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The Start of Something Good (Stay Book 1) by Jennifer Probst (30)


“Ophelia, you’ve officially outdone yourself.”

The woman stood at the head of the table, pride glowing in her sky-blue eyes. The turkey was fat and roasted to a golden perfection. Each side dish boasted vibrant color and delicious scents of garlic, rosemary, and onions. Sparkling crystal glasses and matching dishes gleamed under the chandelier. A bottle of champagne chilled in the ice bucket. The table was set with the rustic fall colors of burgundy, rust, and forest green. Mia sighed with pleasure as she gazed at the beauty laid out before her.

“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday,” Ophelia said, waving off the compliment with her usual humbleness. “I enjoy it.”

Ethan shook his head. “Tink, I watched you slave all week to make sure we all had our favorite dishes at the table. Just like—”

“Mom used to,” Harper interrupted.

They all raised their gazes up, as if acknowledging another presence at the table. Mia squeezed Ethan’s hand, and when he squeezed back, a rush of warmth and gratitude washed over her. Right here, at this table, she’d found everything she’d always wanted.

It had just been packaged differently than what she had expected.

“Let’s eat,” Ophelia announced, clasping her hands together. “Ethan, will you carve?”

They feasted and chatted and laughed and teased. The upcoming months were going to be full of change, but Mia had never felt more at peace with herself. They planned to renovate the bungalow, expanding it to a fuller house so they could stay on the property, and had already sketched out an office space. Gabby was thrilled to dive headfirst into the business as full partner and had hired a savvy associate to help with the overflow. They’d begun turning down more clients and had trimmed down their roster until they had a core group they were proud to represent.

“Has Chloe called yet?” Harper asked.

“We’re FaceTiming after dinner. She’ll be spending winter break here, though, so I can’t wait to see her.”

“Chloe’s Pride is doing well,” Ethan commented. “I’m going to surprise her. The filly is hers to take care of and be responsible for.”

“She’s going to be so lit,” Mia said.

Ophelia laughed. “I’m glad she’ll be coming back to New Paltz. I made a big mistake not hiring her at the inn. We have a nice crowd here for the holiday.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Ethan said. “I spoke with Kyle, and he’s going to be staying here for a while. I told him it wasn’t a problem, but you should block a room for a few months. He’s writing some new screenplay and needs some solitude.”

“That’s your best friend, right?” Mia asked. “The one you grew up with and got into all that trouble?”

“Yeah, haven’t seen him in years but—Tink? Are you okay?”

The woman stared back at him with eyes full of shock and a touch of fear. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table in a deathlike vise, and her throat seemed to work to emit words that wouldn’t be uttered. The usual calm, cool competence she radiated was now replaced with an edgy panic Mia had never seen before. “I-I-don’t understand.” Her voice came out ragged. “He . . . he can’t stay here.”

Ethan stared at her. “What are you talking about? We used to be the three musketeers. I know it’s been a while since he’s been here, but he’s like family.”

Her gaze snapped to him. Blue eyes flashed with fire. “We don’t have the room. I’m sure he’ll be happier somewhere else that’s better suited to him.”

Ethan shook his head, as if trying to clear it. “Did something happen I’m missing, Tink? I know you had a fight out in California and stopped speaking, but we all grew apart and went our separate ways. Never figured there was bad blood between you.”

A barrier slammed down over her face. Ophelia focused on refilling her dish. When she finally spoke, her voice was back to her normal calm focus. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap like that. I’d prefer if Kyle stayed elsewhere. His father has plenty of space, and he’d be more comfortable there.”

“Kyle’s father is an asshole,” Ethan said.

“Maybe it’s time they deal with their issues, then,” she shot back.

Mia cleared her throat, not wanting to bring tension to the holiday table. She sensed Ophelia needed to process the news that her childhood friend may be back in town. Her reaction was telling, though. There was much more going on than Ophelia’s busy schedule. It was quite obvious she had no desire to see Kyle again.

Had something happened between them Ethan didn’t know about?

Mia pushed the thought to the back of her mind and concentrated on lightening the mood. “Hey, did I tell you the big news? I’m getting a tattoo!”

Ethan frowned. “Princess, just because it’s free doesn’t mean you have to get ink.”

“I want to.”

“Whatcha gonna get?” Harper asked.

“A name. A very important name, of someone who I couldn’t stand at first, but who eventually won my heart.”

Ophelia shook her head. “Oh, no, Mia, don’t do it. As much as we adore our brother, having his name permanently inked on your body may not be a good idea.”

Ethan straightened in his chair. The pleasure in his eyes contradicted his statement. “That’s sweet, but not necessary. I don’t need a tat to know you’re mine forever.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet.” She leaned over and kissed him. “But it’s not yours.”


She grinned with delight. “I’m getting the name Hei Hei!”

For a few seconds, everyone stared in shock. Then burst into laughter.

God, it was good to be home.