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Zandian Pet: An Alien Warrior Romance by Renee Rose (3)

Chapter Three


Mina held the laser gun to the head of the small Stornigian pilot. She’d grabbed his weapon from his holster when she found him, half-drunk, outside his rickety airship. His eyes had bugged out, but she wasn’t sure if it had been from the gun or her breasts bobbing in his face.

Still stark naked, she’d attempted to make up for her vulnerable appearance by using a mixture of force and the promise of reward to get him to fly her the hell out of Aurelian airspace.

He seemed more amused than scared or angry, so it was probably the hope of reward that had motivated him.

She hadn’t promised sex. She’d offered the strange talisman she’d taken from her Zandian’s pocket.

But he probably hoped for sex.

She wouldn’t be above using it if she had to. Actually, that wasn’t true. She didn’t want any male touching her. Not when she could still feel the heat of the Zandian’s hands cupping her ass. The marvel of his tongue between her legs. The skitter of her pulse at his heated, violet gaze.

Since their encounter, the idea of giving herself to any other being repulsed her. Oddly, she felt she belonged to him. He’d risked his life to save her.

She hadn’t stayed to gawk, but caught glimpses of him attacking a guard and shooting out the lights as she’d made her run for it. Stars, she hoped he’d made it out safely. She hadn’t meant to endanger him—had never, in a million sun cycles, dreamed he would come to her assistance so quickly and capably.

And damn, he had been capable. Though he hadn’t been dressed as a warrior, he used his body like one. She’d forgotten the elegance and grace a trained fighter carried. Seeing him brought back memories of her father taking his warriors through their paces in the movement studio. The power and precision of each kick or lunge, the clarity of intention, the dance of bodies so clean it looked choreographed.

Her chest tightened with an ache she hadn’t felt in years—the sting of losing her father and the rest of her family. She’d give anything to see just one of them right now.

The Zandian had woken that homesickness in her. He’d ruined her for any other destiny. And while she regretted leaving him behind—not waiting to ensure he got out safely—at least he’d strengthened her resolve and given her the means to achieve her goal.

“We’re in Ocretian airspace. Where to now, beautiful?”

She shifted on her feet. This part she didn’t know. “I-I’m looking for a pod docked in the airspace here.”

“Let me guess, it’s full of beings who look like you?”

Hope quickened. “Have you seen a being like me before?”

The Stornigian smirked. “I’ve seen a few. I know where their pod is.” He lifted his chin at a large floating structure in front of them. “Doubt they’ll let me dock without an invitation, though.”

She frowned. “Take off your tunic.”

He grinned and twisted to look over his shoulder at her. “So we’re doing this now?”

She glared, but the merriment in his eyes said he only teased. She waved the laser gun. “Now.”

He started to pull the tunic off too quickly, and she jerked the gun level to his head. “Easy, beautiful. I’m just doing what you asked me to.”

She nodded, once. He moved more slowly this time as he removed the tunic and held it out to her. She gripped it, unsure how to put it on without lowering the gun or shifting her gaze from her prisoner.

“I’d offer to turn my back for you to get dressed, but I think I’ve already seen everything you have,” he drawled, letting his eyes drift lower. Despite, the taunt, he did turn back to the controls.

She took a step back and pulled the tunic over her head with one arm, keeping the gun trained with the other. With a little struggle, she wriggled one arm through the hole then switched the gun to the other hand and donned the other sleeve. She unbuckled the stupid pet collar she’d worn and dropped it on the floor. “All right. Call them.”

He flicked on the comms unit. “I don’t know their channel, but if I fly close enough, I expect they’ll hail me.”

Stars, she hoped he wasn’t tricking her. She tossed the strange bit of jewelry she’d taken from the Zandian onto the control panel. “That’s for you.”

“I’ll take the ring, too.” His teasing drawl was gone, replaced by a note of sharpness. In fact, he seemed far less drunk than he had when they left Aurelia.

She pinched her lips together. If he was, in fact, bringing her to the Zandian pod, she’d have no need for the expensive crystal. Surely, they would take care of her. If he wasn’t, that meant he probably had a plan to overpower her, anyway, and could take the treasure himself. Wouldn’t it be better to hand it over and established a little good will? He had enabled her escape, after all.

She unscrewed the ring from her thumb and dropped it on the control panel, too.

Both treasures immediately disappeared into his pocket.

An image flickered on the comms screen, and she nearly wept with relief. Zandians. Three of them, dressed as royal guards, broad-chested and proud, gazed out at them. “Identify yourself immediately,” one of them barked.

Her prisoner fiddled with the comms unit, adjusting the color of the picture before them, bringing the flickering image into focus. “They can’t see you. My lens is broken. Identify yourself.”

Her throat went dry. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

“I repeat, identify yourself immediately.”

She answered in Zandian. “My name is Taramina. Daughter of Seke, who was Master of Arms to King Zander.”

The guards looked at each other. The one who had spoken gave a low order to another, who disappeared. “Hold your position,” he said curtly in Ocretion. “Do not fly any closer without authorization.”

“Understood,” her prisoner muttered.

Damn. What did it mean? Did they not believe her? Perhaps they were finding someone to verify if Seke was a made-up name.

She waited without breathing for what felt like forever. Then the missing guard reappeared with—oh stars—could it be?

“Papa?” Her voice choked with tears, eyes filled.

“Tara?” he peered at her, unseeing. “Get the picture up,” he barked at the guards. Yes, definitely her father. She’d remember that calm authority anywhere.

She laughed, moisture spilling down her cheeks. “Papa, it’s me. I didn’t know you’d survived. I just got free, and we need to dock.”

The head guard reached for a control on his panel, but her father held a finger up.

“Your mother’s name?”

Emotion bombed her chest, the past colliding with the present in an explosion. “Becka,” she whispered. “Is she—”

He gave a short shake of his head, and her hopes were dashed. “No. I’m sorry. I just had to be sure.” He nodded at the guard, who hit a button, and the gates to the dock opened like wings.

“Your ship is cleared for docking,” the guard clipped.

Her pulse raced as their ship landed on the dock. She tugged the Stornigian’s tunic down, wishing it covered more.

“There are pants in the closet in the bunk room,” he said.

She narrowed her eyes, trying to decide if he planned any tricks. But he wouldn’t have brought her all the way here if he wanted to ambush her now. “Thank you.”

She darted into the room he’d pointed to and threw open a cupboard. As he’d promised, she found a pair of pants, and she tugged them on. They were too short and fit her like a pair of tight stockings, but it was better than going out half-naked.

Someone pounded on the ship’s door.

“You’d better get it,” the Stornigian said drily.

She managed a wan smile and handed him his gun. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He shrugged. “It’s not every planet rotation I get taken hostage by a naked Zandian princess.”

A smile tugged her lips. “I’m not a princess.”

The pounding on the door grew louder. He lifted his chin. “Open it.”

She drew a long breath to steady her nerves and hit the button to operate the hatch. Zandian warriors parted and swarmed forward, surrounding her, propelling her straight toward the male waiting on the other side.

Her father.

At first, she could scarcely move, scarcely speak, but then he opened his arms and she was eight solar cycles again, running into her father’s arms. He engulfed her in an enormous hug, and she wept against his tunic.

She’d done it. Had escaped slavery and found her way home.




Erick docked his ship on the Zandian palatial pod and disembarked. He’d delayed his return home an entire planet rotation, not because he had anything to do, more because he didn’t want to face Zander and Seke.

But the time had come. Shame nipped at his heels, swirled through him like a fog addling his brain. It paralyzed his mind, kept him from finding any solutions to his problems.

If only he’d acted with more honor when he saw Seke’s daughter. Or required more of a guarantee from Behn. But he hadn’t done either of those things, and now he had to face the beings who cared.

He headed into the pod without seeing anyone of importance. Good. He needed a chance to use the washtube and get his head on straight. He avoided passing the Great Hall on the way to his chamber. Prince Zander would be in there, sitting on his throne, hearing from members of their species. It was the one planet rotation per week when he opened the pod to any Zandian to use the crystal baths, speak with him, and dine with them.

That was one of the reasons Erick had chosen this planet rotation to return home. Zander and Seke wouldn’t have time to question him.

He stepped into his room, but it didn’t afford the sense of comfort he usually derived from returning. It seemed empty, as if something was missing. But when he tried to identify what, all he came up with was the beautiful female he’d lost on Aurelia.

And he was losing his vecking mind.

He stripped and stepped into the automatic spray of water, closing his eyes and letting it rinse him clean. Wishing it would cleanse his guilt and shame.

The automatic dryer came on, blowing hot air across his skin. He squeezed his eyes closed at the sensation. For some idiotic reason it reminded him of having his cock in Mina’s hot mouth, the way she’d swallowed him down, watching him like an obedient slave.

But she hadn’t been an obedient slave, had she? She’d stolen the crystal ring and Venusian talisman from his pocket and used them to escape. Which made her fifty times more enticing. The beauty was as smart and capable as she was skilled and seductive.

Even if the galaxy had a million other Zandian females, he doubted he’d ever find one more captivating than Mina.

Ignoring his cock, which now ached thanks to his thoughts of Mina, he stepped out of the washtube and dressed in clean white palace finery. He couldn’t avoid seeing Zander and Seke forever.

With any luck, the weekly meal would be about to start, and there wouldn’t be time to report. He walked into the great room, only to find the chatter louder than usual. Beings stood, making the transition between Zander holding court and gathering at the enormously long dining table, set with the weekly feast their chef, Barr, prepared.

So bent on preparing himself for what to say to Zander, Erick didn’t realize the cause of so much animated conversation until Tomis stepped to the side, revealing…

No. It couldn’t be. Had Talia bleached her hair?

But Talia stood next to Tomis, which meant…

As if she felt his stare, Mina lifted her beautiful eyes at the same moment he went stock still, arrested in the entryway to the Great Room.

“Erick,” Seke said, observing the direction of her gaze. His barrel chest appeared wider than ever. “Come and meet my firstborn, Tara. She found her way here yesterday, all on her own. Both daughters returned in the same week, can you believe it?” The baffled wonder in the scarred warrior’s face made Erick’s chest tighten.

Keep walking, idiot. Or at least say something.

But he literally couldn’t make his body move or his tongue speak.

Seke, normally as sharp and attentive as they come, didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he just thought Erick was ogling. “Tara, this is Master Erick, Prince Zander’s business and trade advisor.”

Mina lowered her blue-violet eyes—so much like her father’s—and dropped into a demure curtsy. “Pleased to meet you, Master Erick.”

Veck, he loved hearing his name on her tongue. He’d been sorry he hadn’t given it to her before. But what is her game?

His breath scraped into his chest. He stepped forward on wooden legs and bent his arm at a ninety degree angle in the traditional Zandian greeting. “The pleasure is mine, Lady Tara.”

“Tara escaped from Aurelia where she was a house-slave.”

A house-slave. Not a sex slave, or sex pet. Pain lanced his chest. Not for himself, but for Mina—or Tara—whatever she preferred to be called here. She didn’t want others knowing how degraded she’d been, so she’d lied. He couldn’t blame her. How would a young female tell her father she’d been defiled in every way imaginable? It would destroy a male like Seke, who would want to find every male who’d touched her and make him pay with his life.

Hell, it made him want to do the same. At the very least, he should go back to Prium’s and bash the pimp’s pearly white teeth in. He should have done it when he was there.

“It’s illegal to keep Zandians as slaves. Aurelians should know that.” Somehow, he provided the smooth, educated commentary expected of him with Mina just a few steps away. Her intoxicating scent drifted to where he stood, reminding him of how it felt to bury his nose in her hair. To speak with his lips right up to her ear. Which made him recall all the dirty things he’d done to her. All the things he still wanted to do.

All the things her father would kill him for doing.

“Yes and I’d ask you to file an intergalactic complaint but her sole owner died a few lunar cycles ago, which is how she got away.”

Don’t look at her. Don’t.

He couldn’t because, if he did, he might show every thought splattering his brain. “I will still file it. It’s important we put the Aurelians on notice that Prince Zander will take every action for any abuse of his species.”

Stars, what a vecking hypocrite. What action had he taken on behalf of his species? The veck her hard over a bench one? Or the use her mouth as a veck-hole?

Prince Zander waved a hand to invite the milling group to sit at the banquet table.

His instinct told him to place himself as far away from Mina as he could. But when a swarm of males crowded in, every eye bright and eager to catch hers, he changed his mind. He’d be damned if he’d let any of them move in on his female.

Fortunately, his status as trusted advisor allowed him to sit near Master Seke and, therefore, his delectable daughter. He took a seat across from her. Next to her would be too close. He wouldn’t be able to trust himself if her scent was up in his nostrils, her soft body within grabbing distance.

Thankfully, Seke took the seat next to her, and her sister, Talia, took the one on her other side.




That was her Zandian’s name. Master Erick. The prince held him in esteem. That knowledge shouldn’t send little wings of excitement flapping in her chest, but it did. She’d known he was a worthy male, even though he’d turned part beast in the cell with her.

She’d never dreamed he’d be here, but then, she hadn’t realized almost every Zandian still alive either lived on Prince Zander’s pod or visited it weekly for the crystal baths. She’d been treated to one when she’d arrived the previous planet rotation, and now felt like a completely different being.

But she felt like a different being in many ways. Like a being she didn’t even recognize.

Her sister, Talia, reached under the table and gripped her hand. “It’s hard to re-integrate, I know,” she murmured.

Relief poured through her as she squeezed her sister’s hand gratefully. It was almost easier that Talia hardly remembered her. Her younger sister had either lost her memory when their ship crashed during their escape, or had blocked out her past as a protective mechanism. Either way, she had only rediscovered their father and fellow Zandians three planet rotations ago. Even speaking Zandian sometimes challenged her.

Talia was right. After planning her escape for fifteen years, Mina found her new freedom almost more difficult than slavery. She didn’t know how to be a presentable member of Zandian society. She acted a part without a script. The only being who knew what she’d been before her arrival was Erick.

And, for some reason, that bonded her to him even more.

She hadn’t told her father she’d been used as a sex pet—it would’ve killed him. Instead, she’d made up the story about being a house-slave to Durhock.

She’d been afraid Erick would out her, but he hadn’t. Of course, he probably wasn’t in a hurry to tell her father what he’d done with her at Prium’s. He’d followed her lead, and pretended they hadn’t met, after a quick recovery from his obvious initial shock of seeing her. His gape had gone unnoticed, since nearly everyone on the pod had reacted the same way. It turned out, there were only three Zandian females alive. At least females of mating age. Her sister, Talia, who already had a mate, and Eslyn, a quasi-prisoner who was being punished by Prince Zander for helping to kidnap Talia.

Her punishment had just been announced by Zander before dinner. He’d assigned her to be reconditioned into Zandian society by three of his warriors. They’d escorted her out, the dark promise of punishment burning in their expressions.

Mina had found the idea of the conditioning arousing—especially considering it would come from not one male, but three—but hadn’t been able to imagine any male touching her except Erick.

She’d wondered—had it just been because he was Zandian that he’d aroused such a passion in her? But despite the constant deluge of eager attention she’d received from nearly every male in the palatial pod since her arrival, she’d only been able to think of him.

And now, here he was, sitting across from her, radiating tension and hunger and something else. Anger?

While one part of her brain reasoned he had no cause to be angry with her, the other sped off imagining how he might condition her. Would he shove her to her knees and feed her his cock again? Or bend her over and whip her ass before fucking it roughly?

She squeezed her thighs together, arousal building in her core. It was wrong to think of being used that way. She wasn’t a pet anymore.

She stole a glance at Erick.

He paused, mid-bite, his eyes locking onto hers. A frown marred his features, but there was no mistaking the tilt of his horns in her direction. Whatever was running through his mind, he wanted her.

He and most of the males in the room. Which was nothing new for her. The new was being in a position to accept or refuse their advances. Hell, she was in the position to look around the palatial pod and choose for herself. Pluck out a partner for pleasure, if she desired.

And, strangely, she did desire. Erick had awoken a side of herself she hadn’t known existed. Maybe it was breeding season, maybe the crystal bath she’d had, but her body thrummed with an overwhelming need, an ache only one male could slake.

Kicking off her shoe, she sought his leg with her bare toes. She knew she’d found the right limb by the way his hand jerked at his food and his brows lowered. She inched her foot higher, following the inside of his calf to his thigh.

“I have a question,” Talia piped up beside her, directing her attention to their father. “Why does everyone still refer to Prince Zander as prince, when his father is dead?”

“I will claim the title when I reclaim our planet,” Zander answered from the head of the table, making Talia blush.

So he hoped to retake Zandia. Interesting.

“Although I suppose it is confusing now that we have a new prince in the palace.” He turned a loving gaze on the bundle in his human mate’s arms.

Lamira shifted their tiny half-breed, and a dozen servants surged forward, offering to hold the tiny new prince. From what Mina had seen, that infant would never pass a single moment out of some being’s arms. The entire pod lived and breathed for their newest royal.

Even Eslyn’s children seemed highly revered, despite the fact that their fathers were in the dungeons below. In addition to the three warriors who took charge of Eslyn, the young had dozens of other Zandian adults eager to step in as guardians and teachers.

Mina’s foot arrived at the apex of Erick’s thighs, and her toes wiggled along his hard length, trapped against one thigh.

His horns thickened, and he swallowed convulsively.

Beside her, Tomis stroked Talia’s thigh, his fingers traveling higher and higher, his horns as thick and hard as Erick’s.

What would her sister think of her past as a sex slave? She wanted to tell her but couldn’t risk their father finding out.

What did Erick think of her now? She got the sense he was ashamed of his behavior at Prium’s. Hell, he’d even apologized to her at the time. Maybe his lust had taken him by surprise, too. If there were no other Zandian females around, his reaction to her might have been as surprising as her reaction to him.

She found the head of his cock and squeezed it with her toes.




What was Mina’s game?

If she didn’t stop stroking his cock with her little foot, he’d never be able to leave the table because his malehood was at a full salute.

“So, Tara,” —he cleared his throat— “how did you find our pod?”

The conversation didn’t stop her toes, although he swore he saw reproof at his question.

“I heard of it a few lunar cycles ago and made it my intention to get myself here. I’d hoped I’d be able to beg for assistance from the prince, but I had no idea my father had survived the invasion.”

She looked over at her father’s scarred face. He had one hand buried in his human mate’s hair, but he froze when she looked at him, an apology in his expression.

Now her little toes stopped, and she dropped her foot to the floor, which shouldn’t have come as such a disappointment.

“I don’t mind about your new mate,” Mina said softly, and the table went quiet around her. She flushed as if she hated the attention.

This was the same female who’d goaded it back at Prium’s. He vecking hated seeing her out of her element. Wanted to do everything in his power to make her comfortable, although he couldn’t, for the life of him, think of what that might be. He offered Mina what he hoped was an encouraging smile.

Seke’s mate, Leora, lifted her green eyes.

“I’m happy you found a new mate, Father. It’s strange for me to see you with her, but I don’t mind.”

Talia nodded beside her. “Me neither.” She shrugged. “Of course, my memories are incomplete anyway.”

Leora inclined her head with regal grace. It was easy to forget she was human and had also recently been a slave. “I’m grateful for your acceptance.”

Everyone seemed relieved when Zander stood, indicating the dinner was over. Mina jumped to her feet, although she couldn’t go anywhere because she was immediately boxed in by a half-dozen interested males.

Separated from her by the table, there was nothing he could do to aid her. If she even wanted that.

What did she want from him? Had she just been torturing him because she knew he couldn’t do anything at the dinner table? Was this her form of sexual payback for what he’d done with her?

“Excuse me, I’m very tired. It’s been a long few planet rotations.” She elbowed her way through the crowd.

He slipped out of the Great Hall ahead of her, taking the corridor toward the sleeping chambers and waiting around the first corner. The moment she rounded it, he stepped into her path.

“Erick.” She stopped with an audible inhale, her pale hair falling forward into her face.

He advanced. One step then another.

She retreated. Not out into the corridor to the Great Hall, but backing up to the wall.

In a second, he was upon her, pressing her small, lithe body up against the smooth pastel plaster, dragging his open mouth down the column of her neck.

He hadn’t meant to pounce, hadn’t even known he’d intended to, but the moment he had her caged, his senses exploded with everything Mina. When she lifted one leg to wrap around his waist, his last thin thread of control snapped. He palmed her ass cheeks and ground his heavy erection against her core.

“Were you punishing me, beautiful pet?” He thrust his clothed cock into the notch between her legs, registering the dampness coming through her fine white leggings. “Did you want to make me sweat in front of your father? You know he’d vecking kill me if he found out what I did to you, don’t you? One word from you and my life would be over.”

It thrilled him to know she held the balance of his life in her hand, as much as it seemed to thrill her to be handled roughly by him. He thrust again, hammering her ass against the wall. “You’re going to let me do it again, though, aren’t you?”

It was unbelievably bold, but he’d made Zander’s fortune with his skill at reading beings. He knew when he was going to get his way. How he’d won this victory, he had no idea, but he’d won it.

Her lids drooped, full lips parted as her head lolled against the wall.

“I’ll take your pretty pussy this time, beautiful. It’s what I should’ve done in the first place, not that I ever meant to claim you at all. I swear on the one true Zandian star, my only goal was to get you out of there.”

She wrapped her fists around his horns, sending a jolt straight to his cock. “I believe you.” Her husky tone made him even wilder.

He thrust against her alluring heat again. “You didn’t wait to be rescued, though, did you, sweet female?” He nipped her neck. “You saved yourself. But you stole from me, naughty pet.”

She used his horns to bring his mouth down to hers. “You’ll have to punish me.”

Holy star of Zandia.

He picked her up, and she wrapped her other leg around his waist as he carried her to his chamber, where he slapped his palm against the scanner to open the door. Mouth locked onto hers, he saw nothing on the way to the sleepdisk. His fingers roughly squeezed her ass as he stumbled forward and launched them both horizontal.

He tore her leggings off and attached his mouth to her core, taking his first pull of what he’d been missing every minute since they’d parted the previous planet rotation. “Veck, yes, Mina. You taste so good.”

Her answering cry matched his urgency. She rubbed his horns, yanking his head tighter to her hot pussy. He suctioned his lips over her clit and sucked while she thrashed beneath him.

He broke his kiss. “You’re so wet for me.”

“Yes...yes,” she moaned.

“Too bad I can’t let you come.”

“Wh-what?” She leaned up on her elbows, her beautiful lavender skin flushed a shade of reddish purple, eyes glassy.

“This is punishment, remember?”

Her slow drink of breath went straight to his cock. Hell, the idea of punishing her went straight to his cock because, this time, he had her permission.

She wants this.

Nothing made him harder than the idea of Mina willingly placing herself in his hands. Offering that sweet ass up for the lick of his belt.

He yanked off his tunic and undershirt and threw them over his shoulder. Her clothing went next. He backed off the sleepdisk and grasped under her knees to yank her core to the edge of the bed. Right where he wanted it—no, needed it—when he finished punishing her.

He took his time unstrapping his sword belt, measuring the flicker of excitement in her eyes against the flinch of fear. Stars, if he saw any sign that his words or actions were too much, or that they threw her into distasteful memories, he would drive his dagger through his own hand. But she showed only interest, even encouragement.

He wrapped the belt around one hand and picked up her ankles with the other, holding them high. “What happened to the ring you stole, Mina?” He snapped the animal hide across her buttocks. He was relieved her skin showed no marks from the whipping he’d given her the previous planet rotation.

She jerked at the impact. “I traded it to a pilot to get here.”

He nodded. “That was a good use for it. But if you’d waited for me, I would’ve flown you.” He spanked her with the belt again.

She tightened her buttocks against the punishment. “I know,” she panted.

He stopped and raised an eyebrow. “You know? You knew? Why didn’t you wait, then?” He whipped her again. She jerked, her knees bending and making her bottom bob. He loved this position because he could make eye contact during her punishment.

“I don’t know,” she gasped, turning her head away, as if to avoid his gaze.

“Look at me.” He slapped the belt.

“Too much,” she gasped.

He stopped the belt mid-swing, jerking it back. “Too much, beautiful?”

She closed her eyes.

Look at me.

Her lashes flew open, but she didn’t meet his gaze, instead rolling her head from side to side, as if in pain.

Veck. Had he hurt her? He hadn’t meant to use much force behind the strokes.

“It was too intense—what you drew from me,” she blurted. “I’d never responded that way with a male before.”

Triumph galloped through his chest, but he hid it, not wanting to break out of the role of master she’d let him seize. He whipped her three times in quick succession.

“It was easier to run.”

Her courage kicked him in the gut. The sheer vulnerability it took to reveal herself to him stripped away his defenses, too. He dropped the belt. Not bothering to take off his pants or boots, he pulled out his cock and lined up at her entrance.

“No running this time. But I need to hear you say you want this, Mina. I don’t want to hate myself for forcing you a second time.”

“I want it. Give it to me, Master.”

Oh stars. Lust rocketed through him, tightening his balls. He was going to come the moment he entered her.

He grasped her ankles and spread her legs straight out to the side. “You keep these legs wide, knees locked, pet, understand?”

If he’d had any doubt about whether she enjoyed his domination, he saw it in the squeeze of her pussy and anus, the shudder of bliss that ran through her body. She nodded. “Yes, Master.”

He channeled all the pleasure of hearing her call him master into his first thrust, growling as he pinned her wrists above her head and buried himself deep into her sopping channel. “Oh veck, pet. So good. I don’t know how I survived my whole life without access to this sweet vecking pussy.”

She rocked her pelvis up to meet his thrusts, rubbing her clit along his shaft as he entered. He pistoned in and out of her, driving deeper and deeper until her eyes widened, riveted on his face. “Please, please,” she whimpered, still holding her legs straddled wide and straight.

“Do you need to come, beautiful?”

“Yes… yes.”

“So do I.” He slammed harder and harder into her as his balls tightened. “Hold your breath, pet.”

Confusion flitted over her face. He adjusted one hand to cover her mouth, leaving her nostrils open so she could choose herself if she wanted to obey.

She did. Her ribs stiffened as she locked down her breath.

He vecked her hard, plowing with enough force to shake the sleepdisk. His orgasm ignited, exploding through him in a rush of heat and glorious release. He thrust in to the hilt and stayed deep. “Come, Mina,” he managed to gasp around the roar erupting from his throat.

Her body convulsed, jerking beneath him. He pulled his hand away from her mouth, and she drew a huge, ragged breath, pussy squeezing and releasing his cock like a tight fist. Shock, fear, pain, ecstasy all danced over her face as she came and came.

When her muscles stopped squeezing, her body went slack, knees bending, head lolling to the side. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

Oh stars.




Her body had exploded into a million pieces—in the best possible way. Like some mad spiritual awakening, their sex had shown her the universe from a larger perspective. Pleasure pulsed through every cell, and yet she’d flown out-of-body at the same time.

The orgasm left her blown open, naked. Not in the no-clothing sense, but stripped of every barrier, of every defense. Even of what she’d held closely as her definition of self.

Erick eased out and grabbed the corner of his coverlet, yanking the beautiful spidersilk across her naked body.

She rolled to her side, dazed by the intensity of her experience.

“I’m sorry, Mina. Did I hurt you? Are you all right?” He fitted his body around the back of hers, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“I’m not hurt.” Her voice sounded far away.

“I’m so sorry, sweet female. I’ve done it again, treated you like—”

“It was wonderful.”

He went still behind her. “You’re not upset?”

“No, just… stunned. Overwhelmed. How did you know what would happen when I held my breath?”

He leaned up on one elbow, stroking back the strands of hair that fell over her face. “I’m a depraved male. I’ve spent far too much time in galactic brothels, seeking something I never found. Until you.”

His words warmed her chest. The previous planet rotation he’d shown her fierce domination and rough sex. It had driven her wild, and she’d wanted more, but she hadn’t known the male behind the hard muscle and expensive clothing. They’d had no pillow talk. Now, his charm made him even more irresistible. Which scared the life out of her. She’d left her days as a sex pet behind. She didn’t know who she was now, but it wasn’t Mina. The reversion to her childhood name was symbolic of a bigger change. And if she let herself fall for this devastating male, she’d be consumed by him. She’d never figure out who she was.

“Well, I’m grateful for your habit, since it enabled me to get free.” She kept her tone light, didn’t acknowledge the claim he appeared to be making on her.

“With great damage to my male pride, I must say. I’d imagined myself the hero, bringing you back safely and receiving your father’s commendation, perhaps even his blessing to mate you. Instead, I’m sneaking around corridors to catch you up and carry you back to my chamber like a thief. Like the sex fiend I’ve always been.”

She sat up, smiling at his rueful tone. “Poor thing.” She crawled off the sleepdisk. She needed to get out of his room, away from his addictive presence.

He stood as well, but he walked around the sleepdisk and put his hands on her waist. “Where are you going?”

She flattened her palm on his muscled chest. “You can’t keep me prisoner, warrior. Remember what you said? One word from me, and my father will have your head.”

He drew back as if she’d slapped him, dropping his hands to his sides. “I would never force you, Mina.” His jaw flexed. “Will you not forgive me for what I took at Prium’s?”

She swallowed against a tightness forming in her throat. “I liked it, Erick.” She hid her face from him as she pulled on her clothing.

“So, what is this? You’re going to hold it over my head...forever?”

She tugged the fitted dress down over her leggings. “No.” She walked to the door and pushed the button to open it. “We’re not doing this again. Mina no longer exists.”

She held her head high and somehow managed not to look back as she strode out of his room. A sense of wrongness niggled in the back of her mind, like she’d just made a huge mistake, but she ignored it.

This couldn’t go on. Not if she wanted to be free of her past.






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