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The Proposal (A Billionaire Romance) by Nikki Wild (30)


The fundraiser for the Hawaiian Conservation Alliance was in full swing on the rooftop of the Tanner Kaanapali Kai. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves under the starry Maui night sky. A jazz trio was playing and premium liquor was flowing. By all accounts it was looking like another big money-maker for the environmental cause, but Dani was down in the dumps.

“Cheer up Danielle, I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Paolo assured her. “What time did you say he called you?”

“That was around five. It’s after eight-thirty now. You’d think he would’ve called again by now. It’s not like him to be inconsiderate.”

Margie felt compelled to set Dani straight. “Shane is a very serious and successful business man. He’s a perfectionist and I know how he operates. If he told you he was going to be a little late, you’d best believe him. He wants this deal to go through and I doubt if he’s willing to let it slip through his fingers for the sake of a charity event. It’s nothing personal, and I am positive he will make it up to you.”

“I know Margie. My mind is telling me all of that but I can’t help feeling like something might be wrong.”

“I’m sure everything is fine. Have I told you how positively radiant you look tonight? And that dress you picked out for her is perfect Paolo.”

“Thank you Margie. I think I really outdid myself this time, if I do say so myself. You’re an absolute vision Danielle.”

“Thanks guys. I’m sorry for complaining. I just wanted tonight to be perfect.”

“Dani he’s gonna be over the moon when you tell him, whether you tell him tonight or tomorrow morning, right Margie?” Paolo kissed Dani sweetly on the cheek.

Margie agreed wholeheartedly. “Oh yes. He’ll go nuts for sure.”

“Wait a minute you guys. I haven’t talked to either of you about this yet…”

Margie started giggling. “I guess we let the cat out of the bag Paolo. We’re sorry to spoil you’re surprise sweetie but……. we know you’re pregnant.”

“You do? But how did you know?”

Paolo and Margie couldn’t stop laughing. “Lets just say your bulbous belly and breasts were a dead give away,” teased Margie.

“Not to mention your fatigue, bizarre cravings, and emotional outbursts,” added Paolo. “Anyway, we love you and we couldn’t be happier for the two of you. When’s the little bundle of joy due?”

“Next May. I’m just dying to tell Shane.”

While they were sharing a group hug Paolo noticed a nearby elderly woman who appeared to be eavesdropping on their conversation. “Did you see that nosey old biddy? The one scurrying away? I think she might have overheard us. Is that a problem Dani? Because I can chase her down and work her over for you if you want me to.”

“That won’t be necessary Paolo. I’m sure word will get out sooner than later, knowing how fast news travels around here. I wouldn’t be surprised to see my “baby bump” on the front page of the Maui Sentinel.”

As the evening wore on, an increasing number of guests began to inquire about Shane’s whereabouts. Danielle kept a stiff upper lip, dutifully defending his absence and making apologies for him, as he had requested. But with the passing of each hour, and no still phone call from Shane, Dani became increasingly worried. She didn’t know what do besides maintain a cheerful demeanor and a fake smile for all the people around her.

Toward the end of the night Allyssa Caswell sidled up to Dani at the chocolate fountain near the dessert table.

“Danielle, I have to say I’m very hurt. I thought we were close friends?”

Naturally Dani was confused. “What are you talking about? Of course we are.”

“Well then why can’t you be honest with me? It’s plain to see you’re worried about Shane, and I can see why you might want to hide your true emotions from your guests, but it’s me….Allyssa… don’t have to pretend with me.”

Dani’s eyes filled with tears as her emotions rose to the surface. She grabbed her friend’s hand and pulled her over to a quiet corner on the rooftop. The same corner where Shane had kissed her months ago before being interrupted by Margie.

“Oh Allyssa I’m sorry. You’re right. I am worried. I’m worried sick. Shane was supposed to be a little late, but he’s not answering his phone and it’s not like him not to call me. I know he was out on a yacht... do you think I should call the Coast Guard or something? I don’t know what to do here except sit and wait…”

Allyssa tried her best to comfort her friend with a hug and some reassuring words.

“You know how guys are. They all lose track of time. I’m sure he’s fine and he’s just in the middle of Tanner business. If I didn’t answer my phone for a few hours would you be sending the national guard to my doorstep?”

“I can always count on you to make me feel better. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about this sooner…”

“Oh really? So since you’re opening up, isn’t there something else you’d like to tell me, girlfriend?”

“What are you talking about now?”

“Come on Danielle. You’ve been drinking sparkling apple cider all night and you’re wearing a loose-fitting A-line dress. You told me awhile back that you guys were baby-making……so?”

“We’re expecting in May Allyssa.”

“Oh my god I’ll bet Shane is thrilled! Congratulations!”

Dani teared up again. “He doesn’t know yet. I was gonna tell him tonight at the party. That’s why I hadn’t told people about it yet.”

Allyssa hugged her worried friend again and they talked a little more before she bid Dani good-night.

“Call me tomorrow morning Dani okay? I’m sure everything will be fine. Thank Shane for me again for all the continued support and funding of my coral research. I love you guys.”

Dani promised she would and returned to the task of seeing the rest of her guests off. Margie suggested the pair spend the night together so they could keep each other company while they awaited word from Shane. Dani decided to take her up on her offer so Margie followed her home up to the hilltop residence.

Margie put on a pair of Danielle’s pajamas and set about making some cocoa and popcorn for the two of them in the sprawling gourmet kitchen. Dani sat curled up on the couch in her long nightgown, wrapped in a cashmere throw, staring out of the giant wall of windows and biting her nails. Margie tried to take Danielle’s mind off the situation at hand by distracting her and keeping her spirits up.

“Holy cow this kitchen is practically as big as your old house Dani. Why does anyone need all this room to cook? Hey why don’t you turn on the TV? There’s usually some good old black and white movie on at this time of night.”

Dani grabbed the remote and started clicking around through the channels in search of something mind-numbing. Fortunately the banal array of nightly programs assured her plenty of choices. Margie set the tray of snacks on the coffee table in front of them and situated herself next to Dani so she could put her arm around her.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Shane’s fine Danielle. We’ll probably all be laughing about this tomorrow morning over breakfast.”