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The Gift by Jennifer Myles (34)



When I found out I wasn’t near death, as I spent months believing, life seemed more colorful and dynamic than before. I was so motivated to live every second intensely that business seemed more pleasurable than ever. I breathed work, I lived work, because I loved it. It was my passion, and not just for the money.

I had discovered this passion for productive work long time ago, and once my biggest fear proved false, I went back to it full-bore. Business was great, I won all the competitions and met all the challenges, and I was ahead of my competitors. In a few months, I became the fourth richest man in the world and, one day, I had no doubts that I’d be the first.

Although the of finding my brother and my cousin were sick and twisted, I was happy. After all, I had everything a man could want, a great professional life, a wife I adored, and an entire world waiting to be conquered.

What else could I want? That was a question I asked myself every day. Although I had everything I could hope for, although I conquered every obstacle, I felt a strange emptiness inside me, like something very meaningful was missing. I had no idea of what that might be. Sometimes, I felt like I pushed myself harder at work just to forget about it.

I’m sure a psychologist would tell me that the feeling of loss that followed me everywhere was a consequence of what and how I discovered that my brother never loved me. That the only family I had hated me and wanted to see me dead. That’s why I didn’t look for help and I refused to admit that the bastard’s hate ruined me. It was enough being played for a fool for so long, believing his tale that I was going to die. I couldn’t give in… I couldn’t be seen as weak.

As I always did, after a tiring but fulfilling day at work, I came home anxious to take Inaya in my arms and make her mine again. To touch her soft skin, to delight in her moans, because this was the best part of my life. However, that night I didn’t find he at homer, but rather I found a note she left for me on the bedside table.

I had thought it was a joke when Lorry said she packed a bag in the morning and left until I started reading it.


Dear Jared.

Please, don’t doubt that I love you more than everything in my life, but I’m not happy with you anymore. As I tried to tell you many times, but you never listened, I feel like I’m not wanted in your life. I have the impression you are leaving me for work, that your business is more important than I am to you, and I don’t want that. I need more. I need to be someone’s priority. Do you understand that? Words don’t prove your love, but your attitude does, and the last few months you’ve acted like you don’t care. Like I mean nothing to you. That’s why I’m leaving. I want some time to think, maybe that’s what both of us need. Maybe you’ll find out it wasn’t a good choice marrying me, that you’re not the type of person who needs a woman in your life, because you need to dedicate yourself to what you love the most, your job. I’m giving you that space, and I’ll try living without you as well. For now, it’s just some time, because we need it. Let’s see how things go. Maybe the happiness we want is far from each other. Maybe one day I’ll forget that absurd love I feel for you, and I’ll find someone who really makes me happy. It’s worth trying.

Love, Inaya.


I needed to read it again several times to be sure I had read it correctly, because I refused to believe Inaya left me after all we had gone through together. After all the loving promises, for no reason, without me cheating on her or mistreating her. What was this reference to finding someone who’d make her happy? Had she met a guy at college? It wasn’t possible. I couldn’t believe I was being deceived this whole time.

Heartbroken and sad, I grabbed my cellphone and dialed her number to find out what was happening. Inaya didn’t answer. I tried again and she ignored me again. On the third attempt, her cellphone was off. I got nervous and started pacing around the house, trying to understand why she left me. It wasn’t possible. We loved each other, we understood each other, and we were happy together. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Why would she leave me?

Without stopping my pacing, I read her note again and remembered Jeffrey’s words. That I left him behind for work. Inaya was saying the same thing.

My God! Was I really making the same mistakes again? Was I really so hurt that I had dealt with Jeffrey’s problems, that I had abandoned him by burying myself in work so I didn’t have to think about all that shit? Was I repeating that mistake, leaving Inaya to occupy my mind again with work to forget about what I had done to Jeffrey?

God! I was doing it! I was making the same mistake as I had years ago, when I forgot Jeffrey, leaving him a twisted and demented man. Now, I was leaving the most important person of my life and I hadn’t even noticed it. How could I have been so blind? My life had no meaning without Inaya. I couldn’t lose her. If I had to leave all the rest behind for her, I would, but I wouldn’t live without her.

As there were just a few days until Christmas eve, the temperature had dropped to below zero, but the city was brighter and more crowded than usual, bustling with shoppers and merry-makers.

I went straight to the building where the Moroccan girls lived. I searched the apartments, but Inaya wasn’t there. Where could she be? With college friends? Did she meet a man and was with him? The possibility woke a violent instinct in me. If I saw another man touching her, I don’t know what I’d do.

I returned home I and called the university to try to locate Inaya’s friends, but I could only talk to one of the campus guards. I tried to remember some of Inaya’s friends that I could look for, but none came to mind. I didn’t know who my wife had befriended lately and that made me realize how far removed from her I had become. I really had excluded her from my life, as she accused me of doing. I had done the same thing to Jeffrey in the past.

I was going crazy because I didn’t know how to find her. I drank a shot of whisky in a gulp, filled my glass again and sat on the couch nursing the drink and thinking. It dawned on me that Inaya would be on campus the next morning and I could find her there. I just needed to get through tonight without her, and that wouldn’t be easy.

Lorry came to ask if I wanted dinner, or if I needed anything, but I doubted I could eat was anything as upset as I was. I wondered if my wife wasn’t in another’s arms and, if she was, it was my fault.

I spent the night on the living room couch, tormented by my thoughts and drinking. I couldn’t sleep more than a couple of hours, and when I woke up, my head was spinning from the effects of the alcohol. It was already morning. Inaya should be in class by now. So, I left as I was, without putting on a suit or even cleaning up.

I drove like crazy through the streets to the campus where the students had already arrived for the first classes. I got out of the car and walked toward the buildings, searching the tree-filled courtyard and grass where students sat waiting for their first class. I looked for her desperately and finally spotted her in the distance. She was wearing jeans and a leather jacket over her shirt, with a backpack on her back and carrying notebooks in front of her chest. She was talking to a boy her age, who was too close to her for my liking.

When he raised his hand and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, I lost control, and felt something snap inside me, imagining they had spent the night together, that this boy was the reason she left me. Not thinking straight, I went in their direction, uncontrollably, like some wild animal.

“Get your hands off my wife!” I yelled, out of my mind with jealousy, and pushed him rudely with both hands on his chest. He was startled by the outburst, but he didn’t react.

Inaya faced me astonished, widening her eyes. “What are you doing, Jared?” she asked in disbelief.

“I’m should be the one asking!” I raged, ignoring the fact that other students had stopped to watch us. “You traded me for another man and tried to convince me it’s my fault?”

Inaya looked surprised. “Are you drunk? I didn’t trade you for another man. David and I are just friends. How can you think of me that way?”

“We’re just friends.” the boy dared to say. “She’d never do that to you, although, in my opinion, you don’t deserve her.”

I had to restrain myself from kicking his ass. “Shut up, boy! Get out of here before I take your head off!” He stepped back, but remained close, like he was protecting my wife. “What are you doing, Inaya? Why are you leaving me? Am I suddenly not good enough for you?”

She looked angry and perplexed. “It’s all in the note I left. You know the reasons. How can you think I cheated on you? Why would you come here like this? Looking like someone who drank all night”

“I just saw that idiot touching you. What do you want me to think?”

“You’re in no condition to talk, Jared. Go away. We’ll talk later.”

“Do you want me to leave so you can be with him?” I pointed to the black-haired boy with blue eyes.

“Stop accusing me of something I didn’t do. I already told you we are just friends!” She changed her tone and I noticed she was telling the truth. I really was acting like an idiot. “Now, leave!”

“Not without you.” I was calmer. “Come home with me. We need to talk.”

My cellphone started ringing on my pocket, as usual, and I could see how hurt Inaya was.

“You work is calling. Aren’t you going to get it?”

I took my cellphone off my pocket, threw it on the floor and smashed it with my foot. “I don’t care about my shitty work. Nothing in my life is more important than you.” She kept staring at me, with unsympathetic eyes. “I love you, Inaya. My life is nothing without you. Skip this class today, let’s go somewhere, just the two of us. We need to talk.”

“You’re telling me this now, but if I come back, in two days you will trade me for your work, and I’ll play second fiddle again. I can’t live like that, Jared. I love you too much. I can’t accept having only half of you. If this is going to continue, I’d rather forget you.”

I heard her words and they chilled me to the bone. I couldn’t let her give up on me or forget me. I couldn’t live without this woman.”

“I promise you I will change. I’ll get away from work a little more, you have my word.”

I saw her lips trembling, as a single tear ran down her face. “I don’t believe you,” she said.

The fear of losing her grew immensely inside me. The possibility was almost real. “I know I’m an idiot. I didn’t realize I was hurting you, just as I didn’t realize I did to Jeffrey all those years ago, making him what he is today. That time, I was burying my loss with work, and now I’m burying the loss of my brother the same way. Try to understand, Inaya, I didn’t know what I was doing, but you’ve made me see my mistake. Give me a chance to make things right just once. If I let you down again, you can leave.

Another tear went down from the corner of her eye, and I saw her lips trembling again. Her eyes became tender. She hesitated for a moment, but she finally dropped her notebooks and ran to my arms, and I felt her warm and sweet body touching mine.

Thankfully, there was nothing wrong with my heart, or it might have exploded, it was pounding so fast and hard. I felt a million emotions and overflowing passion flooding my soul. It made me realize that Inaya was much more important to me than I ever imagined.

I nestled the woman I loved in my arms and held her, feeling her warm body shaking.

“I love you, Inaya. I’ll never hurt you again.” I promised sincerely and caressed her softly, before touching her face and inhaling her familiar and delicate scent.

Inaya raised her face and looked at me.

“If you do, I’ll rip off your balls.”

I curved my lips in a smile and kissed her lips, missing our intimacy. We heard people clapping hands and whistling while watching.

“I think we have an audience.” I said smiling, without leaving her lips.

“Let them watch. I hope one day they find what we already have.”

I held her tighter and thrust my tongue in her mouth, feeling desire sweep me away, trying to stop my erection. “Let’s go home and plan our vacation.” I whispered hoarsely and excited, still close to her mouth.

“I have three more days of classes before Christmas,” she whispered back, as turned on as I was.

“Three days are enough to make our plans.”

With my arms around her waist, I led her off campus. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the students gathering the notebooks she had dropped on the ground. I was sure that, after what he saw, that blue-eyed jerk would realize Inaya was only mine, and stay far away from her.

Although I had stayed but a single night without her, I missed her as much as if I had been away for a year. My body yearned for hers, every cell begged me to make her mine. I almost parked the car somewhere secluded to take her, but prudence prevailed.

I drove from the college to our apartment as fast as I dared. I couldn’t bear to wait for us to get to the apartment, however. I was so horny I stopped the elevator before we reached the top floor and moved on her right there, pinning her against the wall while kissing her lips.

“What are you doing, Jared.” Inaya asked, letting me lead her.

“Taking what you didn’t give me yesterday.”

When she put her legs around me, I cursed whoever invented jeans. They just complicated moments like these.

Still clothed, I pushed my erection against her, rubbing it on her sex while I kissed her neck and down her chest, anxious to touch her nipples with my tongue. I pushed her jacket to the side and pulled her shirt up, revealing her big, firm breasts that made me crazy. I studied them for a moment before taking one in my mouth, licking the nipple and sucking it hard while I massaged her other breast.

“Oh… Jared…” Inaya moaned, leaning her head back and putting her hand under my shirt to run her hands on my muscles.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I urgently needed to make her mine, to be inside her. I put her on the ground while I took her jeans and panties off and opened my zipper, taking my hard dick out of my underwear. I pressed her against the wall again and kissed her lips as I caressed her between her legs, letting my fingers slip inside her soft and wet vagina.

Fuck! She was all wet. I bet she came with me from the campus wanting this as much as I did.

I had was impatient to enter her, but I couldn’t do it before tasting her. I knelt on the floor and made her open her legs so I could put my tongue inside her sex, loving the excitement it generated in me. I savored her entrance and her wet vagina, and tickled her small clitoris feverishly with my tongue. I was rewarded with her moans of pleasure.

I knew Inaya was about to come, but I wanted her to come on my dick. I stood up again and raised her making her wrap her legs around my hips and I entered her with a single thrust. I let out a loud moan as her warm and wet vagina tightened around my dick.

“Delicious…” I mumbled, putting my tongue in her mouth, moving back and forth as she moved her hips in rhythm with my thrusts, going in and out of her, both of us at the peak of arousal. I went nuts as her tight pussy sucked my dick, contracting and relaxing around it, as usually happened when she was close to orgasm. I wanted to make the moment last because there was nothing I loved more than seeing Inaya like that, all mine, but we were in an elevator. We couldn’t take too long.

I moved faster and stronger inside her, driving hard inside her and she called my name, begging, while her nails dug into my skin. I stopped kissing her to look into her face while she was coming for me. Her face contorted in pleasure, making me cum inside her, filling her up.

“Amazing,” I said as my body trembled with hers. I kissed her again, wishing we could continue, but we needed to leave the elevator before maintenance came to check on it. We’d continue when we got to our room.

“I missed this so much.” Inaya said as she put on her jeans, and I straightened mine.

“I was absent, but there was never a lack of sex.” I defended myself.

“Not just sex, but this spontaneity, so unexpected. It’s not the same as having sex at the same time in bed every day.”

“Are you dissatisfied with our routine, Mrs. Harrington?” I asked irreverently and, now fully dressed, she held me again.

“No. I just missed the intense man I know you to be when you hide behind your work.”

“This won’t happen again. You have my word.” I kissed her and pushed the button to set the elevator in motion again.