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The Promise (The Protectors Book 4) by Leeanna Morgan (17)









Sean swung an ax into the air and brought it down hard on the log in front of him. “Ashley’s been home for two months. Don’t you think it’s time the two of you talked?”

Matthew moved the wheelbarrow closer. “I don’t have anything to say to her.”

“Yeah, right. You’ve spent more time at Tess’ café over the last month than you ever have. For someone who doesn’t care about Ashley, you listen to everything Tess says about her.”

“It would be rude if I didn’t.”

Sean’s snort of disbelief made Matthew’s cheeks burn. He thought no one had noticed his regular trips into town. Whatever they needed, he made sure he was the person getting it.

“Sally said that Ashley’s looking at buying a house.” Sean waited for him to throw some wood into the wheelbarrow before continuing. “You could go with her. Someone needs to make sure she doesn’t buy a bad investment.”

“I don’t know anything about buying houses.”

“You saw the potential in the warehouse in New York. Even Jacob said it was a good deal. If you can do that there, you’ll have no trouble in Bozeman.”

“Commercial and residential properties are completely different.”

Sean split another log. “The principles must be the same. Ask Jacob—he knows what he’s talking about.”

“I don’t know why she doesn’t stay in the apartment she’s renting. It’s not far from town, and it’s in a family-friendly neighborhood.”

“And you know this because?”

“Tess told me,” Matthew muttered. He didn’t add that he’d taken a detour once or twice to check on her.

“Maybe she wants to put down roots—you know—the ones you decided she’d never have.”

“You were the one who told me to be careful.”

“That was before she stayed with us. Ashley’s okay if you like the tall, blond, intelligent type. Amy said she’s a great cook.”

Matthew froze. “Amy has been to Ashley’s apartment?”

“Lots of times. Catherine and Toby have been there, too. Just because you’re not talking to her, it doesn’t mean everyone is ignoring her.”

“Are you going to chop more wood or stand there talking?”

Sean leaned on the handle of the ax. “You always get bossy when you know you’re wrong. Some of us have a conscience, and some of us don’t.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She moved here to be closer to you.”

Matthew threw another log into the wheelbarrow. “That was only part of the reason.”

“According to Sally, it was most of the reason. She could be earning twice as much money in Washington, D.C.”

“Money isn’t everything.”

“It is when you want to buy a house.”

Matthew gripped the handles of the wheelbarrow. “I need to empty this. I’ll be back soon.”

“Make sure you are,” Sean yelled after him. “By the time I’ve finished chopping all the wood, there’ll be enough to keep half of Montana warm.”

Sean wasn’t wrong. Two huge pine trees had come down in a freak storm. Rather than let the wood rot, they’d pulled the trees closer to home and were chopping them into logs for the fire.

Matthew stacked the wood beside the previous load. If they didn’t work faster, they’d be here until Christmas. He pushed the wheelbarrow back to his brother. “Do you want to swap around? I don’t mind chopping the wood for awhile.”

Sean split another log. “Nope, I’m okay. What are you doing about Ashley?”

Matthew ran his hand through his hair. “When are you going to stop talking about her?”

“When you admit you made a mistake.”

“I didn’t make a mistake. I never know where I stand with her. One minute she’s here, and the next she’s chasing a story somewhere else.”

Sean dropped the ax. “She hasn’t chased anything outside of Montana for a while.”

“I know.” Each day, Matthew had checked the Bozeman Chronicle for any stories Ashley might have written. She’d been busy, filling the pages with interesting news. “Okay. I’ll talk to her.”

“Good. I invited her to the ranch for dinner. She’ll be here at five-thirty.”

Matthew’s jaw dropped open. “What!”

Sean grabbed a couple of logs and threw them into the wheelbarrow. “You heard me. We’d better get through this quickly or I won’t have time to clean the barbecue.”

“I can’t believe you invited her here.”

“And I can’t believe it’s taken you this long to talk to her. Stalking isn’t attractive.”

Matthew handed his brother more wood. “At least I know she’s okay.”

Sean’s eyebrows rose. “It’s no wonder the two of you can’t work out what’s important. You’re both as stubborn as each other.”

On that positive note, Matthew picked up the ax and slammed it blade first, into a log. Thanks to his brother, he wasn’t looking forward to dinner.



Ashley parked in front of Sean and Matthew’s home. It had taken every bit of courage she possessed to drive to the ranch. She’d seen Matthew in town a few times, but she hadn’t stopped to say hello. What did you say to someone who didn’t want you in their life?

If she was honest with herself, she didn’t blame Matthew for feeling the way he did. He was a wonderful person—but not the right person for her. Coming here today was her way of finding closure.

Sean opened her car door. “I was worried you’d change your mind.”

“I nearly didn’t come, but Amy said Catherine and Toby were looking forward to seeing me.” She undid her seatbelt and handed him a basket. “I made a chocolate cake for dessert.”

“Thanks. Do you need help with anything else?”

He must have seen the boxes sitting on her back seat. “They’re for Catherine. We had a pile of old newspapers at work. Catherine’s making a paper maché dress for the wearable art competition at her school. This should help with the design.”

“I’ll help you take them across to her later. Come inside. Matthew’s in the barn. He shouldn’t be too long.”

“Was he was okay with me coming here?”

“Of course.”

Ashley followed Sean onto the porch. “That doesn’t sound very convincing.”

“You know Matthew.”

She held onto his arm. “I thought I did, but I’m not so sure anymore. If Matthew doesn’t want me here, I’ll go home.”

“Don’t be silly. He’s looking forward to seeing you.”

There was only one thing that Ashley was sure of at the moment. Sean wasn’t telling her the entire truth. “What have you done?”

A blush skimmed Sean’s cheeks. “Nothing that shouldn’t have been done two months ago. You’ve got to talk to him, Ashley.”

“I tried talking to him when I came home, but he doesn’t want to listen to me. He thinks I’ll leave again.”

“Will you?”


“Well, go and tell him.”

Her hand dropped away from Sean’s arm. “He’s in the barn?”

“Feeding the horses.”

Ashley bit her bottom lip. If she saw him now, it might make dinner easier. If they ended up having an argument, she could drive to Amy and Nathan’s home. At least Catherine and Toby would be happy to see her.

She turned toward the barn and frowned. “If you see smoke, run toward the barn fast. I might need backup if your brother gets upset.”

“Matthew doesn’t get upset.”

“Yeah,” Ashley muttered. “He gets even. Wish me luck.”

Sean smiled. “You won’t need it. You guys have known each other for years. If nothing else, you won’t keep avoiding each other.”

“I haven’t been…”

Sean raised his eyebrows.

“Okay. Maybe I have.” She squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I won’t be long.”

“Take as much time as you need. I won’t turn on the barbecue until I see you.”

Sean might not have to wait long. This could be the fastest visit to the barn she’d ever made.



Her first steps across the yard were the hardest, but Sean was right. She’d known Matthew for a long time. If they couldn’t be friends, they could at least get used to being around each other.

The barn doors were wide open. She stood beside an old saddle, listening for any sign of movement. A horse snickered, and Matthew’s voice echoed down the breezeway.

His softly spoken words made her sigh. She’d missed him more than she thought possible. “Matthew?”

His head appeared around the edge of a stall. “Down here.”

Placing one foot in front of the other, she slowly made her way toward him. “Sean said you were feeding the horses.”

Chan’s head appeared over the edge of another stall.

She stroked his neck, smiling when he lowered his head. “Do you like that?” she whispered. For such a large horse, Chan was a big softie when it came to being rubbed.

Matthew walked across the barn. “He missed you.”

Despite her nerves, Ashley smiled. “Chan gets lots of attention from your family.”

“Maybe, but he knows when you’re close.”

She gave Chan another pat before turning to Matthew. It was no use. She was fooling herself if she thought she could be happy being his friend. Her heart pounded as she looked into his clear green eyes. Being this close, pretending that everything was okay, was hard.

She stood straighter, determined not to make a mess of things. “I saw Sean when I arrived. I thought asking me here was your idea, but it wasn’t. Would you like me to leave?”

“Why would I want you to leave?”

“We haven’t spoken to each other since we saw the fireworks.”

“I thought it would be easier if I didn’t call you.”

Ashley nodded. It hadn’t been easier for her, but if it helped Matthew, that was all that mattered.

Chan nudged her head with his nose. She stroked between his eyes and smiled when he leaned into her hand.

“I’d like you to stay for dinner, Ashley.”

She gave Chan a final pat before turning to Matthew. “Are you sure?”

Matthew moved a step closer. “I’m sure.”

Ashley took a deep breath, then wished she hadn’t. He was wearing the same aftershave that made her knees go weak. She wanted to kiss him, tell him that they could make this work.

“I enjoyed the article you wrote about Yellowstone.”

She lifted her gaze from his mouth. The heat of a blush hit her face when she looked into his eyes. So much for friendship. He knew what she was thinking and, if she wasn’t mistaken, he was thinking the same thing.

“Thanks. Logan wanted a fresh perspective on what it means to be a tourist in Montana, so I thought I’d start with one of our biggest attractions. Wait until you see the article on Big Sky. The photos we took of the wildflowers are incredible.” She closed her mouth before more words spilled out. Matthew didn’t want a relationship with her. Their attraction was based on left-over hormones, a pesky chemical reaction that didn’t mean anything.

“Are you enjoying your job?”

Ashley blinked. She was still lost in the pesky chemical reaction that was messing with her brain. “I am. I thought it would take a while to get used to living in Bozeman again, but it hasn’t. I’ve started running in the mornings, and I have time to see my friends. I’ve even gone ten-pin bowling twice.”

“It sounds like you’re happy.”

“I am. I didn’t realize how much I missed being here.” She waited a heartbeat before telling Matthew her biggest news. “I’m going to buy a house.”

He didn’t seem surprised. “Sean told me you were looking at different properties. Have you seen anything you like?”

Her shoulders relaxed as she thought about the house she’d visited today. “There’s a house around the corner from where I’m living. It’s just come on the market, and it’s beautiful. Five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen to die for, and a huge fireplace in the living room.”

“Sounds expensive.”

“It’s more than I wanted to pay, but it’s amazing. I think it’s worth every dollar they’re asking. It’s not on the realtor’s website yet, but I could show you some photos on my phone?”

“I’d like that.”

Ashley smiled. “I left my phone in my car. I’ll get it before we go inside. Dana Richardson is the realtor who’s helping me. We’ve looked at about fifteen houses, but this one’s special. It needs some work, but that doesn’t…”

Matthew’s hand touched the side of her face.

She froze, then closed her eyes when he moved closer. The need building inside her was overwhelming. She wanted to be close to Matthew, wanted so many things that would never happen.

“I’m sorry, Ashley.” Matthew leaned his forehead against hers. “I should have believed you when you said you wanted to stay in Bozeman.”

She stepped into his arms and hugged him tight. “I don’t blame you for thinking I’d leave, but this is where I want to stay.”

Matthew sighed and pulled her close. “What are we going to do?”

Sadness welled inside her chest. “I don’t know.”

“I can’t be your friend, Ashley.”

If she needed a reason to burst into tears, Matthew had just given it to her. She stepped away from him, wondering why she’d ever thought coming here was a good idea.

Matthew’s mouth dropped open. “I didn’t mean that I don’t want to spend time with you, because I do. I’ve missed you. I love you. I want us to spend every damn hour of the day together, and it’s killing me that I haven’t told you.”

With trembling hands, she wiped her eyes. “You love me?”

“I’ve never stopped loving you. I was sure coming to Bozeman was only a temporary move, that you’d wake up one morning and realize you’d made a mistake. But you haven’t, and I’m sorry I doubted you.”

Ashley found a tissue and blew her nose. “Does this mean I can say hello to you when I see you in town?”

Matthew pulled her into her arms. “You can do more than that. I want to be part of your life, to be the man you love for the rest of your life.”

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and sighed. “That sounds like a great plan.”

Matthew’s smile wavered. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

Nothing he said could have made Ashley love him any less. “You’re moving to Washington, D.C.?”

“No, but I did buy a property in New York City.”

Ashley frowned. “You did? Why?”

“I wanted to make sure the youth center didn’t close.”

“You bought the warehouse? You’re the developer Bonnie told me about?”

“I called a friend who’s a property developer. He thought the warehouse and vacant lot were a sound investment. We signed the sale and purchase agreement just before you moved to Bozeman. I don’t own all of it, only a small part, but it’s enough to—”

Ashley’s mouth landed on Matthew’s. She didn’t need to know how much of the property he owned. What mattered was that he cared enough to make a difference. The center was changing the lives of so many people, and he’d done something incredible to make sure it didn’t close.

“Wow. I should buy a new building more often.”

Ashley grinned. “You can help me buy the house I’ve seen.”

Matthew nibbled on her earlobe. “I don’t know if it would be a good investment.”

She sighed as his lips wandered down her neck. “Why wouldn’t it?”

“You might not be there long enough to enjoy it.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Matthew’s lips moved to her mouth. “We’ll see,” he whispered, before devouring her mouth in a kiss that left her breathless, and needy, and a whole lot of other things that could only mean one thing.

She loved Matthew Gray, and he loved her.



Five Months Later…



Matthew ran his hands along his jeans. Sweaty palms were the least of his worries. Sean was supposed to be home an hour ago, and he still hadn’t arrived.

He tried his brother’s cell phone for the tenth time. Nothing.

All Sean had to do was collect a box from the jeweler’s and bring it out to the ranch. The whole day had turned into one disaster after another. The Christmas lights his family had owned for years had refused to work. The pine tree he’d chosen was too tall for their living room, and Ashley had a bad cold.

Tonight was supposed to be perfect, to be something Ashley wouldn’t forget. At the rate he was going, they’d be lucky to make it out of the house alive.

He checked the oven, turned over the vegetables, and called Nathan.

“I don’t know where Sean is.” Nathan sounded as worried as he was.

Matthew picked up the keys to his truck. “I’m driving into town to look for him. Can you come across and keep an eye on the oven? I’ll call Ashley and let her know what’s happening.”

“She would have already left town. Why don’t I…hang on a minute. Someone’s driving past our house.”

Matthew didn’t wait for his brother to tell him who it was. He rushed into the hallway, grabbed his jacket, and walked into the freezing December night.

It was Ashley.

He ran across to her car and opened the door. “Hi. Come inside. I’ve got the fire going.”

She sent him a grateful smile and took a box off the passenger seat. “I can’t believe it’s so cold.”

“It’s supposed to get worse over the next few weeks.”

Ashley sneezed. “Sorry. This cold is getting worse, too.”

“Come on. Let’s go inside before you blow the house down.” He took the box out of her hands and they rushed into the cottage, closing the door on the bitter nor’wester.

“I’ve forgotten what it’s like here in the winter.”

“In a few weeks, you won’t notice the cold.”

“I hope so. I bought every piece of thermal underwear I could find.”

Matthew smiled. He’d been with Ashley when she’d seen a pair of red, white, and green striped leggings. She’d bought those and a matching thermal top. If they’d had a matching hat, she would have added that to her purchases, too.

“There’s one good thing about winter. It’s great cuddling weather.” She took the box out of his hands and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him close. “I won’t kiss you. You’ll get my bugs.” She pulled away from his arms and let rip with another enormous sneeze.

Her red nose and watery eyes didn’t bode well for the romantic evening he’d planned. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Ashley blew her nose and smiled. “It’s a cold. Apart from wanting to sneeze every ten minutes, I feel fine. Where’s Sean?”

“I don’t know. He went into town and should have been home more than an hour ago. I’ve tried calling his cell phone, but he’s not answering.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

Matthew’s phone rang. He looked at the caller display and frowned. “It’s Nathan. I won’t be a minute.”

His brother got straight to the point. “You stay with Ashley. I’m heading into town. Good luck for tonight.”

“Thanks. I’ll need it.”

“You’ll be fine.”

Matthew wasn’t so sure. He knew Ashley loved him, but marriage…that was a whole different level of commitment.

“Has Nathan heard from Sean?” Ashley asked.

“No. He’s heading into town to look for him.”

“He might have met someone he knew.”

Matthew hoped she was right. Out of all his brothers, Sean was the most reliable. If he had met some friends or gone somewhere else, he would have called. “Nathan will let me know when he finds him. Come and sit closer to the fire. I’ll make you a hot drink.”

Ashley walked across the room. “Your Christmas tree is beautiful.”

He turned toward the woman who had changed his life, and for the first time that day, smiled. Whatever happened tonight, he knew without a doubt that Ashley was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She made him happy, made him believe that there was a reason he’d been placed on this earth, a reason to wake up each morning and make that day better than the last.

Ashley touched one of the glass ornaments on the tree. “This looks really old.”

“It is. The glass balls were my great-grandparents. They were my favorite decoration when I was younger. I couldn’t work out how the little figures got inside.”

She leaned forward and peered at the decoration. “How did they?”

“My dad used to say it was magic.” The smile on Ashley’s face made him forget what had gone wrong today, and concentrate on what was right. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“I bought a sachet of lemon and honey with me. The lady in the drug store said to add it to a mug of hot water. It’s supposed to help with colds.” Ashley followed him into the kitchen. “I hope Sean’s okay.”

“So do I. It’s not like him to be late.”

Before he turned on the kettle, Matthew checked his cell phone.

Ashley rubbed his arm. “We could drive into town, too.”

He looked into her upturned face. Even with a red nose and watery eyes, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “We should stay here until Nathan calls.”

“Okay, but if you change your mind, we can leave straight away.”

He slipped his phone into his pocket and took two mugs out of the cabinet. “Music.”


Heat hit Matthew’s face. He’d been thinking about the things he hadn’t done before Ashley arrived. “I thought we could listen to some Christmas carols.”

Ashley smiled as she poured hot water into a mug. “You’re really getting into the Christmas spirit. Would you like a lemon and honey drink? It’s not the same as eggnog, but it will warm you from the inside out.”

“That would be great. I’ll be back in a minute.” Matthew rushed into the living room and turned on the music. Everything looked as good as it was going to get. The garland he’d strung across the fireplace made the whole room seem more Christmassy, even if his tree was a little lopsided. The borrowed lights were still twinkling, and the pinecones that Catherine and Toby had decorated added a nice touch to the coffee table.

“Here you go.” Ashley handed him a mug. “Do you need me to do anything for dinner?”

“No. It’s all under control.”

“I’m impressed.”

He hoped so. The next part of the evening was something he couldn’t plan. “Ashley, I’ve got something I want to ask you.”

She scrunched up her nose. “You noticed, didn’t you?”

He had no idea what she was talking about, but he hoped it had nothing to do with getting married. “Noticed what?”

“The dent in my car. I had a small accident this afternoon.”

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief. “I didn’t see it. Are you okay?”

“Apart from feeling like a ding-a-ling, I’m fine. I was reversing out of a parking space and didn’t see someone driving toward me. We had a little collision.”

“How little?”

“Enough to dent my rear fender.”

“But you’re all right?”

Ashley nodded. “The man I hit was very nice. We exchanged phone numbers and insurance details. He didn’t have much damage to his car, so it shouldn’t cost too much to remove the dents. But if you hadn’t noticed my car, what did you want to ask me?”

Matthew took her mug out of her hands and left it beside his. “I’ll give that back to you in a minute.” He held her hands and took a deep breath. “I love you, Ashley. I never thought I could be so happy.”

A loud bang came from the hallway, and Sean rushed into the living room.

“Oops,” he said as he skidded to a halt.

Ashley let go of Matthew’s hands. “Are you all right?”

“I got two flat tires not far from town. The cell phone coverage was non-existent, so I walked back to Bozeman. Jake Stanley helped me find another tire, and we changed everything on the side of the road.”

“Do you want a hot drink?”Ashley asked. “I could make you a coffee or a lemon and honey drink.”

Sean glanced at Matthew. “Thanks for the offer, but I saw Nathan on my way home. He invited me to dinner at his place. Amy will have it ready by now.”

Ashley frowned.

Matthew moved toward his brother. “Did you find what you were looking for in town?”

“I did.” Sean looked at Ashley. “I’ll just borrow my brother for a minute.” He grabbed hold of Matthew’s arm and pulled him into the hallway. “I’m sorry it took so long. A builder must have dropped a bucket of nails on the highway. They shredded my tires to a pulp.”

Matthew looked over his shoulder. “Have you got the ring?”

Sean fumbled inside his pockets. “Darn fingers are still frozen. Here it is. I hope I’m not too late?”

“You’re just in time.” Matthew opened the box and sighed. The solitaire diamond sparkled under the pendant light.

“If Ashley turns you down, I know at least two other women who would marry you based on the size of that diamond.”

“I don’t want anyone else.”

Sean searched Matthew’s face. “I know. Now go and do what you’ve been planning for the last month. Otherwise, Ashley will think you’ve deserted her.”

He slipped the box into his pocket and gave Sean a hug. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me too soon. Ashley hasn’t said yes, yet.”

Matthew watched his brother leave. He had the ring, now all he had to do was ask Ashley to marry him.



With a pounding heart, Matthew walked into the living room.

Ashley was sitting on the sofa, flicking through a magazine. She looked up and smiled. “I’m glad Sean got home safely.”

“So am I.” He sat beside her and thought about what he wanted to say.

She left the magazine on the table and held his hand. “You’ve got something on your mind.”

“You’re what’s on my mind, Ashley. I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. It seems like half a lifetime ago that we first met, but even then, I knew you were special.”

She started to say something, then quickly grabbed a handful of tissues and sneezed. “Sorry. You’re telling me you love me and I’m spreading germs everywhere.”

“Don’t worry. After being around Catherine and Toby’s bugs, I’m immune to most things.” He handed her the box of tissues. “I just hope you feel better soon.”

“So do I.” She blew her nose and sighed. “I love you, too.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He cleared his throat and got down on one knee.

Ashley’s eyes filled with tears, although it could have been the beginning of another sneeze.

Before she did sneeze, Matthew reached into his pocket and pulled out the box Sean had given him. “I love you, Ashley, and I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t imagine having a family or growing old with anyone else. You make my life complete, and I hope you feel the same way.” He took a deep breath and opened the box. “Ashley Fisher, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Tears fell down Ashley’s face. “I love you, too. It took me a long time to realize that my life isn’t the same if you’re not beside me.”

Matthew’s heart pounded. He felt like he’d run two marathons and was waiting for the next one to start.

Ashley wrapped her hands around his. “I couldn’t think of anything more amazing than marrying you.”

Her smile brought tears to his eyes. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. “I had help choosing the ring. I hope you like it?”

“It’s beautiful.” She sighed as she hugged him. “This is a wonderful surprise.”

Matthew pulled her close. He loved her more than anything in the world. He didn’t know what he would have done if she’d said no, but he didn’t have to worry about that now.

“Were you expecting to see your family?” Ashley asked.

He turned toward the window and stared, open-mouthed, at the people grinning back at him. “They weren’t supposed to arrive until later.”

The front door opened and Nathan walked into the living room. “Surprise! We couldn’t wait for a text.”

Amy hugged Ashley. “From the look on your faces, I’d say we have a wedding happening soon.”

Matthew held Ashley’s hand. “We haven’t had time to talk about when we’re getting married.”

“Can I wear a princess dress?” Catherine asked.

“As long as it’s okay with your mom and dad, you can wear whatever you want,” Ashley said.

“Does that include me?” Bonnie stood beside Ashley, grinning at the surprised look on her friend’s face. “Harry and I arrived this afternoon. A little bird told us there might be something to celebrate tonight.”

Ashley’s arms wrapped around her friend. “It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to be here.”

“Is there room for another person in that hug?” Harry joined Ashley and Bonnie.

Ashley’s eyes filled with tears.

“You might need these.”

She turned around, and her dad handed her a bunch of tissues.

“Dad!” She hugged him close. “You didn’t need to come all this way.”

“Yes, I did. It’s not every day I get a phone call from my future son-in-law asking if he can marry my daughter. Trisha came with me.”

Ashley wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

Matthew watched her walk across to Trisha and give her a hug. It was the first time he’d seen Ashley’s step-mom, and hopefully, they’d see a lot more of each other.

Sean stood beside him. “Don’t worry about your dinner. I took everything out of the oven.”

“Thanks. Did you invite Bonnie and Harry?”

His twin brother smiled. “It wouldn’t be an engagement party without them. Logan and Tess, and Erin and her husband, Jake will be here soon. Mom and dad’s flight from Florida was delayed, so they won’t be here until tomorrow, and Sally and Logan are bringing a whole lot of food over from Nathan’s house.”

“I can’t believe you organized all of this without telling me.”

“It wasn’t hard. You’ve had other things on your mind.”

Only one thing had been on Matthew’s mind. Worrying about what Ashley would say had been giving him nightmares. “I’m just grateful she said yes.”

“So am I. I’m not sure what we would have done if she’d said no.” Sean nodded toward Ashley. “Here comes your fiancée. I’ll go and see if Sally needs a hand.”

Matthew grinned when Ashley wrapped her arms around him. “How does it feel to be engaged?”

“Like I’m beginning the most important part of my life.” She rested her head against his. “I wish mom was here. She would have loved being with our friends and family.”

He held her tight. “She’s probably watching us now, sending her love to everyone.”

Ashley closed her eyes and sighed. “I’m going to enjoy being married to you, Matthew Gray.”

“I’ll enjoy being married to you too, Ashley Fisher.”

She kissed his cheek. “Is that a promise?”

“The best kind there is,” he whispered.