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Thorn (The Brotherhood Book 1) by Wren McCabe (12)

Chapter Twelve


He reached his bike, set Jayden carefully on the back, then swung his leg over the seat and planted himself deep into the leather. “You okay back there?”

“Yes, I’m good,” Jayden whispered.

Lucien had walked them to his motorcycle. “Jayden, I’ll let your folks know what’s going on. You should call them in a few days once you wake from the healing sleep of the Lycan.”

Thorn appreciated the kind words to his mate. “Lucien, thank you.”

“Thank you, Lucien, for everything you’ve done for me. Please tell my parents I love them.”

Lucien nodded. “Thorn, take care of her, please.”

Thorn gave him a nod before hee started his motorcycle. The rumble creating a sound that shut out the entire world around them.

Lucien’s face softened slightly, the tips of his mouth curved slightly upward as he shook his head. He waved to them before shouting over the engine noise, “Jayden, I’ve seen a lot, but I never thought to see the day my friend here would turn into such a pussy.”

Jayden relaxed against his back, and he felt her tremble. With fear or excitement, he didn’t know. When he looked over his shoulder at her, she touched his shoulder and smiled. Such a gentle, serenely wise, and beautiful woman. How did he get so lucky to have her in his life?

Thorn’s wolf had calmed down with the sound of the bike and the rumble of the exhaust pipes. “You ready?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Hang on then.”

She tightened her arms around his middle. The contact of her body surrounded him and calmed the dangerous mood he’d been in. To have her alive and holding onto him was a miracle in itself. His body was slowly breaking down. He felt exhausted and needed sleep. Going to the in-between had literally worn him out. He couldn’t imagine what Jayden must be feeling. She’d died and was dragged back to the living.

Jayden’s stomach clenched with butterflies; she still felt nervous to be going home with Thorn. But after what they went through tonight this would be exciting for her to actually see where he lived. In her heart, she wanted to be with him, but she didn’t know him well. What are you thinking about, Jayden? You’ve known this man all your life.

Love, you okay back there?’

Are you always in my head?’

Not always, but you’re wiggling around on the back of my bike and talking to yourself.’ His body shook with his laughter and the light mood he was in seemed very different than the black mood he’d left her shop in a few moments ago.

You love the freedom of this bike?’

How can you tell?’

Because the darkness is no longer among us, I can feel so much more.’ Jayden believed it was the conversion to a Lycan causing most of her senses and reactions at this point in time.

That is your Lycan, love. The wolf will help build your senses, and you’ll be able to protect yourself fully now. Soon, you won’t need me to come to your rescue.’

Of course, I will always need you, my love,’ Jayden teased him. She would always need him by her side. She remembered little bits and pieces of what happened. Remembering the gun being fired and the pain she’d been in. After that, the events were cloudy until Cordelia and Thorn pulled her to the surface from the in-between.

She swallowed nervously. She couldn’t remember a lot of the events, but she wanted to know everything. Would Thorn fill her in on what she’d lost? She did feel a little frightened of what would happen once they got to his house. Jayden held onto to his leather jacket and laid her head on the back of his shoulder. With her nerves frazzled, she hung on tight to her mate’s body as they sped through the night toward his home somewhere in the Cascade Mountains. Oregon was a beautiful state. She knew they were heading south away from Shades Run and further from her other life with her parents and the vampires.

This would be a new chapter in her life, and she would eventually learn to love her life with Thorn as much as her life before this night ever happened.

Jayden closed her eyes and didn’t realize anything until she felt the bike slow down and turn a corner. She opened her eyes to see the most stunning scenery in the world. Trees in a forest surrounded them. Thorn expertly drove his motorcycle down a thin path leading into the mountains. They were climbing higher in altitude.

Where are we?’

My home. It takes a while to get there. I can’t have people trying to find me. Now can I?’

No, I suppose not. After all, you are the leader of the Lycan.’

Yes, I am. Don’t fret, love. We’ll be there in a bit.’

Oh, I’m not. I’m just really tired.’ Her body seemed drugged almost. She was barely able to hang onto Thorn’s coat. She must have fallen asleep because she didn’t remember how they got so far into the mountains. ‘Why do you need to be so far from your pack and Shades Run?’ Jayden felt the cooler air rub against her skin through her borrowed sweatshirt. Her jean clad legs rubbed against the warmth of Thorn.

As leader, I have many duties. One specific duty is to execute a rogue. I won’t be able to kill a pack member if I live among them. It would be far too painful. I need to have my freedom, as well as keep an eye on my pack. This place affords me the luxury of both. I believe you’ll be happy to live here with me if you choose.’

Jayden smiled, this man was confident in their relationship. It helped her feel more secure and know she was finally in the right place with her mate. ‘I’m sure I will love it, too.’

They reached a large opened area of a meadow filled with flowers and tall grass. She loved it.

Thorn slowed the bike down then stopped.

The area was absolutely magnificent. The scent of the flowers was strong to her newly sensitive nose. “It’s gorgeous.”

“It is.” Thorn had shut off his bike for a moment for her to enjoy the scenery.

She appreciated the small thought.

“This is close to our home. You can easily walk here if you choose.”

She nodded.

He started the bike up again and drove along the edge of the meadow until he reached another path into the woods. This one seemed narrow. She felt glad Thorn was relaxed and handled the bike with expertise.

Riding even further into the woods and up the mountain, Jayden wondered why he’d chosen such an out-of-place home. The trees were so thick it seemed almost darker, and the headlight of the bike barely lit up the path because the fog had rolled in.

After a few more minutes, the path suddenly widened and in front of her stood a large house, garage, and outbuildings spaced out and set on a far-stretching piece of land.

Thorn pulled the bike up to the front steps.

The sudden silence kicked in her anxiety, Jayden trembled slightly but tried not to show her distress at finally arriving at his home.

His body shifted slightly in front of her, Jayden looked down in time to see Thorn kick down a stand on the bike to hold it as they got off the machine.

He looked over his shoulder. “Hold on to me to get off the bike.”

She tried to summon the last bit of strength she had to do as he said.

When she couldn’t lift her leg enough to dismount, Thorn saw immediately the trouble she was having. “Hang on there. Let me help you.”

“I feel stupid now. I’m so tired.” Jayden could barely keep her head up, let alone lift her body to stand. When he stood and lifted her off the bike, her body sore and bruised, she couldn’t help the cry of pain that slipped from her lips. “Thorn, oh my God.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, but my body is so sore.” Jayden grabbed hold of his jacket as he carried her up the stairs to the front door of his house.

Once they were inside, he set her down on a huge sofa in what appeared to be a large living area. He took special care not to pull her long hair that hung down in a braid. “You have such lovely hair.”

“Thank you. It must look terrible right about now?”

“No, it is still in the braid, and it held up perfectly on the ride home.” Thorn chuckled softly as he knelt down next to her on the floor. He gently smoothed the stray pieces of hair away from her face. He was thoughtful, kind, and extremely gentle with her.

Jayden loved that about him. He seemed to be calming her body and taking away her pain as he rubbed his hands all over her body. “What are you doing?” she asked softly.

“I’m telling your wolf to help your body heal faster. Then I’m going to take us to my den to let you sleep and heal the rest of the way.”

She bowed her head. “Thank you. I’m very tired. I feel her, the wolf inside my body trying to make me stronger.”

“It is her, and she will be there for you during the sleep as well. She will make sure your human body leaves, and her Lycan body prevails. It is the way of the conversion. You are not quite there yet.” Thorn rubbed her legs and feet.

His hands felt wonderfully gentle on her body. When the pain disappeared so did the tension and soreness in her muscles. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Thorn seemed to notice everything about her. When she tried to bite her lip, she remembered he didn’t like to see her hurt herself, so she forced herself to stop.

“That’s my girl.” He touched her lip.

The pain from the cuts instantly disappeared. “Thorn, you’re amazing.” She shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Jayden couldn’t help giving him compliments even though she didn’t know if he liked that or not.

“Don’t you get all nervous on me now, woman. Where’s my girl from back in town? You were ferocious, fighting off all those men,” Thorn teased.

“But I got shot doing it.” Jayden frowned.

“Nonsense, it is what any Lycan woman would have done, too.” He lifted her into his arms as he started through the house.

The aroma of a wood fire welcomed them further inside the house. The warmth settled in her body and soul as they made their way down a set of stairs.

“I’m taking you to my den. It is where we sleep. The earth will surround us underground as we fall asleep and slumber then let the healing agents of Mother Earth take away all our pain and sickness. When we wake in a few days, both of us will be strong and healthy. Then, I will show you more of where we live. Okay?”

Jayden nodded, she’d become too emotional to say anything. She let Thorn hold her tight as he made his way deep into the earth with what looked like a tunnel into a large cavern surrounded by rock from the mountain. “Are we under the actual mountain?”

He nodded, then asked, “You warm enough?”

The heart rendering smile he gave her calmed her nerves and let her relax into him. Jayden felt safe with this man she loved him more now than she did even before. Finding him as she did, only told her this was all part of her destiny. To accept who Thorn was to her, seemed too easy now.

He walked into a large room with an oversize bed which sat in the middle. The large bed, which even seemed bigger than a king size, sat in the middle. “This is my sleeping chamber. The walls are carved out of the stone then I put all the wood in to stabilize it.”

“This is warm and wonderful.” Jayden looked around and spotted the large fireplace he’d carved out of the rock. It looked as if a chimney went up and out of the mountain. “How long did it take you to make this?”

“I’m glad you like it. It took me many years to find the perfect location and years after that to build it all. This fireplace took my men and me hundreds of hours to carve. But it was well worth the time. It will help keep you warm until you learn to regulate your core temperature.” He sat her down on the edge of the bed. “I’m so sorry.” He knelt in front of her.


“Not being able to save you before you were injured. The beating then you were shot…” He didn’t finish. Thorn lowered his head.

She put her hands on top of his head. His thick black hair, silky under her fingers. “Thorn, it is not your fault. What happened to me was those men were evil and bad. My God, you brought me back from the worse place imaginable, purgatory. Without you, I wouldn’t be alive and here with you in this beautiful place.” Tears filled her eyes, and she let them spill on her cheeks unchecked. Jayden couldn’t help her strong love for this man. Almost to the point of being overwhelming, but comforting.

“Thank you, love. Your words mean so much to me.” Thorn gazed up at her as he gently wiped her tears.

“Why am I not afraid of you?” she asked, her voice broke slightly.

“You’re a part of me, there’s no need.” He touched his fist to his chest. “You’ve been there in my mind, thoughts, and memories. You now know exactly who I am to you. You’re my soulmate, and nothing is more important to me than you.”

“I feel the same way about you, Thorn.” Jayden touched his face. “Tonight, someone tried to take me from you, and you saved me. I’m yours, now and forever. I love you.”

He surrounded the back of her head with his hand and pulled her closer.

She nodded once, powerless to resist him. His touch soft and caressing, while his other hand stroked her cheek then moved down to her shoulder. He smiled as he took her hand and pulled her into his arms. He lifted her and carried her to another room.

When he walked toward the steam coming up out of the rock, she peered down and found a hot spring. “Thorn, oh my God, we can go in there?”

He grinned. “I thought you might enjoy.” Thorn held her in his arms and swayed back and forth. Music started to play all around them.

Her eyes widened. “How?”

“It’s magic. As a Lycan, I can imagine something, and it can happen. I know you love your music and to dance. I especially made this room for you in my mind. I hoped to one day meet my beautiful angel.”

The thought of everything Thorn had put into this special place for them, only opened her heart even more for the love of this man. “Please, Thorn, dance with me.”

He nodded and lowered her down until her feet touched the ground. Then slowly they circled the space in a slow dance of lovers.

He gently nudged into her mind, ‘Is it okay, I’m with you this way?’

For him to ask her permission meant the world to her. She looked up at him and nodded. ‘Of course.’

She opened her mind and memories wide for him to see everything. The nightmare she’d just went through and all the way back to her entire life. She didn’t want to hide anything from him ever again. ‘Thorn, you know you are always welcome.’

Jayden, I would like for you to always be with me, no matter what happens. Don’t ever close me off like you did earlier. I cannot handle it.’

I promise Thorn as long as you remember the same.’

I need to show you how much you mean to me. You are everything I ever wanted in a mate. ‘

Show me how it is to love you physically, please?’ Jayden wanted to take that next step with him.

If you are sure? It may be too soon?’

I am sure. I feel stronger, too.’

He nodded, his eyes seeming to stare right into her soul.

Her knees went weak with emotion for this gentle giant in her arms. Jayden knew this moment was going to be something she would never forget. She closed her eyes, the amber and suede aroma of his body rose from him even more now with the sensitive smell of her Lycan. It reminded her he was still fully dressed in his leathers and daily apparel. She gently pushed the shoulders of his leather jacket down over his thick arms.

Thorn shrugged, helping her remove the coat. He gently set it down on a chair next to the hot spring.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his warm chest, closer now than before even with his black t-shirt on. Closing her eyes, she listened to his strong heartbeat. Their waltz danced with the perfection of skilled dancers. His strength and love flowed in and around her. She appreciated the fact he took his time with her. She stayed in the circle of his arms as they moved around the room, their feet barely touching the floor as they danced. He made her feel as if she was floating.

After the song had ended, he asked, “Do you trust me?”

All she could manage was a nod. She held her breath, waiting to see what he would do next. When his mouth claimed hers, her calm shattered with the hunger of his kisses.

Thorn didn’t give her a moment to breathe, and she didn’t want to. Jayden clung to him. Her arms surrounding his powerful body as she pulled him closer to her.

His lips moved from her mouth to her cheek, a whispered breath as he slowly, seductively moved down. First, her neck, then shoulder to her collarbone. He lifted her arms and pulled her borrowed sweatshirt over her head.

Then he slowly kissed her body as he removed the tattered remains of her blouse and bra. His kisses made her feel as if she was being transported to a soft and wispy cloud. He blew softly, giving each breast their own attention. Jayden knew she’d died and gone to heaven. This felt too good to be true. Her hands reached out and grabbed his hair. She clenched the heavy, thick, black locks in her fists.

He pulled back. “Love?”

She slowly relaxed her hold on his hair and gently ran her fingers through the thickness holding him to her as he suckled each nipple giving them his full attention. Her body responded well to his. Jayden didn’t want to think any longer. She was in Thorn’s arms safe from those who attacked her.

His lips continued their assault on her body, everywhere he placed his tongue, his lips and his breath turned to fire, moving down further until reached her most private area that she’d saved for him, only. His hands moved down her back until they reached the waistband of her jeans. He gently and patiently took his time to push the denim off her hips and down her legs. He followed the material with his lips, whispering words, “Jayden, you are so precious and beautiful to me. I love the way your body fits mine, so perfectly.”

Her heart felt as if it too was going to explode along with whatever he was doing to her body. She didn’t know what or how he was going to make love to her, but what he was doing now felt like torture, in a very good way. She couldn’t hold in the moan that slipped out, “Thorn, oh my, God.”

When he stopped, his mouth lifted from her body, he continued with his hands and whispered, “At any time you say stop, I will. Please, remember that. I do not want to scare or hurt you. Do you understand?”

Jayden nodded. His ardor surprised her. He was gentle as he touched her but restrained himself to be as gentle as possible. She couldn’t have been more pleased with how slow he was moving. Taking his time to love her and make sure she wanted what only he could give her. She knew for sure she wanted this as much as he did. No thoughts of stopping him seemed to come to her.

Thorn, nervous as a teenager, ran his hands down her legs. It became hard to steady them as they shook trying to make sure he remained slow and steady. He didn’t want to scare her in any way. She’d been through hell and back tonight. He didn’t want to cause her any other harm or emotional setback when loving her. She’d asked for him to show her; this was the only way he knew how.

The bruises and cuts though faint, were still there reminding him of what she’d just gone through. He’d almost lost her tonight. He didn’t want his anger to return, but it still upset him more than he wanted to admit right now during their first night together.

He continued kissing her during his ascent. Moving down her abdomen to the angry red line from the area she’d been shot. The healers, Cordelia and Taraji, had taken all their magic together and healed her wound, saving her life. The gash fresh and ugly but healing slowly reminded him she’d almost died. He didn’t want any reminders between them, but it was a fact he must remember. They’d grown together because of her strength and fight during what should have been her death. He loved this woman more than he could have possibly known. So much, it almost frightened him.

Jayden was embedded in his heart and mind now, and she would never leave him. This he knew and loved her more and more every moment they spent together. She gave him her trust, and it meant the world to him. He would never abuse that with her now or ever. Something a Lycan felt for his true mate. So powerful and amazing. Her love and passion were just an added bonus. Thorn knew he needed to care for her first before he even attempted making love to her. He kept his beast down and knew he would do the right thing for her. He decided she would enjoy a nice long hot bath. He picked her up.

She gasped with surprise. “Where are we going?”

“I want to let you soak, take the aches and pain away from your body, soul, and mind. Just lay back in my arms, trust me.” He carried her to the hot spring and lowered her down into the water.

“Aww, Thorn, this feels so wonderful. Please join me?” She relaxed back against the sides, the smooth rock making a natural backrest.

Thorn took the rest of his clothing off and left his underwear on to help Jayden feel more comfortable with their nakedness. Instead of rushing her into sex, he wanted Jayden to trust and feel more comfortable with him before he even attempted anything so personal with her. He wasn’t going to push himself on her, especially after what she suffered. “You doing okay, love?”

She nodded, her eyes widened as he slid into the hot water next to her.

He reached over, grabbed a washcloth, and started on her face. He gently wiped away any tears or other evidence she might still have on her. Then he wetted her shoulders, moving down her naked body. Jayden didn’t seem shy with him at the moment, but he still was cautious with her. He continued moving the washcloth down her body removing any evidence of her wounds already healed. The blood on her body turned the white cloth red. “You okay, love? I’m not moving too fast for you, am I?”

She reached up and touched his day-old stubble. “Thorn, you are so precious, I hope you know that. I’m ready to begin our life together. I know you are worried about me, but I’m okay with you. It feels as if we’ve known each other forever. Tonight happened, oh well. I’m ready to move on with you. Please, stop being so nervous.”

“Okay, but promise me if we move too fast and you’re uncomfortable, you will stop me.”

She nodded. “Of course, I will. Thorn, I want to tell you this house is so wonderful. I’m already in love with it.”

This pleased him. “Love, it is your home now, you can decorate it any way you want to.” He picked her up and sat her in front of him. He slowly massaged her shoulders, neck, and back. Drawing circles, hearts, and other shapes on her back. He could see Jayden literally relaxed up against him. Thorn wanted to control his body, but it had a mind of its own. His cock grew and hardened with her body moving up against his in the water.

She smiled, leaned back and looked up at him. Her sparkling sapphire eyes told him she knew exactly what she was doing to him and liked it.

He leaned down and kissed her gently. When he leaned back, she gazed up at him with trusting eyes. “Do you know how handsome you are?”

“Thank you, beautiful lady,” he whispered. Slowly, he caressed and praised her body with his hands, massaging the aches and pains away. She thrilled him beyond his wildest dreams. The perfection of her body, giving herself to him freely and openly.

He sent her warmth and love keeping their minds melded together to make sure she never once panicked or wanted to move away from him. He watched her eyes close, and her body relax with every stroke his hands made across her body. He needed this time to be about her, not him.

His wolf seemed calm, happy, and content. Her wolf just below the surface was calling his in an age-old mating ritual. She wanted his wolf to claim her. Now though, Thorn forced his wolf to go easy and slow, to let the human in Jayden want him as well.

When she stirred slightly in his arms, he immediately stopped what he was doing and asked, “Jayden, love, you okay?” Tragedy etched itself onto her face, and he regretted the part he’d put there. He couldn’t help but worry this was too much for her.

She shook her head. “It’s not you, Thorn. You had no part in those men coming to me tonight. If you hadn’t saved me, I would have died. I thank you for being there for me. I’m only unsure because I don’t know how to please you.”

Those sweet touching words were a salve to his wounded soul. Softly, her hands touched his face, leaning into the warmth of her small fingers, his lips to her soft skin, the fragrance of her need for him rose up to greet him. Jayden wanted him as much as he did her and there would be time for that later. Right now, he wanted to show her he could love her without being inside her.

After several minutes, Thorn knew she was relaxing because her trembles finally stopped and Jayden rested against him. “How are you doing?”

“Relax, Thorn, I’m okay.” She giggled softly, her amusement surprised him.

With his palms, he rubbed away any evidence of her trauma. He moved along her perfectly sized breasts, massaging her gently. As he touched her silky skin everywhere, he noticed his anger was slowly replaced by passion. Amazed, he’d found this lovely person, and she was his mate. He wouldn’t question how he deserved such a treasure, no he would grab hold and never let her go, she meant that much to him. Slowing down, he smiled, thinking how he’d waited hundreds of years for this very moment, he wasn’t about to rush it.

Closing his eyes, he relaxed against the back of the rocks and pulled her tightly against him. He enjoyed her body covering his.

Jayden didn’t seem tense or frightened of his now hardened maleness pressed against her back. Was she afraid at all? Probably, but nothing they were doing sent warning signals his way. Thorn knew she could handle the deep warmth and love he surrounded her with.

He also knew the exact moment she fell into a deep sleep.

She needed this more now than ever before. The sleep of the Lycan would heal her wounds and finish the conversion he knew the Lycan still needed to do. To bring her fully into his world, her organs and body would change to that of a strong wolf.




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