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Wicked Beginnings (Wicked Bay Book 1) by L A Cotton (26)


Either way, it sucked.

“Robert, Lo, sorry we're late.” Rebecca looked elegant in her wide-legged trousers and matching blouse, her long glossy hair twisted into a slick bun. She was the most polished person in the gym, even if it seemed excessive for a basketball game. But that was Rebecca. She probably slept in full make-up and silk pyjamas that were worth more than my entire wardrobe. 

I waved at Summer, motioning for her to squeeze in beside me. She slipped past Rebecca and Kyle and dropped onto the plastic seat.

“Hey, I wanted to sit there,” Kyle protested, but Rebecca hushed him, nudging my cousin into the seat next to his sister. 

“Robert, may I?” She looked at the spare seat beside Dad and he half stood letting her past. 

No one mentioned Gentry's absence. Whatever was between him and Maverick apparently extended to his opening game. 

“Are you excited?” Summer asked me and for a second, I panicked. But then I realised she meant about watching my first basketball game. She didn't know I was more excited about seeing the team's captain. 

A month had passed since that night when Maverick turned up at the pool house. Just thinking about it set my body on fire. But as the weeks went on, so had Maverick's withdrawal. Since the birthday kiss, he'd barely said two words to me. And every day that ticked by, I wondered if I’d ever meant anything to him in the first place. He'd discarded me so easily. Cast me aside as he’d done at the beach last summer. It hurt my head—and my heart—thinking about it.

An eruption of cheers snapped me out of my thoughts. The cheer squad were front and centre. Caitlin ate up the crowd's approval, shaking her hips harder and swishing her pom-poms higher. She looked possessed, but they were good. Really good.

Even Dad—the man oblivious to everything lately—noticed. “Macey and the girls look good out there,” he commented. 

“She's a great dancer. I just wish she'd take things more seriously.” Even in the deafening noise, I heard Rebecca sigh. “I don't know how to get through to her sometimes.”

“She's just a kid. Give her time. She'll figure it out.” Dad patted her knee, unaware I could hear their conversation as he angled himself more to my aunt.

“Maverick's just as bad, Robert. The older they get, the more they pull away. Things have been...” her voice trailed off when the teams entered the court and she sighed again. “He looks so at home out there.”

My eyes landed on Maverick. I'd never seen him in team colours before, but the red and white jersey stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. 

“Rick's looking good,” Kyle chortled leaning back to catch my attention behind Summer. I shot him a terse sideways glare. His head shook with laughter but it was drowned out by the crowd. 

As if he heard his stepbrother, Maverick's head lifted to where we were sitting. His gaze moved over Kyle and Summer until his eyes found mine. He hadn’t looked at me in so long, I felt it like a punch to the stomach, and I shuffled uncomfortably on the seat. But then he was gone, jogging to his team as they prepared for the game. 

I knew nothing about basketball. Back home, it was football in the winter months and cricket in the summer. But seeing Maverick, being here, I wanted to know everything. Because Rebecca was right, Maverick was at home out there.

At peace. 

He still had an air of hostility about him. As he pulled the team in, he reminded me of a General about to lead his army into war. But when the referee called the captains in for the coin toss and the first buzzer sounded, I saw a glimpse of a different Maverick.

A boy in love with a game. 

He glided around the court, commanding the ball, his movements precise and sure as if he was born to play. And when he pushed off the floor, cutting through the air in a move that seemed to defy gravity, grabbed the hoop and slammed the ball through the metal, I stopped breathing. I wanted to leap up out of my seat and cheer right along with everyone else.

But I didn't.

I couldn’t.

My eyes drank him in as his teammates tackled him and congratulated him. His head snapped over to our side of the room and part of me wanted to believe he was searching me out. That he felt whatever I was feeling. But his eyes never found mine.

Maverick's early slam dunk set the tone for the rest of the game. The Wicked Bay Wreckers dominated. Even someone as clueless as myself could see that. Blurs of red and white zipped up and down the court. Maverick scored another five points, securing their first win of the season.

“I've never seen anything like that,” Dad said to no one in particular as we filed out of the gym. 

“Rick's one of the best,” Kyle replied. “He'll get a full ride for sure.” His eyes lifted to Rebecca, and they shared a look. 

“It would a crime if he didn't,” Dad added. “He could go all the way.”

“You must be so proud, Momma P,” Kyle grinned, bouncing up and down on his feet, punching the air rapidly. “Rick's going to play for the NBA one day and I'm going pro. Just think what it'll do for your street cred.” 

He was joking, but there was an undertone to his words that made me wonder just how much Rebecca supported her sons’ dreams. She let out a frustrated groan. “Kyle, please do not call me that in public.”

“Boys will be boys,” Dad muttered under his breath with a slight shake of his head. “Elliot used to—” He stopped mid-sentence, catching my eye. I gulped and turned away. He never talked about Elliot.


Summer slipped her arm through mine and tugged me ahead of them. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

I shrugged. I didn't know what to feel anymore. Everything was so different now. I was eighteen. I had my whole life ahead of me, but I couldn’t think past tomorrow. Or the next day. Being here, in Wicked Bay, it still didn’t feel real.

Maybe it never would.

Kyle's head popped up between us and he wiggled in, slinging his arm around the two of us. “Are you partying with us?” He turned to Summer. “Not you, little sis, you go home with Mom.”

“Kyle,” she hissed, shucking him off. “You're so annoying.” 

He laughed, rustling her hair. “And you're cute, now go meet Mom and Uncle Rob at the car.” His hold on me tightened. 

“Bye, Lo.” Summer lifted her hand in a small wave. “I guess I’ll see you at school.”

“Bye.” I returned her wave and Kyle tapped his head to mine conspiratorially.

“Now we party.” 


“Whose house is this again?” I took in the brick house, lit up like a fairground with twinkle lights draped over the gated perimeter.

“Luke Taffia’s. He’s Rick’s—”

“Best friend,” I grumbled not realising I’d said it out loud. Kyle’s head whipped around and he arched his eyebrow, flashing me a knowing smirk.

Rolling my eyes, I stomped past him slipping between the crowd huddled on the huge porch.

“Stone, didn’t expect to see you here,” someone called out, and I heard the telltale slap of fist bumping fist. I paused but didn’t turn around, trying to remain incognito.

“Holloway doesn’t own me, Aaron.”

“Could have fooled me. It’s good to see you show up to support Rick. He’s around somewhere. Probably out back by the pool.”

Kyle came around and motioned for me to follow him further into the house. Like I intended on leaving his side. I’d been in Wicked Bay for almost three months, but kept my circle small. Kyle. Summer. Laurie and Autumn. Devon before he ruined things. Still, I recognised more faces this time and a few people gave me a wave or tipped their head in my direction.

“Is Laurie coming?” I said over Kyle’s shoulder. She hadn’t made the game but said she’d try to meet us here.

“She said she’ll try to escape her parents and drive over here. Don’t worry, Cous, I won’t throw you to the wolves.” He glanced back and winked.

I pushed him forward. “Don’t let me get too drunk.” Even though the urge to grab the nearest drink and knock it back in one, was strong.

Kyle stopped and slipped his arm around my shoulder. “Stop worrying. We’re here to kick back and have fun. Luke is good people. I think you’ll like him,” he teased, but I refused to take the bait. It was the elephant in the room—what Kyle thought he knew about me and Maverick, and what I did know. Neither of us were willing to come clean, and I preferred it that way.

It was a conversation I didn’t want to have. Ever. Besides, what was the point? Maverick had made it clear where we stood. If it came out, Kyle would never let me live it down.

The long hallway gave way to a kitchen similar to the one in Kyle’s house. Unlike the pristine bare counters at the Stone-Prince’s, here every surface was crammed with bottles, and bowls of tortilla chips. I helped myself to a handful on the way past, leaving Kyle to get drinks. He unscrewed a beer and handed it to me. “Stick to beer. For now.” He grinned.

“Kyle,” I warned. “Dad’s expecting me home in one piece. One sober piece.”

“Sober smober. Sometimes it’s good to let loose, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. No one will touch you here.”

“What do you—”

“Stone,” another voice boomed. “Get the hell out here and bring a bottle of Jack. We want to show Rick our gratitude.”

“Fuck off,” someone grumbled. Was that Maverick? My hands grew slick, a ball of nerves bouncing in my stomach.

Kyle’s shoulders heaved with laughter as he grabbed a bottle off the counter and made his way through the French doors. They opened onto a sprawling garden. A big kidney shaped pool was tucked away in the corner, already full of half-naked seniors. I lingered back, sipping my beer, taking in the scene before me.

“Stone, my man, bring it to daddy,” a lanky boy with a shaved head approached Kyle, taking the bottle from him. I recognised him from school. From the game. They fist bumped and talked some more. I risked looking over at the group.

Maverick sat on a rattan chair, surrounded by his teammates and a couple of girls as they talked animatedly. If he felt my presence, he didn’t let on, and my chest tightened. Luke noticed me and his lips tipped up in a discreet smile. I gave him a small nod in return and looked away. Focusing on anywhere but their group.

What was I doing? I didn’t belong here with these people. It was a party for the team—for Maverick. He didn’t want me here. I spun on my heels to get the hell out of there, but I wasn’t quick enough. Kyle bounded over to me, grabbing my arm. “Hey, where are you going?”

“This was a bad idea,” I rushed out, my eyes flickering to Maverick.

Kyle reared back and looked offended. “Huh? Did I miss something? You can’t hang out with your cousin at a party now?”

“It’s not you, Kyle, it’s...”

His eyes dared me to say it. To confess. But I swallowed down the words, steeling myself. “I don’t know anyone. I shouldn’t be here.”

“You’re here because I asked you come.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Okay, I didn’t ask, I dragged, but semantics. You’re family, Lo. I want you here.”

“Kyle.” My eyes widened, aware a couple of kids were watching our exchange.

But not Maverick.

He didn’t even glance in our direction.


“Seriously, these things are usually way more fun than the football team’s parties. Just don’t tell JB I said that, okay? I kind of like my head.” His eyes glazed over. “And my ass. And my dick. Definitely my dick.”

“Kyle,” I hissed this time, and he finally released me, his eyes softening a fraction.

“Come on, Lo, we don’t get to hang out much now you’re gone. It sucks. One hour. Give me one hour and if you still hate it, I’ll drive you home myself.”

My gaze dropped to the beer in his hand and his chest rumbled with laughter. “Okay, Mom, I’ll walk you home. Better?”

“Fine. One hour. But if I’m not having the time of my life by then, we’re out of here.” I couldn’t help the smile tugging at my lips. Kyle made it so difficult to argue with him.

He held up two fingers. “Scouts honor. Now let me introduce you to some people.”


Two hours later, I wasn’t quite having the time of my life, but I was having fun. My blood hummed with the effects of the steady stream of beer Kyle and Trey—the bald guy—kept supplying me with. Perched on the end of a long garden sofa next to Kyle, I couldn’t help but feel envious of how easily he slipped into the group. They were Maverick’s friends, his teammates, and yet, they gravitated to Kyle in equal measure. The two of them were like dark and light. They looked to Kyle to provide fun and entertainment, but they looked to Maverick for guidance and direction.

“So, Lo, how’re you liking it now you’re not having to put up with these two for housemates?” Trey asked me.

I shrugged unable to stop myself from meeting Maverick’s eyes. This time he watched me. I didn’t break our connection as I said, “I like my own space. No more boys thinking they can just barge in and make themselves comfortable at all hours and annoying the hell out of me.”

The noise and chaos went on around us, but Maverick’s friends grew quiet. Even the couple of drunken giggly girls curled up on the other end of the sofa stopped to hear our exchange. No doubt waiting for a reaction from either Kyle or Maverick. My comment was innocent enough, it meant nothing to anyone on the outside looking in. But there were three of us it meant more to. Kyle’s stare burned into the side of my head but it wasn’t him I cared about. I only had eyes for the eldest Prince. His gaze hardened—his walls slamming down. They’d been down ever since my birthday but this was different. He was warning me. I was annoyed with myself as much as I was with him, but it didn’t stop my body craving his touch. No matter how much I tried to forget—to remind myself it was just one night—my body didn’t get the memo. Maverick continually pushed me out, but it only drew me in more.

Trey broke the suffocating silence. “I wouldn’t want that fucker anywhere near my space.” He shot Kyle an amused look and my crazy cousin leaped up and launched in his direction. Trey yelled and the two of them started play fighting on the chair Maverick’s friend occupied.

“Cut it out.” His voice was so cold everyone’s heads snapped up. Kyle paused, plastered against Trey’s outstretched body, he craned his head to the side and said, “Come on, Rick, we’re just goofing around.”

“Whatever, I’m out of here.” Maverick drained the rest of his beer and slammed it down and stormed off. The table rattled. Luke called after him but didn’t seem as surprised as everyone else at his outburst. His gaze slid to mine, lips pressed into a flat line. He whispered something to Trey and Kyle and went after Maverick.

Okay, then.

I didn’t even want to try to analyse what that was all about. What was the point? I turned to Trey and Kyle as they untangled from one another, shook my empty bottle at Kyle, and announced, “I need more beer.”




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