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Thorn (The Brotherhood Book 1) by Wren McCabe (7)

Chapter Seven

Lucien seemed to be taken aback at how Thorn was acting.

Thorn noted when Lucien looked over at Najah who’d walked in a few minutes ago, he felt ready to come out of his skin with a bad case of the nerves. He’d better keep it together for Najah’s sake. Dammit, he knew this had been a bad idea.

The waitress walked over with the food Lucien had ordered.

Thorn knew very well that Lucien hated to pretend to be a human. He usually didn’t eat regular food. When in town acting like a human, they expected him to eat the food. He was able to weave a gypsy spell and make the food seem to disappear without actually eating the toxins. His body wouldn’t be able to get rid of the poisonous food would cause his system.

Thorn raised his brow. “Lucien, can you make that happen?”

“Excuse me?” Lucien hadn’t heard a word from Thorn, he’d been concentrating on the woman across the café and had been caught by his friend. “Sorry, what did you say?” He pulled his eyes away from her and gazed at Thorn.

“What’s got your attention across the cafe?” Casually, Thorn turned slightly to look behind him.

“Look it’s nothing. Hey, let’s get this shit done with. I’m ready to do some riding.” Lucien pulled Thorn’s attention back to him.

Thorn’s shoulders tightened as he clenched his fists.

“What’s in your panties tonight, Thorn?”

“Nothing,” he mumbled.

“Do you know who that girl is?” Lucien nodded toward Najah.

“Yeah, I’ve seen her before. She’s Mills’s stepdaughter.” Thorn still didn’t look up.

“Hey, what’s up with that girl and you?”

“Nothing, she’s a baby still. Let’s finish up and get to that ride, Lucien,” Thorn growled as he stared him down.

Lucien didn’t look away. “Hmm…I do feel something is odd about her. I sent out my senses, and nothing came back. That’s just crazy, I can move in and out of human minds easily, but this one I can’t even get near.”

Thorn shrugged. “Maybe you’re just having an off day?” He stared hard at his old friend.

Lucien stared back without blinking. “Vampires do not have…off days.” He continued to meet his gaze.

After both had finished doing the Alpha stare-down, Lucien and Thorn chuckled and seemed to relax.

Lucien asked, “Is she important to you?”

They both could see she carried a sword on her back because before she actually sat down, she’d taken it off and put it on the table in front of her.

“And why does Cade let his daughter carry around weapons?”

“Lucien! Never mind about the girl. Cade’s business, not ours.” Thorn snapped his fingers in front of his face.

“What? Sorry, Thorn. Didn’t mean to piss you off, just asking, man.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

After a half hour, they finished up with their plans and Lucien asked, “You ready for that ride now?”

“Yeah, we’ll go in a minute. I just need to use the head.” Thorn left their table. He then stopped at the hallway and watched his friend.

Najah had gotten up and walked past their table.

Lucien took in her scent.

Thorn did too, as his Lycan senses were even more sensitive. Lavender mixed with a little vanilla. She did seem to be just a human, but nothing else stood out.

Thorn came back just as Lucien seemed to be getting up.

Najah went to the counter and ordered something from Ruby then went and sat back down.

Lucien stood to make his way to her, but Thorn grabbed his arm. “Sit back down, Lucien. I don’t know what you want with that girl, but tonight isn’t the time or the place. I need to end this meeting and get other business done before the night is over.”

He slid back across the booth seat. “Excuse me?” Lucien’s irritation grew at his friend. “What has you all tied in knots, Thorn?”

“Did any of your people come over from Romania recently?” Thorn avoided the subject of Najah entirely

Thorn’s question seemed to catch Lucien off guard. He nodded, the subject forcing his attention away from Najah. “What the hell you asking me that question for? I had Eric’s family come over after my father’s death.”

“Is the owner of the new coffee shop one of them?” Thorn asked Lucien the simple question, hoping yet again it would draw his attention back to him and not Najha.

“Yeah, she’s one of them, why?” Lucien’s focus was now definitely back on him.

Thorn took a deep breath to relax. The answer Lucien gave him actually helped him get rid of his nerves. His mate was a human. She was one of Lucien’s caretakers. “Who exactly is she? Tell me about her.”

“Stay away from her,” Lucien growled.

His stormy look concerned Thorn. “She’s not a fucking vampire, is she?” His tone crisp and clear.

“Why do you need to know?” Lucien’s dark eyes signaled a warning.

“She’s my mate,” Thorn whispered. He had to tell him the truth. Lucien protected his people and the humans who served under him with everything he had as a vampire.

Lucien seemed to visually relax and when he smiled, Thorn knew it was going to be okay. He’d never betrayed his friendship with Lucien and hoped the man would bless the mating ceremony for him.

“Really, Thorn, that’s terrific for you. She’s the daughter of my father’s caretaker from Romania.”

“Will I have problems with her parents?” Thorn wasn’t sure where to go with her, other than he had to make her his own by claiming her.

“Let me talk to them before you do anything. They’ll want to know who you are before they’ll agree to a joining. Now, you know she is still very young. But she should be okay because she’s an adult in human years. I think she’s like twenty or something, not sure though. You’ll have to ask Jayden those questions.”

“Lucien, thank you.”

“Hey, no worries. Look, you have to try to understand, there’s a lot going on right now. She’s opening that shop up next door to try to help her parents and take care of my people.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured. I’m relieved she’s not a vampire. What the hell would I have done then?”

“You’d be fucked, my friend.” Lucien chuckled.

“Lucien, I hope you find your mate someday. You have no idea how good it felt when I touched her. It’s hard to explain, but it was like a fire started and spread through my veins.”

“I hope my day comes soon. The darkness seems to be swallowing me up faster than before. Especially, since my parents’ death. I’ve stopped feeding on humans and only hunt animals or drink the blood from a bag.”

“Lucien, I hope you believe me when I say a Lycan didn’t kill them. I’m never going to give up trying to find who murdered them.”

“You know it’s been long enough you’d think I would be able to accept it. But that scene plays over and over in my head. With my mother raped and beaten then finding my father’s shredded body next to hers shouted rogue Lycan.”

“You know that’s what I thought too?” Thorn had seen his parents. It appeared to be Lycan by the way their throats were torn out. “We’ll solve that mystery another time. I’m just glad I was there before you took off and killed innocent men, my warriors. They’d all been with me at the time. We’ll find the killer if it’s the last thing I hunt for. I hope you know that?”

“My friend, that is one thing I believe in you about. Let’s move on to happier thoughts.” Lucien’s voice sounded tired.

A deep sadness settled into the pit of Thorn’s stomach. He’d searched for months looking for their killer. He couldn’t imagine what it’d been like for Lucien losing both of his strong parents at one time. Thorn smiled and actually wanted to change the conversation back to a happier subject. “Lucien, why are you so worried about that girl across the way?”

Lucien still hadn’t kept his eyes focused on their conversation, he’d constantly been looking over at Najha, and this worried Thorn. He didn’t want to betray Lucien or the trust they’d built over the years. Should he tell Lucien now? He decided to wait until a better time. It wasn’t right at this point, with the murders of Lucien’s parents fresh in his mind.

“Nothing, she’s just different. I find her beauty unique, and she seems small but strong. Why would Cade and Myra let her run around carrying that sword and she’s by herself?”

Lucien was right. Thorn knew the vampire was too smart and would notice the small details of his wayward daughter. “I have no idea. I’ll talk to Cade and see what his answers are. But back to my mate, can you tell me anything about her?”

“She is a Foster, and her parents served my parents. After their deaths, they had no work for them in Romania, so I brought them over here to help me.”

“Jayden is a little firecracker. Was she sheltered most of her life as the other children were?” Thorn wanted to know her better and thought Lucien could tell him something about her. Not that the answers were pertinent, he just didn’t want the vampire’s focus on Najha.

“I really don’t think so. I helped her purchased that shop. She wanted to start her own business and had saved a bunch of money for all the interior stuff. Jayden is a strong, independent woman and she wants to do her part to help protect my people. I hope you’ll continue to let her do that?”

Lucien’s confidence in Jayden impressed him. “I don’t have a problem with all that, as long as she is safe.” Thorn rubbed his day-old growth of hair on his face.

“I’ll go to her parents and explain to them about you.”

Lucien’s frown told Thorn something was bothering the vampire. He hoped it wasn’t the subject of Najah again.

“They trust me. I know about you and can trust you, Thorn. First, I would like your permission if Jayden can continue to work for me? Jayden is going to throw a fit, and she is her own person and will do as she pleases. I won’t tell her I’m going to her parents first. I would expect you to do that as well.”

Lucien was right, he would come across as controlling. The women and men who care for the vampires had to be strong and independent. He wouldn’t have expected anything different from Jayden. She would make a good Beta female for his pack. Thorn scowled. “She won’t have to work. I have plenty of riches to keep her happy.”

“You just don’t get it. Jayden won’t care about money. She’ll want to do this for herself. Why don’t you let her decide what is best?” Lucien chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Thorn couldn’t find the humor.

“You are, Thorn. Don’t try to put any restrictions on her as you have done in the past with your children. She’ll want to continue to work for me. I only asked her to report to me anything that was really odd or out of place. She’s not trained to fight or approach something bad.”

“What about this shop of hers?”

“What about it? She’s paid everything for the shop herself. It’s her dream, and she made it come true. Let her enjoy it. If you don’t, you’ll lose her before you even mate with her.”

“What did she do before this? I mean over in Romania?” Thorn probably should have saved these questions for her. He did feel curious, though, and Lucien was still trying to glance over at Najha. His daughter might just cause him a heart attack.

“She was my mother’s personal attendant.”

Thorn nodded. “We have no power over choosing our mates. I will have to claim her soon or go mad with worry over every male in her vicinity. As you know, our women are sacred just as they are to the vampires. I must take care of her, but I will listen to your words and try not to control her. She can do as she must do and I won’t stop her. Just be warned, if anything happens to her, I can guarantee I will kill for her.”

“Oh, without a doubt, you’d have to beat me to the person. I’ve protected all my people, especially those humans who’ve sworn to keep our people safe while we sleep from the crippling sun.” Lucien smiled. His eyes betrayed him as they moved toward Najha again.

Thorn pounded the table. “What is with you, Lucien!”

“Nothing, that girl over there simply fascinates me.” Lucien chuckled but pulled his attention back to the conversation.

Thorn wanted to get Najha out of the damn café. If she was going to work here, he had to let her be. Concentrating on his conversation with Lucien, he asked, “How do you think Jayden will like living on the Lycan side of the Cascades?”

“She’ll be happy wherever her heart goes. Remember, Thorn, you must be gentle with her, she is still a young woman. Don’t crowd or rush her into anything. Let this happen as it will.”

“How do you know so much about women? You’re not mated.”

Lucien's eyes glowed with enjoyment. “I’ve taken many women to my bed. I use patience and kind words to stroke their ego first, then I use my massive charm to fuck them. That, my friend, is how I know so much about women.”

“You don’t think I know that much. Fuck that, Lucien, I’ve fathered kids with women.”

“Only because they wanted to please you. I don’t see you being charming and gentle as I can be,” Lucien teased him.

Thorn threw back his head and laughed. “What do you think I am, a goddammed caveman? Maybe I should try to grab her by the hair and drag her back to my den. Is that what you’re saying?”

Lucien threw back his head and joined in the laughter. “No, I guess I’m not saying that at all.” He stood. “I think we need that ride now. Come on, my friend.”

“I’ll be out in a minute.” Thorn walked to the counter as he watched Lucien head to the door.

Reaching out he connected with Najha. ‘Daughter?’

Hey, Dad?’

Lucien is too curious. Make sure that spell is holding. Has he left the café?’

Yes, he’s gone. Lucien couldn’t tell I was Lycan.’

Okay, I believe the same thing. Why don’t you head home? I’ll come by soon, and we’ll hunt?’

This time, I have to agree with you. I’m tired and need sleep. Good night.’

Good night. Oh, and Najha?’


Love you.’

Oh, I love you, too, Daddy.’

Thorn turned around, watched her head out the door and reach her bike. He went over to the bathroom, washed his hands then headed outside.

He watched Lucien heading toward his daughter, so he hurried his steps and caught up to Lucien. “Hey, what the hell are you doing?”

Lucien pointed. “I’m going to go ask her for her number.”

“Leave her be. She’s young enough to be your great-great-great granddaughter, old man. Let’s do this ride you if you want.” Thorn tried to be nonchalant about the decision to have him walk away from his path of reaching Najha.

Najha had started her motorcycle and pulled away from the curb. She hit the throttle and sent the bike speeding away.

Thorn groaned. “You gotta leave the girl alone. I’d hate to see the heart attack you’d give her father.” He certainly felt like he was about to have one.

Lucien walked beside him. “You’re no fun, dude. When did you start being a fatherly figure?”

Thorn sat down on his bike.

Lucien paused beside him. “She’s human, right?”

“Uh huh.” Thorn lifted his brow. He wondered where this path of discussion was headed. He prayed it wasn’t about his daughter. Trying to keep his mind path clear of thought, he didn’t want Lucien to see his thoughts. He watched Lucien’s face and knew he tried to sneak his way into Thorn’s head. He slammed up the mind-path wall and protected his memories of Najha from the vampire. He knew Lucien was questioning the facts as they appeared. Thorn didn’t know what else to do, but if he seemed too worried, that would cause Lucien to doubt him. “Why are you so curious about that particular girl?”

“Well, she’s definitely sexy as hell. But I don’t know, there’s something about her that is screaming into my brain. What if she’s my mate? You found yours totally by accident. What if that woman is mine?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, she’s been here in town her entire life. Why now, are you figuring this out?” Thorn’s heart was pounding out-of-control.

“She has a different scent than the humans. Don’t you think so?”

“Dude, you’re imagining things. I didn’t smell anything, and I’m a natural wolf. If there was something different, don’t you think I would have known something?”

“Yeah, but—aw hell, Cade is an angry man and would kick my ass for taking on his little girl.”

“Your funeral. Cade is a brute and protects his daughter. Now, can we get on with this ride or I’m going to go hunting and get some real meat.” Thorn’s gravelly voice broke slightly.

“I’m just trying to imagine something that’s not there. I guess I’m just jealous and envious of you, man.” Lucien clapped him on the arm. “Let’s get the hell out of town.”

Thorn remembered all the different women over the years Lucien had bedded. He was a lady’s man, not the marrying kind. If a vampire found their mate, then their carefree days would be over. He hoped Lucien found his mate before it was too late. “Let’s just leave that one alone, Lucien. I promised Cade if he helps me out here in town, I would watch over and protect his daughter. Let’s do this ride, okay?”

“Yeah, I’m ready.” Then his crystal blue eyes narrowed with that unfathomable gaze he sometimes wore. “Thorn, I respect you, but stay the hell out of my business.” Lucien’s words were teasing, but his meaning wasn’t.