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Undeniable (Damaged Elite Book 1) by K. Renee (14)

All it took was one look to knock me on my ass.

Keeping her at a distance was the only way I could manage to keep my hands off her. One night threw that shit out the window. Now I don’t want to let her out of my sight. I don’t care about the other women. I don’t care what her brother might do. I just want to be with her. 

When she grins at me, I know this is part of her plan. She wants me to get so fucking jealous that I claim her. Well, I have to say, well played, my dear. As soon as this bullshit dinner is over, I'm taking her back to my place where I'm going to take my time ravishing her beautiful body.

As we walk out of her building, my hand takes up residence right above her ass. Her skin is so warm. The dress, tight as hell, barely covers her. I already know Ridge is going to flip his shit when he sees her, so I need to keep them apart. I won't be able to hold my tongue if he says one damn thing about her. One wrong word and he will have to deal with me.

The drive to the restaurant is one of the longest of my life. My hand rests on her thigh, my fingers exploring her skin. Coming to a stoplight, I slip my fingers under her dress and glance over at her.

Seeing a cocky grin on her face, I raise an eyebrow. Just as I'm about to ask what she thinks she’s so damn sly about, I figure it out. My fingertips brush against her warm, wet flesh. Groaning, I reach over and grab the back of her head, pulling her mouth to mine. "I'm going to have a hard-on all through dinner," I whisper against her lips. "Such a bad, bad girl." A honk sounds behind us, but I ignore it. I slide my fingers inside of her and kiss her once more before taking off.

I take the longest possible route to get to the restaurant, continuing to move my fingers in and out of her wet cunt. She shifts slightly closer to me, giving me a better angle. I pump my fingers until she's damn near panting my name.

Sweat beads on her hairline, her moans filling the inside of the car. Just before I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I take my fingers from her and put them into my mouth, sucking her off me. Having her taste on my tongue through this whole damn dinner is going to be the only thing that gets me through it without throwing her on the table in front of everyone.

"Jagger…,” she huffs out when I put the car in park. I turn off the engine and look over at her. Her eyes are hooded, but fiery as she stares at me.

Leaning over the center console, I whisper into her ear. “I want you to be in the same state of arousal as me all…night…long.” I lick her earlobe and watch as she shudders. She wants to play games? I’ll show her who is king. 

I climb out of the car and walk around to her side. As soon as I open the door, she steps out, giving me a clear view up her fucking dress. I can't help but groan. Fuck me.

She smirks and takes my hand. "Game on, little girl," I whisper. As she straightens her dress, I hear her brother behind me.

"Bresin." His voice is tight. When I turn to face him, I see anger written all over his face. He doesn't like what she's wearing. If I'm being honest, neither do I, but I won't tell her she's a whore for wearing a dress that’s plastered to her like a second skin.

"Ridge," I say, putting my hand on her lower back. He reaches his hand out to fist bump me, which I do without thinking twice. Ridge Prescott has been one of my best friends since we were in the second grade. I practically lived at their house because I hated my parents. Plus, their parents let us get away with anything.

"Jagger. Thanks for getting my sister to come to dinner with me. I got her from here." 

I grit my teeth. She steps back into me, and I feel how tense her body is. 

“I told you the only way I’d come was if he came, too,” she says, uncertainty showing on her face. 

"I'm not leaving," I state, not giving a flying fuck if it pisses him off.

I feel Bresin relax a little. I stare at Ridge until he finally gives in. “Fine,” he mutters as he turns to walk toward the front door of the restaurant. 

As soon as he walks in, I grab her hand and press my lips to it. "Everything will be okay. I promise." 

She takes a few deep breaths. When we walk through the door, I see Ridge flirting with the damn hostess. She bats her eyelashes at him before reaching out to run her hand down his arm. I roll my eyes at the display before leading Bresin toward her brother. 

"You get us a table yet?" I ask, coming to a stop a foot away from them.

"Yeah. Heather here said she has a table for us right now, and one for the boys later tonight." 

Bresin stiffens. I put my hand on her lower back. We both know exactly what he is insinuating, but I’m not biting. I don’t want to be part of that shit anymore. Not when I have Bresin to go home to. 

As Ridge turns his attention back to the redhead, I lean toward her ear. "I'm not joining." She turns her head to look at me, a look of relief washing over her features.

The hostess finally grabs some menus and leads us toward a table in the back. It's somewhat private, which I’m glad for. I have a feeling this dinner is about to get really awkward, really fast.

"Thanks, babe." Ridge grins up at her after we are all seated and handed a menu. I can't help but shake my head at this shit. He wants to talk to his sister, yet he's already making plans for tonight. I don't understand him sometimes. Maybe he has already figured out that his sister and I are fucking and that is why he’s putting on this little show. 

"So…," he says, eyes still glued to the damn hostess. I clear my throat. His attention snaps up to me and he narrows his eyes.

“Why did you want to have dinner, Ridge?” Bresin asks bluntly. As much as I love her feisty side, it might not be a good idea to piss him off right now. 

He sniffs a few times, then scrunches his nose a few more times. I now know everything I need to know. He’s back to using. I just hope he doesn’t make a scene. Airing our shit in public has never really been my style. If possible, I like to keep things behind closed doors. 

"Because I wanted to know what the fuck has been up your ass lately,” he growls at her. He slams his hand down on the table, causing all the silverware and dishes to clank together. All eyes in the restaurant are on us. I have a feeling I'll have to step in way before our order’s even taken. We may not even make it to drinks.

"Fuck you, Ridge. You want me to pretend like what you said never happened?" she asks. I put my hand on her thigh, feeling her body shaking. I don’t know if it’s from anger or fear.

“I only told you the truth. Just like tonight. You want to know what I think?” He smirks. A waiter walks up and starts filling our waters. “You look like a fucking whore. You think I don’t see what you’re doing? I know you want him.” He points at me as the waiter rushes away. “You’ve always fucking wanted him. But the only way you can get him is by dressing like the sluts we take turns plowing into. You’re no better than those cunts, and– ” 

"I wouldn't finish that sentence," I growl. My fingers dig into my palms as I try not to launch myself over the table at him. He's got that smug grin still plastered on his face as he looks between us. A soft hand presses into my thigh as I take a deep breath. 

“Why? Could it be because you’re already fucking my little sister?” His eyes narrow at her. I know he’s about to say something that will only piss me off more. “You don’t even know him, Bresin. He has you so fucking blind to the real man he is. He’s a fucking coward.” 

“At least I’m not an addict.” 

"You just think you're so fucking perfect, Jagger. Oh, my daddy doesn't love me, wah, wah, wah. Go fucking cry to someone who cares. You're not fucking good enough for her. I'll do everything in my power to ruin you for even touching her." 

His grin widens. I know he's about to spill my secret, but I’m surprised with what actually comes out of his mouth. It ends up being something I don’t expect. 

"We can always just run a round of ‘fuck the slut’ on her, just like so many girls before her." 

I stand from my chair so fucking fast, it clatters to the floor behind me. I reach across the table and grab onto the collar of his crisp white button-up shirt. My fist slams into his face so hard, I hear a crunch before I hit him again. Bresin's scream from behind me is the only thing that registers as I hit him again. My knuckles crack, a sharp pain radiating through my fist. It doesn't stop me from hitting him one last time. 

"Don't ever disrespect your sister like that again," I grit out, pushing him back into his chair. People stand around watching in disbelief as I grab Bresin's hand and lead her out of the restaurant.

As soon as we get to my car, I slam my hands down on the roof. “Fuck!” I yell. My body vibrates with rage as I keep running over what he said. 

"Jagger," Bresin murmurs, placing her hand on my lower back. "Look at me." 

I don't move. I'm not in a good enough state of mind to look at her right now. I know I’ll say something I’ll regret, and I refuse to treat her like he did.

She ducks under my arm and rests her hands on my stomach. “Jagger, you are not a coward.” Her voice gets stronger with every word. “You are a better man than he will ever be.” 

I close my eyes because I can’t look at her. She doesn’t know what Ridge was talking about when he called me a coward, but I do. 

I know exactly what he meant, and he's right. I am a coward.