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Zandian Pet: An Alien Warrior Romance by Renee Rose (7)

Chapter Seven



Erick paced the length of the palatial pod like a trapped animal. Mina hadn’t answered any of his transmissions, which created a disquiet in his entire nervous system. Or perhaps that was just being away from her.

After three attempts to reach her, he left a hologram message promising thorough punishment if she did not contact him by the end of the planet rotation. Of course, considering her fantasies, she just might disobey to earn the consequence.

He still hadn’t spoken to Zander or any other being about the galactacarriers. He continued to research Neo Lin, but the more he found out, the more dangerous the being seemed. An Ocretion, Neo’s involvement was suspected in a large number of black market trades, but the authorities never managed to pin anything on him, mostly because all witnesses ended up dead. Whatever connection Mina had with him, he wouldn’t allow her to use it.

“What’s eating you, Erick?”

He startled at the sound of Prince Zander’s voice. “My lord.” He bowed.

Zander stood in the doorway of his war room. Erick had looped past the conference room three times in his restless roaming.

He faced Zander fully. This was the moment. He should tell him about the galactacarriers, let the young sovereign know how he’d failed him and his species.

He opened his mouth.

Say it.

“Something’s been on your mind ever since you returned from Aurelia. What’s going on?”

“I vecked Seke’s daughter.” Holy excrement. Really? This is what he chose to confess?

To Zander’s credit, surprise only flickered for a moment at his blurted confession. “All right. So what’s the problem?” Zander’s brows knit. “Was it consensual?”

“Not exactly.”

Zander shot forward, more of a warrior than four of his guards put together. He shoved Erick up against the wall and put a blade to his throat. “What did you do?”

He closed his eyes, signaling surrender. His loyalty ran far too deep to ever struggle or fight against the younger male, even if he thought him unjust. Which he didn’t.

“I asked you a question.”

“I found her in a brothel in Aurelia.”

Zander’s grip eased, but the intensity of his frown didn’t lessen. “And?”

“And I only meant to speak with her, to get her out of there. But it’s breeding season. I couldn’t stop myself.”

Zander released him with a shove, casting his eyes to the ceiling. “Vecking stars, Erick.” Disgust was evident in his tone. “Seriously? How did she take it?”

He drew in a long breath, images of all the dirty things he’d done to her in that cell rushing back. But he couldn’t summon the guilt he’d felt at the time.

All he saw now was his beautiful female admitting, I wanted to be mastered.

“She liked it,” he murmured. “Stars, we both liked it. But she doesn’t want her father or the beings here to know what she was. And she associates me with that part of her life now. The part she wants to leave behind.”

The fury behind Zander’s gaze extinguished, his fists unclenched. “I see.”

Erick spread his fingers. “What should I do?”

“Zandians don’t lie. I know you dabble in deception in your business dealings, but Seke doesn’t. I don’t see how you can keep this from him, even if Tara doesn’t wish it to be known. You must tell him.”

“It’s not my secret to tell.”

“You were involved. He’ll see your silence as a betrayal.”

“And he’ll see my comportment as abuse,” Erick mumbled.

“Maybe. But not if Tara vouches for you. I’m assuming you’re the reason she’s free?”

He sighed. “I wish it had been a glamorous rescue, but it wasn’t. I’d planned to buy her, but she used a Zandian crystal of mine to disable her laser cage and escape on her own. I provided cover for her escape, no more. She slipped out of the galaxy before I could catch her and escort her here.”

Zander’s lips twitched. “You’ve finally met your match, haven’t you?”

His hands balled into fists at his side. “What does that mean?”

“A female capable of getting under your skin. I thought it was only human females who made our species lose composure, but it seems the Zandian females have the same effect.”

Damn the prince for his knowing smirk.

“You have my advice. I’m not making it an order, but I won’t keep the truth from Master Seke if it comes up, either.”

He bowed to the prince. “Thank you, my lord.”

“I’m calling a meeting of all the advisors tonight. King Fluut of The Finn sent a warning to the United Galaxies that any planet coming to the aid of the rebels—that’s what the bastard is calling us—will be cut off from all trade.”

“So we reach out privately to every planet—offer repayment in the form of Zandian crystal if they provide assistance in any form—troops, ships, funding, information. You’ve laid the groundwork over the last five solar cycles. Now it’s time to call in all favors. Talia’s rescue drastically pushed up our timeline on war. We’re heading into an emergency, and we need to know who we can count on.”

Zander frowned but nodded. “Yes.”

Erick noticed the hesitation there. Zander hated statesmanship. He would’ve preferred to be a warrior. Or the behind-the-scenes business being. Pomp and flattery annoyed him.

“You want me to take care of it? Communication would be better coming from you. I’d just be your ambassador.”

Zander looked out the window. “Make a list of the most important planets. I’ll take those. You contact the rest.”

He bowed. “As you wish, my lord.”

“What news of the galactacarriers?”

He rubbed his forehead, a sickening plunge twisting behind his solar plexus. “I’m still working on them, my lord.”

Veck. It wasn’t a lie, but it didn’t sit well, either. Fortunately, Lamira appeared holding their young son, and Zander’s entire posture went soft, his eyes warm on his mate.

“Thank you, Erick.”

“My lord.” Erick touched the infant’s feet as he passed Lamira. “I honor your honor, young prince.” He murmured the traditional greeting to their species’ future ruler, the symbol of hope for their upcoming battle.




Maybe Mina had picked the wrong being to ask for help.

“You wish to bait a thief.” Mierna, the old Venusian who reeked of alcohol, said, phrasing it more a statement than a question, as if she already knew the whole story without being told.

Maybe she did. Venusians were known for mind reading and fortune-telling. Mina had never been sure if it was actual ability, or just a cultural affinity for speaking in riddles.

From what she’d heard, Mierna was a pilot, part of Rok’s original crew before he’d been reunited with the Zandians. Mina had climbed aboard the old ship where Mierna and the rest of the crew slept. Mina chose Mierna for two reasons: 1) She wasn’t a Zandian, and Mina needed a different species for her plan, and 2) Mierna was female.

But maybe the female part hadn’t been so important, though. As she eyed the being doubtfully, she wished she’d asked one of Rok’s Stornigian brothers, or his giant one-legged friend from Elau.

Choosing a female had only been to keep Erick from getting his horns twisted over another being seeing her naked. Which was utterly stupid considering a) she’d been a sex pet for the past five years. which meant hundreds of beings had seen her naked, and b) Erick already knew that.

But he’d been possessive, even though she’d given him no reason to believe he had a claim on her.

I won’t share. I can’t.

And, for whatever reason, she cared about his reaction.

But she’d probably wasted too much brain space on the issue. The very reason this plan was possible was because he knew and understood her prior occupation.

As the Venusian stared at her with her giant, protuberant eyes, Mina shivered. She had the sense Mierna saw every vecking thought in her head.

“Yes, bait a thief. You call him, offer him a rare pet-trained Zandian female—the only one in all the galaxies. Tell him I belonged to Dorhock. He will remember me. Tell him you want to meet to discuss terms.”

The old Venusian nodded once. “I will make the call and set up the meeting. But we cannot go alone. It will take an entire team to steal the carriers.”

Relief flowed down her limbs. The Venusian did understand the plan.

“I know. Just get the meeting. Then we’ll tell the others.”

The Venusian took a swig of the foul-smelling liquid in her jar. “All right. Put on your collar, showcat.”

Tingles raced up and down her spine. So. Venusians were the real deal. No being knew that nickname her human friend Leti had coined for Dorhock’s pets. No beings except the other pets.

She stripped out of her clothing. She didn’t have a collar and leash, but she’d found a rope that would work to tie around her neck. She sure as hell hoped this Venusian could be trusted. She knotted it loosely and held the other end out to Mierna. “Can they trace the transmission?”

“No, we’ll record it and send it on a scrambled frequency. You know where to send it?”

“Yes. Well, not exactly. Erick said he can’t find a way to communicate with Neo Lin, but I know a friend of his. And he should be easy enough to contact.”

Mierna brought her jar to her lips and drank, guzzling until she drained it. It made Mina’s stomach turn just watching.

The Venusian gave her a critical up and down sweep of her eyes. “Too tall. You look ready to kick my ass. Squat down. Hands and knees, or make a little ball.”

Mina almost laughed at Mierna’s directions, but she dropped to her knees, placing her hands palm up on her thighs as she’d been trained to do.

“Good.” Mierna nodded. She flicked a button and faced a recording device. “This message is for Neo Lin. I have a very rare item for sale. I think you’ll like it.” The old female tugged on Mina’s rope, shocking her with her strength. Mina flew forward onto her hands and knees, wincing. “Zandian female—one of only three left in the galaxy. This one has been trained as a sex pet by your friend Dorhock. Want her? Reply to my transmission with a meeting time and place.” She smacked a button on the console, and the device light went off.

“Ow.” Mina complained, rubbing the grit off her hands from the dirty floor as she stood up.

“Had to make it look real,” Mierna said.

“Well, you didn’t have to break my neck to do it,” she complained as she worked the knot at her throat, but a reluctant smile tugged at her lips. This salty old female knew her stuff. She had chosen wisely.

“Now, you tell me where to send it, and we wait for the reply.”

“Great.” She pulled on her clothing and plunked down beside the Venusian at the control panel.

This crazy plan of hers just might work.




He’d officially lost his mind over Mina.

The female hadn’t answered his calls or sent him any messages until that morning’s, which had been cryptic at best.

She’d sent a hologram of herself, looking rumpled and beautiful and more than a little bit rushed. I have a meeting with Neo Lin. Can you come to Zandian Freedom to talk about it?

That was all.

No explanation of how she got a meeting. Or what she planned. And as relieved as he was to know she’d made contact, he still didn’t like her being involved. Not if it meant she had to use her connections from the world she wanted to leave behind.

Worse, he apparently was incapable of not responding to a summons for her immediately, because staying at the palatial pod had become an impossibility—despite the fact that he hadn’t finished contacting all the ambassadors in the galaxy to request support and assistance.

But getting the galactacarriers was just as important. Wasn’t it? He couldn’t even trust his perspective. Where Mina was concerned, he thought with his cock. He’d already proven that time and time again.

It didn’t matter. He was getting on his ship just as soon as he finished sending the last transmission requesting a meeting. He could tend to the replies just as easily from Zandian Freedom as he could from the pod.

He wouldn’t even consider the significance of his not choosing to tell any being why he was leaving or where he was going. If Zander needed him, he’d hail him on his comms unit. He wore the same arm cuff all the trusted advisors wore.

There. He’d finished the transmission. He tossed a few items into his travel case and stalked to the loading dock. The moment he got his ship into the atmosphere, his body started to relax. He hadn’t even realized how tense his muscles had grown from being apart from Mina. Not hearing enough from her, not knowing what went on in that beautiful mind of hers.

Soon, he’d see her again.

His cells began to come alive, a low hum that grew louder the closer he drew to Freedom.

He’d punish her, of course.

She hadn’t obeyed his request for her fantasies. And she’d involved herself in his problem when he’d told her not to. Of course, he’d have to be careful with how he scolded her for that one. His female hated being kept back from any kind of action. He’d have to explain to her first, that it wasn’t because he didn’t think her capable of protecting or taking care of herself, but because he wished to honor her desire to leave her past behind her.

But that was a laugh. He honored that desire only when it suited him. But when his body got anywhere near hers, he had no compunction in degrading her like the pet she’d been.

But she liked it. He had to remember that.

Except if this was a facet of herself she hadn’t or couldn’t accept, he’d never win. Unless she resolved her own internal struggle with shame and desire, she would dump him and Mina without a backward glance.


“Master Erick, you’re cleared for docking.” The transmission sounded over the ship’s comms. Warriors from Freedom had identified his ship and opened the hatch. He maneuvered the ship in and landed then put his helmet on to walk inside.

“Twice in one week. I can’t imagine what could be drawing you here,” one of the guards teased when he entered.

He wanted to punch him in the teeth, but he dug deeper to find a glimmer of humor. Or humility. “I’m sure there’s not much competition on this pod.”

Both guards laughed—way too heartily for his comfort. “Yes, they’re lining up just to see her. But don’t worry. She’s stayed close to the human females for the most part.”

Thank the one true Zandian star for that.

“Where is she?” he snapped.

“Training room. Where she always goes.”

He forced himself to mutter his thanks and stalked to the training room. The moment he caught sight of his beautiful female, his pulse went wild. At the same time, something at the very center of his being quieted. Something he hadn’t realized had been amiss, but it had. Ever since he’d parted from Mina.

She practiced with Cambry, and the red-haired human had her pinned to the floor, an arm twisted behind her back.

If Cambry had been a male, or even a Zandian female, his ever-present instinct to protect her would have surged to the foreground. But these two were well-matched. As he watched, Mina flipped Cambry onto her back and mimed a crushing blow to the larynx.

Both females smiled as they sprang to their feet and started circling each other. His cock swelled against his flight pants at the idea of taking Cambry’s place. Tussling with his female on the mats. Throwing her to the floor and covering her body with his own. Pinning her wrists above her head as he positioned his—

Get your horns straight, Erick.

He didn’t come to veck Mina. He came to find out about Neo Lin and the galactacarriers.

And Mina.

She looked over and caught sight of him, but her moment of distraction cost her a kick to the solar plexus. She flew back and landed on her ass.

He charged forward, but she was already scrambling to her feet, a broad smile on her face.

Thank veck.

She said something to Cambry and sauntered toward him, hips swaying in a seductive pattern. Every male—every last male in the entire room—watched, tongues lolling.

“You received my message.”

He wanted to grasp her elbow and march her to her room where he could take out his frustration on the soft curves of her ass. Instead, he managed a polite smile, mostly for the benefit of their audience. “I did.”

She hooked her hand around his elbow. “Good. Come on—let’s gather the others.”

The others. Right.

Spanking could wait.

At least another few minutes.




Mina worried her lower lip between her teeth. She hadn’t told any being but Mierna her plan, but she had told everyone she hoped to involve that she’d need their input on a matter when Erick arrived.

“Is it time for the meeting?” Cambry asked, jogging up to them.

“Yes. Will you get Lundric and Rok? We’ll meet in Rok’s office.”

Erick’s gaze didn’t waver from her face, and it held something she couldn’t decipher. “What?” she asked when they headed down the corridor.

“You’re more like yourself here.”

Surprise popped like a bubble in her chest. “Am I? How would you know?”

She might have missed the flash of hurt on Erick’s face before he masked it, if she hadn’t fallen into his violet gaze. She pulled him to a stop. “I just mean… I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

Stubbornness streaked across his expression. “This is you. The female giving orders. Getting thrown to the floor and bouncing back up with a smile. The one so full of life she’s bursting. I’m half-fascinated, half-jealous.”

“Jealous of what?”

“Jealous of your time here. Disappointed that I had nothing to do with your new happiness.”

Stars. Something fluttered loose in her chest. Did he really say that? “But you did. You brought me here. And argued with my dad to let me stay. He’s not here, by the way. He left for the palatial pod just before you arrived.”

Which had been a huge relief, because her plan would never execute if her father knew. She was still more than a little worried about Erick’s reaction.

She squeezed into Rok’s small office along with Rok’s original crew: his two foster brothers, Jano and Jaso, Guardo, Depri, and Mierna. Lily and Rok, Lundric and Cambry, and Cambry’s brother, Tal, all joined them as well.

“So?” Rok said. “What’s the big mystery about?”

“First, let me say what I’m about to reveal is private information. No matter what we decide to do, none of this can leave this office. Not even to my father, understood?”

Only Lundric shifted uncomfortably, which didn’t surprise her. His loyalties were with her father, his master.


“Zandians don’t lie,” he muttered.

“So don’t lie,” she snapped back. “Just don’t tell him.”

Lundric tightened his lip, but nodded.

She dared a glance at Erick, but he only appeared encouraging. Apparently, as dominant as he was, he didn’t mind a female taking charge of a meeting room. Another point in his favor. “Yesterday, Mierna sent this communication to a trader named Neo Lin, the being who stole the galactacarriers meant for Master Erick.”

She waited until the jerks of surprise and inquisitive looks at Erick had passed before nodding to Mierna, who launched the short communique showing Mina naked and on her knees behind the wizened Venusian.

Erick gave a strangled growl of anger.

Damn her face for heating. She was a warrior. She’d done what she had to do. Even so, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

“We’ve received a response with his coordinates. He’s invited Mierna to visit tomorrow. With her pet.”

“No.” Erick spoke before any other being had a chance to voice an opinion.

She slapped her hand down on Rok’s desk. “You don’t get to say no before you’ve even heard my plan.” Now that she had fire in her gut, she matched his gaze.

A muscle in his jaw jumped. “Fine. Tells us your plan.”

“Mierna brings me in. Preferably in a cage where we can hide weapons. The rest of you come along, either as additional prisoners—she glanced at Cambry and Lily—or as Mierna’s guards. A backup team will hide in our ship and sneak out to search the premises. Once the galactacarriers are located, the pilots take charge of them, and we all fly away.”

It sounded much crazier now that she said it aloud. It could only be their reverence for her father that kept them from scoffing.

“And if the galactacarriers aren’t on premises?” Rok demanded.

“They are.” Mierna used her cryptic sage voice.

Rok rolled his eyes, which made Mina like him. He was no-nonsense. He lacked the formality and pomp of the rest of their species. In fact, she liked his whole team. Somehow, it felt like she belonged more with them than with the Zandians. Perhaps because they each were oddities in their own way.

“So tell us, oh wise one, does this operation have a chance in hell of succeeding?” Sarcasm dripped in Rok’s voice.

Mierna ignored it and tilted her head to the side, losing focus in her eyes. “A good chance, yes.”

“What does a good chance mean?” Erick asked, then rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I can’t believe we’re relying on a Venusian’s predictions to make a decision.”

“Eighty percent success. Maybe better.”

Erick slammed his fist down on the arm of his chair. “So what’s a partial success mean? We lose part of the team? That’s unacceptable. I am not sending a female—or any being—in as live bait. That’s insanity.”

Mina’s face flushed. She expected every male in the room to agree, but a silence followed Erick’s outburst. “I am the only reason we were given the coordinates to his ship. He wants me. I know this being. If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that he won’t harm me. I’m nothing more than a rare object to him, but he cares more about his objects than anything else.” She lifted her chin in challenge directly at Erick.




By the one true Zandian Star. Erick rubbed his temples.

Mina had him hamstrung. The mere idea of sending her into danger had his pulse skipping erratically, his hands clenched into fists. He wanted to bash heads of his imaginary enemies. Break necks. Shoot first and forget the questions.

But Mina wanted this. And denying his female anything she wanted sent his heart lurching out of his chest, made him ready to fall on his knees, promising to do everything in his power to fix it.

The fact that she’d come alive since she’d come to Zandian Freedom wasn’t lost on him. His female was a warrior. She belonged in the fray. Whether he liked it or not.

“Do the rest of you believe we should go forward with this plan?” Incredulity crackled in his tone.

Guardo shrugged. “For the three galactacarriers necessary for our strike on Zandia? Yes. I’m in.” He looked at the rest of Rok’s crew. “We’ve successfully stolen or requisitioned goods with far worse odds.”

“Yes, we have.” Rok smirked. “But I’m reserving my vote until I’m sure Erick’s not going to pull a sword from his belt and start fighting us all just to keep Tara safe.”

The rest of the beings in the room swung their attention to Erick. He ground his teeth. “Vecking hell,” he spat. “Fine.” Somehow he forced the word out of his tightened lips. “But you’ll answer to me in private for this.” He glared at Mina.

Lily stifled a giggle, and he was pretty certain the rest of the group hid smiles, looking everywhere but at him and Mina, but he had his female pinned with his gaze.

A slow flush crept up her neck, but her blue-violet eyes turned more violet, and her nipples tented the front of her uniform.

Good. They’d both enjoy her punishment and then maybe he’d be able to move on and stomach this horrible plan.

“I’m in, then,” Rok spoke up. “But I’m not comfortable taking all of Zander’s top warriors on the mission. Lundric, you and Cambry will stay. My crew will go.”

“What about me?” Lily asked.

“And me?” Tal interjected.

Rok rubbed his forehead. “Lily, I’d rather you stay, but you’re part of my team. So, if you want to come, you’re in.”

“I’m in,” she said firmly. She glanced over at Mina. “I’ll go in a collar and leash, as well. I put my years in as a sex slave. I know the part.”

It was subtle, but something in Mina’s chest relaxed, as if she’d just exhaled, or dropped a piece of armor she’d been holding there. She smiled gratefully at Lily. “That would be great.”

“I can go as a slave, too,” Tal said. “It’d be hard to explain why you have a human along otherwise.

Rok nodded. “You’ll go as Mierna’s handslave. Guardo and Depri will be her crewmembers. Erick, Jano, Jasu, and I will be recon. We’ll find the galactacarriers and fly them out of there. We’ll need some kind of distraction to give the rest of you time to get out of there as well.”

“An explosion near his collectibles will send Neo Lin into madness.” Mierna used a singsong voice.

Erick was grateful for Rok’s cool command because he couldn’t think beyond Mina will be in danger, Mina will be in danger, Mina will be in mothervecking danger.

“I was thinking we could rig the slave cage with some kind of sleeping gas. In case I need a quick escape.”

“Yes.” He grasped the thin strand of safety that option provided. “Good idea. I know where to find a cage.”

Mina’s brow furrowed. “You do?”

He almost laughed. Was that jealousy behind her voice? Did she really think he’d kept pets before her?

Lily echoed it, tossing her hands onto her hips. “You do?”

“Yes, and neither of you want to know where I’m getting it.”

Mina’s eyes narrowed. “Why not?”

“Because it involves both your parents.”

“Ew.” Mina wrinkled her nose.

“Double ew.” Lily concurred. “Yes, please leave us in the dark.”

“Well, there’s a lot of work to be done before tomorrow. Erick, you get the cage. I’ll have the warrior Pal outfit it with a sleeping gas. He has one that’s toxic to those who haven’t been inoculated so you won’t need masks. Lundric, outfit the group and my ship with all the hidden weapons you can come up with. Any questions?”

“No, Captain,” they murmured as the group broke up.

Veck, he needed to be inside Mina. Everything could wait until he’d split those long legs of hers and wrapped them around his waist. And there was the matter of her punishment. He stood and grasped her elbow, directing her out of the office with a firm hand.

“Show me to your chamber.”

She darted a glance at him, her cheeks coloring. After they entered her tiny room—which must have been a closet in a previous incarnation—she pressed her back against the door.

“Clothing off,” he ordered. He’d meant to talk to her. To sit down and explain all his whip-tight emotions, but this was all he could manage. Punishment. Release for both of them.

Then, maybe they could talk.

When she didn’t move, he advanced on her, caging her against the door with his hands propped on either side of her. “You heard me, pet. I need you naked. Now.”

Anger and indignation seemed to war with lust in her eyes. She put her hands on his chest and attempted to shove him away.

He didn’t move.

“You have no claim on me.”

He fell back like she’d punched him in the gut.

And then he smashed his fist through the wall.

Mina stifled a scream, but she couldn’t have been afraid because, instead of running away, she lunged for him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. “You’re angry.”

He punched the wall a second time. “Yes.” A muscle jumped along his neck.

She must have felt it because she released him and stepped back.

He turned and followed, picking her up by the waist and pressing her against the wall, her feet dangling above the floor. “No. Not angry. I’m vecking terrified.”

They breathed together, nose to nose, both of them angry. Both of them needy. Her nipples brushed against his ribs, pointy and hard, even through their clothing.

“I never, never go into a negotiation with something to lose. That’s my personal rule. I broke it at Prium’s trying to buy you, and that was bad enough. But this? This is sending you to your vecking death. How do you think I’ll be able to stand it?”




The fight went out of Mina in a whoosh.

Erick sounded too broken for her to resent his overstep. Her male was afraid for her. He needed soothing. If he wanted to let off steam on her ass, she’d take it. Hell, they’d both enjoy it, she knew with complete certainty.

“Put me down,” she rasped, her lips almost up against his.

Although he was twice as strong as she—and angry—she knew she still held the reins. He eased his grip on her, letting her feet slide back to the ground.

Slowly, holding his gaze, she peeled her tunic off over her head.

His lids dropped, relief and lust mingling behind his eyes, quickening his breath. She cupped her breasts, squeezing and lifting them. Weighing them in each hand.

In a flash, Erick had her wrists pinned above her head against the wall. He slapped her breast.

She gasped at the shock of sensation, the sting followed by heat. Pain and relief melding.

He slapped it again. And again. Four times. Five. The pulse between her legs grew more insistent. Erick switched hands and spanked her other breast.

She moaned, sinking into the pain, surrendering to Erick’s dark tastes.

He hooked his index finger in the waistband of her uniform pants. “What did I say about your clothing?”

She smiled and slid her pants and panties down until she stood naked before him.

The look he gave her body was mock-critical, as if she were a soldier reporting for inspection.

“Legs apart.” He patted her mons. The moment she parted her thighs, he brought his palm up in a slap, spanking her pussy. Hard.

She cried out but didn’t move. She sensed Erick was measuring her reaction. “More.”

“You like that, pet?” He slapped her again and stepped in close, his breath hot on her neck. “I’m going to spank you so hard, pet.” He buried his fingers in her hair and fisted them, tugging her head back. “You’ll have so many marks on that ass tomorrow, they’ll never question whether you’re a real pet.”

Her belly fluttered and leaped. One-third scared. Two-thirds excited. She was fairly certain he’d stop if she didn’t like it, but not 100 percent.

Still, it was better not knowing. The danger and thrill of it only added to the tension.

“Now— Spread. Your. Legs.

She widened her stance even farther, and he started spanking her poor pussy, fast and hard.

The room swooped around her as a wave of thick lust made her dizzy. She clung to his shoulders to keep from falling.

He gave one more slap then showed her his fingers, which glistened from her arousal. “Spanking always makes you wet, doesn’t it, pet?”

“Y-yes,” she admitted.

He sucked her juices from his digits, one by one, his horns twitching and thickening with each pull.

He unbuckled his belt.

A wanton sound slipped from her lips—half moan, half whimper.

He shook his head. “This isn’t for your ass, pet. It’s for your wrists. Turn around and put them behind your back.”

She smiled and turned around, hitching her wrists together and wiggling her fingers.

Erick worked quickly, cinching the animal hide around her wrists and buckling it tight. “Now, climb up on the cot on your knees, facing the wall...perfect.” He moved in behind her. She expected pain, but she didn’t tense against it, just closed her eyes and waited.

Instead, his fingers slipped between her legs, rubbing along her dewy folds.

She leaned her forehead against the wall and arched into his touch, lifting her ass.

He growled. The pad of his finger circled her clit, and her breath hitched. Too soon, he pulled his hand away and let it fall with a smack against her ass.


He spanked, slow and hard. Deliberate, measured strokes. The space between them gave her time to accustom herself to the pain, to convert it into pleasure. Her pussy dripped.

He dipped between her legs again, and whatever he found made him groan. He screwed his thumb inside her and used another finger to stroke her clit. “I’m going to eat this pussy all night long, pet. After I whip you, and veck you hard. And travel back to the damn palatial pod for your cage. Then I’m going to wake you up in the middle of the night with my lips suctioned over these lips.”

It was too much. Between his finger-vecking and dirty-talk, she couldn’t hold out any longer. Her ass cheeks squeezed together, and she lowered her hips, trying to take his digit deeper, grind her clit harder against his fingers.

He pulled his fingers away and spanked her pussy. “No.” The word sounded harsh, stern. “You tip that ass back for your master’s punishment. Do not come until I give you permission. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she warbled.

He picked up the thin rod she used to practice sword play and whipped it against his palm. “Yes. I think this will be perfect for spanking my naughty pet, don’t you?”

She couldn’t muddle through an answer. Didn’t know if she wanted to be whipped with the implement, so innocuous in sword play, but so frightening now.

“Seven strokes for all to see tomorrow. You’ll wear my mark on you when you go in there, Mina, and you’ll remember what it cost me to watch you do it.” Without waiting for an answer, he whipped the crop across her ass.

She choked on her breath and accidentally knocked her forehead against the wall.

“Easy, pet.” Erick burrowed his fingers in her hair and rubbed her head. Just a brief bit of comfort before he removed his touch and whipped her once more.

Veck, Erick!”

“I know, pet. It hurts. Five more.”

She clamped her teeth together and held tightly as he brought the rod down. The welts from the first strokes had grown more painful in the interim, like lines of fire painting her ass. He made neat, even lines down the lower half of her buttocks and one where her cheeks met thigh and then he tossed the rod onto the floor with a clatter.

“That’s it, pet.” He lifted her to her feet, wrists still bound behind her back. His large hands cupped her tender ass, and she flinched when he squeezed, but after a moment of rubbing, his massage took away the worst of the sting. “Thank you, sweet female. I know you’re doing this for me. To solve my problem. That’s what vecking kills me.”

“You’re not going to lose me.” She meant she wouldn’t die, not that she was giving herself to him, but the words were out. They were out, and she couldn’t take them back.

“Promise?” His voice rasped against her ear.

“I promise. Are you going to veck me now?”

He gave a harsh laugh. “Yes, pet. The way you like it.”

She wanted to ask how he thought she liked it, except she wasn’t sure she’d like the answer.

Like a whore.

Like a degraded sex pet. The kind who wears a collar and kneels at her master’s feet.

Exactly what she didn’t want to be.

And she was right. Erick turned her to face away from him and shoved her torso over, so she stood, bent at the waist, her long hair falling down around her ankles. Her aching nipples brushed against her thighs.

He removed his cock from his pants and dragged the thick head through her juices.

She pushed back at the delicious contact. “Yes, please,” she moaned.

He cursed and thrust, impaling her with his sizeable length.

It was perfect and not enough, and she had exactly zero control or leverage in the position Erick put her in. She had no choice but to let him direct the show, which he did. Grasping her bound wrists, he yanked her back onto his cock then released her forward. He continued, using gravity and her arms to leverage her.

“Are you sorry, pet?”

“Yes!” she wailed, even though she didn’t know what she should be sorry for. She needed release, needed satisfaction.

“Sorry for punishing me this way? Making me suffer, caught between my need to make you happy and my need to protect you?”

She surrendered completely, her body a loose, ragdoll veck-toy for her master. The male who cared more about her than she’d imagined possible. “Erick,” she choked.

He released her wrists and changed his grip to her hips, holding her immobile as he pistoned in and out of her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted, her head bobbing at her ankles as he beat his cock into her. “Yes, Master.”

“Come now, Mina!”

As if her body had been waiting for his command, her muscles immediately tightened around his malehood, squeezing and pumping,

Erick let out a string of curses and came, his hot seed filling her. He backed them up, still connected, and sat on the cot, pulling her onto his lap and murmuring endearments. “Sweet pet. Lovely female. So beautiful.” He kissed her neck, her shoulder. “Thank you, beautiful.”

She gave a sigh of contentment and leaned into his strong embrace. If only her world could be this small, this simple. The act of giving and receiving in a small closet.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

But they had a planet to take back. And galactacarriers to hijack.

Erick, too, seemed to know they were on borrowed time. He eased her off his lap and tucked her into the bed. “I’ll be back late tonight. Don’t wait up—you need your sleep.”

Her mouth stretched into a pleasured smile. “Yes, Master.”

He gripped her jaw and leaned over, claiming her mouth in a breathtaking kiss. “Be good, pet. Don’t open the door unless you hear my voice.”

“I won’t,” she mumbled, sleep already overtaking her.




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