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Wild Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) by Stella Sky (36)


King Karik Korinth


I went to the lab to look for my fiancée, Vanessa. I was so happy that she had said yes to my proposal. She had made me extremely happy by having sex with me. Now she was going to make me even happier by being my queen. And I wanted her at my side always.


The lab was locked. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I thought it was strange because she was supposed to be in the lab all day. I walked in the direction of our home.


“Have you seen Vanessa?” I asked her student that was on the way to the lab to meet her.


“Yes, I saw her walking earlier. She told me she was going to be late because Dr. Douglas had requested a meeting with her. I believe she went in the direction of his home.”


“Thank you,” I said. I began to walk in that direction. But as I did, I had an overwhelming sense of fear. I wasn't scared of anything. It was coming from another source. I felt Vanessa. I could feel her fright. Something was wrong. That was obvious to me. I quickly shifted and flew directly toward the home of Dr. Bradley Douglas. As I flew overhead, I could hear her screaming. I bolted in a flash and boom kicked open the door.


I saw Vanessa facedown on the floor with the doctor on top of her. She was crying and within a split second I had him in the air and threw him against the wall. His head hit the mantle. He fell unconscious to the floor. I moved back to Vanessa. The woman Jessica was helping her.



“He was trying to rape her. I was walking by and heard her screaming. I came in a split second before you did,” Jessica said.




“I think it is already done,” Jessica said. Blood was coming out of his head. It seemed that I had hit him very hard when I threw him against the mantle. Vanessa looked in shock.





I picked Vanessa up and flew back to our home. I put her in a hot bath. She was still shaken.


“I am so sorry that I was not there sooner,” I said feeling extreme regret. “I should have done away with that creep long ago.”


“It's all right. You came in time. Jessica came in time. A few more seconds and…” But she did not finish the sentence.




“I ran into your student, and she told me about your meeting with him. But then I had a feeling. I could sense that you were in trouble. I don't know how, but I knew.”


“That is fascinating,” she said, perking up. Her mind was working. Her scientific mind.



“It could be because we bonded. Our DNA is intertwined. Perhaps you can feel when I am feeling extreme emotion. Like extreme fear,” she said.


“It certainly did feel that way. That is how I knew where to find you and to get to you quickly,” I said.




"He figured it out. Not all of it, but he figured out that my DNA bonded with yours. He was threatening to tell everyone. I came to find out exactly what he knew. Then he told me. He didn't know about the blackness. But he said that he was going to tell everyone unless I slept with him. Of course, I said no, and I tried to leave. That is when he attacked me,” she said.


“The motherfucker. How dare he threaten you with something like that. It is nothing. It is nothing to worry about,” I said.


“It isn't? I don't want everyone to grow suspicious if they were to find that out. We have worked so hard. You have worked so hard, coming across galaxies to find a cure for this illness that is killing your planet. If Haven Brook found out, it wouldn't be long before other villages did. And we need you. We need the Veruka to help fight the Clenok. It is important. I was very nervous that he knew. I was going to go find you to figure out how to deal with it.”


“I am glad that you did not let him bully you the way he has before. You are strong, Vanessa. You have proven that over and over. I am glad that you are mine. Do not worry about me and the well-being of the Veruka. I want you to always put yourself first. If the humans find out, we will figure it out. Until then, there is no point in worrying about it. I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy,” I said.



“Yes,” I said as I took off my clothes and got into the hot bathtub with her. I sat behind her and then circled my body around her. She leaned back against my chest. I held her for the rest of the day.


The next day I was faced with questioning. I was lucky that Jessica had also been there. She gave testimony to the fact that it was self-defense. Even though Haven Brook did not have a justice system, people still wanted to know why one of their own was dead. I could understand that. Everyone understood what had happened and I was not held accountable. Truly, I did not mean to kill him even though I did hit him with such force, throwing him across the room. But I was not aiming for the mantle. It just happened. But I was getting rid of a predator in Haven Brook. Everyone seemed to be glad to know that he was no longer there. If he had done such a thing to Vanessa, then who would be next?


I was glad that he was gone. I did not want him around to terrorize the woman that I loved. Now things could go on as we had planned. I was going to make Vanessa my wife and my queen.