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The Omega's Challenge: An Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Roselake Book 1) by Colbie Dunbar (3)


As Liam drove toward The White Wolf, he wondered if Jake would be there. I hope he’s given up and is rifling through a client’s closet. But as he turned the corner onto Lakeside Drive, his eyes darted around hoping to see the omega headed to Nathan’s bar. It’s only because I need to test myself against the force that pulled us together. It was just an odd coincidence. I was hyped up, and he pissed me the fuck off.

A few people were eating at a picnic table and two kids were paddling at the water’s edge, but the omega was not one of them. Liam turned into the bar’s parking lot and killed the engine. Five minutes early. I’ll give him till 1:35 and then I’m leaving. He strolled to the water and eyed the windsurfers, in full body suits, skimming over the waves. They’re crazy. That water is freezing.

Though the lake was narrow and you could easily swim from one side to the other, it meandered out of town through the valleys for over 100 miles. It was fed by a river that flowed from the mountains in the distance. Even in summer, snow capped their tips and the water that rushed into the lake was always cold.

Roselake got its name from the hundreds of rose bushes planted in a park not far from the water’s edge. Liam sauntered between the spindly barbed stalks that wouldn’t bloom until late spring. Betas tended the plants year-round and if a rose bush withered and died, it was quickly replaced. The town founders believed Roselake and its people thrived as long as the rose bushes blossomed each year.

The alpha ran his finger over one thorn. He pressed it into his fingertip so it left an impression but didn’t tear the skin. The skeletal bushes reminded the alpha of himself. Bare, spiky and able to withstand cruel winters but only blossoming when conditions were perfect.

Glancing at his watch, he noted the time. He’s not coming. So much for being organized. Liam shaded his eyes and gazed across the lake in the direction of the resort. I get a weekend alone which is what I wanted. But instead of the thrill of ‘winning’, a cloud of melancholy enveloped the alpha. Admit it, Liam. You’re lonely. He shoved a hand in his pocket and shook his head as if to rid himself of the twinge of self-pity. No. You withstood whatever connection you had with him. Now you’re ready for a weekend of pampering before heading back to work.

Liam had strict rules regarding intimacy. Based on a past incident, he rarely let any omega close to him. Having his heart stomped on and shredded had made him wary of getting close to anyone. Romantic entanglements are not for me - at least not any more.

As he wandered back to the SUV jingling his keys, he contemplated the vigorous massages, hiking trails and excellent food awaiting him at the resort. The alpha took one final look at the choppy waves rippling over the lake and the hair on his arms stood up. I swear I can smell that sharp scent that clung to Jake. But as he pressed the car’s remote and the distinctive snap of the locks punctured the silence, a figure that had been sitting on the running board, jumped up beside the passenger door.


“What the hell?” He came. Liam tightened his fingers around the bunch of keys. “I didn’t see you.” But I did detect your odor.

“Sorry if I startled you.”

The alpha glared at his companion, and Jake’s smile faded. But after a tense moment, Liam shrugged. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” His conflicted thoughts didn’t stop him noticing the omega was wearing shorts - again - and a brightly colored shirt. He eyed Jake’s tanned legs and curved backside as the omega bent over and grabbed his bag. Nice.

With his fingers grasping the door handle, the alpha glanced over at his companion. “How did you know this was my car?”

“I asked Nathan. I thought you might sneak off without me, so I got here early and was inside chatting to him when I saw you pull up.”

Smart. I would have done the same thing if I were him.

“Okay, shove your bag in back and let’s go.”

The alpha’s white knuckles gripped the steering wheel as his companion’s tantalizing fragrance overwhelmed him. How am I going to make it out of town let alone a whole weekend? He slotted a flash drive into the USB port and let classical music fill the car and his head.

The highway wound around the edge of the lake and the early spring sunshine peeked through the tall trees bathing the narrow road in dappled afternoon light. Liam concentrated on driving while his companion sat with his hands clasped in his lap gazing at the scenery.

The tall primeval trees stretched from the lakeside through the valleys and covered the surrounding mountains until their dense foliage became more sparse. The higher the slope, the shorter the trees until they reached the tree line.

After 20 minutes of perfunctory conversation about the weather and local news, Liam turned onto an unsealed road which was more like a track. The dense foliage hid the sun, and the car drove in and out of dusky shadows. The warmth of Roselake faded away and the cool forest air took its place. Liam lowered the windows and gulped in the sweet scent of pine trees as he maneuvered the car over potholes, and the fresh clean aroma subdued Jake’s heady odor.

There had been rain the previous night, and the wheels plowed through puddles spraying muddy water on the windscreen.

“Where did you learn to drive?”

“My dad taught me. He drives trucks for a living.”

“He was gone a lot?”


“Mine too.”

While Liam negotiated the rough road, he recalled Jake saying he had arrived in Roselake alone. Should I bring it up? Maybe it’s painful and he doesn’t want to discuss it. But as the alpha grappled with his thoughts, he drove around a hairpin bend and brought the car to a halt at the top of a slope. At the bottom of the hill, the lake sparkled in the mid-afternoon sun.

“It’s welcoming us.”

“That’s strange. I said the same thing when I first came here.”

“Where’s the hotel?”

“It’s nestled in the trees back from the lake.” Liam pointed to the water’s edge where a small boat bobbed over tiny waves beside a wooden jetty.

“It’s different from what I imagined. Much more rustic.”

He hates it. Great! “Are you disappointed?”

“Not at all. I love it.”

At least we have something in common. The alpha slipped his fingers into his pocket and held out two rings. Jake frowned. “What’s this for?”

“We’re supposed to be on our honeymoon, remember?”

“Shit, I’d forgotten.”

“Older alphas and omegas had commitment ceremonies and didn’t have rings, but if younger couples choose to get married after they mate, they usually wear them. We should look the part as I don’t want to get Nathan into trouble.”

Jake eyed the plain rings as they sat on Liam’s palm. “Platinum? For a fake husband, you go all out.”

“I do my best.” Liam stared at the flecks of white on his jeans. “Besides, I bought them for me and someone else a while ago.”


The pair shared a glance with the alpha’s gray eyes staring at his companion’s hazel ones. A bird shrieking nearby interrupted the stillness, and the pair slipped on their respective rings. Liam noted the battered one on the omega’s other hand. It must have special significance.

Jake’s wedding ring slid easily over his finger.

“It fits perfectly.”

Yeah, it does.

The omega giggled. “Just like Cinderella’s slipper.”

What? “I guess that makes me an ugly step-sister.”

The omega’s cheeks tinged with pink and he turned away mumbling. Liam caught the word ‘step-mother’. One minute I want to wrap my arms around him and claim him and the next I want to wring his neck.

Liam put the car in drive and eased it down the bumpy track to a small parking area. A beta slipped silently out of a side door hidden by ferns and removed their bags from the car. He avoided their eyes as they followed him to the main entrance. Slipping off their shoes, the alpha and his companion strode over the heated floor and checked in.

Comfortable sofas strewn with brightly colored cushions were arranged throughout the lobby along with potted plants and tall pine trees that sprouted up through rectangular openings in the wooden floor. The tranquil tinkling of water as it burbled and trickled over a fountain soothed Liam’s jitteriness.

Steaming green tea in blue and white ceramic cups were presented to the pair and Liam sipped the flowery scented liquid as the mellow flavor coated his tongue. “Mmmm.”

“A heated floor doesn’t seem very eco-friendly, does it?” Jacob sidled up to the alpha. His breath infused with the tea’s fresh buttery scent had Liam shivering and sent goosebumps spiking over his neck and shoulders.

“I’m no engineer but I think it’s warmed with hot water and the resort has its own small hydro-electric generator on the stream that runs down the mountain.”

“Oh.” The omega downed his tea, and a beta stepped forward with a second cup.

“You’re supposed to sip not guzzle it.”

The omega’s cheeks reddened as his hands clasped around the cup. “Sorry, I didn’t know.” He stepped back and examined plants that tumbled out of a vertical garden.

I’ve embarrassed him. Shit.

The manager appeared at the alpha’s elbow with a slight bow. “Welcome to The Lakeside Resort and Spa, Mr. Adams and Mr.…” The beta paused.

Fuck. I have no idea what his name is. “I’m Liam and this is Jake.”

“Congratulations on your marriage.”

The manager gave the pair a sideways look, and Liam followed his gaze to the huge distance between himself and Jake. The alpha plastered a fake smile on his face while reaching out and curling his fingers around the omega’s. His companion hesitated and then edged closer to the alpha as the manager chatted about the resort’s facilities but the man’s voice faded into the background as the omega’s hand nestled in Liam’s palm. The alpha instinctively rubbed his thumb over his companion’s, and Jake tightened his grasp. This is where I’m meant to be.

Liam was rocked by the warmth that spread from his hand to the rest of his body. His breathing slowed, and Jake’s tangy essence settled over him like a much-loved sweater. The omega fiddled with the alpha’s wedding ring as the manager pointed out items of interest on a tablet.

With their fingers laced together, the alpha pushed his questions and well-established rules aside. It was just him and Jake. The babbling fountain, the gentle swish of the wind through the trees, the lapping of the water against the jetty and the manager’s murmurs blurred as the alpha and omega held hands and stared at one another. I want him.

The beta cleared his throat and reality intruded.

Liam pulled his hand out of Jake’s grasp and rubbed his palm. This is insane. I can’t do this. One of us will get hurt.

Ignoring the omega, the beta beckoned Liam to one side. “I hope you understand the room and spa treatments are complimentary but we need a credit card for any incidental charges such as food.”

Liam slipped the man a card as Jake eyed him anxiously.

“I d-didn’t realize not everything was covered. I can p-pay you back on Monday.”

The omega’s stammer was both endearing and heart-wrenching. We never discussed additional expenses. He probably can’t afford much. “Don’t worry about it.”

With the key in one hand and their bags in the other, a beta led the pair to a door on the opposite side of the lobby. Unseen hands had placed their shoes at the entrance and they followed the man along a winding path until they reached a large wooden cabin with a commanding view of the lake and valley below. It was built on stilts and rose up out of the trees like a giant beast that was both alien to the landscape and yet also camouflaged by it.


“I agree.” But instead of the accommodation, Liam was staring at his companion’s chest and the impressive muscles in his upper arms. He dropped his gaze to the top button left undone and a tantalizing sliver of flesh peeking out.

“It’s like a tree house.” The omega reached out to a tree beside the front door and stroked its gnarled trunk.

“Sir!” The porter pointed to the floor as the wooden path led into the cabin’s living area. “You’re forgetting the tradition? The threshold?”

The alpha rubbed his chin as his eyes darted between the porter, the entrance and the omega gripping the knobby bark. “Why not?”

Jake nibbled his bottom lip as Liam slid one hand over his hip. The alpha’s fingers brushed over the soft fabric of Jake’s shirt and then across his shorts. He pictured the omega’s rounded backside underneath. I want him.

His hand grazed the bare skin on Jake’s thighs. This is insane. It breaks all my rules of not fucking anyone I might run into again.

Jake gasped as Liam’s palm swept across his delicately bronzed flesh and tucked under his knees. As his other hand gripped the omega’s waist, Liam hoisted his companion into his arms. With his cheek resting against Jake’s head, a crisp scent of jasmine stunned him, and his knees buckled.


The beta held out his hand but Liam regained his balance. “It’s fine.”

Jake giggled nervously as his arm curled around the alpha’s neck.

As he took a step toward the doorway, Liam buried his nose in the omega’s thick hair and breathed in the delicious aroma. Jasmine shampoo. Another step and he nuzzled the velvety skin on Jake’s throat. A final stride and they were inside the cabin as Liam’s mouth hovered over the omega’s delicate flesh. His lips parted as the suffocating bouquet crept inside him. His teeth grazed the skin as a savage lust took hold of him and squeezed the air out. I could mark him. Right now.

Liam’s nails dug into Jake’s hips as he grappled with his emotions. Help me! The muted colors of the room and the mottled greens and browns outside mingled like paint haphazardly thrown on a canvas as the alpha was transfixed by Jake’s heaving chest and ragged breathing. This cannot happen.

“I hope everything is to your satisfaction, Sir.”

The beta’s voice broke the alpha’s trance. The swirling colors slowed and the room came into focus. With their eyes locked on one another, Liam gently lowered the omega to the floor. His fingers trailed over his back, and Jake winced. He’s afraid of me or repulsed. I can’t tell. Does it matter? I won’t let it happen again. But what if I can’t control myself. What then?

Liam forced himself to examine the suite. A blazing fire warmed the main room while a coffee table made from a slab of wood and with a basket of fruit on top sat between the modular sofa and the fireplace. Huge glass doors formed one entire wall and led onto a deck.

The porter took the bags into the bedroom, and Liam followed but from the corner of his eye he observed Jake lingering in the main room inspecting the floor.

This is awkward. Liam stuck his head out the bedroom door. “Jake!”

The omega appeared beside him as Liam perused the huge king-size bed covered in crisp white bedding with a purple bed scarf, or bed runner, across the bottom, blue ceramic lamps with silk shades and a silk padded headboard. Wooden partitions with rice paper inserts parted to reveal a luxurious bathroom containing a marble bath on a platform that overlooked the lake plus a steam shower and piles of fluffy white towels.


I need to get out of here. Liam wandered onto the deck.

A bottle of expensive champagne sat nestled in an ice bucket and Liam read the label. “An excellent year.”

“It’s a gift from the manager, Sir. Would you care for some?”


As the beta wrestled with the cork, Jake joined them and glanced at the champagne. “That’s a nice vintage.”

“You’re a connoisseur?”

“Not really.” Jake gazed into the forest. “I thought we’d be eating berries and lentils and drinking nettle tea all weekend. Isn’t that what spas offer? Healthy, uneatable food.”

“I hope not. But if that’s what you want, I’m sure we can scrabble around in the dirt and find something suitable.”

The omega’s face blanched but after eyeing Liam’s expression, he rolled his eyes. “That’s a joke, right?”


“It’s hard to tell.”

Liam was reminded of the prickly rose bushes. That’s me. All barbs and spikes. He squinted as the beta popped the champagne cork and it was propelled over the edge of the deck. Both omega and alpha jumped as a trickle of wine splashed onto the wooden floor boards.

Jake tapped his champagne flute against the alpha’s and as the clink of fine crystal shattered the tranquility, the pair eyed one another as they swallowed the bubbly liquid.

“Sip, right?”

Liam ignored his companion’s smirk. “Definitely. A fine champagne is meant to be savored.” Just like your scent. And the body underneath that god-awful shirt.

The porter pressed his hands over his uniform and shuffled his feet. Jake fumbled in his pocket but Liam waved him away. “It’s nothing.” With a huge smile, the beta scurried away clutching the generous tip in his hand.

Shit, now we’re alone. Liam leaned over the railing and watched the gentle waves lapping at the shore. You have it easy, water, rippling and flowing while staring at the sky.

“So, Jake, tell me about yourself. You’ve never found a mate?”

“Back in the old country, my focus was earning enough to get here. I couldn’t afford to be claimed by someone. Not then and not now.”

Claimed? Not loved or even bound, but claimed. I guess that answers my question.

“And you?”

“God no!”

The omega gave Liam an indecipherable look.

“We’re both loners.”

“I suppose so.” I never used to be.

“What are the plans for the next two days?”

“I’ve booked a salt scrub and a massage this evening and tomorrow morning I thought we could do a short hike followed by a soak in the hot springs.”

How am I going to enjoy a massage while he lies beside me? He gulped the rest of the champagne.

“Is that something we do together?” The omega wrinkled his nose.

Wow, way to burst my ego.

“Yes and no.”


How can I get away? Can I pretend a work emergency came up? Hardly. I’m a travel writer not a brain surgeon.

Liam’s head was fuzzy with a soft champagne buzz as there was a gentle knock at the door. Saved by a beta.




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