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Wolf of the Northern Star (The Wolfkin Saga Book 2) by SJ Himes (14)

Fury of the White Wolf

Ghost healed the red wolf, who stared him the whole time with bright blue eyes full of surprise and wonder. The one they called Roan was not his enemy, despite trying to defeat his mate in combat. Like many greater alphas, they relished a fight they could win. And if they couldn’t win, then they would treat the loss like it never happened.

He had trouble understanding his own kind and their motivations for doing the many contradictory things that they did and said. What need did they have to have things, money, and wealth when they had their pack, clans, and families?

Ghost pulled his hands away and let the light fade. Where there were once deep wounds, now was unblemished skin and fur. Ghost sat back on his heels, looking ruefully at the mud in which he knelt. He was soaking wet and stunk like earth and blood. He made a face of disgust and exhaled in annoyance. He got up and took a few steps away, trying to shake off the worst of the mud.

Suddenly he was wrapped up in strong arms. Kane lifted him off his feet and hugged him tightly. Ghost laughed and hugged his mate in return, looping his legs and arms around his mate as tightly as he could. Kane smelled of cold air, mud, and sweat. And home. Home was in his mate’s arms. Ghost hoped with everything he had that this long nightmare was over.

Kane tipped his chin back with a finger and smiled at him before lowering his head and kissing Ghost. He opened his mouth for his mate’s tongue and enjoyed Kane’s taste. It had been too long since he was able to kiss his mate like he wished. Any time not spent in Kane’s arms was somehow painful and deeply frustrating. He wound his arms around Kane’s neck and tilted his head to the side to let his mate kiss him deeper. He had no need for air nor any thought of anything or anyone aside from his mate, and he whined in need. He didn’t care who watched or heard his whimpers— he needed to reconnect with his mate and quickly.

“Thank you.”

Ghost broke the kiss at those two quiet words. Kane pressed his face into Ghost’s long hair as Ghost looked down at Roan, who was once again a man. He too knelt in the mud, just as dirty as the rest of them in the pit. “You didn’t need to heal me. Eventually I might have managed it on my own, but I thank you all the same for the kindness.”

“You’re welcome. You can repay me by staying away from my mate,” Ghost said quietly but with an edge. Roan gave him a smile in return and a soft chuckle. The greater alpha from Sorrowfields carefully got to his feet with the help of Caius gripping his arm.

“I envy Kane what he has— both in rank and the love he has with you. I lost my chance to gain that through violence and I have lived long enough to know not to try that again. Neither of you have anything to worry about from me.” Roan gave them both one last nod and turned away, heading carefully for one of the tunnels, skirting around the spot where Mercuriel still sat upon Heromindes.

Caius followed Roan but not before he sent a searching glance over Kane and Ghost both. Kane gave his alpha a nod before they returned their attention to each other.

“Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of pits and fights to last me another fifty years.” Kane didn’t wait for his answer instead taking a running leap at the wall around the pit. There was no sign that Kane was hindered by Ghost’s weight as they landed easily amongst their friends and packmates.

Burke enveloped them in a hug, cheering and smiling wide. Sophia was excited to the point of losing her usual decorum and was smiling ecstatically and jumping around them in celebration. Burke reached out and grabbed the small beta yanking her into the hug. Gerald hung back but Ghost could see him past everyone and managed to get an arm out. He grabbed Gerald by the hand and tugged him forward. His uncle reluctantly joined the hug but accepted the affection with some measure of grace.

“Is it really over?” Ghost asked quietly when the hug broke apart. It was Burke who answered. “It was over the second Kane made Roan yield. Heromindes just couldn’t accept the result. He should never have returned to the pit while his blood was still boiling with battle rage from killing Roman— his actions afterward towards both Kane and Roan were dishonorable. Heromindes has not salvaged his honor but sacrificed it further.”

“I don’t care about honor or actions of foolish alphas. I want this entire mess to be over and all of us safe. Besides, we have a much greater task ahead of us now than blaming and the pointing of fingers.” Ghost spoke quietly and with conviction. Burke and Sophia gave him confused looks but it was Kane who explained.

“There are still wolves missing and Simon Remus must pay for what he has done to our people. Gabriel Suarez’s family has been torn apart. His father and his uncles are still being held hostage somewhere by Simon Remus along with potentially countless other wolves that have been unaccounted for for the last twenty years or more. The fight may be over here, but there is a greater battle we must yet win.”


Cat nervously approached the front door of the beautiful log cabin on top of the mountain. Some very beautiful and helpful blonde werewolves had pointed her in the right direction of the mysterious woman known as Andromeda. Glen shuffled from foot to foot behind her, his boots crunching on the thin ice that covered most of the porch. Paw prints from very large wolves and a few random footprints from bare human feet littered the surface, and Cat grinned, delighted.

The door opened before she could knock, her hand raised an inch from the wooden panel. A young woman, perhaps no older than twenty, gave her an inquisitive smile that reminded Cat of the woman she sought. “Is your, um, mother home? Andromeda?”

“She’s busy right now but you two are more than welcome to come and wait.” The young woman was slim and about Cat’s height, yet she had no doubt that the young woman in front of her was a formidable hunter. The werewolves here in Baxter were deceptive— many of them were like their matriarch. Winsome, blonde and all of them striking in a pale alabaster way that spoke of the strong genetic relationship. Not many of them looked like they could put up much of a fight or cause significant damage, but to a one, they were all predators.

The wolfish grin that she was getting from the blonde girl told Cat that her thoughts must be evident on her face, and she blushed, cursing her own fair complexion. She stepped inside as the blonde girl held the door open wider, Glen following her inside. They took off their coats and hung them on the wall next to the door. “Andromeda is upstairs but I can guarantee she knows you’re here. You can come into the kitchen if you’d like something to eat or you can wait here in the front. I just started a fire in the living room.”

Glen spoke up. “I’d love something to eat, thank you.”

With a smile, she gestured for them to follow and she led them in the direction of the kitchen. They had been in here a few times already but not since the tribunal members arrived a few days ago and Andromeda asked them to remain in their cabin for their own safety. With the trials over, Cat was finally ready to get out of her cabin and see some other people aside from Glen. Not to mention that she was surrounded by hundreds of creatures that she would have never imagined existing before, and not interacting with them was driving her scientific curiosity insane.

“Would you like some tea?”

“Yes, please.” They took a seat at the long table in the attached dining room. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask your name. I’m sure you remember, but I’m Cat and this is Glen. We’re Ghost’s… Well? People? I’m not sure what to call us, really.”

The young woman laughed and said, “My name is Marjorie, and I suppose the best way to describe who you are would be packmates. We use that interchangeably with family. Clan is used for a wider circle, a larger group of our kind. Since the two of you raised Ghost, packmates is the most apt description.”

Marjorie busied herself making tea, setting an old-fashioned iron kettle on the stove and lighting the burner. She got mugs down from the cabinets and went hunting through numerous tea boxes on the counter. “Any preference? My mother prefers the older teas, those with black leaves, but we have a variety.”

“I’ll take a chai tea and Cat will take anything with caffeine,” Glen grinned and gently nudged Cat on the wrist. “Cat’s affection for caffeine is really an addiction.”

“An addiction that keeps you alive,” Cat grumbled in response. Marjorie laughed and Glen gave her a quick wink.

“Here is your tea,” Marjorie said, setting down their mugs, a small dish full of sweetening packets, and a couple spoons. “Let me go see if Andromeda can see you really quick— can I tell her what you want to talk to her about?”

“It’s just a serious case of cabin fever, but we would both like to get out more and interact with your people. If she agrees, of course.” Cat said, adding a couple packets of sugar to her mug.

“Cabin fever bothers even us in winter but at least we can get out on the snow and do some hunting. I can’t imagine not having the option. Let me go see my mother. I’ll be right back.” Marjorie left the room on silent feet and Cat noticed that Marjorie was barefoot. Cat shivered thinking that even wood floors would be chilly in the depth of winter.

“Do you think Ghost got his problem resolved with the shamans?” Glen said quietly stirring his tea. “I know everything is over now, but the werewolves we met on the path couldn’t tell us much. Other than the bare basics. I know it’s none of our business but I still want to know the details of what happened. Ghost has been ours for almost fifteen years. Since he came home, we have rarely seen him. I know I should be happy that he’s back with his people and his family, but I can’t help but feel like we’ve been cast aside. I know that it’s foolish, since for most of that time, we didn’t even know that he was a person. We treated him like a pet. A treasured pet, but a pet all the same.”

“Ghost loves us,” Cat said firmly. “My curiosity with the wolfkin and Ghost has to take a backseat. Or at least it did while all this Tribunal stuff was happening. Maybe now that Ghost and his family have some breathing room, we can fix that. We can’t keep him forever. I think we need to figure out exactly what our relationship is with him now, and we can’t do any of that sitting in our cabin.”

“Your timing is a bit inconvenient, but the reason for your visit is still welcome.” Andromeda spoke from the dining room doorway, and they turned to greet her, but their greetings fell silent at the sight of blood on her usually pristine dress.

“Oh, my God, what happened?” Cat asked, heart in her throat. “Is it Ghost?”

“Ghost is fine. So is his mate. Forgive me for my state, I forgot humans are not accustomed to seeing blood like this. Now that the tribunal is over, your presence here is no longer under any of their potential authority. If any of the clan leaders object to having humans here in Baxter, they can take it up with me or with Caius.”

Cat had trouble taking her eyes off the large red stains that covered the front of Andromeda’s dress. The thin fabric was soaked through, clinging to Andromeda’s skin. She really hoped that wasn’t a person’s blood— anyone who lost that much blood would be in trouble.

“This is wolfkin blood. And no, no one is dead. At least, not the person whose blood this is,” Andromeda said grimly.

Just then footsteps came from the hallway above and then to the stairway. Andromeda looked to the door of the kitchen and Cat recognized Andromeda’s brother, River. There was a figure behind him, small and slim, covered head to toe in a dark gray, thick dress and an even thicker jacket with a hood that obscured his or her face.

“I’m taking the silver SUV. I’ll be back in a few days. I have my cell phone if you need me. Please tell Clan Leader Caius, if he asks, that I have already left.” River said quietly, not even sparing a glance for Cat and Glen at the table.

“Goddess bless you and stay safe, brother.” Andromeda said quietly, and she did not say anything to the hidden figure standing behind River. Her brother nodded once, then turned around and guided the mystery person out of the front of the cabin, shutting the door behind him.

Andromeda said nothing more as she stared at the spot where her brother had been standing. She seemed to be lost in thought, though Cat could not tell all that well considering that Andromeda was nearly expressionless. She came back to herself after a long moment and seemed to remember that they were both there at the table. “I must change, forgive me. I’ll be right back.”

Andromeda left quickly, departing through the rear door of the dining room. Cat couldn’t hear her footsteps as she left.


Ghost refused to let go of Kane. His mate carried him along the path through the woods to the back of Andromeda’s cabin. Burke and Sophia followed with Gerald bringing up the rear of their group. Kane had sent the rest of the Black Pine wolves to their respective cabins ordering them to get their gear ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Ghost didn’t know exactly what Kane was planning, but he knew his mate wanted to be ready for anything.

All Ghost wanted right now though, was time alone with his mate.

Everyone present at the pit in the woods had dispersed already, the individual clan leaders either leaving alone, like Caius had, or in pairs, like Royrick and Mercuriel. The Red Fern wolves all went back to their daily lives quickly and quietly. Ghost felt bad for them— their peaceful existence here in Baxter had been disturbed by death and mayhem.

Kane still carried Ghost in his arms, just as reluctant as Ghost to let go. Their lives the last few weeks had been hectic and stressful and Ghost was tired. He was finally home and hadn’t even had a chance to enjoy that fact— let alone celebrate his soulbond with Kane.

Burke moved ahead and opened the rear door of the cabin, holding it open for Kane to walk by with Ghost in his arms. Burke winked at Ghost as they went by. The inside of the cabin was warm and welcoming in a way it hadn’t been even just that morning. There was a difference, though, that made Ghost lift his head in alarm until he recognized it—the scent of fresh blood.

Claire’s blood.

The scent of blood was lessening even as they went further into the cabin. Claire was no longer in the building and Ghost could smell River and Andromeda. He could also smell his two human packmates.

He lifted his head from Kane’s shoulder and looked around excitedly. The scent grew stronger as they headed towards the dining room and kitchen. Ghost pointed towards the kitchen and Kane sighed in exasperation, but went where he directed with a smile.

“Oh dear God he’s naked!” Cat said in a startled rush. “I still can’t get used to seeing them running around naked. And look, Kane’s naked too!”

Glen was taking a sip of tea, which he promptly spat out as he laughed. Kane was chuckling and Ghost rolled his eyes when Cat grew red in the face and made every effort not to look directly at their nakedness.

“Is it safe for you to be out of the cabin?” Kane asked with concern. “I know that Caius and Andromeda are accepting of your presence here but the other clan leaders are still in Baxter.”

Glen was wiping down the table with a napkin when he answered. “Andromeda said we were fine but I have a feeling she might have wanted us to wait a couple more days before coming out of hiding. I’m guessing it’s because those clan leaders are still here, too.”

“No one is going to hurt you. I won’t let them,” Ghost growled from his spot in Kane’s arms. “I’ll stop anyone who tries.”

Cat gave him a brilliant smile in her typical fashion, all teeth and bright eyes. Ghost smiled back, reassured at the familiar sight. Kane quickly spoke up. “Let’s go put on some clothes, after we wash off this blood and grime. We’ll be right back.”

“Andromeda went to change as well, so take your time. We’ll be waiting for you right here.” Glen replied. “Considering the hour, maybe we can convince our hostess to feed us.”

At the mention of food Ghost’s stomach rumbled and he realized that he was starving. He hadn’t eaten anything substantial in days. Kane must be even hungrier, since his mate was four times his size in wolfkin form and hadn’t received many meals while locked away in the cell.

Kane continued to carry Ghost as they left the kitchen and headed for the staircase. The other three went their own way and Kane took Ghost to the room they had used previously. Once in the room Kane shut it behind him with a solid thump.

Ghost pressed his nose behind Kane’s ear and took a long deep breath, savoring the scent of his mate. Kane was alive and warm in his arms. The hectic mess of the last couple of weeks was at last over, and for the first time since Ghost was dragged away from Kane, they were alone together.

Ghost nibbled on Kane’s jaw, tiny little nips that he soothed with kisses and quick licks. Kane chuckled and ran a large hand up and down his spine, pressing their chests together. Kane tasted of sweat, earth, and blood. He needed more. His hands scrambled at Kane’s shoulders and neck, Ghost whimpering in urgent desire, arching his back and pushing his hips forward, his hard cock twitching along Kane’s rippled abdomen. He didn’t care that they were dirty or tired or covered in others’ blood—he had Kane to himself at last and he wasn’t going to waste this chance.

“Easy, little wolf,” Kane whispered before taking his mouth in a wet, deep kiss. “Shower first….” Ghost rolled his hips, and Kane grabbed his ass with a muffled curse, his fingers dipping into the crease. “Bed, now.”

Kane took a few steps and fell forward. Ghost felt the impact of the bed beneath them, but his mind, mouth and hands were too occupied with the hard, chiseled frame of his alpha to care. Teeth latched onto the side of his neck and bit down, holding him still as large hands spread his legs, lifting his thighs and hips. Kane held him still with his fangs while fingers explored along his crease and pressed inside. It burned, and Ghost whined, but he panted for more. A dark chuckle came from Kane as he released his neck, a long tongue lapping at the deep impressions of his teeth in Ghost’s skin. Ghost arched up, every motion of his body demanding more.

That place in his mind where Kane dwelt grew with each touch and taste. The walls between them fell. Ghost could not define the boundaries of their bodies or souls. He was light and fire, heat and desire. Kane growled, a deep rumble that purred through his body and mind. Ghost arched into his mate, crying out in desperate entreaty. His eyes were blinded by the infinite well of stars and light that dwelled in their joined souls.

He fell, and took Kane with him.

A crimson fire engulfed him. Kane’s fire. His alpha, his mate, his everything, burned and consumed him, renewing him with every touch. Pressure and a sharp sting made Ghost pull back from the infinite, eyes blinking up at Kane as his mate entered his body with a slow, long thrust. Ghost smiled, overcome with a sense of completion. This is what he needed. He would always need this.

He wrapped his legs around Kane’s waist, lifting into each thrust. Dark eyes that held embers glowed above him, wet lips and sharp fangs nipped and licked at his mouth. Ghost opened, accepting everything his alpha had to give him. Kane groaned, and the driving pace of his hips increased, both reaching the peak together. It was far too quick and yet not quick enough. Ghost howled, hot liquid splashing between them as Kane grabbed the back of Ghost’s head by the hair and yanked his head back, slamming his hips against his ass until he came with a roar. Teeth marked his neck, holding Ghost still while Kane came within his body, thick, hot spurts searing his insides with welcome heat.

The bed shook, a shiver of wood and creaking boards, metal springs twanging softly. Sweat ran down his face, stinging his eyes, and Ghost blinked away the resulting tears, laughing quietly.

Kane lay upon him, limp and hot. Ghost smiled at the sight, inordinately pleased at his alpha mate’s exhaustion from fucking him. Fucking. Ghost loved that word. It was a singularly human word, full of different meanings and used in almost every way, but this version he loved the most. Fucking with Kane was worth every frustration and worry since his return.

“Not fucking, little wolf,” Kane whispered against his neck, tongue lathing the spot he’d bitten. Their thoughts were each other’s. Unique, yet the same. “No matter how eager I am for you, what we share is never so simple as fucking.”

“What then?” Ghost whispered, running his fingers through Kane’s damp hair.

“I live to make love to you,” Kane said, pushing himself on his elbows to speak to Ghost face to face. “Bonding with my mate is a blessing I never thought to have, and I will treasure you forever.”

“Kane.” His mate’s name was a choked gasp, tears flowing in earnest joining the sweat on his face. Ghost didn’t have the words to return in kind, so he did what he always relied upon—he turned to the bond.

He poured all that he felt in the bond they shared. Joy at being reunited. Vindication and a fierce satisfaction that those who wanted to harm his mate were foiled in their plans. Lust and desire and this sweet, vibrant pain that somehow made his heart race with yearning and something even more indefinable. It was an emotion he had no name for—something he had never felt. It was powerful and made his heart beat faster, his blood sing, and caused his senses to expand making everything sharper, clearer. Everything had more impact, was more real, more immediate, than anything else had ever been in his whole life. His life as an animal left him woefully unprepared to define or apply a name to this feeling. He gave it all to Kane, hoping his mate would understand, would see and feel what he felt.

“Little wolf,” Kane breathed out, and Ghost could feel surprise and then an answering joy. The endearment was said with such affection Ghost thrilled to hear it.

“What is this?” Ghost asked softly, meaning the emotion he could feel coming from Kane in answer to what he gave. The bond sang. The cord between them pulsed, red and silver-white light blending. Hearts settled into a rhythm, a beat that became one.

Kane kissed him, soft and sweet. Ghost sighed into the kiss, tilting his head to accept the gentle and thorough claiming from his mate. Kane pulled back, and whispered, “Do you not know? Think, my little wolf. What hurts your heart and soul at the same time it makes you feel alive?”

“Pain and life…” Ghost whispered, reveling in what was happening between them, soul and body. What was this—it was intoxicating and sobering, a contradiction that left him electrified.

Love. A whisper across his mind. Fond exasperation touched his heart before the Presence departed as quietly as it appeared.

“Oh!” Ghost gasped out, delighted. He pushed at Kane’s shoulders, urging him to sit up. Their bodies slipped apart, and Ghost winced even as he scrambled to voice his epiphany. Kane sat back on his hip, a slow smile brightening his usually serious face. “Love! I love you!”

Ghost squirmed onto Kane’s lap, kissing what he could reach of his mate as Kane chuckled. Big hands cradled him close, and his mate answered him. “Yes, my mate. This is love.”

“You love me, too?” Ghost asked, though he was very certain of the answer.

“Yes, Ghost. My little wolf, precious and glorious. I love you.”


Sex, sweat and the sweet scent of happiness made Andromeda pause outside the door to the bedroom that Kane and Ghost used while at her cabin. The sounds of whispered confessions gave her the ability to smile despite her own broken heart.

River was taking Claire away. She was likely to never see her daughter again.

Andromeda went to the stairs. She paused at the top, looking down as the front door opened and Julian and Royrick entered the foyer. She gave Royrick a nod in greeting, which he returned cautiously, perhaps expecting her mood to be more…volatile. She bore the Tribunal members no ill will. Claire was guilty, and her daughter paid for her crimes.

It was only those two would had returned so far—Caius was in out in the woods somewhere, and Mercuriel still dealt with Heromindes. Mercuriel was the best suited, in her opinion, to restore some common sense to the humiliated and angry Ashland clan leader—greater alphas had one fault that ran common amongst their class—their pride too often turned to hubris, and when it was damaged, they had poor coping skills. Luckily, Hero had wanted justice against Roman far more than he wanted to revenge himself upon Kane—Heromindes would have died against Kane. The restraint inherent in the Black Pine heir was commendable in a physical fight—he and Roan had been well matched in the pit, and luckily it hadn’t devolved into a bloody mess like Roman’s execution. At least, at first, she frowned thinking of Heromindes foolish actions after Kane made Roan submit.

Royrick went to the living room, where her senses told her Sophia and Burke were relaxing. Burke and Royrick were much alike, both greater alphas less arrogant than their peers. Burke had the temperament commonly seen in a beta, an outlier in calm personality and kindness. Marjorie, and what sounded like young Helen, were in the kitchen, talking to Ghost’s human packmates. Helen giggled, high and sweet, and Andromeda found the sound soothing to her pain.

Julian sniffed loudly, a growl bubbling up from his throat as he caught scent of those in the cabin. He headed for the kitchen, spurring Andromeda from her musing. His long strides took him out of sight, and Andromeda put a hand on the railing, pushing up and flipping over. She landed on the floor of the foyer just as angry growls came from the kitchen. She sighed, thinking it was time to remind a few alphas just who ruled here in Baxter.


Ghost dried himself with the towel, shaking his head, flinging wets strands everywhere.

“Hey! Dammit, Ghost, I just got dry,” Kane complained, and Ghost did it again, making his mate yelp and duck out of the bathroom. A pair of sweatpants came flying through the door, and Ghost caught them with a laugh. He tugged on the dark gray pants that smelled of laundry detergent and very faintly of Shaman River. More of the shaman’s clothing, then, but it made sense as Ghost had none of his own and he and River were about the same size.

Thinking about human things like clothing reminded him of everything else that came with being human. Baxter was a place for their kind to gather, but only Red Fern Clan lived year-round within the park. This was Andromeda’s home, not his. Ghost could not remember where he used to live with his family before their deaths. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom watching as Kane dressed.

“Kane? Where is my home?” Ghost asked. Kane gave him a startled glance, pausing as he pulled a shirt over his head. Ghost gave a quick shake of his head and corrected himself. “I mean before I got lost, and I lived with my mother and father and my siblings, where was my home? Did we have a house? I remember seeing Gray Shadow often when I was Luca. Did we live with my grandfather?”

Kane finished dressing and sat on the bed to pull on his boots. Someone must have brought all their clothing from the cabin they were using before Kane was arrested. Ghost looked around and saw everything Kane had with him in Baxter occupying some space in the room.

“Before the ambush at the gathering where you got lost, you lived with your mother and father and your youngest siblings in Augusta, not far from the clan house where I live with Caius. Gray Shadow had a large farmhouse with acreage that he lived in with Marla and Josiah after they were bonded and Gray Shadow lost his mate.”

“Where will we live? I mean, you and I. Will I go with you back to Augusta?” Ghost wasn’t used to thinking ahead, to planning his future, and he found himself both scared and excited. If he got to stay with Kane, it didn’t really matter where he lived. Thinking of the future reminded him of the past.

“Well, little wolf, since you and I are now mated, I think it’s time for me to get my own house. Since I remain Black Pine’s Heir, I have to remain close to Caius, but I don’t think I need to live there anymore. Would you like to get our own place, make a home with me?”

Ghost smiled wide, enjoying the rush he felt at Kane’s question. He jumped and landed on top of Kane, tumbling them both over the bed and almost off the other side. Kane stopped them from falling and pushed them back to the center of the bed. Ghost flopped down on top of Kane, snuggling close. “I would love to live with you. Make a den, just the two of us.”

“Yes, my love. A den for just the two of us.” Kane paused, then asked quietly, “Will you be okay waiting until after we resolve the matter of our lost wolves? Remus still needs to be stopped.”

“I don’t mind waiting. I’ve already waited a lifetime. I can wait a little longer.”

Kane kissed the top of his head, his big arms holding Ghost securely to his chest. He nuzzled closer, breathing in the scent of soap and his mate. He loved the musky, fresh smell of his alpha. Made him warm and left him feeling safe.

A crash echoed through the cabin. They both sat up fast, and heard shouting from downstairs. A female voice raised in alarm had Ghost leaping out of bed, running for the door.


He threw open the door and sprinted down the hall, Kane on his heels. He wasted no time with the stairs; he made it to the railing and leapt over and down, Kane a split second behind him. He hit the floor and ran, entering the kitchen just in time to shout in surprise as he ducked.

Kane swore and dodged to the side, narrowly missed by the body barreling through the air. Ghost spun in a crouch, fangs and claws out.

The red haired clan leader slammed into the wall next to the front door, shaking the whole cabin. Ghost made himself small and pulled back from the frightening creature that blazed past him, following Julian into the foyer.

She was white fire. Power radiated out from Andromeda in bands of light, flares of sunlight and fury, a firestorm edged by white fangs and black claws. She glided over the distance between her and her prey—Julian was lifted into the air by a single slim hand, fingers tipped by claws choking him. He gasped, face red, veins bulging. He bucked and twisted, trying to free himself. Andromeda was somehow larger, taking up more space, yet she looked the same—but for her power, blazing out around her in a supernova. Ghost breathed in a lungful of hot air, half-expecting to taste fire.

Sophia, Burke, and Royrick appeared in the living room doorway, eyes wide. Royrick grabbed Sophia and moved her behind him and Burke darted past the nightmare that was Andromeda, kneeling between Kane and Ghost, looking terrified and protective. Though what anyone could do against the fury of Andromeda was questionable.

Andromeda opened the front door with her free hand, and carried Julian over the threshold. Ghost crawled forward, dodging Kane, who was trying to pull him back. He wanted to see.

A female alpha in her full power and fury wasn’t something he wanted to miss.

Andromeda pulled Julian close, his legs dragging along the porch. Andromeda was shorter than the clan leader she tossed about like a toy, but her strength was far more immense. “Take your vile self from my lands,” she spoke softly, almost kindly. Julian’s eyes were bugging out, tears running down his face, hands clutching at her wrist. “I warned you about going near those under my protection. I don’t care for blood-feuds, and that is the only reason I spare your life. Leave before I forget the benefit of restraint, and kill you for the joy of it.”

She flicked her arm, a negligent motion that nonetheless sent Julian flying off the porch and across the front yard. He disappeared when he landed in a snow drift next to several parked SUVs. Snow exploded into the air in a fluffy cloud, falling back to the ground with a hiss.

Ghost stood, and carefully stepped outside. Andromeda remained still, the wind picking at her blonde hair.

She diminished. Became less bright. He caught her face in profile, but enough to see her eyes lose their fire, returning to their normal, vibrant blue. The nimbus of light around her pulled back inside, and she was once again a beautiful woman, wearing a simple dress and barefoot in the snow.

Andromeda saw him looking, and turned a bit more, one eye on him, the other on the coughing, red-faced alpha who was stuck in the drift. Ghost smiled at her, awed. She gave him an exasperated glance, but smiled in return. “Don’t look at me like I’m our Goddess brought to earth, youngling.”

“You’re just as scary,” Ghost replied, and she laughed.

“Inside, you scamp. Food, then talking, then sleep. We all need it.” She tilted her head, and Ghost went first. Andromeda followed behind him, not concerned in the least that Julian was dragging himself from the snowbank.

The door shut with a soft click. Cat and Glen were near the door to the kitchen, and Ghost ran to his packmates. “Cat!”

She hugged him close. She smelled the same—wind and trees and wolf. He snuggled, and she laughed. “Ghost, you’re gonna push me over.”

He backed away a bit. “Sorry. Did he hurt you?” She appeared unharmed, but if Julian laid a single claw on her or Glen he was going back out there and setting him on fire.

“He came in sniffing after the young ladies,” Glen grumbled, glaring at the door, clearly angry. “He saw us almost immediately and went to attack, but our very scary hostess took him to task.”

Andromeda walked past them, and gave Glen a tiny pat on the shoulder as she entered the kitchen. Glen smiled, eyes full of awe and wonder.

Ghost was yanked away from Cat and into Kane’s arms. Burke glowered at Ghost over Kane’s arms, and Ghost tried to smile in reassurance but Kane was smothering him. Burke laughed, shaking his head, and headed for the kitchen, Sophia and Royrick following. Eventually everyone left, and Ghost was left with Kane.

“Your fearlessness is commendable and terrifying,” Kane breathed into his hair, rocking them back and forth on their feet.

Ghost put his ear to Kane’s chest and listened to the steady thump-thump of his alpha’s heart. It was a bit fast, but that was understandable. “Andromeda wasn’t going to hurt me. She knew what she was doing.”

Kane huffed out a strangled laugh, full of relief and tension. “Still took a few hundred years off my life, little wolf.” Kane released Ghost, giving him a swift, sweet kiss. “C’mon, let’s get some food, then figure out what we’re doing. Caius should be back soon, too.”

Kane took his hand and lead them back to the kitchen, where the sounds of the table being set and food cooking waited for them. Ghost tilted his head, his attention drawn momentarily to the roar of a large engine starting, then wheels spinning furiously as a SUV tore away from the cabin. He smiled, satisfied.




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