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Treacherous: Twisted Youth #1 by Chloe Walsh (4)


"You'll pay," I called out as Teagan stalked away.

I wasn’t serious about the money. I wouldn’t take a dime. I'd earn back the cash to pay for my car, but I figured I may as well act like a prick towards her since she'd obviously branded me one.

"One way or another."

"I hate her," Ellie seethed. "I'm mean it, Noah. I can't stand that bitch – are you even listening to me?"

No, I wasn’t listening to her.

I was too busy watching Teagan Connolly as she strutted her sexy little ass inside her house.

God, three months of having her live next door to me and I still felt like slamming my head into the garden wall – now worse than ever since she'd challenged me again.

I couldn’t decide if the girl next-door was extremely reckless or just incredibly stupid. I was veering on the former because it was pretty obvious Teagan had a steady head on her shoulders – and a sharp tongue in her mouth.

In the three months she'd been living here I hadn’t seen her at any of the hangouts I spent my time at – which showed she was sharper than most girls our age.

She didn’t leave the house much, had never thrown a party next door, but I often spotted her reading under the old oak tree in her back yard.

Everything about the girl screamed mouse, but she had this fiery temper that I somehow managed to provoke by just being nearby.

A lot of Teagan's anger towards me was because of the shitty way Ellie treated her daily, and a small part of me didn’t blame her for being a snarky little bitch, but another part of me hated the fact that she was so goddamn judgmental.

Like last weekend for example.

I accidently busted her windshield and Teagan had automatically switched on defense mode – even though I'd never intentionally done anything to hurt her before.

I was jumped by some sore-loser dick from the ring who'd followed me home with a crowd of his buddies and it was either fight or be fucked over. I'd defended myself and in the heat of the moment hadn’t noticed we'd moved our fight into the neighbor's yard.

When I eventually got the upper hand and knocked the guy out, Teagan had shocked the hell out of me by stalking out of her house in nothing but a t-shirt and thong and with a can of paint in her hands.

The defiance in her eyes as she stared me down before bending over the hood of my baby and emptying the can of paint was something that struck a chord inside of me. I'd never been so angry or turned on in my life.

Pure rage had flooded my veins, driven on even further when Teagan taunted me with her potty mouth and yeah, I'd kind of lost it with her.

Problem was I had an even uglier temper, and Friday night Teagan Connolly had ignited it like no one had before.

When she slapped me and pressed her tight little body against mine, taunting me with that sharp tongue of hers, I'd never been so close to putting my hands on a woman in my life. Except instead of hurting her, I wanted to toss her sexy little ass on the hood of my car and take her right there, not caring who saw us. The urge to be inside her was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life, but before I had a chance to put my mouth on hers, my friend's dad grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me away from her…

Teagan had fucked me over bigtime and it bothered me that I wasn’t angry with her. I mean, because of her little tantrum with the paint I was thirty-five hundred in debt to George's mechanic who was holding my car until he received full payment. The worst thing was depending on other people to take me where I needed to be. I hated being in debt to anyone. I had enough of other people's debts to last me a lifetime…

Dammit, thinking about the consequences I knew I would suffer because of her hissy fit should have been enough to make me hate her guts. I wanted to, but there was just something about Teagan Connolly that made hating her impossible.

Maybe it was the meaning inside that song…the one I heard her play the first time I saw her – or maybe it was because she challenged me…

"…going to the quarry later?"

Ellie's voice trickled through my mind and I reluctantly turned my attention to her. "What?" I asked in a flat tone.

Ellie's green eyes narrowed as she placed her hands on her hips and glared up at me. "I asked you if you were going to the quarry later."

Shaking my head, I turned back towards the house. "Like I have a choice," I muttered before walking away.
