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Urijah (The Stone Society Book 10) by Faith Gibson (29)


Uri disconnected the call, sliding the phone back into his pocket. “Tamian, good to see you, but I have to say, I’m a little surprised.” He held the door open so the half-blood could come inside.

“I’ve come to check on the human who’s been hanging around.”

“You mean the spy?” Freyda piped up. Tamian looked around, noticing all the Gargoyles assembled.

“Tamian, let me introduce you to everyone,” Urijah said before going around the room. When he got to Banyan, he said, “You don’t need introducing.”

Tamian raised an eyebrow at Banyan, then asked, “I take it you two sorted everything?”

“That we did,” Banyan said smiling.

Urijah stepped closer to his mate and asked, “Back to the human. Why are you here exactly?”

“I happened to be at the lab when you sent the photos of the female. There was something off about her, and I volunteered to investigate.”

“What do you mean by off?” Tabor asked.

“For one thing, she has multiple aliases.”

“I told ya she was a spy,” Freyda cried out. Gautum pulled her close and put an arm around her shoulder. He rolled his eyes at her outburst, but his grin told how he really felt.

“And what else?” Halina asked.

Tamian said, “Pardon me?”

“You said for one thing. What else was off about her?”

“She… Uh… It’s just that…”

“Holy shit, she’s your mate, isn’t she?” Urijah asked.

Tamian flinched as if he’d been struck. “No. Well, I can’t explain what it is exactly. But I seriously doubt she would be my mate.”

“Why not?” Banyan asked.

“I don’t think I have one,” he muttered.

“We all have mates, even you half-bloods,” Urijah said. When the others looked at him like he was crazy, Urijah briefly explained how Tamian came to be part of their Clan. “So, while his father is King of Italy, Tamian is family and part of the American Clan the same way Banyan and I are both Norse and American Goyles. Think of it as dual citizenship.”

“So have you seen her?” Urijah asked.

“Yes. I got a glimpse of her as I was coming out of the hotel, and she was going into the café across the street. I followed her afterwards to a house not far from here.”

“And?” Tabor asked.

“And, I’m waiting until I discern her patterns so I can investigate her home.”

“You mean break in,” Gautum said.

“Semantics,” Tamian said, shrugging.

“If she lives nearby, why don’t you stay with us? We have plenty of room, and it would be more conducive to your investigation,” Halina offered.

“I couldn’t put you out that way.”

“It wouldn’t be putting us out, Tamian. In about twenty minutes, everyone you see here is going their separate ways, and it’ll just be me and Tabor. Like I said, plenty of room.”

“You might as well agree. She’s not going to give up until you do. You can have my room. I won’t be needing it,” Uri urged.

Tamian locked eyes with Halina. When she crossed her arms, he grinned and said, “Okay, then. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get Brynna and UrBan on their way.”

“UrBan?” Banyan asked.

Urijah laughed and wrapped his arms around his mother. “I’ll explain later,” he told his mate.

Within twenty minutes, Urijah’s brothers and their mates had said goodbye. Uri, Banyan, and Brynna were getting ready to head to the airport. Hugs were given all around, and when Urijah reached out to shake hands with Tamian, he said, “About that mate bond; take my advice. Don’t fight it.”

By the time the jet touched down in New Atlanta, Urijah was ready to drag Banyan to his house and not come up for air for days. After being in the air a few hours and chatting with Brynna, getting to know the female, neither Uri nor Banyan could keep from disappearing into the back of the plane and attacking one another. Brynna had shown them her earbuds and told them to go do what they had to do. It should have been odd having sex a few feet away from her, but once the two of them were naked, thoughts of Banyan’s sister flew out of Uri’s brain. Instead of hiding away for the rest of the flight, they got their fix and returned to the cabin where they sat next to each other on the leather sofa. Touching wasn’t merely pleasant. It was necessary.

New Atlanta was lit up with middle-of-the-night lights, calling to Urijah like a beacon. Brynna insisted on staying in a hotel, but Urijah assured her she was welcome at his house. Urijah had called ahead, and Malakai had left Uri’s SUV at the airport so they wouldn’t have to rent a car or take a taxi. When they pulled in his driveway, Brynna whistled. “Wow, Uri. I like the seclusion.” His house, like most of the others of the Clan, was hidden down a long driveway and surrounded by trees.

“It’s not a bad place; it just never really felt like home. I spent most of my time at the armory or the gym.”

When they got out of the SUV, Brynna turned in a circle, taking in their surroundings. The moon was bright enough to illuminate the house and yard. Once inside, the female was oohing and ahhing, but Urijah didn’t see the appeal. It was just a house, and not a very large one at that. He’d always expected to live alone, thinking he and his mate would never find their way together. “You’re planning on selling, right?” Brynna asked when she came back downstairs from looking around.

“Yes. B and I are going to build our own home.”

“I’ll take it,” she said like it was a done deal.


“I said I’ll take it. I love it, Uri. Of course it needs a female’s touch, but I figure since you and my brother are going to make a home in New Atlanta part of the time, then so should I. We have many years to catch up on, and it will be easier to have my Harley here instead of shipping it to Norway. If we want to ride back home, I’ll just buy a new bike over there.”

“It’s yours,” he said. Banyan was being quiet, watching the two of them interact.

“Tell me how much you want for it, and I’ll have Banyan draw up the sales contract.”

“I just told you, it’s yours. I’ll sign the deed over to you, but I would appreciate you not kicking us out until we find some land and can get our home built.”

“You’re not giving me a house.”

“Yes, I am. We’re family. Your money’s no good to me.”

The two of them argued for several minutes until Banyan said, “As your brother, I’m asking you to take the house. Don’t make me pull the King card.”

“You wouldn’t,” she seethed.

“I would. Like Uri said, we’re family. If you insist on paying for it, I’ll put the money back in your account later.”

“Okay. Thank you. Both of you. I think I’m going to like having you for a brother, Uri.” Brynna walked over and pulled him into a hug. It was the first time he’d ever embraced a woman who wasn’t his mother, and he liked it. He was going to like having a sister.

Since it was the middle of the night, the three of them grabbed something to drink and sat around the table discussing how to turn their parents’ house into a bed and breakfast. After listening to Brynna’s ideas, Urijah realized the female had a sharp mind as well as tongue. He couldn’t wait to see her and Tessa together. The two of them could take over the world if they put their minds to it.

Urijah excused himself, and while Banyan and Brynna were preoccupied, Urijah slipped into his room and found the letter he had left for Sixx as well as Mishka’s wedding band. He had been worried how he would react holding the metal once again, but he shouldn’t have. The bond he shared with Banyan was stronger than any regret Uri had where the human was concerned. He tossed the letter in the garbage and slid the ring in his pocket. When the time was right, Urijah would dispose of it properly. Uri returned to the deck where he sat next to the only one he was meant to be with.

After Banyan had made breakfast and they’d eaten their fill, the three of them set out for a day of taking care of business. The first thing on the list was going by the gym. Urijah wanted to personally thank Slade and Malakai for picking up the slack as well as making sure the families were safe while the others were off in Greece. Uri was surprised to see Frey’s jeep in the parking lot. As soon as they opened the door, a shrill voice yelled, “Uncle Uri, Uncle Uri, Uncle Uri!” right before the whirlwind known as Amelia flung herself at him. He caught her easily and tossed her in the air. When she landed safely in his arms giggling, she said, “Do it again!”

Uri obliged, as he did every time the little girl came to visit her daddy’s work. “Wait, Uncle Uri,” Amelia said after about the tenth time. “Who’s the pretty lady?” she asked, looking at Brynna.

“This is Brynna, Banyan’s sister.”

“Who’s Banyan?”

Urijah laughed and pointed at his mate. “That handsome male right there.”

“He is handsome. Just like you and daddy. And Kai, and Slade, and Jasper, and gosh. All you guys are handsome.” She kicked her legs, and Uri placed her on her feet so she could walk over to where Brynna was grinning. Amelia crooked her finger, and Brynna knelt down so she was on the girl’s eye level. “Are you one of them?” she whispered.

Brynna looked at Uri, frowning. He nodded, letting her know it was okay to speak freely with the human child. “Yes, I am.”

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” she yelled, running toward the office. Amelia knew all about the Gargoyles as well as the need to keep their secret from those who weren’t like them. As young as she was, Uri was surprised she’d never slipped.

“I want one,” Banyan whispered, watching her retreating form.

“You want a rambunctious seven-year-old?” Urijah asked.

“Yes. I do,” he admitted, and Uri’s heart fluttered. He smiled at his mate and was ready to take him to one of the back sparring rooms for a little privacy when Frey rounded the corner.

“Don’t even think about it,” he warned, pointing a finger at Urijah.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to. I remember what it was like to be newly mated.” Frey’s tone was light and the glimmer in his eye told Urijah that Frey had probably taken Abbi to the back rooms more than once.

Malakai was manning the counter, silently taking everything in. The few regulars who came in for their early workouts were also used to Amelia as well as all the large, handsome males who frequented the place.

After introducing Brynna to everyone, Urijah said, “I wanted to come by and thank Kai and Slade for letting me have the additional time off. Where is Slade?”

Frey sighed. “He took Matthew to school so he could clean out his locker. With Alistair no longer a threat, the male still won’t let Matthew out of his sight for very long. As soon as Matt’s done, they both will be here.”

“How do you feel about that?” Banyan asked.

“I couldn’t find a better male for my son. He’s honorable, hard-working, funny, and as hard as it is, he is keeping the beast in check until Matthew is of age.”

“When’s his birthday?”

“In about six months. Now, how about you two? Looks like you’re getting along much better now than you were a few weeks ago.”

“You could say that. I got my head out of my ass.”

“Daddy, Uri said ass,” Amelia said as she rounded the corner.

Everyone laughed, including Frey. “Does this mean you’ll be moving to Norway? By the way, congratulations Banyan. Or should we call you King Banyan?”

“Nope, just Banyan is fine,” Banyan responded before explaining his and Uri’s plans to split their time between their two Clans.

“And now, we are headed to see Rafael. We need his architectural experience.”

Frey grinned. “I have no doubt Priscilla will be instructed to put out a spread to celebrate. You all might as well plan on adding a trip to the manor to your list of things to do today.”

After a few more minutes, they were headed downtown to Rafael’s office. Brynna, who was sitting in the backseat, said, “So, Banyan, you really want a little girl?”

Banyan’s mood changed slightly. The two of them had already mentioned briefly about offspring, but they hadn’t discussed it in great detail. Urijah reached for his hand, offering his support for whatever Banyan’s response was.

“Yes, I do. Or a boy. Or both. There are so many kids out there who need homes. The foster system is slammed with more kids than parents. Not only that, not all foster families are good ones. Josette, the woman who taught me to make biscuits, worked in the system. She was in charge of placing kids in homes, and I heard plenty of horror stories. I wanted to take them all home with me where I knew they’d be safe.”

“So why didn’t you?” Brynna asked.

“Things in my life were unsettled. I hoped to one day be in a good place where I wasn’t moving from city to city without my mate.”

“I’m sorry,” Urijah said. He knew he had a lot to make up for, and this was just one more of those things.

“Don’t be. You and I are together now, and we can make a difference in more ways than one. I donate money to several homes for kids who have either been kicked out of their homes or abused for being different. I want to finance more of those homes in the larger cities where the numbers are higher. I want to form a non-profit specifically for researching where those types of homes are needed most.”

Urijah was both surprised as well as impressed. He knew Banyan had a good heart, but this went beyond caring. His King was a philanthropist. What had Uri ever done to make a difference besides keep the Stone Society supplied with weapons?

“You, my King, are an amazing male. I don’t deserve you.” Banyan kissed Urijah’s knuckles in response, and Uri continued. “We haven’t discussed this in detail, but I want you to know I’m on board with kids. I definitely want our own offspring, so we would need to find a surrogate, but I’m good with adopting as well. We have nothing but time and love to give them.”

Urijah rolled up to the security gate in the parking garage at Stone, Inc. and spoke into the box. When the gate opened, he pulled into a spot in the underground area reserved for the Clan. Urijah got out and opened Brynna’s door for her. When she slid out, she grabbed her stomach with one hand and the side of the SUV with the other. “Are you okay?” Banyan asked as he rounded the vehicle.

“Yeah, just a little woozy. I think it’s all that baby talk,” she joked, waving her hand in front of her. “I’m fine,” she said after a few seconds. When Banyan offered his arm to her, Brynna took it.

Urijah led them to the top floor of the Walnut Street Towers where Rafael’s office was located. The higher the elevator rose, the more agitated Brynna got. When they pushed through the doors into the lobby of Stone, Inc., Urijah was glad Banyan was holding onto her. He directed his sister to a plush chair while Willow came around her desk. “Uri, is everything okay?”

“I’m not sure. Willow, this is Banyan Holgersen and his sister Brynna. We hoped to speak with Rafael.”

“Uri, Banyan, welcome home.” Rafael rounded the corner from the direction of his office. Fisting his heart, he bowed his head and said, “Brynna, on my honor.”

“It’s my honor as well,” she whispered, grabbing her stomach.

Travis was with Rafael. As soon as the human stepped forward, Brynna practically hissed. “I would like to introduce you to Travis McKenzie. He is a junior architect with the firm. Travis, this is Banyan Holgersen and his sister, Brynna. Banyan has recently been crowned King of the Norse Clan.”

Travis held out his hand for Banyan. “It’s a pleasure.” He turned toward Brynna, but the female had her head between her legs.

Rafael looked at Uri and Banyan, and they both shrugged. “Willow, will you please take Brynna into the apartment and get her some water? Brynna, you are welcome to lie down if you need to.”

Banyan helped his sister to her feet. When she passed by Travis, she asked, “Why do you smell so good?” The human’s eyes widened, and Uri was certain he squeaked. He would have laughed at Travis’s reaction if he didn’t find the situation both serious and suspicious.

When Willow had Brynna safely down the hallway and the door sounded as it closed behind them, the three males turned to Travis who was still looking in the direction Brynna had gone. Rafael stated what Urijah was thinking, “I take it your sister doesn’t have a mate?”

Banyan shook his head then snapped his attention to Travis. Urijah clapped his mate on the shoulder, grinning. Rafael let out a laugh, and Travis looked between them all, confused. “Welcome to the family,” Urijah muttered only loud enough for Banyan and Rafael to hear.



Brynna didn’t feel as light-headed as she had sitting in the lobby, but she still thought she might be sick at her stomach. The pretty human woman helped her sit down on a brown leather sofa before disappearing into the kitchen. When she returned, she handed Bryn a bottle of water. “Thanks,” she said before drinking half of it down. Wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, she added, “Sorry, I don’t know what overcame me.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she said before taking another sip.

“Do you have a mate?”

“A mate? No. What does that have to do with anything?”

“I’ve seen this before, and I’ve heard the others talk about it. Brynna, I think you just found yours.”

“That’s impossible. Rafael’s the King. He has a mate.”

“I’m not talking about Rafael; I’m talking about Travis.”

“Isn’t he a human?” she asked. When Willow bristled, she quickly added, “Not that there’s anything wrong with humans. I rather like them, but my mate?”

“Would that be so bad? He’s smart, handsome, funny, and he has a really pretty Lab named Molly.”

Brynna narrowed her eyes at the woman, jealousy leeching its way past her confusion. “You like him?” she accused.

Willow held her hands up in front of her. “Heavens, no. I have my own mate to deal with. I’m just saying you could do worse.”

“You’re a mate?”

“Sort of. According to Rafael, the fates have decided Mason, one of their youngest Clansmen, needed me for his mate. Although he’s a full-grown Gargoyle, in human years, he’s just turned eighteen. That is the only thing holding him back from making the bond official. I’m trying my best to be patient, but I have to be honest, it drives me crazy to be so close to him and not be able to touch him. In my mind, he’s a man, not a boy.”

“Wow, that would suck. And you think this Travis is my mate merely because I want to throw up? You would think my initial reaction would be to toss him over my knee and give him a good spanking.”

Willow laughed, and Brynna realized what she said. “Shit. Forget I said that.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” Willow winked before getting serious again. “I’ve heard that almost every one of the Gargoyles as well as the half-bloods felt the same way when they first encountered their own mates. Mason won’t admit to feeling sick, though. He thinks it will hurt my feelings, and that right there warms my heart more than his lying makes me mad.”

“I’m not sure what to do with this,” Brynna muttered.

“You can either deny it, like the others did in the beginning, or you can spend some time with Travis and see if you want more than to give him a spanking. See if you want to give him your time and possibly a future. Being the human in my own equation, I know how Travis feels right now. He is attracted to you, and why wouldn’t he be? You’re one of the most beautiful women I personally have ever seen, and he probably thought the same thing. He feels the mate pull, but it doesn’t affect him quite as strongly as it does you. He thinks it’s because of your looks. His story isn’t mine to tell, but I will share this much; Travis recently lost someone very special to him. He is probably going to feel guilty for being attracted to you, so he might fight that attraction. Before you decide to pursue what is between you, please, for his sake, make sure it’s what you want. He’s been through enough for one lifetime.”

Brynna wanted to ask for details, but Willow already said it wasn’t her story to tell. She wanted to know what the man had been through. And who was this person he lost? “Thank you, Willow, for your honesty. I’m going to think about what you said. And I hope you and Mason get to the spankings sooner rather than later.”

“You and me both. Now, if you don’t need anything else, I’ll give you some time to yourself.” When Brynna nodded, Willow left the apartment. Brynna leaned back against the sofa and closed her eyes. “Could Travis be my mate?”

When her inner shifter pushed at her to be turned loose, she was pretty sure she had her answer.