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Wolf of the Northern Star (The Wolfkin Saga Book 2) by SJ Himes (9)

The Day Before

It took Andromeda’s presence to keep Ghost from running ahead. Laden with several pounds of raw steak, Ghost and Burke trudged through the snow behind the lithe clan leader. Burke toted a gallon of fresh water and a clean dinner bowl, and Ghost was reminded strongly of his years spent as a wolf.

A large shadow peeled off from the trees, stepping in their path. Andromeda didn’t even pause, just swept past the greater alpha standing guard as if he were part of the scenery. A hulking brute with dark gray and brown markings, he growled low in his chest at the effrontery, though made no move to intercept the Red Fern clan leader as she led the way to Kane’s prison.

Ghost’s control broke the second the cage came into view, and he ran for his mate. Kane surged to his feet, pushing his muzzle through the bars as best he could, a sharp, short whine escaping. Ghost threw himself to his knees in the snow, arms winding through the bars to wrap around Kane’s thick neck. Hot breath frosted the air and blew across his neck, Kane scenting him and licking his skin, wet nose snuffling. Ghost tipped his head and let Kane have his way, his larger mate examining every inch he could reach through the bars. Ghost pressed as close as he could, laughing in delight when Kane lowered his nose and breathed deep against his lower abdomen. It tickled, and Kane did it again.

*My little wolf,* Kane whispered in his mind, the words so soft they were closer to sensations than anything else. A yearning so intense that tears came too his eyes rose in Ghost, and he pressed his forehead to Kane’s, indifferent to the rust and dirt that fell from the ancient bars.

*Kane!* Ghost cried out, fingers clutching his mate’s thick black fur. Kane smelled of musk, sex, and blood, and his body stirred despite the circumstances. *Miss you, need you.*

*Missed you too, my mate,* Kane replied, and Ghost kneaded at the firm muscles under his fingers, making Kane rumble at his ministrations.

A smoke-smooth chuckle came from behind them, and a bare toe nudged Ghost’s thigh. Ghost pulled back, and hurriedly scrambled for the plastic container piled high with meat. He pried off the top and lifted high a choice cut of venison, presenting it to his mate. Kane gave him a fond glance from one large eye, before snapping his jaws and devouring the hunk of meat in one swift bite. Ghost took a quick, appreciative lick of the blood his fingers before reaching for another steak, feeding Kane by hand. It was intimate, and somehow it felt like just the two of them, wolves wild and free under the sun.

*Thank you, Ghost,* Kane said as he licked Ghost’s fingers, his long, hot agile tongue cleaning every drop of fluid left behind. Ghost’s body burned—he needed, he ached, and he wanted to howl his frustrations to the moon, tear the bars from the earth and burrow beneath Kane’s large and powerful frame, safe from friend and foe alike.

Burke knelt beside him, and Ghost regretfully pulled his arm away and sat back on his heels. Burke gave Kane a small, rueful smile, and slid the dinner bowl into the cage sideways before pouring fresh water through the bars. “Sorry it has to be this way, brother. But we have news.”

“I am sorry—I was so excited to see you I forgot! Kane, you’re not guilty!” Ghost declared eagerly, earning him chuckles from both Andromeda and Burke. Kane tilted his head in confusion, poking his nose at the bars of his cage, and Andromeda clarified.

“The Tribunal was given testimony by the shamans that your bond to Ghost is indeed Goddess-forged, and therefore you are innocent of blasphemy. Heromindes has not dropped his charge against you for improper use of the Voice. For that, the Tribunal will still meet tomorrow as planned.”

Kane growled low in throat, Ghost echoing the sentiment. His relief at the blasphemy charge being dropped was so strong that he felt extreme aggravation at the remaining charge against his mate. Kane spoke to them all next, his own frustrations heavy in his mental touch. *That was faster than I expected. Why am I still caged?*

“Better you are behind bars than free to be Challenged by an angry and embarrassed Clan Leader. Hero is no match for you, but Black Pine needs you as Heir, not as Ashland’s new alpha. Bid your time for another night—they decide tomorrow in regards to the last charge. It helps that Mercuriel is eager to return home, and that Julian is as impatient and self-centered as always. Their impatience will spur the other three into action.”

“What is the punishment for illegal use of the Voice?” Burke asked next, nudging the bowl towards his alpha to drink. Kane grumbled but lowered his head and sated his thirst. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it being levied against an alpha with the Voice before.”

“It’s an old Law, one meant to prevent the usurpation of one clan by another, causing upheaval. A Challenge between a Clan Leader to another, or one of comparable rank, such as an Heir, are the only times it is sanctioned to be used on a Clan Leader. There are Clan Leaders out there in the world without the Voice—and they are suited to their places, whereas a greater alpha with the Voice but no moral compass would be devastating as Clan Leader. The Voice, as you know, can be used by any alpha or clan leader upon their own wolves, but never on an out-Clan wolf. When Kane used it on Heromindes, it was both accidental and necessary—but outside of a Challenge, Kane broke the Law. The punishment is not death—but he can still die.”

“What?” Ghost demanded, sick of the explanations and needing a direct answer. His hands buried themselves in the thick scruff of Kane’s neck and clung. Andromeda stood over him, a white wraith in the long shadows, her blonde tresses lifting in a faint breeze.

“I have seen the punishments range from a whipping, docking, and banishment. Even a turn in the Pit.” Andromeda’s words sank into Ghost’s heart, and he curled his fingers tighter. Kane gave him a lick across his cheek, trying to reassure him, but Ghost was appalled.

“What is docking! Whipping! And they call me a feral creature!” Ghost was at a loss, his stomach roiling. “Tell me what docking is!”

*They would make me take wolf form, then cut off my tail. Sometimes, a paw or even an eye is taken.* Kane told him, calm and cold, as if the act wasn’t a possibility to be faced. Ghost caught an image from his mate of what that would look like, and stumbled away a step, vomiting onto the frozen earth.

“I will destroy them all if they tried it! That’s far more evil than whatever crime it could be punishing!” Ghost sobbed as he threw up again, nothing but bile left in his belly. Burke knelt behind him and rubbed his back, Kane watching him worriedly from behind the bars of his cage. “How could our people do something like that?”

Andromeda shrugged, her features expressionless, but her eyes glowed an eerie blue in the darkness under the trees. “We are both human and wolf—the ruthlessness of one is fueled by the imagination of the other. Atrocities are not owned purely by the humans, regardless of what our younglings are taught today.”

“Will they…are they…” Ghost tried to crawl back to Kane’s side, his body shaking. Burke picked him up, then sat them both beside the bars. Ghost huddled on Burke’s lap while Kane nuzzled his face. Burke was warm, and despite his immunity to the cold, Ghost was thankful for the support and comfort of shared body heat.

“I will do my best to advise them away from such an act, youngling. And you have Caius and Royrick on your side—neither of them has condoned such barbarity in the past, and have spoken out against it many times. But—the Tribunal is likely to find Kane guilty.”

Ghost buried his face in Kane’s scruff, breathing his mate in, trying to fill his whole body with Kane. His warmth, his strength, the feel of his fur, the thrumming of his heart.

Burke hugged him close, curling around him, and Kane gave him kisses across his cheeks. Ghost refused to believe such horror would fall upon his mate. *I won’t let them harm you. I will not.*

*Not even I am above the Law,* Kane answered, and he seemed resigned. Ghost smacked his nose, then went back to snuggling as best he could.

“I’ll come fetch you in a while, younglings. Take your time,” Andromeda murmured. She then addressed the witnesses in the trees. “And no one will bother you, or face me.”

Not a growl or displeased rumble to be heard, only the wind. Andromeda melted away into forest, leaving them alone. Ghost felt a measure of hope, sandwiched as he was between the two alphas.