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Winter at Cedarwood Lodge by Rebecca Raisin (22)

It was the day of the expo and I was jittery with nerves. Kai hadn’t been able to get back here in time to clear the chapel; clearly at such late notice it was impossible for him, so that cast a pall of angst over the day. Ned had said the brides could peek in, but how long exactly was a peek? Surely they’d want to pretend to walk down the aisle, to get a feel for it, but I worried about something happening, someone tripping, any little accident that would plunge me into hot water, because I didn’t have permission and that would veto any insurance. I knew the chapel was safe, that there were no tripping hazards, but it would be just my luck that a freak accident happened and I wasn’t sure it was worth the risk.

I’d snuck in there earlier this morning after the florist had placed flowers everywhere and taken a range of pictures, the fairy lights creating that perfect air of magic and romance against the rustic wooden pews and pulpit. Maybe I could get away with showing the brides pictures on the big screen in the theater room instead. Safety first and all of that.

“Can you set that up in the lobby, please?” I asked a man wheeling a light machine that would send shooting stars up and down the ceiling. Just one of the options our brides might go for. Some liked super-glitzy elements to their weddings, others more low-key options. We’d tried to cater to them all.

Amory walked into the room and clipped on an earring shaped like a Christmas tree as carols echoed around the room. This was going to be one beautiful festive day, even the sun was shining – making the freshly fallen snow glisten outside. The sleds were parked near the slopes, and hot cocoa would be waiting for anyone who wanted to sip as they walked around the grounds in the snow. The ice-skating rink surface looked like glass. Most of the brides-to-be wouldn’t want to participate in the winter activities outside, but we still wanted everything to look ready, as if they or their guests could head out for a fun-filled day at any time. Staging at its finest.

She said, “The florist has just finished the front salon and he’s on to the centerpieces on the tables in the ballroom. The place smells divine.”

I nodded as Micah came bouncing in, his full-wattage grin firmly in place. “What? What’s that face about?”

He flashed a piece of paper. “Kai managed to get a one-day approval from Old Ned. You may waltz your brides down the aisle today, if need be.”

Words froze on my tongue. “What?” I managed. “How? Ned wanted to inspect the chapel, didn’t he? And Kai, our registered builder, was supposed to be on-site…”

“Ned came out early this morning and took a quick look around. It helped that Kai had used Ned’s brother-in-law for the structural work. When Kai figured out they were related, he called Ned and explained about the quality of his tradespeople, and just so happened to mention his relative’s name, and how we’d probably use him for the renovations of the chalets if all went well with the bridal expo…”

I shook my head in awe. “God, he’s clever! So Ned won’t want his brother-in-law to lose potential future work at Cedarwood?”

“Bingo,” Micah said, grinning. “Ned still wants to meet Kai and go over it all with him properly, but you have one day to wow your brides. And for the record, I told him Kai was running errands and wouldn’t be in until later.”

“Wow, Micah. You guys are amazing. Thank you!” My stomach somersaulted with glee.

I read the document and smiled when I saw the loop and swirls of Ned’s signature. A one-day reprieve and just in time! Now I could get properly excited.

We went painstakingly through our list of suppliers, and where they’d set up their wares to show them in the best light. We hoped our brides would fall in love with the quality and detail and leave everything to us. A one-stop wedding shop.

“Canapés first up!” Amory said. “Then we’ll introduce them to our vendors.”

“Yes, and then we take them for a dance lesson in the great hall.”

“The instructor’s coming at eleven. Then they can wander the estate and check out the chapel before we regroup for lunch.” Whew, there was a lot for them to do and see.

“I hope we get some bookings after all this work.” I took another large gulp of coffee and marveled at both Amory and myself being out of bed and organized so early. Outside, Micah and Isla laughed as they finished festooning trees with fairy lights. They really were so in love, it was hard to look away. If only I could get Amory and Cruz to see past their differences too. I hadn’t seen Cruz as yet this morning, but his car was still parked out front with a thick layer of snow atop it so he was rattling around the lodge somewhere.

“We will,” Amory said, pulling me out of the thought. “The lodge looks stunning, and with the fires crackling and the ambient music drifting down the halls, what’s not to love?”

She was right, it did look amazing, but seeing as I’d invested the rest of my funds into the expo, I couldn’t shake the feeling this had been a bit risky. But if we could get even one booking it would all be worth it. Gambling was my new thing, it seemed.

A gaggle of suited men and women walked in. “It’s the orchestra!” I motioned for help from Aunt Bessie. She gave me a nod, and ushered them into the ballroom. Wearing a long red dress and fitted blazer, she looked every inch the glamourpuss she was. “Follow me, friends,” she said, “I’ll show you where to set up. Now, are any of you hungry? I make artisan donuts, you see, and I’ve squirreled some away just in case…”

I hid a smile. That woman could make friends with the abominable snowman, and not blink. It was inbuilt in Bessie to care about people, and most importantly feed them up.

Next to me, Amory was immaculately dressed in a chic pant suit, her hair and makeup flawless, but I detected shadows under her eyes not even Max Factor could disguise.

With the chapel issue sorted for the moment, I could breathe easier, so I took Amory by the arm and led her to the corner for privacy. “Are you OK?”

She gave me a tight-lipped smile. “Sure, sure. Just a little tired.”

“Don’t lie, Amory. You don’t always have to be the girl who is together all the time, you know.” It was one thing pretending to be someone else at work, slipping on a different persona, but another to do it to your best friend.

She widened her eyes. “Well, you know me. Game face on. Big day and all.”

“No one is here to see your game face except me, so don’t worry about it for now. Just tell me what’s going on.”

She thrust her hands into her pockets, and slid her gaze away. “We stayed up late, too late, and went around in circles until words were just sounds, and had no meaning. Not my best idea when we’ve got such a busy day ahead of us.”

“So where did you leave it?”

“At a crossroads. What would you do, Clio, if you were me? To ask him to stay with me and sacrifice actual living, breathing, blue-faced, screaming babies would be the epitome of selfish on my part. And he doesn’t understand that my letting him go is being selfless. Sure, I could say, ‘Great, you’re giving in to me, perfect,’ but that’s not fair. And what if ten years down the track he hates me for it?”

What a mess. I suppose I hadn’t thought of the future, and whether he would feel robbed by not having the family he’d dreamed of. “There must be a compromise. There must be!”

She lifted a brow. “Can you tell me what that might be and then we’ll both know.”

I bit down on my lip. “I… umm… I’ll have to think on it.”

“Darling, don’t worry. Let’s get to work, yeah?” With a quick peck on my cheek, she turned on her heel, and met more musicians clutching instruments and standing wide-eyed by the entrance of the ballroom.

Click-clacking her way to them in her heels, she smiled – ever the professional. “Welcome, I’ll show you where to set up.”

I waved them off, clipboard pressed tight against my chest. Bridal expo day had well and truly arrived and with it a cast of people at the lodge, all vying to get their wares set up to display to our brides.

Through the window, snow drifted down as the orchestra started warming up, playing hauntingly beautiful Christmas carols. The wedding-dress designer caught my eye and pulled out a stunning white sheer satin gown and dressed a mannequin. The gown fell to the floor in delicate drapes, and I let out a gasp of delight as the small diamond beads twinkled under the lights. It was the kind of dress fairy tales were made of.

The florist was preparing the display of luscious bouquets and arranging them on tables. Some were seasonally themed, with white roses, pine cones and red cranberries, tied off with thick golden ribbon. My favorite was a posy of periwinkle, violet and lilac flowers, lilies, and something else I didn’t recognize. The different hues of purple were spellbinding and drew the eye.

The florist, a robust, spectacle-wearing man walked to me. “Clio, these are for you.” He handed me a bouquet of pale pink peonies.

“For me?”

He smiled and pointed to a card attached. “From a friend.”

I thanked him and he went back to arranging the centerpieces. I took the card, wondering who had sent me flowers. I tried to remember the last time anyone had, and came up blank.


I hope the bridal expo goes off without a hitch. Have I told you yet that I’m glad you came home? Life was never really the same after you left. Looking forward to that dinner whenever you’re free.

Timothy x

Life was never really the same? But he got married and had a family about three minutes after I was out of sight! I’m sure I wasn’t on his mind one little bit. I didn’t hold any grudge or strong feeling about it – we’d been so young, really. But still, he had moved on fairly quickly and it wasn’t something I was likely to forget. Would something bloom between us if I just let go and lived for the moment? The same niggle bothered me. Kai. Even if nothing happened with him, would it be fair to date Timothy when secretly my heart beat a double rhythm when I thought of my Australian surfer yogi?

Taking my cell, I hastily sent Timothy a thank you text back, avoiding any talk about the dinner invitation.

This was why I loved work. Being busy gave me the ability to shelve any man dilemmas and focus on the task at hand. I found a crystal vase and took the bouquet to my office. That done, I went back to the ballroom and checked off my list.

Every vendor was accounted for, set up and ready to go. Isla and Micah had the activities organized. Aunt Bessie was getting her donuts out of the van and ready to serve… so what was I missing? I’d forgotten something, I could feel it.

I wandered around the tables we’d set up in different themes, lifting champagne flutes, checking for smudges. The cutlery was lined up perfectly, reflecting prisms of light from the chandeliers. Georges would serve canapés as soon as the guests…

Georges! Normally he’d be singing and bellowing in the kitchen, foodie scents wafting down the hallway making my mouth water, but I hadn’t seen him arrive yet. I dashed down the hall to check. The kitchen was empty, not a pot on the stove and, more worryingly, not a sign of Georges. Snatching up the phone I called him, picturing the worst – a car crash, the roads were slippery this time of year. My heart was in my throat by the time he answered on the third ring.

“Hi, Clio, did you get my message? I’m sorry to let you down like this, but I couldn’t say no. You understand, don’t you?”

Blood drained from my face as I checked my watch. Three hours until our brides were due and my chef was telling me he wasn’t coming. Trying to halt the erratic beat of my heart I said, “What message, Georges? Where are you?”

He groaned. “I left a message on your cell late last night.”

“Saying what, Georges? You’re supposed to be here!” I couldn’t keep the desperation from my voice.

“I was offered head chef position aboard a private cruise ship. I had to say yes, Clio. I realize the timing isn’t great…”

Just then Cruz walked into the kitchen, pointing to the coffee machine. I nodded, not sure whether he was asking permission or if I wanted a cup. My head was swimming with panic.

“Georges,” I said, trying to keep anger from bubbling up. “Please tell me you’re on your way here, and not en route to the bloody Mediterranean!”

I was met with silence. “Georges, I have a group of brides arriving in three hours, and you’re MIA. Please tell me I’m imagining this. Please.”

“Sorry, Clio. Part of the deal was that I had to leave immediately. You know how much I need this.”

It was all I could do not to scream, but I knew Georges’s catering business was floundering in Evergreen. Still, did he have to leave the day of the expo! “Where am I supposed to find a chef, Georges, with three hours’ notice!”

I could fix anything under pressure, but finding a chef in Evergreen with a three-hour deadline was a little too much, even for me.

The click-clack of Amory’s heels rang out as I tried to steady my voice. “Clio,” she hissed, “where the hell is Georges?” I pointed to the phone.

“Bessie can help,” Georges said. “And most of the canapés are made, they just need to be plated.”

I blew out a breath. There was nothing I could do. He was gone and yelling wasn’t going to help. I tried my best to sound excited for him – I loved Georges and he really did deserve a break like this. I just wished it hadn’t happened on the day of the expo. “OK, Georges, well good luck with the cruise. I’m sure you’ll be great.” My words may have sounded clipped but I’m sure he understood why.

“I really am sorry, Clio. I didn’t want to leave you in the lurch.”

“I know, don’t worry about it.” I rubbed my temples. “Look, I have to go!” I just wanted to end the call and solve the chef problem.

I hung up, and turned to Amory’s pinched face. “What the hell? Where is he?”

“He’s not coming!” I said, my voice rising.

“What!” she shrieked.

“He took a job on a cruise ship and he’s already in transit. He left a message on my cell last night, he reckons, but shoot, Amory, what the hell are we going to do?”

Amory slapped her palm on the bench so hard the coffee cups rattled together. “How could he do such a thing?”

“I know… but where are we going to find someone this late?” I moaned. I pictured myself tackling the kitchen, and blanched. Why was I so hopeless in the culinary arts?

“Surely he could have left one day later!” Amory’s eyes flashed, and her raised voice carried down the hall.

Cruz coughed, clearing his throat. “Ladies, I can help, if you’re in a bind. I’m sure I can work out what Georges has done…”

Relief hit me. Hadn’t he been a chef once upon a time?

“Really? Oh, Cruz, you’re a total lifesaver!” I was ready to bow at his feet. “OK, Georges said most of the canapés are prepared. I’ll go over the menu with you, and then leave you to it?”

“Sure,” he smiled warmly, like he’d relish the challenge.

My heart beat staccato, disaster averted. But it had been another close call and my heart was feeling the damage. “Actually, Amory, could you help Cruz? There’s some brand-new chef whites in the storeroom cupboard. Maybe some of them will fit?”

She squinted at me, but stayed silent.

Cruz rolled up his sleeves. “OK, my love, show me the way.”

While I double-checked the menus, and wrote notes for Cruz, they walked away together, Amory speaking quickly about the various dishes we’d planned alongside Georges. I couldn’t help but stop and watch them for a beat. They worked so well together in a crisis, their own worries shelved.

A few minutes later they returned and we chatted about the plan, and what time service would be. Cruz looked every inch a chef with his immaculate whites on, and I couldn’t help but notice how at ease he seemed at being thrust into a last minute situation.

“OK, well, if you’re confident with all of that, Cruz, I’ll leave you to it?”

“Sure, sure,” he smiled, tying his apron strings. “I’ll be fine, Clio.”

They huddled by the fridge, heads bent, surveying the contents. If all else failed, throw them together – didn’t that always work in romantic comedies? Surely if they could solve the missing-chef dilemma, they could solve anything!

Following in the wake of Aunt Bessie’s sugary-sweet perfume, I found her chatting to the florist while she set up her donut table. The donuts were cooling in the fridge, but she had elaborate stands for them, which she placed on the beautiful linen tablecloth. When she caught my eye she excused herself and sauntered over, her hips swinging in her Dolly-esque way. “I’ve been chatting to the other vendors from town and they’re thrilled you invited them here today. And I said, well, of course you would! That you’re planning to use them whenever you can. What?” she asked. “What’s that line between your eyes for?” She rubbed the spot, as if she could erase it, making my frown deepen. I filled her in on the Georges debacle, her eyes wide with shock.

“He just upped and left?”

I nodded. “It was a requirement of the job that he start pronto.”

She let out a breath. “Well, at least you’ve got a backup. How lucky are you?”


“Take some deep breaths, baby girl. You’ve got this. It’s going to be a huge success, I just know it. Mom sends her apologies, she had… other things to do today.”

“Like?” Washing, cleaning, and gardening in the snow…

“Well,” Aunt Bessie bumbled along. “You know, just things. Anyway, we’ll have Christmas Day together, right? You’ll come to me this year for lunch.”

Neutral territory. We both knew Mom wouldn’t step foot on Cedarwood soil, and Aunt Bessie knew I’d probably give all of us food poisoning if I attempted to cook. “I’d love that. Our first Christmas together in six years…”

Isla and Micah waved me over.

“You’d better go,” Aunt Bessie said, pecking me on the cheek, and giving my butt a slap for good measure as I wandered away, her cackle following me. I shook my head, and laughed.

“Guys, you look great!” After working this morning, they’d dashed upstairs to change. They were helping serve today, and would then take the brides on a tour of the estate, pointing out the various activities on offer for guests. Micah was dashing in a suit and tie, and Isla was effortlessly chic in a full-length green dress with long sleeves.

Isla blushed, which brought out the freckles on her nose. “We wanted to look the part. I must say, it’s nice to wear something other than my gardening gear and workboots.”

I smiled at her and turned to Micah, who was rubbing his hands together. “Micah, I hate to ask because of your beautiful clothes, but can you light the fire in the honeymoon suite so Isla can take them for a tour before lunch?”

“Sure.” He kissed Isla’s cheek and I turned away discreetly while they did the lovey-dovey goggle-eyes. For some inexplicable reason, the wedding march played in my mind, followed closely by a vision of Isla getting ready in a suite upstairs, her mother arranging her veil, tears filling her eyes at the sight of her beautiful daughter about to marry the man of her dreams… oh, she’d make a stunning bride


“The tiara…”


I blinked. Did I say that aloud? I made a mental note to research the kind of tiara that would suit Isla; something elegant, classic, not too blingy…


I shook myself. “Sorry, was lost in thought about… weddings.”

She frowned. “Right, well, it’s the day for it. What should I do?”

I checked my watch. “Can you help me with the gift bags? We can set them up in the lobby to hand out before they leave.”

We worked flat out for the next couple of hours until tires crunched on the gravel out front. They were here!

“Isla, can you tell Cruz we’ll need the first lot of canapés in twenty minutes?”

She nodded and glided away.

Amory raced over, her face shining with happiness. Outside, car doors shut with a bang and high-pitched chatter filled the air. This was always the best part of an event, the moment all of our hard work came together, and our guests arrived, wide-eyed with awe.

Our brides entered the lobby, wearing big smiles. Amory and I stood next to each other and shook their hands one by one. We went into wedding and event planner mode, and spent time greeting each bride, handing out name-tags to ensure everyone felt at home and important, before Isla ushered them into the ballroom where they let out gasps of delight at the wedding beauty displayed before them.

Suave Micah appeared carrying a tray of canapés. He winked and strode into the ballroom, but not before we snagged a Moroccan lamb cigar, a crispy deep-fried morsel of perfection. Discreetly wiping crumbs away, I said, “Wow, that guy can cook.”

Amory raised a brow. “Wait until you try his South American dishes.”

Would I get to try them? Maybe he’d stay around for a while. I did need help for Christmas Eve and the fancy dinner party I envisaged hosting for my friends. Not to mention the guests who’d booked in after New Year…

“What’s my lipstick like? No crumbs stuck to me?”

“Fine, fine. And mine?” Usually we stayed well away from the food at our parties, but being the boss had its advantages. We were merely doing quality control, right?

“Let’s mingle.”

Moving with the group of brides, we took them from table to table, highlighting the ways in which their weddings could be spectacular and, more importantly, unique to them if only they held them here.

One of the more outspoken of the brides, a Texan named Barbie, grabbed my arm and ushered me to one side. “How quickly can you get a wedding organized?” With her bouffant blonde curls and twangy accent she was impossible to miss. Even lowering her voice, she drew the eye of the other brides.

“How quickly do you need it?” I wasn’t going to shoot myself in the foot by saying a timeframe that didn’t suit. I needed a booking, and just hoped the approval for the chapel came through in time.

Noticing she was being watched, she bundled me further away, and whispered. “Is January too soon? February at a push?”

It was December! When would we get a client who wasn’t in a hurry? What if the chapel approval took six months? Amory must have overhead, as she gave me a desperate look and mouthed say yes! Wasn’t that my own advice – say yes, always? Worry about the finer details later?

I managed a jittery smile. “Sure, we can do it for February, as long as you choose local suppliers as much as possible.”

She patted her belly. “Time is of the essence, you see.”

Ah! “There’s something very special about the fact your baby will attend your wedding, whether anyone knows or not.”

She gave me a genuine smile, one that reached her eyes. “I hadn’t thought about it like that before. The jellybean will be our guest of honor, and you’ll be one of the few who knows about him or her…”

“Did you have any themes in mind? Color combinations…”

“Vintage grandeur. Think Gatsby. The jazz age. That kind of thing.”

I wanted to shriek! Vintage grandeur would suit the lodge and show it off in its best light. Did I risk taking the booking without approval? She hadn’t confirmed yet, she’d only enquired about timeframes, so instead I focused on making her fall in love with the lodge. I waved Isla over. “Would you like to see the chapel? It has the most glorious stained-glass windows, and we can decorate it to suit the jazz era…”

“I’d love to,” she said, and I made introductions and asked Isla to take Barbie on a tour. “Don’t forget to visit the honeymoon suite,” I said. “It’s spectacular.”

Another bride walked over exclaiming about the canapés. “Is this the same chef you’ll use if we book Cedarwood as a venue? Please say yes!”

Amory answered: “Yes, Cruz can be requested, definitely.”

I held my breath. She hadn’t asked him, and surely this bride would insist on knowing it was in fact Cruz in the kitchen on her wedding day.

Just then, Cruz walked in carrying a plate of sweet canapés. “Let me introduce you?” Amory gave her a saccharine smile. “Cruz, this is Ebony, she’s enquired whether you’ll be the chef if she hires Cedarwood for her nuptials.”

Without missing a beat, Cruz nodded. “That can easily be arranged.”

They were totally on the same wavelength, and interpreted what the right answer would be. My heart just about exploded that they’d say yes, knowing it would help sway her decision. We’d worry about the practicalities of it later. Worry later, Clio! Smile and schmooze and do your job!

“Great,” she said, beaming. “Let’s talk dates.”

Amory said, “Follow me, Ebony. Can I get you a glass of champagne while we chat?”

Two potential bookings! I wanted to jump for joy until I remembered the damn approval certification. I needed Kai and I needed him here fast.

At the florist’s table, a trio of women stood chatting away, exclaiming over prices. I’d told the vendors to be vague about pricing, because we’d try to do the weddings as a package deal, but if they pushed for it, then to do their best to wow the brides with the quality of their products. The raven-haired beauty said, “I’m not sure it’s worth all that! What are they, exotic blooms shipped from Amsterdam?” Her friends tittered behind their hands. I frowned and hoped the florist wasn’t offended. His flowers were first-rate and worth every penny.

A twenty-something girl dithered alone, clutching her champagne glass so tight I thought she might break it. “Hello, Felicity,” I said, reading her name badge. “Can I introduce you to my aunt who makes the most delicious donuts you’ll ever taste?”

Felicity shot me a grateful smile and nodded. “Thank you, I’m a little out of my comfort zone here. Makes me wonder how I’ll have the courage to walk down the aisle. Right now, eloping seems like a better idea.” The apples of her cheeks were pink with nerves.

I took her by the elbow, and led her to Aunt Bessie. “Eloping is cute,” I said. “But what about your family? Wouldn’t they miss seeing you marry the love of your life?” I understood her nerves. Many brides felt the same way, until they’d done it. Then they wanted to do it over and over again. Once they started the slow walk down the aisle, time stopped, and all they could see was the person waiting at the other end for them, the one who loved them above all else, and was about to promise to love them for eternity.

“Yeah,” Felicity admitted. “My mom would never forgive me. But she’s one of those social types, and I’m more of an introvert.”

“The good thing about location weddings,” I said, “is that they can be intimate. You’ve always got that excuse to keep your party to a minimum. Keep it small, with only the people you feel totally comfortable around.”

Her eyes brightened. “I guess you’re right. Does that mean I can leave his mom off the invite list?”

I giggled. “Monster-in-law?”

“Times ten. She’s a nightmare! I think that’s half the problem, that I’ll be worrying about what she’s thinking about my dress, my hair, the way I’m walking. She intimidates me.”

I clucked my tongue. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard similar worries. Brides worried about so many variables, but it was my job to take that worry away, and make sure that in the lead-up – and, more importantly, on the day – they enjoyed themselves, and felt like princesses. Otherwise what was the point?

“If you have your wedding at Cedarwood Lodge, we’ll do the worrying for you. We have expert hair and makeup teams, ones who usually do celebrities who can fly in from New York for the day. Your bridesmaids will walk ahead of you, and you’ll have your father, right? He won’t let you topple down the aisle. Trust me when I say, none of that will be in your mind when the music starts, and you see your fiancé waiting for you.”

She squeezed my hand. “Thank you. Clio. I suppose I have to remember it’s not a punishment. It’s meant to be one of the best days of my life.”

“It will be. You’ll see.”

“Hello there, pretty girl!” Aunt Bessie said. “Would you like to try some donuts?” Before waiting for an answer she pointed to a tray. “These are my Rudolf reindeers, filled with butterscotch custard and ganache. The antlers are made from dark chocolate, and the red noses are candy-cane flavored. Aren’t they the cutest things?”

Felicity took the proffered donut, and said, “Almost too cute to eat!”

Just then a voice bellowed, “Not on your life would I pay five thousand dollars for a photography package! Are you trying to rob us blind?” The same trio again! I donned a serene expression and hotfooted it to the photography stand where the poor photographer stood aghast.

“What’s the problem?” I asked, sweetly.

The girl turned to me, flipping her long mane of dark hair. “Your photographer is charging an exorbitant amount for a basic package, and it makes me wonder if the price is inflated for everything just because we’re using the W word!”

This kind of person was party suicide, so I motioned for Micah to bring champagne. Better to kill her with kindness even though she was out of line. “Tory is one of the most sought-after photographers in New York, and we’re very lucky he even agreed to visit us today.”

“Yeah,” she said. “I guess he’s tacking his holiday bill onto our wedding packages.”

Tory glared at her and said, “The package I quoted was including drone footage by the lake, and a variety of additions – definitely not the basic wedding package.”

She blushed but rallied, “Still, it’s a lot of money for a wedding in a hokey place.”

“Right,” I said, pretending to consider it. “Who just booked you for their wedding next year, Tory? Was it Hadley?”

“It was. But she obviously went for all the bells and whistles for her big day.”

“Of course, you can’t put a price on memories like those.”

“They last a lifetime,” he grinned.

“Hadley booked you?” Her voice was incredulous. “As in the singer?”

“I can’t divulge the personal details of my clients.” He pursed his lips.

She squirmed but tried to adopt a haughty expression. “Can I see those packages again? Like you said, you can’t put a price on memories.”

I left them to it, smothering a smile, fairly sure Hadley was the receptionist in the office next door to Tory’s studio…

A few hours into the expo, the girls were pink-cheeked and grinning from excitement and perhaps a few extra glasses of champagne. Somehow the quiet, shy Felicity had convinced Amory to try on one of the couture wedding gowns so they could see it objectively. Always up for a challenge when it came to business, Amory had happily obliged, and I wondered what she secretly thought about wearing such a gown. For someone adamant they were never walking down the aisle, would it make her think twice, wearing something so fabulous, so utterly made just for one day… When she swanned out in it her expression was unreadable but her color high, and she made the most magnificent bride. Just then Cruz walked in, and his face said it all. For a split second, he brightened, his mouth parting in surprise, as if he’d never seen anyone so lovely. When Amory noticed him, she blushed, fumbling with the dress. Something had passed between them, a fleeting glimpse of what might be?

By nightfall most of our brides had left satiated after such a big day. Isla had impressed everyone with the range of outdoor activities, and our dance teacher, who was easy on the eye, had been a hit too.

We had one definite booking – Barbie in February – and a tentative yes from Ebony for the summer, but first she’d bring her family to the lodge for a second opinion. Micah and Isla had helped Aunt Bessie load up her car with supplies we’d borrowed and were meeting her in Evergreen to help unpack. Cruz was wiping down the kitchen benches, his chef whites no longer pristine, but a satisfied smile firmly in place.

I flopped down at the bench and said, “Do you want any help, Cruz?” I prayed he’d say no since my feet were on fire from wearing heels all day. I must have climbed the staircase twenty times, showing brides the honeymoon suite.

“I’d love a glass of wine,” he said.

I lifted a finger. “No! Champagne for all!”

“Did I hear someone say champagne?” Amory took some flutes from the cupboard and went to the fridge, taking a bottle and expertly popping the cork with zero ceremony. I had to laugh. In times of crisis, or fatigue, she was a guzzler, and an expensive price tag meant little.

“You’re a girl after my own heart,” I said, clinking glasses with her and Cruz. “Thank you for today, both of you, I don’t want you to ever leave! Can’t we pretend there’s no New York, and this is home?”

They exchanged a glance with each other. It was loaded with meaning, but of what, I didn’t know. “Let’s cheers to that,” Amory said.

“Cruz, you were in your element! I thought chefs were usually grumpy under pressure, more sovereign-like, barking orders or some such.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I used to work under a chef like that and it was almost impossible not to laugh when he had one of his rages. I couldn’t take him seriously when he was heart-attack red and frothing at the mouth. Instead of fixing the problem he’d have a conniption that lasted twenty minutes – which of course delayed us even more… It was insane.”

“How depressing,” Amory joked. “I was hoping to see you throw some pots and pans around – you know, christen the kitchen a bit?”

“There’s still time,” he said, his eyes twinkling. Was it a possibility he’d stay and take up the chef position at Cedarwood? It would be too good to be true, having my best friend and her partner here for good. But maybe out of the city they could sort through their differences… I sent up a fervent wish to the universe to make it so.

“And our beautiful brides! Weren’t they amazing?” Amory said.

I took a big sip of champagne, bubbles bursting on my nose like little kisses. “They were, even what-was-her-name with the black hair?”

Amory rolled her eyes. “There’s always one like that. Isadora. Doubt we’ll hear back from her, though.”

In a way, I was glad. You could only deal with so many dramas before it became old very quickly. I sensed Isadora would be a troublemaker just for the sake of it. Still, smile, nod, and solve the problem – we’d do it if we had to. “The vendors were really happy too. Might be the start of something big for them.”

I knew how hard it was to make a living in Evergreen and I couldn’t deny the thrill I felt knowing that Cedarwood Lodge was providing more customers for local small businesses too.

My face hurt from smiling but my heart was full.


The next morning we woke late, and the rest of the day spread out before us blissfully void of any work. We’d decided to relax and celebrate the success of the bridal expo and all the hours we’d put into it.

Cruz was humming away in the kitchen, searching the fridges, his zest for cooking back with a vengeance. He rejected my offers to help unload the dishwasher. “You girls have been run off your feet in the lead-up to the expo. Why don’t you take a break? Go up to the library, and I’ll bring tea?”

The thought of being still, lying supine, did sound appealing. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Come on then, Amory,” I said, dragging at her arm, desperate to lie down and chat lazily.

Slowly, like old women, we climbed the stairs. “You know, it hurts to wear heels these days. I suffer afterwards.”

She gave me a bemused smile. “We sure did some miles in them. And going up and down these goddamn stairs every five minutes… We’re going to have some serious calf muscles.”

I thought of my wardrobe, packed with couture clothing, and various heels from kitten to stiletto… and all I wanted to wear these days were my yoga pants and ballet flats. To hell with keeping up with fashion. I didn’t have to do that any more, and I didn’t much care either.

We settled in the library, the scent of old tomes mixing with the perfume of rose posies scattered around the room. Our brides had loved the library – those with bookworm in their blood, anyhow. From my vantage point on an old, crinkled-leather Chesterfield I could see the snow-covered mountains and the frozen lake at their base.

Flashing fairy lights brightened the room, and I turned to Amory, who had her hands clasped over her belly, her lids heavy like she’d taken a sleep draught.

“It was great of Cruz to stay and help out. Without him I don’t know what we’d have done.” Neither Amory nor I could cook worth a damn, and Aunt Bessie had her donut table to attend to and brides to entertain. All of us had had jobs to do and, without Cruz’s culinary expertise, we’d have been in real trouble.

Sleepily she said, “He told me last night that he quit his job. That’s why there was a delay in him arriving at Cedarwood. He had to give them notice.”

“He quit his job? Why?” As far as I knew he thrived on the fast pace of high finance.

“He seems to think it was our downfall, the reason we haven’t taken the next step… Because we’re always too caught up at work. He’s sort of got a point.”

I nodded. “Big-city burnout.” It reminded me of Kai, and his feeling of being on a never-ending Ferris wheel. Was it worth it? I’d loved my job at the agency, and hated that my exit hadn’t been my choice, but after buying Cedarwood and making a life back in Evergreen I was happier every day that the decision had been made for me. New York and that frenetic pace were a million miles from here and I didn’t miss it any more. Instead, I felt a type of apathy about it. We’d all been so caught up in racing to be the best that we’d lost our way – or at least that’s how I felt now.

“What will he do?”

“He’s got savings, so he’ll live off that for the moment, until he decides – but I suppose he can be a chef, or at least use those skills somewhere, and you can tell by his pizzazz in the kitchen under pressure yesterday how much he loves doing it. He had fire in his belly again. It was lovely to witness that.”

I sat bolt upright. “But what about for Cedarwood?”

She frowned. “You’d hire him? I thought that was just a ruse to get people to sign up – say ‘yes’ and all that?”

“Oh my God, no! I was totally serious. He is more than qualified. I mean, you saw him yesterday, he didn’t even break a sweat, just got the job done as if he’d planned the menu himself.”

“Don’t you think that’s too neat? We have problems, he shows up, boom he’s hired. Do you think it’ll make me change my mind?”

I leaned back into the chair and pulled a rug over me. “Do you want him to stay?”

She waited a beat. “Yes.”

“Then why not?”

She sighed. “I worry I’m losing my identity, you know, and I get how uppity that sounds, but I thought I knew who I was. Thirty-something, career-driven, ambitious event planner to the stars. I had rules, so that vision stayed firmly in place. And now look at me…”

I smiled, and gave her arm a pat. “I know exactly what you mean, Amory. When I crept out of the city totally humiliated, I thought my dreams were done for. My confidence was wrecked. But it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And you’re lucky you chose to leave. No one forced you. What do you want to be, Amory? That same girl, keeping the world at arm’s length, or pulling those she loves closer?”

“Oh, you and your Hallmark clichés.” She grinned. “I want to stay here, and never leave, Clio. Truly. I don’t know if it’s Cedarwood’s spell, or if I’ve been living on autopilot in New York, but I love it here. I’ve never felt so at home. But how do I do that? Give up my job, my apartment…”

“Why couldn’t you stay here, Amory? Sublet your apartment if you’re not one hundred percent sure. And as for Cruz… Why not take it one day at a time? He’d be doing us a huge favor if he did stay on.”

“It would be fun to help you here long-term. The possibilities are endless.”

“Then stay. I need your help, and I’m prepared to beg for it.”

She laughed. “And Cruz?”

“Chef Cruz, it’s got a nice ring to it.” Her eyes twinkled and I knew she was thinking about it.




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