locket sitting in the center of his neck.

Daddy’s Boy.

He chuckled, feeling more content than he’d ever felt before. It might be temporary but be planned on making things permanent. Chance might not realize it yet, but he wasn’t going anywhere.