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Awakening The Dragon (Exiled Dragons Book 9) by Sarah J. Stone (65)

Chapter 20

Nathaniel felt like he couldn't breathe as Christa lay underneath the navigation panel, tinkering with it. Being a royal ship, there was security measure on top of security measure. They took the utmost care on Jeffro to protect Eliza, her whereabouts, and her plans. But luckily for Nathaniel, Christa wasn't bothered by any of this.

She simply calmly slid under the panel and started working with the internal computer.

“How's it going?” Nathaniel asked, trying to calm his heartbeat. If Eliza was only here because of a ripple effect, he wanted to spend every spare moment with her. And right now, she was potentially wasting those moments inside the Jurors' room on his suggestion.

“Have patience, Nathaniel,” Christa said. “These things take time.”

“Creator,” Nathaniel hung his head. His com-link beeped, and he hit it half-heartedly. “What?”

“Maestro Nathaniel?” he recognized the voice of the outside doctor they had called. They had used him once or twice before when they had brought back non-witch refugees from quests. “I've examined your Tiro. I'm just calling to give you a report.”

“Yes?” Nathaniel answered anxiously. “Is she okay? Do you need me to come there?”

“She's all right for now,” the doctor said. “And I can maintain her levels for a while. But she really should be in some sort of advanced med bay. How long do you think you will be?”

“Less than half an hour,” Nathaniel said. “Please, if you could just stay there a bit longer, that'd be great.”

“Of course, Maestro,” the doctor said. They had always gotten along, and he didn't mind staying longer. But his call put Nathaniel on edge.

“Thank you,” Nathaniel answered as he hung up. He tapped his fingers against the navigation panel, nearly driving Christa insane. She was tempted to magically bind him, but she realized he was quite nervous. She gritted her teeth, bypassing more security systems as she put every skill that she had ever learned to good use.

Finally, she slid out from under the panel, her tablet getting a readout.

“Where's Eliza's pilot?” she asked Nathaniel as she looked at the numbers that scrolled through.

“She didn't have one,” Nathaniel answered. “Which is common on Jeffro. The pilots tend to pre-program the ships and then send them off. It's one less person that could be a threat to the queen. The guards can fly, but they don't unless they need to.”

“Well, that explains that,” Christa said. Nathaniel felt like he was going to throw up.

“What? What does it explain?”

“How they made a twelve-hour trip in less than six,” she replied. He gripped the navigation panel. “And why they don't remember.”

“Why?” Nathaniel answered. He prayed to the Creator for an answer that didn't end with death.

“The pilot made a mistake in the navigation,” she said. “It got them here, but at double buoyant speed.”

“Double buoyant speed?” Nathaniel's eyes nearly popped out of his head. “That would knock anyone out.”

“He must have been in a rush to get them off planet,” Sienna said. “It slowed down just outside the planet's atmosphere. The speed would have knocked them out, and they would have come to just as they entered.”

“So…” Nathaniel asked, looking for a solid answer.

“The navigation was programmed just seconds before the bomb blew,” Christa said. “As far as I can tell, it's all explained. Eliza is not part of a ripple effect, according to her ship. She's really here.”

“Oh, Creator,” Nathaniel let out a huge sigh. “Thank you. Thank you.”

“No problem,” Christa answered. “But you owe me one.”

“I will literally give you anything that you want,” Nathaniel answered. “It doesn't matter how far I have to go to get you a rare candy or some stupid jacket. I will get you anything.”

“You could answer your com-link,” Christa said, annoyed by the buzzing he seemed to be ignoring.

“Right,” Nathaniel jumped back to reality, hitting the button. “Doctor?”

“Nathaniel,” he recognized Juror Thomas' voice. “You and your Tiro are summoned to the Juror's chamber immediately.”

Nathaniel reacted in shock. “My Tiro is in no shape to attend,” he said. “Is her presence necessary?”

Thomas paused. “No,” he said at last. “You'll just have to relay the information. When can you attend to us?”

“Immediately,” Nathaniel said, “I'll see you in a moment.”

Christa stood up. “I guess this it,” she said. “The final verdict.”

“I have a funny feeling,” Nathaniel said, “that things are going to go our way.”

“Good luck,” she said. “I'll put Eliza's ship back to together and then meet you in Sienna's room.”

“Thank you again,” he said, and headed out of the ship and toward the Jurors' chambers.

There were a lot of reasons to expect bad news; he knew that. But he had a feeling that they were about to get good news.

He was half right as he entered the Jurors' chambers. Eliza was standing off to the side, which surprised him. Mariah and Desmond stood side by side, and the Jurors looked solemn. Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at Eliza, but she said nothing.

What exactly was going on? What had Eliza done? She seemed serious, and she didn't even give him a nod like she normally did.

“Nathaniel,” Thomas said. “Please take a place beside your co-Maestro.”

Thomas sat down in the chair in front of them.

“Maestros Desmond and Mariah, we have reviewed the evidence presented against us by the healer, Tara. And we all have to admit, it's very compelling.”

Nathaniel tensed, glancing to Desmond, who remained stone-faced.

“But we have also reviewed your case,” he said. “That no matter what our decision, you have a Tiro who is a very special child. And if what you say is true, she is more special than anyone realizes. Examining a claim of resurrection and the ripple effect will take time. As will examining evidence that Tara claims have taken place for years.”

Nathaniel stood tall, hoping that the Jurors had a heart, if nothing else.

“And so, while we examine all this evidence, we have decided that you and your team are on suspension,” Thomas said. “The Queen of Jeffro has offered to house and feed you until we determine your fate, as a thank you for the favors the witches have done her planet. You are not under obligation to serve her or help rebuild her palace, but we will not stop you. However, nothing you do is on official witch business until your fate is decided. Is that clear?”

“Yes,” Desmond spoke for all of them. Nathaniel had a flashback to years ago, when he stood silent while the Jurors decided his fate with Sienna. He had no say then, and it made him angry. Now, however, he was grateful to be included. They wouldn't be separated – any of them. “We understand.”

“Mariah, your missions working with other disabled Tiros are also suspended, even in consultation,” Thomas said. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Mariah answered. “And I thank you for your understanding in these matters.”

“The Jurors cannot ignore the rarity of power Sienna has,” Thomas said. “Even if it is not sustained. You are dismissed until further notice.”

“Thank you,” Desmond said again, and they all swept out.

As soon as they were outside, Nathaniel grabbed Eliza's hand. Desmond made a noise, and Nathaniel shrugged.

“What? We're suspended, aren't we? It's the best time to do this. My love,” he smiled at Eliza, “thank you. You must have made an amazingly compelling case.”

“I just threated to pull Jeffro's business,” she answered with a smile. “It seemed to work. You will have to help rebuild the palace, by the way. You won't get away that easily. And protection from Ladd–”

“Ladd is gone,” Desmond said. “Or he will be shortly.”

“How do you know?” Eliza asked.

“Because Dorian is,” Desmond said sadly. “I will explain all of it to you. What we should do now is tell Sienna. Thank you for offering the medical services of Jeffro.”

“The witches may want to ban her,” Eliza said, “but she is from Jeffro; she is one of ours. We will take care of her.”

“We'll all be together,” Nathaniel said. “That is what matters.”

“Yes,” Eliza smiled at him, “we will be.”

“We should pack if we are to be gone for several months,” Desmond said.

“I don't think it will take that long,” Mariah said. “They will see the value in what we are doing and what we are teaching. And hopefully, our collective efforts will help more than Sienna. Hopefully, we can help witches like her for generations.”

“And she can help us.” Desmond dared to put an arm around her as they walked. “Someone should tell her, by the way.”

“She'll be thrilled,” Nathaniel said. “All she has asked for since that first mission is to go back to Jeffro.”

“Do you think it might be a little harder now?” Desmond asked. “Now that there is someone else in the picture for her?”

“Devon?” Nathaniel glanced at him. “I don't know. Do you think it's serious?”

“I think that each one of us has had to learn how to prioritize matters of the heart – learned to live with our hearts, and without them,” Desmond said. “Maybe if we can teach her nothing else, we can teach her that.”

“I think you can teach her much more than that,” Mariah said. “But the first thing you are going to need is to teach her is how to pack for several months without taking everything and the kitchen sink.”

“I've been on tours for months all the time,” Eliza said as they entered the residential building. “I'll do that.”

Nathaniel watched her go with a smile, standing beside Desmond. “Well,” he said, “despite how much things are about to change, I think this is a pretty good outcome.”

“Probably one of the better outcomes,” Desmond said with a quiet smile. “Are you ready for a new adventure?”

“I'm always ready for a new adventure,” Nathaniel said with a grin. So long as his family was by his side and a heart was beating in Eliza's chest, he could take on anything. He knew it wasn't going to be easy going forward, but it was going to be worth it. Whether they were on Jeffro, or whether they were in space, or here, he was ready for whatever life threw at him.


***THE END***