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The Tea Shop by Bernadette Marie (30)

Chapter 30

The adjustments Carson had requested for the Ford Street church had come back, and it wasn't what he'd wanted to hear at all. Though the exterior could be saved, the building itself was unsafe. In order to keep it intact, the price just doubled, and the time frame in which he'd promised the city he'd have it done had extended too.

Carson leaned back in his office chair, folding his hands behind his head. He'd spent all night thinking about how he wanted to propose to Abigail, and when. His focus had been to do it when the church was safe enough to go into. Now it looked like that would be many months away, and he wasn't sure he wanted to wait that long.

He chuckled to himself, as he lowered his arms and moved back to his desk. The church project had been so important to him, and now it completely revolved around what Abigail thought about it. That was true love, right? When a man lost his ever loving mind and compromised his business to see the woman he loved smile?

With a grin still on his face, he went back to work on the plans as his mother strolled through the door.

"Have you seen what Abigail has done with her shop?" His mother set a large gift bag in the chair on the other side of his desk.

"Good or bad?"

"Oh, my goodness! Good. I didn't know Halloween decor could be classy. She's genius. And the pastries her cousin has come up for the season; genius too."

Pride swelled inside of him as if he'd been the one to create his mother's mood over the cute things Abigail did to her store. "What do you have?"

"Gifts. I bought assorted teas, mugs, tea sets, and some linens she just got in. The ladies in my book club want to start meeting there each month, so I went in to set that up. Carson, she's so fantastic."

Did his mother even realize how she sounded gushing over his girlfriend? That was a good sign, he decided.

"Mom, sit down," he said as he stood and moved to the door. "I want to talk to you about something."

His mother watched him carefully as he closed the door. "Oh, you didn't have another argument did you? Carson, what's wrong with…"

"No argument, Mom. Sit down. I want to show you something."

Hesitantly, his mother moved the bag from the chair and sat down. Carson moved to his desk and opened his center drawer. He pulled out a ring box and slid it across the top of the desk.

His mother's eyes went wide. "What is that?"

"Open it. I want to know what you think."

He saw his mother's hand shake as she picked it up and opened it.

A moment later he saw the tears pool in her eyes and begin to leave trails down her cheek.

"Now, why are you crying?" he asked as he pulled a tissue from the box on his desk and handed it to her.

"This is for Abigail? You're going to give it to her?"

Carson walked around his desk and stood in front of his mother before he sat on his desk. "I was thinking about it."

"Oh, Carson. This is… I mean…" She pressed the tissue to her nose as she looked at the diamond set in rose gold. "It's lovely. She's going to adore it."

He took the box back from his mother and looked at it. "I hope she does."

"You're going to ask her to marry you?"

With a nod and a smile, he looked at his mother. "Yes. I love her. I know it's quick, but I…"

"You know it's right. Oh, Carson," she said as she stood and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm so happy for you."

As his mother stepped back, he closed the box. "Now, don't go telling anyone."

"Lips are sealed," she said as she mimicked zippering them.

"I called her mother this morning and arranged a time to talk to her father on Skype. I won't do anything until I have their blessing."

"Don't you think you should go out there and meet them."

Carson pursed his lips. "I thought about that. I'm sure she would want me to do that too. But I don't want to wait to ask her."

His mother rested her hand on his cheek. "You always were a go-getter. I'm very happy for you. I love her, and you know I love you."

"Thanks, Mom. That means a lot."

Picking up her gift bag, she turned and let out a sigh. "I can't tell your father?"

Carson narrowed his gaze at her, and she laughed.

"I won't tell him. You're right. He can't keep a secret."

She blew him a kiss as she let herself out of the office. Carson put the ring back into his drawer.

With a smile on his face, he got back to work. He was very grateful for his mother's reaction. Everyone loved Abigail. He was one lucky man.

The pumpkin and witch-shaped cookies, which Clare had made that morning, had sold out by noon. She'd already started her next batch as Abigail cleared a table for a walk-in tea.

In the past two weeks, Abigail noted, business had picked up significantly. Perhaps she'd been wrong when she told Patricia Stone that she and Clare could handle everything. They just might have to hire someone after all.

"I can clear tables in ten minutes," Clare said as Abigail set up a tray for the walk-in.

"Thanks. I don't know if we got onto some website, or if people are just getting out and about lately. I don't think we've ever been this busy."

Clare laughed. "Maybe it's your future mother-in-law. She's got her book club here. How much did she spend here this morning?"

"I'm not going to brag about that," Abigail said as she lifted the tray and dropped it back to the counter as she pressed her hand to her chest and fought for breath.

"Abi!" Clare moved to her. "Oh, God! Are you having a heart attack? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" Abigail scolded as she caught her breath. "I just couldn't breathe. My head is a little fuzzy, and I can't catch my breath."

"You need help," Clare said as she moved to the phone.

"Don't you call anyone. I'm fine," Abigail argued as she gained control.

Clare studied her for a moment. "You're color is coming back. Did you eat breakfast or lunch?"


"Do you have a cold?"


Clare's eyes grew wide as she moved to Abigail and took her hands. "Are you pregnant?" she whispered.

Abigail pulled her hands back and brushed them off on the front of her apron. "I got my period two days ago. No. I'm not pregnant."

She went back to fixing the tray under Clare's watchful eye. She was steady as she picked up the tray again and carried it out to the table. No one beyond the kitchen was any the wiser, and Abigail served tea and scones with a smile. But even she had to wonder what that was all about.