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Whispers in the Dark (Dark Romance) by LeTeisha Newton (5)

Chapter Four


The embarrassment and shame lingered long after the bath. The whole humiliating experience played in my mind like a broken record from the moment that man forced himself on me.

After washing me, he proceeded to make sure every inch of me was shaved bare except for my long, blonde locks. I couldn’t fight with blades so near my skin, so I held on and endured. Drying me off, he inspected me head to toe, making sure I lived up to the perfection he was trying to create. With a coat of polish on my nails and a swipe of gloss to my lips, he declared me ready to begin.

Now, standing bare in front of his gaze, I fought the urge to cover up. Squirming under his lust-filled eyes, I looked down to avoid making eye contact with him.

“You were so good, Alana, so good. I can tell you are going to be a favorite of mine.” His words washed over me, making my stomach clench in disgust. “Now it’s time for you to learn the rules.”

Beginning to pace, the words came flowing from his mouth as if he had recited them a hundred times. From what Celia told me, this could have been true.

“Rule number one: you are mine. Every part of you is mine. When I tell you I want you, you will give yourself to me. Your body. That sweet nectar of yours. That delectable ass. All mine. Rule number two: you are never to disobey me. Disobeying me leads to consequences for you, and I don’t think you’ll like the punishments I dole out. Your first infraction, no matter what it may be, will call for twelve lashings. The more serious the infraction, the punishment is much more severe. If you make it to four infractions, you will not like what awaits you. Trust me on that, little girl. Rule number three: always address me as Master. I demand respect from you at all times. I am your Master, and you are nothing but a slave. Rule number four: when I walk into the room, you must drop to your knees, bow your head, and wait until you are spoken to. Lastly, rule number five: do not run. Do not think of running. Don’t try to run. If you do, you will live to regret it … or maybe you won’t live at all. Do you understand?”

Quivering in fear, I made a mental note to obey. The darkness in his eyes and the harshness of his voice scared me. I didn’t want to obey because he was my Master, I wanted to follow the rules because he had the power to end my life. I needed to play along until I could find a way to get free of his prison.

“Well … Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very well. You will be given meals twice a day. Breakfast and dinner. No complaints. You will eat what I feed you and be grateful for it. Every other day, you will be cleaned up. I expect you to follow all the rules and every directive I set out for you without you talking back. If I tell you to do something, you will do it.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.”

Leading me back to my cage, he tossed me in and locked it behind him. With one last look at me, he headed back up the stairs. The room was silent until Celia’s voice rang out.


“167? What’s that?”

“The number of times I have been raped since I’ve been here.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“To prepare you. You had your first bath. That means he will be coming back tonight to make you his.”

Trembling, I tried to block out what she was saying, but I knew she was telling the truth. After what happened earlier in the bathroom, I was already ashamed and scared for it to happen again. Now I had to think about the monster stealing yet another thing from me. The bastard had stolen me from my family and was now getting his rocks off treating me as if I were nothing, just something to bury himself inside. The fear and anger twisted inside me, and something come over me like never before. The pure rage inside my heart was telling me this man needed to pay. He needed to pay for his crimes against me, his crimes against Celia and those who came before and after. But how? How could I bring this monster to his knees and make him understand I wasn’t like his other girls? Until I could figure that out, I had to live with what the villain would do to me.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the monster’s special brand of torture by thinking of some of my happier moments. He may have been able to steal me from my family and take everything away from me, but he could never take my most cherished memories from me. He could stop me from thinking of my mom’s smile as she tended her garden, or Dad’s booming laughter every time I jumped on his back, or how my love for them swelled in my chest. Even Aaron with his ridiculous Cocoa Puff addiction made me smile. I knew I needed to live for them, to survive this no matter the cost. Surrounding myself in a veil of happier times, I prepared myself to be led into the darkness. He may get my body, he may think I belong to him … But these? These were all mine.

Jumping at the sound of the door clanging, Master appeared carrying our trays. Getting down on my knees, with my head bowed as he’d told me to, I willed myself to be strong.

“Good girl, Alana. See, you’re getting it.”

He handed me my dinner tray with a smirk. Steam rose from the spaghetti and meatballs and I swallowed my sudden hunger. Shocked, I had expected nothing more than toast or oatmeal.

“Don’t look so surprised. I need to keep you healthy in order to do whatever I want to you.”

Of course, you stupid girl. It was all about how it would benefit him.

“Hurry up and eat. I have plans for you. Oh, and unless you want more of what you had earlier, right here in front of your little friend so she can see what sort of whore you are, I suggest you eat it this time.”

As the door closed behind him once more, I ate what little of the meal I could. I wouldn’t let Celia see me like that. She wouldn’t meet my eyes. She knew what I’d endured. My stomach was weak and trembling with fear, confusion, and anger, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep much down. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to be punished. Taking one last bite, I sat my tray to the side and tried to relax my breathing. Despite my earlier resolve, I was scared of what he had planned. Ryan was supposed to be the one taking my virginity. We’d planned it all out. The homecoming dance, the hotel room—it was going to be perfect. And now I was waiting for the monster to lead me to my rape.

“I know you don’t want to hear it, Alana, but I am sorry.”

“I know, Celia. Thank you for warning me.”

“Don’t fight him, or else it will be worse.”

“I can’t not fight him.”

As I finished saying that, the man appeared once more, coming down the stairs. This time, all he wore was a pair of black jeans and a sadistic grin stretched across his face. He should have been a monster with a hideous face and covered in scars. Instead, he was rugged, with washboard abs and hair sprinkled over his chest and in a line over his abdomen. His body was worked into hard, angular lines, and if I’d seen him somewhere else, my friends and I would have drooled over his hotness.

Now, I was afraid that evil could be so beautiful.

By looking at him, I knew I was in trouble.

“Come now, little girl. It’s time.”

I approached him slowly, taking one last breath and letting it out. As soon as I stepped out of the cage, the man walked behind me with something in his hand. I didn’t have to wait long to find out what it was when a collar, something a dog would wear, was wrapped around my throat and attached to a leash.

“Start walking, sweetheart.”

Holding the leash in his hand, he led me to another room. I was met with a king-sized bed taking up the middle of the room and an array of instruments spread on a stand. On the right side of the room, a set of shackles was attached. On the left side were whips hung on a rack.

My body shook as Master led me to the right side. Unhooking the leash, he set it aside, only to turn me around so my back faced the wall. Shackling my wrists, he stood before me and looked down into my face.

“I need to see that you’re ready for this, ready for me. Be a good girl, Alana, and it won’t hurt a bit.”

Still staring down at my eyes, he forced my thighs open and invaded my entrance with a blunt finger.

“Oh yes, you’re a tight little one, aren’t you? Maybe I was wrong about you being a slut. I’m going to have fun with you, girl.”

Adding a second finger, he began thrusting harder as the tears welled in my eyes. I clenched my legs, attempting to lock him out. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t stay docile. He forced his fingers deeper, twisting his wrists and scraping his nails against my insides.

“There is always a consequence. Now open up.”

My thighs quivered as I did as he demanded.

“Do you like that? Answer me.” He punctuated his question with another scrape of his nails.

“Y-Yes, Master.”

I cringed as he pulled his fingers out of me and brought them to my mouth.

“Open up, little girl. Open that sweet mouth of yours and suck.”

Afraid to tell him no, I did as he asked, shame filling every crevice of my soul as I tasted my own juices from his hand.

“So hot and wet. Good girl.”

My muscles locked as he carried a candle closer to me. Smokeless fire wavered in the space between us, tilting oh so slowly, as wax slid over the edges. White-hot pain seared over my nerve endings. Fire, like that hateful flame, spread through my chest, chasing the dripping wax down over my quivering stomach. I couldn’t catch my breath, couldn’t think. Fear clouded my mind as it dripped further, twisting and burning across my flesh. I was fighting to hold back a scream. The tender lips of my sex swelled with blood, pounded with my heartbeat, pushing the pain higher as it rushed over me.

“Look at you. Look how vulnerable you are to me.”

Putting the candle back in its place, it wasn’t long before he touched me again. Grabbing my breasts, he pulled at my nipples, leaving me torn between pleasure and pain. How sick was I? Leaning over, he grabbed something. Curious but scared, I couldn’t look away as he began to place clamps on my nipples. The initial rush of pain seared me, leaving me to cry out. Only after attaching both clamps did the monster unshackle my wrists and lead me over to the bed. Pushing me down, he unbuckled his pants as I closed my eyes as tightly as I could.

“Oh no, no. None of that, little girl. Open those eyes and watch. I want you to see my cock splitting you in two.”

When I wouldn’t comply with his wishes, he grabbed my hair, pulling hard and tight until my eyes flew open. Wincing in pain, tears filled my eyes and I cried out as an open palm flew toward my face. My head rocked to the left as the slap resonated. Cheek stinging, I rested my cool palm against it, trying to provide some relief from the white-hot pain. Every part of my body ached.

“What did I tell you about disobeying? What did I fucking tell you?”

“I-I’m sorry, Master,” I managed to get out.

“Sorry isn’t good enough.”

Gripping my hips, he turned me around so my back was to him.

“On your knees. Ass up in the air.”

Doing as he asked, scared my punishment would be worse if I didn’t, I heard him pull his belt from the loops on his jeans and a second later, the leather seared my skin as the sound echoed through the room. Stifling a gasp, I bit down on my lip as he continued to whip me.

“Count them. Fucking count them, bitch.”

“One … Two… Th-Three … Four … F-Fi-Five.” The pain overcame me and I lost place with my count. All of a sudden, the whips came harder and more rapidly until I was a sobbing mess. My ass burned, my eyes were swelling up from the tears, and the humiliation was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Survive, Alana. Focus on surviving.

After a few more minutes of being subjected to the monster’s belt, he stopped and lifted me into the air.

“Look at those tears. Those beautiful eyes full of tears were what first caught my eyes. I had been scoping, waiting for weeks. I wanted the perfect girl. And then I saw you. Walking to school. You were beautiful. You didn’t have a care in the world. I knew right then and there I had to have you. I had to break you. Make you weep for me.”

He licked the tracks of my tears and made a path down my cheek. Throwing me on the bed, he forcefully spread my legs underneath his gaze. Stepping out of his pants, he stood there palming his manhood and looking like evil incarnate. I was in Hell and this man was the Devil. As soulless black eyes stared me down, his enjoyment of seeing me cry played over his features. My pain was his pleasure. My cries were the source of his completion.

Climbing on top of me, he pulled my legs to him. Without any hesitation, he thrust hard and deep inside of me, leaving me to wail at the intrusion. Thrusting harder, faster, the pain washed over my entire body. Every inch of me screamed in terror and agony. The sight of him between my legs, his hot breath panting in my ear, brought bile to my throat. Instead of throwing up, I swallowed, frightened beyond belief his punishment would be worse than what he was doing to me right now.

My virginity was gone, blood seeping down my thighs. Taken, stolen, by a sadistic asshole. As he slid in and out, I tried to escape the pain and draw up some of my happiest moments, but nothing, absolutely nothing came to mind. Over and over again, his hardness stabbed into me. There was no pleasure, only pain. I couldn’t get wet and, without lubricant, he tore at me. The pain radiated through my body with mind-blowing pain, a hot poker slicing through my insides and scrambling them.

All I could think of was how one day this man, this monster, would destroy me. One day he would kill me. He would break me apart piece by piece, and when nothing remained but a few morsels of my soul, he would take me and kill me—without hesitation.

This thought propelled me into action, and I began beating my fists on his back and biting his shoulder.

Fight, fight, fight, my mind whispered to me. And so I did. I clawed at him, hit him with my tiny ineffectual fists. I knew I couldn’t hurt him, not the way he could hurt me, but I had to try. I had to fight. I couldn’t willingly give myself over to a monster and let him use me.

Celia’s words rang in my head: Don’t fight him, or else it will be worse.

It was too late.

With a mighty roar, he emptied himself into me. I cringed at his cum seeping out of me and down my thighs as he pulled out. Looking up at him, I knew Celia was right. I’d made a big mistake, and from the evil invading every pore of his body, I knew I was going to pay. Chills raced down my spine, and I cringed. There wasn’t enough space, nowhere I could go, but I clawed at the mattress underneath me.

His fists flew, and I tried to turn my head away from the well-aimed strikes to my face, but they repeatedly landed. Hit after hit, the bones of my face groaned, and I feared he’d crush me. His rage soaked into my bones, leaving me terrified. My right eye tingled and then went numb, swelling shut after taking three consecutive punches. When I thought he was finished, he grabbed me by my hair and threw me off the bed.

Covered in cum, I was curled on my side, trying to hide from the kicks he was now aiming at my abdomen. A crack in my ribs shuddered through me when he kicked me repeatedly. I cried out in agony. My tears were coming faster. Unable to stop them, I let them fall, the monster’s face lit up. The glee he exhibited at the sight of my tears sickened me. And then he was taking himself in his hand once more, jerking hard up and down. His gaze moved along my body, his release covering my thighs, bruises littering my stomach. Remnants of hot wax were dried across my abdomen, and my face was bruised and covered in wetness from my tears. With one last jerk of his wrist, his filthy seed was shooting toward my face and mixing with my tears.

I fought, Momma. I didn’t just let him hurt me. Please, save me.

Looking down at his artwork, he examined me like a specimen instead of a human being he had defiled.

“Beautiful,” he said.

Putting his clothes back on, he left me curled up on the floor, dirtiness invading every inch of my mind and soul. Something inside me shattered and darkness moved into my heart.

Grabbing the leash and attaching my collar to it once more, he ordered me to stand. When I could not, he began pulling me, dragging my limp body across the floor. I tried to get up, not wanting to be weak, but my legs gave out underneath me. Refusing to be humiliated any further, I gathered my remaining strength and stood once more. Walking behind him to the bed, where he left me, I made a promise to myself and to all the other girls he had done this to.

I will kill this monster and take pride in seeing his blood on my hands.