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Toxic (Alien Breed 2.5 - English Edition) by Melody Adams (5)

Chapter 5

West-Colony, Eden 

 March 15, 2033 / 9:38 p.m. local time


I came to with my head throbbing. I was lying on a couch and a light, similar to the one I had seen in the laboratory, was burning above me. Clearly I was no longer with the Kuta-Kisch. What had happened? Had I been taken back to the doctors in the laboratory? Where was Alina? I sat up and immediately several people jumped towards me from all sides. They looked like me. Alien Breed.

"Calm down!" one of them said. "You're safe!"

"Alina! Where's Alina?"

"What is he talking about?" asked another Alien Breed.

"His girl", replied another. "He believes that she is his mate."

"Where is she?" I shouted, beside myself and jumped off the couch.

"Hey, hey! Easy, boy! I'm sure she's fine. Calm down!"

I went for the throat of the first Alien Breed I could reach. I felt a frantic rage inside of me. And a feeling of panic! I had to find out where Alina was. I had to know that she was well. I had to see her, touch her!

"Bring. Me. To her!" 

"She's not here", the Alien Breed explained gasping.

"Then tell me. Where. she. IS!"

"On Earth", replied another Alien Breed. "She's safe!"

"I don't believe you!" I growled angrily. "I'll kill you all if I can't see my mate immediately!"

"To me he doesn't act as if the union isn't real," said a third Alien Breed.

"It’s the drugs!" another replied. "As long as the side effects haven't subsided, we can't say for sure."

I glanced at the door. I knew I had to get out of here. I rammed my knee into the Alien Breed I had in a chokehold, and he crouched down. I jumped back and ran towards the door. Two more Alien Breed got in my way.

"Call the Doc, Happy!" one of them shouted. "We have to take him out!"

I shoved one of the Alien Breed aside and attempted to storm past the other, but they came at me from all sides and threw themselves on top of me. I fought with everything I had. My blood was raging. I would kill everyone if I had to. I heard bones splintering and blood splashing. Like a wild animal I hit and kicked. Curses and cries of pain were heard. Then suddenly there was a man in a white coat. That had to be the doctor. The Alien Breed were obviously working with these pigs! I wanted to kill this miserable man, but I was surrounded by Alien Breeds. 

"Here!" the doctor shouted and handed a syringe to one of the Alien Breeds.

Before I could stop it, the needle was in my arm. I roared. More with anger than with pain. I felt myself getting dizzy. My legs didn't want to support me anymore, but I kept hitting. I collapsed and someone caught me.

"Be careful with him", I heard a voice from far away. "Put him down carefully. Damn it! That didn't go as planned!

"He'll figure it out, Truth."

"I don't like this."

"He wants the girl!" 

"He doesn't know what he wants. He's under the influence of the drug."

"Maybe he does love her? Maybe ..." ...

Odessa, Texas, USA

March 21, 2033 / 7:15 a.m. local time


Another morning. Another day without Toxic. The pain that was eating at my heart was unbearable. I had hardly gotten up from my bed since I had returned. I was barely eating and not talking to anyone. Mum had come over, but I hadn't spoken to her either. Two friends had visited me yesterday and tried to get me involved in a conversation for a long time. I had just lay there in silence, until they gave up and finally left me alone again.

The door opened and someone entered. I didn't even bother to turn my head to see who it was.

"Alina!" I heard my father's voice. He came closer and sat down with me on the bed. "Alina, I have had enough of this nonsense now! I know that you think you love this boy, but you are still young and you will meet other nice young men. Toxic is on the road to recovery and he is doing well. However, as sorry as I am, I must tell you that he has started seeing other women. Alien Breed women. They are like him. They suit him much better. Sooner or later he will choose one of them and be happy. You must allow him to be happy, my child. You will get over him. What happened between you was nothing more than puppy love! And it was influenced by the medication from his side."

Tears ran down my face. I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. It was impossible for Toxic to forget me so quickly if I had thought of him every waking minute!

"I'm sorry! I will leave you alone now, but tomorrow you will return to your mother and go on with your life. If you do not cooperate, I will have to send you to an institution. Your behavior is not healthy, Alina!"

I closed my eyes, wishing I could just die. I heard Dad sigh softly, then he got up and disappeared from the room.

West-Colony, Eden 

April 19, 2033 / 11:22 a.m. local time


"You're with her again", Lilac said sighing and I raised my head to look at my friend. 

Lilac had helped me get settled here and she was my closest confidante. She had listened patiently as I talked about Alina over and over again. She had comforted me and encouraged me. Just like Truth. 

"Sorry Lilac", I said with a crooked smile. "I can't forget her. The effect of the medication should be wearing off, shouldn't it? I still feel the same as I did the very first day. I miss her. I feel this pain and it’s driving me crazy. If it weren't for you and Truth, I would still be knocked out in the hospital. I have such a rage inside me! I want Alina! I need her!"

"I know! Truth and I will do everything we can to get her back. I promise you!" 

"I'm very grateful to you for being there for me all this time."

Lilac put her hand on my forearm and smiled warmly.

"You remind me of someone", she said quietly. "I ... I had a friend when I was very young. He had your eyes"

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know. I saw him regularly every few days when we were together with the woman with the red hair. One day they took me to another lab and I never saw him again."

I stared at her speechless. Then I remembered. When I was very young, there had been a girl, a few years older than me. I had seen her from time to time with the woman with the red hair, until I was told that she had died. How did I forget about her? Until this point I had somehow lost that memory.

"I remember you", I said quietly.

"Then it really is you?"

She beamed.

"That's amazing! I've often wondered what happened to the boy from back then."

"They told me you were dead!"

There was a knock at the door and I got up from the couch to see who was visiting me.

"Truth!" I greeted him. "Come on in. Lilac and I just found out that we used to know each other when we were kids."

"That's something! But wonderful!" Truth said and entered.

"Hi Lilac!" 

"Truth. Toxic is my old childhood friend! Isn't that great?"

"Yes, that's terrific", Truth replied and sat down. "I have good news, too."

I sat down and stared expectantly at my friend. My heart was beating anxiously.

"I have confirmation from the doc that any side effects should have subsided by now. How are you feeling, Toxic?" 

"I miss her!" I said anguished. "I miss her every minute. At night I dream about her. It's like someone is stabbing my heart with spikes. I feel angry and if it weren't for you and Lilac, I would have killed somebody a long time ago!"

"I made you a promise back then and I intend to keep it. I already have permission from Freedom and the President. Pack your things! We're flying to Earth!"

Odessa, Texas, USA

April 20, 2033 / 10:18 a.m. local time

I was wearing a baseball cap on my head, just like Truth and Freedom. It was to keep our unusual head shape from attracting attention. I took a look through the crowd of students who were on the property. I had never seen a college before and was impressed by its size. There were so many buildings and the whole complex seemed like a small town to me. 

"Can you see her anywhere?" Freedom asked.

"No!" I said disappointed. 

"She has to be around here somewhere. Come on! Let's take a walk!" said Truth.

We walked across campus and I kept looking for my girl the whole time. How was I supposed to find her? There had to be a thousand or more students. Never before had I seen so many people in one place. Then my eyes fell on a girl with long blond curls. She stood with her back to me and was talking to two other girls. My heart beat faster. That had to be her. Slowly I approached her. I heard her voice and my heart began racing now. It was her! Alina!


"Don't turn around, but three really hot guys are approaching us", Vicky said with a look over my shoulder.

"Wow!" Ellen exclaimed as she looked in the direction where Vicky was staring with big eyes. "They're stunning! And they are coming straight towards us!

"They are coming to see us", Vicky whispered. "Oh. My. God!"


My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his deep voice. It couldn't be! He could not be here! I turned around abruptly and was staring into a set of green-yellow cat eyes. Time seemed to stand still. 

"Toxic!" I whispered. I shook my head in disbelief. "Toxic!"


With two long steps he was at my side and pulled me into his arms. His warm lips suffocated my delighted outcry. I kissed him with a mixture of joy, disbelief and despair. Tears ran down my cheeks and I clung to him for fear he might disappear again. As he slowly released from me and looked me in the eyes, I finally began to believe that this was real. He was here. He had come to find me because he loved me. Everything we felt for each other had been real.

"You are back!"

He smiled. 

"Yes! I've come to get you, Alina. Have you forgotten?" His look was now determined and possessive. "You. You are. MINE!"