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The Mechanic: A Biker Romance Story by Amber Heart (21)

Chapter 12


The next time they had class together, Eric came in with a large package under his arm. Rosalie’s curiosity was piqued, but she decided not to ask about it. He put it down in front of her seat, grinning wildly. The grin was infectious, and she couldn’t help but return it.

“What’s this?” she asked him playfully. He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged, like it was all news to him. She narrowed her eyes at him, but he ignored her, sitting down in his seat, and acting for all the world like he was paying attention to the class. She looked from the box to him, catching him watching her out of the corner of his eye. She finally grabbed the package and started to open it. The look on his face was blank and impassive, making it hard for her to get any clue from him. When she got the wrapping paper off, she realized that she was staring at a new computer. Her mouth dropped open. She looked from it to him, shocked beyond belief.

“Do you like it?” She couldn’t get a word out in her surprise, but she nodded. His face lit up and he put his hands behind his head, leaning back in his seat nonchalantly. She didn’t know what came over her, but she threw her arms around him and hugged him, almost knocking him out of the chair. It rocked forward, putting him in the best position to hug her back. It felt warm and safe, and she didn’t want to let go. People were starting to stare at them, though, so she pulled away from him, her face burning in embarrassment.

“Wow. Thank you so much! I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for this.” Her hands trembled a little as she let them run over the box.

“Well, let’s just say you can be my tutor and study with me, and we’ll call it even. Deal?” She stared at him. That’s all he wanted in return for this laptop? It was a high end computer, and she was sure that it cost him at least a couple grand, but that was all he was asking in return?

“Deal!” A tear slid down her cheek as she looked at the box, just taking it all in, and he reached over to wipe it away. She turned her head up towards him, making their faces very close. His eyes bored into hers, almost like he could look deep down into her soul. Her cheeks grew hot, and she wondered if he would kiss her. His eyes traveled down to her lips, and then his face came closer. She took a deep breath, and as his lips touched hers, she closed her eyes, giving herself up to the moment. His need communicated itself to her, and she leaned in more, feeling herself caught up in the moment. The professor came to stand in front of them, clearing his throat loudly. Rosalie sprang away from Eric, almost upending her chair, all too aware of the entire class laughing at them. She pushed Eric and his self-absorbed grin from her mind as she focused on the class, but the feel of his velvety lips kept making her sneak peeks at him. He didn’t care about the class, he just sat there, staring around, watching everyone else. When the class was dismissed, he caught her hand.

“So tonight ok? I think it might be good to get all your notes into your new computer.” Rosalie punched him playfully.

“Tonight is fine. My last class is over at three, then I’ll be home.” The smile he gave her was genuine, and she couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. Was this a date? A real date?

“Great. I’ll meet you at your dorm at three thirty.” The class was dismissed, and she floated out of there like she was full of air. The smile never left her face, and when her other class was over at three, she practically ran back to the dorm. When she opened the door to their room, she stopped dead. Blaze was sitting on the couch with Eric, and she couldn’t have been closer to him unless she was sitting in his lap. A low growl started in Rosalie’s throat. To be fair, though, Eric was doing his best to keep her at bay, even though she was making it difficult. Steeling herself for any fallout, she decided that she needed to put her mousy tendencies to rest. Rosalie hitched a smile across her face and sauntered towards Eric. Vanessa came out of the kitchen, and both her and Blaze’s eyes were on Rosalie. Once Eric realized that he wasn’t the sole object of Blaze’s attention, he followed her line of sight to see Rosalie come stalking her way across the room. Her eyes were locked on his and there was such an intensity in them that his heart skipped a beat. It was easy to believe that only the two of them were the only ones in the room. Rosalie put her hands to either side of his face, leaned in, and kissed him. It wasn’t just a soft and sweet kiss, it had some power to it, and Eric’s hands came up to pull her into his lap. Rosalie lost herself in the kiss, but she was very aware of the open mouthed incredulity that was radiating from Vanessa and the daggers that were coming from Blaze. She didn’t care. She was old enough now, and if she wanted something, she wasn’t just going to sit back and let it walk by, she was going to take it. When she finally backed off, her cheeks were pink. Her eyes met Vanessa’s, and her friend winked at her in approval. She pointedly ignored Blaze.

“Are you ready to study?” She put an emphasis on study so it sounded like studying would be the last thing they were doing, and she felt a little satisfaction when Blaze got up and stormed out of the door. Eric nodded and followed her into her bedroom.

“I can’t believe that you got rid of her. I’ve been trying to do that for weeks.” Rosalie was still a little shocked that she had done what she did, but she felt a little bit of fierce pride in it, too. She was staking her claim on Eric now, and Blaze could get lost.

“Well, I can’t promise that she’ll leave you alone, but I’ll do my best to keep you safe.” He laughed and headed over to the computer that she’d put on her bed. He started to open the box and read the owner’s manual to make sure he set it up properly. She watched him, feeling a warm glow in her chest area. The two of them got the computer up and running, and he dictated to her as she typed her notes out. They weren’t doing anything special, just spending time together, and she felt like she was on cloud nine. He wasn’t trying to get handsy with her, wasn’t trying to get into her pants, and was being an all around gentleman. It was a shock to her, because she hadn’t thought he had it in him when she’d first met him. The bad boy persona had been a huge turn off, because it was a life that she didn’t want. But now…

“Thank you so much for helping me. I never wanted you to buy me a computer. I’m not a gold digger, I swear.” She’d been afraid that that was what he thought of her. He looked up at her, with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Do you really think that you have to defend yourself to me? I wouldn’t have bought this for you if I didn’t think you needed it. I know that you would have never asked or expected anything. That’s why I bought it. It’s also why I don’t tell people who I really am. I don’t want a flock of girls after me for my money.” Relief rushed through her. It wasn’t a situation that she thought that she would ever be caught up in, but here it was. The studying done, he lay on the bed with his hands behind his head, just looking up at the ceiling as he talked. She bit her lip. Should she go and lay down with him? Deciding that she was going to risk it, she crawled up on the bed with him. “Well, hello there. I must say this feels a lot nicer than that leech trying to get to me.” They both shared a laugh at Blaze’s expense. The two of them lay there, talking for what seemed like hours. Finally, Eric looked at his watch. “Damn it. I’ve got to get going. I’m sorry. My mom has this charity dinner, and I have to go.” Now that she knew the truth about him, and his lifestyle, she felt like there were no barriers between them, and that she didn’t have anything to repulse her about his attitude.

“It’s alright. I know you have a busy schedule, and I wouldn’t dream of holding you up. Thank you again, so much, for the laptop. I’d been saving up some money, but I was still only about halfway there. I swear I’ll repay you one day.” Rosalie didn’t like to accept charity, and even though it was easy for him to buy one with the hundreds of dollars he had, she didn’t want him to think that she wanted to be with him because of the money. It was more the romance behind it all.

“I told you, don’t worry about it. Consider it a gift to make up for me being such an ass from the very beginning, ok?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m sorry, but I do need to go.” She jumped up, getting the door for him and letting him leave. As he walked out of the dorm room, Vanessa came barging out of her bedroom, almost barreling her over, slamming the door behind her and dragging her to the bed.

“Ok, spill!” Vanessa looked at her with such a fierce look of anticipation that Rosalie couldn’t help but laugh.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rosalie decided to play around a little and Vanessa gave an exasperated growl and Rosalie threw her hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. He was in one of my classes, and we got paired up as lab partners. We kind of went from there.” It wasn’t a complete lie, but she still had to make sure that she didn’t give any hint of his true family connections to anyone else. If and when he wanted to reveal that to his friends, that was on him. Vanessa’s eyes were shining.

“I’m so excited for you! He’s a sweet guy deep down, but then again, I’m sure you can already tell that, or you wouldn’t be with him. The standoffish way that he is with most people tends to make girls run the other way, but with his adorable face, they tend to come back and try to make it work.” Rosalie blushed.

“You don’t think that Blaze is going to, you know, try to kill me in my sleep, do you? I know she was after him for a while, and what I did today was more than just stake a claim.” Even though she was trying to break out of her mousy ways, she was still not very big on confrontation.

“No, you’ll be fine. She may try to do the odd thing to steal him from you, but she won’t actually hurt you. She knows better than that.” There was a dark look in Vanessa’s eyes, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but knowing that she was safe from Blaze lifted her spirits that much more.





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