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Wrecked by Lucy Wild (11)




Six months later


I HELD THE OAR loose, letting the tide nudge me along. I felt so relaxed, it was like a dream. Since starting the job, I'd managed to get out in the kayak more often than I expected. One of my tasks was to keep an eye on the island, giving me the perfect excuse to head out there.

The motor boat was available but I preferred to kayak, unable to believe I was getting paid to do so. I made sure to avoid the rocks that had been so dangerous the first time, getting used to the idiosyncrasies of the tidal currents between the island and the mainland, learning with every trip.

Behind me, Rich was in his kayak. It had taken some persuading for him to give it a try but from the first time three months ago, he'd been a natural, joining me as often as he was able.

His camper van was back by the barrier, my car not often needed since we tended to travel places together. We'd walked down to the beach together, a routine that was already familiar enough to feel as if we'd been doing it for years.

Six months we'd been together. That was all. Half a year since I'd first seen him over by the lighthouse. So much had changed since then. I barely spent any time at home anymore, living with him was infinitely preferable, waking up to sex most mornings and with tea brought to me in bed afterwards to reinforce just how wonderful a person he was.

Working for the conservation trust was a dream job just like he was a dream partner. Everyone mucked in with what needed doing. I might have been the admin girl but I'd cleared drainage ditches, chopped down trees, even rescued an injured fox and delivered it to the local vets, all part of my new career.

It wasn't as awkward having Rich as my boss either. After that first stolen session in his office, we'd come to an arrangement. We kept our work and home life separate. In the office, we were consummate professionals. At home, well that was another story. I'd never had so much sex and it just kept getting better the longer we were together.

We reached the secluded bay on the far side of the island, known only to a select few. I scraped the bottom of the shore as I approached the beach, my eye caught by something up by the track that led from the sand to the lighthouse. "What's that?" I asked as I climbed out and stood up in the knee high water.

"Come and see," he replied, taking my hand and leading me up there.

At the edge of the beach someone had laid out a table and two chairs. There was a candle which he lit as I sat down and two silver platters either side of it. He lifted the lids to reveal a banquet. "Voila," he said, nodding towards the jam sandwiches in food bags waiting for me. "With chocolate to follow."

"You know me so well," I said, taking the can of cola he offered.

"Well I couldn't exactly leave a three course meal out in the open."

"When did you set this up?"

"I might have done it yesterday. I wanted it to be special."

"What's the occasion?"

"Six month anniversary or had you forgotten?"

"No, but I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course I remember. How could I forget the day we met. You sprayed salt water into my face. You don't forget that in a hurry."

I took a bite before looking across at him. "I have some news," I said, my voice quiet. I'd been waiting a week for the right time to tell him and this seemed the moment. I didn't know how he was going to react but I couldn't keep it to myself forever. He had to know.

"Oh, yes?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm pregnant."

I half winced, waiting for the eruption I irrationally thought was coming. His expression blew me away. He grinned so broadly, I thought he might burst. "That's wonderful!" he said, leaping to his feet and throwing his arms around me.

"You're happy about it?"

"Of course I'm happy about it, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, it means you might have to get a new admin assistant."

"Might have to get you a bigger kayak too," he replied, planting a kiss on my forehead. "I'm going to be a father. You're going to be a mother. Wow, I mean wow."

I smiled up at him. "I wasn't sure how you'd react."

"Well, now you know."

"Yes," I said as he leaned down towards my lips. "Now I know."

We made love on the beach. It seemed the perfect way to celebrate. Afterwards, we sat together, hand in hand, looking out at the ocean. "I'm glad we met," I said quietly.

"Me too," he replied, squeezing my fingers. "Do they do children's kayaks?"

"I'm sure we can find something suitable." I glanced at the dipping sun. "Want to head back?"

"Not yet. I say we spend a bit longer here. There's something at the lighthouse I want you to see."

"And what might that be?"

"It's small and waiting for you and I'm not saying anything else so you'd better come with me."

I got up, feeling my heart race. Was it what I thought it was going to be? Could he be that sure after six months? But then, I'd been sure after one day that he was the one. So had he. He was right of course, about so many things. I had to resist starting to run, striding up the track and pulling him alongside me. Behind us, the sun continued to set, leaving a red glow across the sky. I barely noticed. I was too busy concentrating on the small velvet box on the doorstep of the lighthouse.