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Unbound (Shifter Night Book 2) by Charlene Hartnady (4)


Hair and Nails

It was a bright pink sign. Certainly the right kind of business. Was it hers though?

He pushed the door open and entered. The chatter instantly died down and the only sound that could be heard was a hairdryer blowing. All eyes turned to him. A few mouths dropped open. The female holding the dryer finally shut it off. One of the females had silver foil in her hair. Another had half her hair up and half down. A third had vile-smelling cream all over her head. Two females were having their nails done.

Ash sniffed, trying to catch her scent but the chemicals caused his nose to burn. He sneezed, which seemed to snap them out of it.

“Hello,” a female holding a pair of scissors said as she approached him. She had a big head of curly hair. “We don’t normally cater to men. Her eyes went to his hair.” She smiled, her gaze moved back to his. “But for you, we’ll make an exception.”

“I’m looking for a female.”

Her eyes lit up.

Oh shit! Not what he meant. “A specific female. Who owns this place?” He looked around the room.

She clutched a hand to her chest. “Why, I do of course? How can I be of service? Do you need a cut? A blow?” She winked suggestively. One of the other females in the back giggled.

“No, sorry. I made a mistake. Thank you for your time.” Not hers then.

“But—” Ash didn’t wait to hear what she had to say. Her voice rose in both volume and pitch as he turned and walked out, heading straight for the SUV. Ash climbed in and programmed the next address into his phone. He sighed, starting up the vehicle. This was a wild goose chase. He scrubbed a hand over his face. This was the sixth salon he had been to today. He checked the time on the dash. Not much left. For just a second, he contemplated ditching the whole thing and heading for the forest meeting place now.

Fuck it!

He was a male on a mission. A certain curvy female was his mission. There was nothing, barring running out of time altogether, that would keep him from finding her. There were eight salons in the small town of Sweetwater that operated from a premises rather than someone's home. The female had specifically stated that she was staying home and not going to work, so he had hoped that meant she operated out of an actual business address. He'd already been to six similar places.

Ash backed up and pulled into the road. He followed the directions, pulling up to a building on a busy side street. He choked out a laugh. This was the place. He could feel it in his bones. It had to be. He couldn’t help the grin that was still plastered in place as he took in the sign close up. It was black and white.


Hair & Nails

Ash shook his head as he walked towards the front door. He pushed it open, instantly recognizing one of the females even though her back was to him. The place was busy, every chair was taken, everyone hard at work. A couple of females gaped at him while the others hadn't noticed his presence yet.

Ash walked over to the female whose eyes flashed with shock as she caught sight of him in the mirror. “Oh my …” She covered her mouth with her hand for a second, there was a hair-brush in her other hand. “You’re here.” She shook her head like she was dreaming and a good head shake would somehow make him disappear.

“I’m looking for your friend.” There was no time for small-talk.

The female smiled. “Alice? You’re looking for Alice?”

Ash nodded once. It was good to finally know her name. “Please, can you tell me where I can find her?”

The female frowned. “Um,” she shook her head, “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea that you know where she lives. She decided …” The female looked around the room. By now everyone had stopped what they were doing. All eyes were on them. She sucked in a breath. “Maybe we should take this outside.”

Ash gestured to the front door. “Sure.”

The female walked ahead of him. She held onto the door, closing it behind them as he stepped outside. “Alice decided against going home with you. She’s home right now,” she raised her eyes in thought, “at least, I think she is. Thing is, I don’t think she would be comfortable with me giving out her personal information.”

“Alice would be unhappy if you didn’t.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “Yeah.” She shrugged. “She might be. You might be a crazy stalker type and then she’d be pissed off though.”

What was it with human females and stalkers? Were human males that desperate? “Do I look like a crazy stalker type to you?” He hooked his thumbs into his jean pockets.

She gave him the once-over. He wore a plain t-shirt and faded jeans. She swallowed thickly as her eyes locked back with his. “I guess not.”

“Please tell me where she lives.” Begging. Fuck! He had resorted to begging. Over this female. Really? “Look, never mind.” He shook his head. “I need to get back soon anyhow. I—” He stepped back as he spoke, preparing to turn.

“Wait.” She narrowed her eyes and then huffed out a breath. “You promise you’re not a stalker?”

He frowned and narrowed his eyes.

“Okay, okay.” She put up her hands. “You’re not a stalker. Just promise me you’ll be sweet and kind to her though. Alice has been through a lot.”

For a second there he wanted to ask what she had been through. Several other questions popped into his mind as well, but he pushed them all down. “Sweet?” He smiled. “Kind?” His smile widened. “I can make no such promises.”

* * *

Alice put down the phone to Giovanni’s. The best pizza place in town. Not only that, they delivered as well. Her mouth watered at the thought of a slice.

She pushed play and the next episode of Game of Thrones started. There were one or two guys who reminded her of Ash. So big and built.

Not going there.

She had made her decision and that was that. Did she regret not taking him up on his offer? Yes.

Was she going to dwell on it? No.

Okay, maybe just for a few days. Okay, fine! She’d dwell on it for a few weeks, but it was no biggie. It was her own fault for turning him down. She deserved to feel disappointment and regret.

Alice tried to concentrate on the program as she made herself comfy on the sofa, spreading herself out. This was the life. Hanging out in a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt. Pizza on the way. Hours of Netflix at her fingertips, she clutched the remote a little tighter. How could this get any better?

It couldn’t.

Not possible.

The doorbell rang. No way! That was quick. She glanced at the clock. Five minutes since she had called Giovanni’s. No way! As in, that couldn’t be the pizza. Fifteen minutes was possible. Twenty to twenty-five more likely. Anything less wasn’t happening.

The last thing she felt like doing was dealing with something, or speaking to someone. This was her one day off. There wouldn’t be another for a long, long time.

They knocked again, this time with more urgency. It might be something important. She couldn’t just ignore whomever it was. They might be able to hear the television. They’d know she was home.

With a soft sigh, she hauled herself off of the sofa and crept down the hall to the door. Then she leaned in, her eye to the peephole.

Holy shit.

She may have made a squeaking noise. It was entirely possible she had. He was here. Him. The shifter. It was Ash. Shit! She took two steps back. He knocked again. She crept back up to the door, hardly breathing and looked through the peephole again.

Ash frowned. He put a hand on the door and leaned in as well, his nostrils flared. “Are you going to let me in?” He didn’t shout. It was like he knew she was there.

She sucked in a breath and pulled back.

“I know you’re there. Right on the other side of this door.” His voice was muffled by the wood.




That’s what she looked like. Shit. Old stretched sweats and a faded t-shirt. She’d thrown her hair into a haphazard ponytail. She wasn’t wearing make-up. Thank god she’d showered. It had been a toss-up that morning though. She’d almost skipped the shower part of her day since she wasn’t planning on going anywhere.

She looked back through the peephole, he’d taken a step back. It seemed like he might leave at any second. Alice scrambled to turn the lock and opened the door. “I knew it!” She shook her head. “You’re a crazy-stalker-maniac.” She pointed at him. Feeling like an idiot even as she said it. This guy was no stalker. Anyone who fit into a pair of jeans like that did not need to stalk women. All he needed to do was crook a finger and that would be all, done.

He gave her that half-smile. The same one from last night. The one that had her squeezing her legs together. Oh hell, her lady bits took note all over again. “Hello, Alice.” He knew her name. She loved the way it rolled from his lips. Loved!

“What are you doing here?” She raised her brows. Stay cool! Keep calm! He’s an arrogant player and not for you.

“Are you going to let me in?”

She folded her arms. “I don’t think I should.”

“Come on. You and I both know I’m not a crazy-stalker-maniac or you wouldn’t have opened the door in the first place.”

She huffed out a breath. “I know you’re not a stalker, well, not really even if you are acting a little like one. That’s not the reason why I shouldn’t let you in though.” Having him in her space would turn things on their head.

Oh lord! The way Ash gave her the once over had her heart beating faster. Despite the ratty clothing, he seemed to like what he saw. “You don’t want to let me in because you’re afraid of what will happen if you do.” His voice was impossibly deep. Every dirty thing he had said the night before came flooding back. Her breathing hitched. Her nipples tightened. His dark eyes seemed to darken up a whole lot more, making the lighter golden color pop. His jaw tightened. The light grey shirt he was wearing pulled tight as he leaned against the jamb. “You’re aroused.” He didn’t wait for her to confirm or to deny it. He’d stated a fact. “You were aroused last night as well. Why did you turn me down?” He frowned, looking confused. “What puzzled me, even more, is that I could scent you were disappointed when you left. Why? I don’t get it.”

In a way, it was refreshing how black and white this was for him. “I don’t know,” she finally answered. “How did you know how to find me?”

“I went to every salon in Sweetwater. Almost every salon.”

“That desperate huh?” She smiled, even though she groaned inside. That meant that Meredith and the rest of her staff would know that he was there. They’d know if she took him up on his offer.

His eyes narrowed for a second or two. “Desperate?” He seemed to think about it for a second or two. “No.” He pushed out a heavy breath. “Okay, maybe a little. It’s new for me. One thing I can say is that I know what I want. When I want something, I go after it and what I want is you. Bottom line. Ultimately, desperation has nothing to do with it.” He pulled in a breath, chest expanding, shirt stretching. “Question is, are you game? Look, I’m not going to beg. I can scent your need. I’m hoping you admit to wanting me back so that we can use the limited time we have … put it to good use. Otherwise, I’m walking away and this time, I’m not coming back.”

“In the bath?” She raised her brows. “The shower?” Her nipples tightened up even more as his throat worked, Adam’s apple bobbing. “Do you plan on bending me over my desk?” His eyes flared with lust as she used his own words on him. “Or …”

Ash grinned, the smile didn’t last though. “There’s no time for all that. I wish. Would love to, but that was yesterday when we had all night. Right now, it would be hard and fast.” She could see his chest expanding and contracting in quick succession. “Up against this door.” He ran a hand over the wood. She watched his fingers trace the grain, could imagine how they would feel on her. “But I can promise it would be good … real good. I left the bar straight after you,” he paused, “I left alone. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, Alice.”

She smiled. “Classic stalker behavior.” Something in her eased at his words. It made her feel special, which was stupid since he was here for sex. Quick sex at that. It would be good though.

He laughed. “What do you say? Your only real reason for leaving was that I didn’t know your name. I know it now and I swear I’ll use it.” He brushed a wayward strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. The gesture was intimate somehow.

Alice was breathing fast but still struggled to take in air all the same. The small space between them seemed charged.

“Let me in. This needs to happen. You know it and I know it.”

She really should send him away ‒ nothing had changed since last night ‒ but she was powerless to do so. A woman only had so much willpower. Hers was gone. She’d used it all up leaving last night. Alice would have to face the music tomorrow. Meredith wouldn’t believe her if she told her she’d sent Ash away a second time, so she may as well make the most of this. At least, that’s how she justified it to herself.

Excitement coursed through her. This was so very wrong on all levels, and yet it felt so very right. She huffed out a pent-up breath and stood to the side, inviting him in.

“Thank fuck,” he murmured, in that deep, beautiful voice of his as he walked past her. He stopped, as he entered her home. She couldn’t help but ogle his back. It was broad and muscled like the rest of him.

Alice sucked in a deep, fortifying breath and walked in as well, she closed the door with a click, almost afraid to turn around. She finally got the nerve and there he was. Right there. “You won’t regret this. I promise.”

“I know.” She swallowed hard as he gripped her chin in his big, very warm hand. His fingers were calloused. Ash breathed out as he leaned in. He covered her mouth with his in a surprisingly soft, even more surprisingly sweet kiss. He pulled back, his eyes moving from her mouth to her eyes and back again. Then he took back her lips and this time, he devoured her mouth, plundered the hell out of it.

She moaned as his hand closed over her breast. As his thumb rubbed her tight nipple through the cotton of her shirt.

He made a noise of satisfaction. Like he enjoyed the feel of her. Then he broke the kiss. “Not much time but I still want to see you … taste you.”

“O-okay.” Her breath was shuddery. Her mind mush, he hadn’t even touched her yet. Not like that.

The air lodged in her throat and her eyes bugged right out her skull as he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him.

Good lord but he was gorgeous. Traps, abs, pecs. He had them all and more. His chest was smooth. There was a smattering of hair leading from his navel to the clasp on his low riding jeans. “Your turn.” He gave her shirt a tug at the hem.

There was no place for embarrassment or shyness. This was the great thing about a one-time thing, you didn't have to worry about impressions. Hopefully, he would like what he saw. Hopefully, he would enjoy himself as much as she did, but if not … oh well. No pressure. No stress. No fuss.

It didn’t matter that she was a bit overweight. It didn’t matter that she had a few stretch marks and that her thighs were dimpled. Cellulite was real and those creams did not work. It mattered even less that her boobs were a tad on the droopy side despite not even being thirty yet. Gravity was a bitch. She was a woman, dammit. A real woman and proud of the fact. He could get lost if he didn’t like what he saw. She gripped the edge of her shirt and tugged it over her head in much the same way he had done. Ash made a soft growling noise in the back of his throat. His eyes were narrow and focused on her breasts.

“Wow.” He breathed out through his nose. “The bra too.” He lifted his gaze and locked it with hers. The amount of lust in his eyes was startling. He really did like what he saw. It was that or he was desperate, which they’d already established was not the case.

You’ve got this, Alice. He could’ve had any woman and yet here he is. Own it. She reached back and unclipped her bra, shrugging it from her shoulders, jumping at the deep growl. His eyes were narrowed, his jaw tight. Every muscle on his chest stood to attention. Especially the ones on either side of his neck. Ash looked angry. “Such plump, pink nipples,” he murmured as he leaned down and suckled on one. She felt the pull right between her legs and moaned.

“Receptive,” he mumbled. Ash clasped her sex through the thick fabric of her sweats.

She moaned again, louder this time. Her blood seemed to thicken in her veins. Her breath came in pants and he’d only just touched her. His finger seemed to zone in on her clit. “Oh. Oh.” He used a pushing action. Intermittent pressure on her sensitive nub.

“Off.” He tugged on the waistband of the pants.

“Yes,” she moaned, pulling them down her hips. There was no modesty left in her, only need. A raging need, an all-consuming need.

Holy shit!

Ash dropped to his knees in front of her. She gripped his shoulders, lifting each leg so that he could take her pants off. Then he picked up her foot, hooking her leg over one of his shoulders. His eyes were glued to her … well, there. She felt his breath against her sex. It both tickled and ignited an even greater need inside her. If that was even possible. He sniffed at her … there. And then made a groaning noise before licking her. His tongue was big and hot and … she groaned as well. Big time groaned. Threw herself into the noise. One hand was flat on the door and the other clutched at his hair.

His tongue zoned in on her clit and laved over it a good couple of times. Good lord! She was rocking her hips but couldn’t stop. The hand on his head gripped tighter at his hair. He sucked her. Opened his mouth and sucked. Not too hard, not too soft. She moaned again, this time the sound coming from somewhere deep inside her. It was deep and raw and it hurt her throat. She didn’t care because … Damn.

Then he pushed a finger inside her and her mouth fell open. She cried out when he crooked that finger, pushing it in and out.

“Tight,” he mumbled it, his lips against her clit.

By now she was panting noisily, making moaning noises each time his finger slid back into her. There was a coiling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her skin felt tight. Her eyes wide. Her

Ash stopped. She tried to hold him there, between her legs but it didn’t work. He rose up, his hands pulling at the clasps on his jeans as he licked his lips. Make that, licked her off of his lips. There was something really sexy in that. “I’m going to fuck you now, Alice.” His cock sprang free. It was long and thick and … she could hardly breathe just looking at it.

Ash tore the foil pack between his teeth and sheathed himself in one stroke of the hand, his jeans halfway down his thighs. All of it was sexy. So darned incredibly sexy. She was shaking with need. That thick heavy feeling still there in the pit of her stomach. Her clit throbbed as he gripped her thighs, his eyes on hers. He lifted her easily. “Put your legs around my waist.” She hooked her ankles at his back, his cock flush up against her. It looked even bigger somehow. “That’s it.” He flashed a grin. It was feral. “I can’t wait to make you come.” He held her up off the floor like it was nothing. Easy peezy. Her back was up against the door, just as he had promised.

Holy mackerel. This was really happening.

“Can’t wait to come inside that snug pussy.” His gaze there, at the junction of her thighs. Her throat closed hearing him talk like that. She liked it though. She never thought she would, but lord help her she did.

Alice licked her lips. Thank god she was really good at keeping things neat down there, even though she didn’t have a sex life to speak of and hadn’t for a good long time. There was a neat little landing strip, otherwise, she was bare.

“So pretty,” he whispered.

She groaned as the pad of his thumb found her clit. The tip of his cock was suddenly at her opening. Nudging its way in. “You’re big,” she managed to choke out. Alice widened her eyes as he slid in further, his thumb continued to slip and slide over her clit. “Really huge.”

“Yeah, and you’re tight.” He was frowning, a sheen of sweat on his brow. “Really fucking tight.” He pulled out and then pushed back in. Easy, easy, inch by inch until he was finally flush against her. His thumb pressed against her clit but he wasn’t moving anymore. It felt maddeningly good. So stretched. So full. He was breathing deeply. His huge chest expanding and contracting against her, brushing up against her breasts. Her nipples were so tight that they hurt.

He kissed her neck, nipped at her ear and she groaned.

“You feel good,” he spoke against her lobe. “Fucking good,” a low growl. “I knew you would.”

“You do too.” She was appalled at how strangled her words were. Breathy and strangled and high-pitched.

“Hold on.” It was all the warning he gave as the hand on her clit moved away to hold onto her thigh and hoist her further up him. Alice gripped his shoulders. His face became a mask of what could easily be misconstrued as fury as he pulled out of her. When all of those thick inches jackknifed back in, it had her mouth falling open and her back bowing.

There was no other way to describe it but rough and primal. Ash held her tight as he plowed into her from below. His knees were slightly bent, his jaw clenched tightly. Horrifying yet beautiful. There was a dull thud as her ass hit the door with each hard thrust. Her breasts jerked between them. None of it mattered because she was about to come. It was right there. Her orgasm. Pulling, kneading, coiling, growing. Her cries were insistent. Alice was as loud as he was silent. He was relentless and strong and

Then she was coming apart. The orgasm that tore through her wrung a long, deep wail from her. It had her clenching her eyes tight. It had her bucking against him. It felt like a tornado of pleasure ripping right through her. Like it might just rip her apart if she wasn’t careful. It consumed all of her, not just one part or area, all of her. Every nerve, every cell, every single one and all at once.

Ash yelled her name, his head was buried in the crook of her neck. He grunted, once, really softly as he jerked against her hard. His thrusts were just as insistent but not as controlled for a few beats. Then he slowed up. Moving less and less until he finally stopped altogether.

Alice slumped against him, she felt boneless. They were both breathing heavily. She was shaking a little, or was it him? Maybe both of them.

There was a knock at the door.

If she’d had the strength, Alice would’ve started at the sudden noise right behind her. She’d felt the vibration of the knock through the wood. Whoever it was pounded on the door again.

“It’s your pizza delivery!” a guy shouted. After a few moments, he added, “You ordered a large pepperoni.” His booming voice punctured through the door.

Alice buried her head in his chest to keep from laughing. Ash’s … member was still hard, still deep inside of her. She pulled back and he was grinning too. “You like pepperoni?” he whispered.

Alice nodded. “Very much so.”

“Large pepperoni.” He grinned some more, bobbing his brow. They laughed silently for a few seconds before Ash turned serious. “I’m going to put you down now.”

“Okay.” He did as he said.

“I need to leave.” He looked at the watch on his wrist and cursed. “I really need to go.” He handed her her clothes. “You go and get dressed, I'll take care of your delivery.”

“Wait, let me get my purse.”

The guy knocked again.

“Don’t worry about your purse. I’ve got it.” Ash turned towards the door. “I’m coming!” he yelled. They both looked at one another and burst out laughing all over again. Ash pulled his shirt back over his head. “Go already.” He gestured down the hall, but before she could turn to leave, he grabbed her hand. “You should come to The Dark Horse next month.”

“What? Why?” Oh shit! Did he want to see her again? Surely not. What else could it be though? Act cool, Alice. This is no biggie. It’s still just sex.

“This was just a taste.” His voice had turned deep and husky.

“Okay.” She nodded.

“Good.” He pushed out a breath. “And Alice …” He raised his brows.


“Don’t make me come after you again.”

Her heart beat faster at the thought. What was wrong with her? “Maybe I like it when you come after me.”

Something flared in his eyes. Something primal. The pizza guy bashed on the door again. Much harder this time. “I don’t got all day!” he shouted.

“I’ll see you in a month?” He pulled her towards him, smashing his lips to hers. “One way or the fucking other,” he growled as he released her.

“Stalker,” she whispered.

“You’d better believe it.” He winked at her.

Alice turned and walked away, feeling his eyes on her the whole time.




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