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Wild Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) by Stella Sky (24)


King Karik Korinth


Jex and Azlo walked with me in the village. We stayed away from Main Street and walked down one of the back streets. But there were still humans about. They all stopped and stared at us.


“Smile, but not in an overbearing way,” I whispered to them. They obeyed. We smiled and nodded in greeting as we passed various groups of humans. There was a child playing with a ball. The ball slipped out of his hands and rolled directly in front of me. I picked it up and walked to him. I knelt down in front of him in order to be not obtrusive.




I laughed. “Yes, I am. But I am a friendly alien. Are you a friendly human?” I asked.




“My name is Carol,” a human female said walking up to the child but was talking to me.


“I am honored to meet you, Carol; is this your little one?” I asked. I was still on my knees looking up at her. I did not want her to feel terrified.


“Yes, he is. But I am without a husband,” she said eagerly with a big smile. It was then that I realize she was looking at me and my soldiers with desire. I looked around and realized that it was mostly women that were staring at us.


“I am sorry to hear that, Carol. If there is anything that myself or my soldiers can do for you, we are at your service,” I said. Then I got up to my full height. She stared at me with desire in her eyes. Then another woman was beside me. She put her hand out to me.


“My name is Jessica. We are so glad that you have come to help us,” she said. I shook her hand.


“We are honored to help you fight. The Clenok cyborgs are cruel. We will protect you,” I said.


“I am sure that you can,” she said, looking at me up-and-down. I realized that they were looking at us like pieces of meat. I looked at Jex and Azlo who were holding back the laughter.


“Ladies of Earth, it was an honor to greet you, all of you. We must be on our way; we have a lot of work to do,” I said loudly to address all of them that had gathered around us.


I could hear various sighs and dirty words as we walked away from them.


“Can you believe that? I wasn't expecting such a reception,” Jex quietly said.


“Nor was I. We should have been walking around the town this entire time,” Azlo said.


“That is an interesting turn. It might be to our advantage as well. Now come along; I do not want to keep Vanessa waiting. She is a very busy human,” I said as we walked along. But as we continued down the street, more and more women came out of their houses to just stare at us and smile. We waved and smiled back as though we were on parade. It was very interesting. Jex and Azlo enjoyed it.


When I arrived at the lab, I had Jex and Azlo wait outside. I wanted to be with Vanessa alone. I was excited to see her again. She was all that I could think about. Especially now that I had my energy back. My libido was raging with this newfound strength and health. But when I found her, I was not expecting her to have changed so suddenly. She was now against me for some odd reason. I could not figure it out. Not only did she want me to leave the lab, but she wanted me to leave Earth altogether. She wanted me to leave the village and leave her life.


I was not going to give up this easy. I was a fighter. I was a king. I was not going to let her go, no matter how much she fought me. I could tell that these words were not her own. Someone or something had gotten to her since I had seen her last. There was something going on, and I was going to figure it out. But first things first, I needed to talk to her about my medical condition. That was the entire point of this trip to Earth. I had to think about the Veruka more than anything and put my own desires last.


“Don't cast me out, Vanessa. We are so close. I know that something has happened inside of me. I need your help. My entire race needs your help. I beg you,” I said as I got down on one knee in front of her.


“I have already told you that I have no results for you. I have told you what your body is going through, but I cannot figure out why or a cure. Not with this amount of time. I have my own people to take care of as well,” she said.


“Of course. I do not expect you to neglect your own kind for me. But will you consider running the test again? The one that is the less complicated and does not take as much time? I think that something has happened to me. Please. I will not take up much of your time, and Jex and Azlo are eager to meet with your engineers and figure out the best way to protect the village. I do not want to go back on that promise to your people. Even if we cannot find a cure for the blackness, I still want to help the humans of Earth. We have just met a few of them on our walk here, and all of them were very kind and eager to speak with us. We are not going to abandon those now,” I said to her.



“We walked down a backstreet, and there were many human females coming out to greet us. I believe one was named Carol and another was named Jessica. They were very pleasant. They were very nice,” I said.


I realize that she had grown red in the face. She must have known those women. I wasn't going to push it. But was it possible that she was jealous?


“Fine. Get on the table. I will run the DNA scan one more time. But that is all I can do for today.”


“I am grateful to you,” I said as I sat down on the table. She then began to do her work. I watched her closely. I could not take my eyes off of her. I was upset that she was angry with me. I did not want her to feel this way about me. In truth, I wanted to be with her again and again. I wanted to take her. I wanted to put my cock inside of her. Since she was mad at me, that was not going to happen. I would eventually find out the source of this new anger toward me that she had. But for now, I was going to let her do her work, and I was not going to push it.


An hour passed as she worked on getting the results. I sat quietly. I did not want to anger her and give her a reason to send me away. I was working with a very delicate situation here. On the one hand, I wanted to argue with her in order to get my passion out in the open. I wanted to find out why she was so pissed off at me without warning. But on the other hand, I had to restrain it. It was for another time.



“What? What is it?” I jumped off the table and moved beside her. She was looking up and down at the paper. “Are these the results?” I asked.


“Yes, these are the results from the first time I ran the test. These are the results from today,” she said.


“I do not understand how to read this,” I said looking at the long list of letters.


“You don't need to. You only need to notice the changes. Do you see this here? This is your DNA from when you were sick. Now, this is your DNA now,” she said.



“Exactly. It seems that the blackness has left your DNA. You are completely healed. But there is something much more shocking than that,” she said.


“I am listening. What is it?” I asked looking at the two long papers trying to decipher it myself.


“You now have strands of human DNA inside of your own DNA,” she said looking at me with wide eyes.




“Unless what?” I asked. Then she stepped away from me. She started to tremble.



My brows furrowed together. Was she serious? I tried to restrain a laugh.


“Vanessa. How can you ask me that? That is absolutely absurd,” I said.



“That is dumb. That is not why I have human DNA. I think that it is something else,” I said.


“And what is that?” she said picking up a scalpel and aiming it at me. I rolled my eyes at her.


“Do you really think you are going to do damage to me with that? You really do need help defending yourself from the Clenok cyborgs. Now if you will listen to me, I think the DNA is yours,” I said.


The scalpel fell from her hands and landed on the floor with a loud clicking.



“Run the test. Check your own DNA against what you see in my results.”


“I don't have to run the test. I already have a print out of my DNA,” she said as she went to a drawer and began to shuffle through it. She was mumbling to herself. “I don't understand how this could be happening. This is not possible. My DNA cannot be inside of you. It is just not medically possible,” she said.


“Did you ever think it would be possible that you would be talking to an alien weredragon?” I asked.


She stopped shuffling the papers and then said, “I guess not. Here it is,” she said pulling out a long sheet of paper. She ran over to my results and began to compare the two.


“It is a match! I cannot fucking believe this! But how? This is absolutely unbelievable!” she said with a mixture of happiness, shock, and fear.


“It is what I was trying to tell you yesterday, but you did not believe me,” I said.



"It is just a theory. But I believe that when we were together, when we had sex, that somehow I absorbed your DNA. That was why I felt euphoria. That was why I felt strong. When I woke up this morning, I felt healthier than I have ever been. It's as though mating with you was the key that I needed for so long. It is unbelievable, I hardly believe it. But now you have scientific proof that it is what happened. I needed to mate with a human female in order to be cured. It seems that biology has decided that our two races need to be together. Without it, my entire race will die,” I said.


“Fascinating. It does make sense when you put it that way. Maybe the fact that humans are going extinct as well has caused our biology to be receptive to a new, stronger race. It is evolution in action. That would make sense,” she said as she walked back and forth in the room thinking. Then she stopped and looked at me. Her eyes narrowed.



“This is not news to you, is it? You have known all along. This is why you are here. This was why you traveled across galaxies to get here. It is not because he wanted our medical knowledge and wanted to help us fight be Clenok cyborgs. It is because you knew that you needed to have sex with human females. I can't believe this! You have been lying this entire time. I feel so stupid. It was obvious. All you had to do was get to know me for a day or two, and then suddenly I am trying to have sex with you? Dr. Douglas was right about you. You have been hiding something. You have been hiding this. You have deceived me!” she shouted.


“That is not true, Vanessa. I am learning this information along with you right now. I did not know this. I did not plan anything other than what I had already told you. We came here seeking a cure or help with a cure and nothing more. It is remarkable that humans themselves are the cure. But I did not know this. You must believe me,” I said.



“If I knew all along, why would I go to these lengths? Why wouldn't I just kidnap and abduct a bunch of human females and take them back to my planet? Wouldn't that be easier? Humans are no match for us; it would be easy to steal hundreds of you and take you back to our planet to mate with our sick weredragons. Why would I put my life on the line? You saw my test results. I could have died any day while I was here. Why would I wait so long, going across the galaxy and staying here in this village when I could just take a human female and be cured? You are not thinking,” I said angry and frustrated with her accusations.


“Well… Maybe because… You did it this way because… I don't know, okay, but I don't believe you!” Then she ran off. I was left alone. She thought I was a liar.


“What does she not believe?” I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Dr. Douglas walk into the lab.


“Me. She doesn't believe me. It is interesting considering that she did yesterday. But today she seems extra paranoid. Do you have any idea why?” I asked moving toward him, knowing that he was the reason.


“Maybe someone finally talked some sense into her,” he said with a big smile.



“I think you should leave now. She is done with you,” he said crossing his arms and smiling in victory.


“Leaving,” I said walking out. I knew that if I stayed any longer, I would be forced to punch him and then the humans would see me as violent. It is probably what he wanted in order to get proof that we were there to hurt the humans. I was not going to play into his game. I walked out and grabbed Jex and Azlo, ready to go investigate the perimeter fence and attend the meeting that we had set up with the engineers. It was going to be a long day.