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Uncover (Love Stories Book 2) by Casey Ashwood (8)



The week following the reunion was busy for Nick. Maybe he overloaded his schedule, but it kept him nice and distracted.

Ever since meeting George again, the cutie had been on his mind, no matter how much he tried to push him out. The night they’d shared, although he didn't want to admit it, had left an impact on Nick. While Nick didn't really have the time or drive to bed people often, when he did, it was almost mechanical. It was purely something to do because he had an annoying urge.

But with George... Images of George’s gorgeous face twisted with pleasure and echoes of his cries of bliss were still vivid in Nick’s mind.

Nick groaned as he pushed his laptop away and gazed around his cramped office. It was the second bedroom in his apartment, but he was pretty sure it was never meant to be any more than an office space. It was likely just big enough for a double bed and a dresser.

He stretched lazily, and was about to get out of his chair and go for a walk to clear his mind when his phone vibrated on the desk. He might not have answered it except that when he picked it up, Jett's name flashed across the screen.

Jett Rose was Nick’s good friend as well as a client. Nick had done all of Jett’s book covers for years, and helped the author out with everything else he needed, too. With each book that came out, a new media kit was made. They were in between projects at the moment, but it was likely enough that Jett was calling to get a new one started.

“Hey,” Nick greeted as he put the phone to his ear.

“Hey!” Jett greeted in kind. “What's up? Hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.”

Nick fidgeted against his chair. “Nah, I was just working.”

“You're always working,” Jett snorted.

“Eh,” Nick sounded, shrugging despite Jett being unable to see it. He worked a lot and everyone knew it, so there was no sense in denying it.

“Anyway, I was wondering if you could design some new business cards for me before next week's convention?”

The following weekend marked an annual convention, Between the Lines, marketed toward writers and readers. It was filled with workshops, book signings, panels, and a cocktail party. It was a great place to meet up with fans and peers alike to network. It was a general convention, so writers of all genres were welcome.

“Yeah, sure, I can do that,” Nick agreed easily enough. “Is Ryan going with you, too?”

“Yes, he is! He's pretty excited, considering it's his first one. We're going to blast the convention on social media again and see if we can get more fans to show up. I'd love for him to get some attention...”

Talking with Jett now, someone might never believe that Jett had been a notorious playboy just this past winter. Nick was glad that Jett’s new relationship with his partner, Ryan, was working out well, especially since Nick had encouraged their relationship from the beginning.

Even if Jett had turned into a sappy, lovesick fool. At least he was happier now.

“I'm sure he'll get plenty of attention,” Nick said.

“Yeah, I'm not going to worry about it too much,” Jett agreed. “How was the anniversary thing last weekend?”

“Oh, that went well enough,” Nick responded easily. “My parents were thrilled. I had to endure all of the usual questions, though. Why aren't I with someone yet being the main one.”

“Ah, yeah. I don't miss that,” Jett chuckled.

Now Nick had a choice to make: should he tell Jett about the high school reunion or not? It was just that he didn't have too many close friends that he trusted with what was going on in his life. Mostly, he chose to present the professional side of his life to the world.

What the hell. Talking to someone was probably a good idea. “I ended up going to a high school reunion going on at the same time Saturday night.”

“Oh, man. That must've been fun. How come I didn't hear anything about it before now?”

“I wasn't going to go, but I got tired of all the interrogation by relatives and friends at the anniversary party,” Nick admitted. “I ended up meeting an old friend—an old best friend, actually.”

“Aw, that sounds nice,” Jett cooed.

“We fucked.”

“Oh.” Jett's simple response made Nick laugh. “Was it a bad fuck?”

“No,” Nick said. He wished there was more room in the office for him to spin around in his chair without hitting his feet off things. “It was actually great. The guy's name is George. He was a nerd in high school but we clicked. I fell out of touch with him after we graduated, though.”


“Just life,” Nick said dismissively. Even as he said it, he shifted unpleasantly. “Okay, that's not entirely true... I think a part of it had to do with the fact that I had a crush on him. I wasn't out then and it kind of scared me.”

“Ouch. Poor George!”

“You're supposed to be on my side!” Nick protested.

“I am, but that was a pretty dick move.”

Nick was hit with a wave of guilt as he shifted his phone to his other ear. “Yeah, I know... I don't think I made it any better either. Afterwards, he asked what would happen next and I kind of shot him down.”

“Nick, why?” Jett groaned with exasperation.

“I'm still trying to figure that one out myself, okay?” Nick hotly exclaimed. Was it a mistake talking to Jett about this? “I panicked.”

“Is it because of Clifton?”

Nick stopped and stared straight ahead at the wall. “It could be...” he admitted after a pause.

It was stupid for Nick to be letting his past with Clifton stop him from moving forward. He couldn't help it, though—he'd really thought that Clifton was the one. There had even been conversations about kids.

But only months after the wedding, things had gone downhill fast.

“I know that was a rough time in your life for you, but you have to move on,” Jett murmured.

He hadn't even been friends with Jett when he was married. Still, Jett knew about what had happened. He surely saw how it affected Nick, too. He probably had a better idea of how badly off Nick was more than Nick himself.

“I don't have time for a relationship,” Nick countered.

“I think Ryan thought that in the beginning, too,” Jett pointed out. “No matter what, there's never truly a perfect time for a relationship. You just have to wing it.”

“Pfft, you date a guy for a few months and suddenly you're an expert,” Nick grunted.

“I am a romance novelist.”

“Oh, save it,” Nick grunted.

“I just don't want you to be alone,” Jett said, which tugged at Nick's heartstrings. “Also, like you told me once: you're not going to have your good looks forever.”

A hearty laugh bubbled up from deep down inside. It was true that Nick had said those very words to Jett when Jett had fretted about his new relationship. “Okay, I get the picture... I'll think about it. I better go now and get started on your cards. I'll bring them with me to the convention.”

“Excellent. I'll see you then,” Jett said before hanging up.

After Jett hung up, Nick pressed the phone against his lips in thought.

Could he be ready to love again?