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Dirty Lessons (The Clark Brothers Book 2) by Ella Jade (10)








“Dr. Dunlap.” Rayne buzzed me as I quickly gathered my stuff. I was already a few minutes late to meet Miles and Senator Braxton at the restaurant down the street. Miles had asked me to accompany him during this dinner meeting. It was the first time I’d be with him during business. I was kind of flattered when he asked. He took his work so serious. It was a compliment he wanted me there.

“Yes.” I shut down my computer and tossed my tablet in my bag.

“I know you’re on your way out but there’s a Dr. Moore here to see you.”

“Dr. Moore?” I processed the name for a few seconds. It couldn’t be. “Ross?”

“Do you want me to ask him his first name?” Rayne sounded confused.

“No, you can send him to my office.”


“Thank you.”

I hadn’t seen or heard from Ross in a long time. What would he be doing here? I grabbed my lip gloss from my desk and glazed it over my lips. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to give it a little volume after a long day, and then I got up from my chair, trying not to fidget. As I walked to the front of my desk, I took off my lab coat and smoothed out my dress. Biting my thumb nail, I focused on calming myself. Why was I so jittery? An old friend... colleague... mentor... lover was here to see me. Unannounced, after years of no contact. After the years that I had spent alone. And now, I wasn’t alone. Why was he here?

When I looked to the doorway, Ross stood there. His big brown eyes staring at me and he had a huge grin splashed across his face. He hadn’t changed at all. If anything, he’d gotten more distinguished.

“Dr. Dunlap.” He came into my office. “It has been far too long.”

“Ross.” I met him halfway, hugging him when there was no more space between us. He held me for a few moments. It was familiar, comforting. Nothing at all like... “What are you doing here?”

“I was in the area.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d see me.” He let go of me, taking my hand and looking me over. “You look as stunning as ever.”

“You’re as sweet as ever.” I kissed his cheek. “Why wouldn’t I see you?”

“Too many years have gone by.” He shrugged. “I thought maybe you’d forgotten about me.”

“I could never forget about you.” I let go of his hand. “I’m the doctor I am today because of you.” Things may not have worked out between us but he helped me through medical school. There were times when I didn’t think I could do it but he had so much faith in me. “How come you’re in Washington?”

“A friend of mine has asked me to interview at a children’s hospital in Virginia, not far from here, so I thought I’d stop in and say hello. I’ll be in town for a bit. I hoped we could have dinner.”

“That would be lovely.”

“Your office is impressive.” He looked at some of the pictures of my patients I had scattered around. “I’ve been keeping up with you through the years. You’ve done really well. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I wondered if he was here alone. “How is your family?”

“All of my kids are out of the house now. One at Princeton and the other two traveling abroad. They turned out just fine.”

“I think about them from time to time. I was always very fond of your kids. They have a really great role model.” I sat on the edge of my desk. “And your wife?”

“My ex-wife.”

“Oh.” I should have seen that coming. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He shook his head. “We didn’t have a chance but the kids are grown now. We raised them and decided it was time for us to be happy. Apart.”

“You deserve that chance.”

“I only wish we could have figured that out the first time we filed for divorce.”

“It wasn’t meant to be then.”

“I recently saw an article featuring you.”

“The Number One Doctors?” I’d been getting calls from family and friends all week.

“I did see that one and as impressive as it was, that’s not the one I was referring to.”

“It isn’t?”

“Something about a sexy pediatrician and a political consultant?” He raised a brow. “It was an extremely entertaining read. One I never would have expected.”

“Oh, that one.” I rolled my eyes. “That reporter didn’t catch me during my best moment.”

“You looked amazing but I’m not sure it was the most becoming article for a number one pediatrician. Your image is really important especially in this town.”

“Tell me about it.” Miles felt horrible about it but whatever favor he called in seemed to work. Ms. Hawk hadn’t bothered us again.

“Miles Clark?” Ross asked. “What’s going on with him?”

“We went to high school together,” I said. “My good friend is marrying his brother and we’re in the wedding.”

“And the reporters have linked the two of you?”

“Sort of.” I linked myself with him when I asked him to have sex with me.

“He has quite the reputation.”

“I don’t think so. He’s really successful and wonderful at what he does.” Why was I defending Miles to Ross? “We’ve been spending time together.”

“Are you seeing him?”

“I guess it depends on your definition of seeing?” How was I supposed to explain this? “I like his company.”

“That’s it?”

“What do you mean?”

“It looked like you two were serious in those photos but I’m glad to hear that it’s nothing. I can’t picture you with someone like him.”

“I didn’t say it was nothing. You know me. I’m private when it comes to my personal life.”

“Miles Clark and his family are too public to be private.”

“That’s true.” Was that stupid article the reason Ross came looking for me? “I do have to meet Miles for dinner. I’m already late.”

“I apologize,” he said. “It was rude of me to just show up.”

“Don’t be silly. We’re old friends. I’m glad you stopped in.” Although I wasn’t as thrilled that he voiced his opinion about my relationship status. What was up with that?

“When can we have dinner?”

Before I could answer his question, I saw Miles standing in my doorway looking every bit the part of a trendy, important businessman in D.C. No matter what time of the day, he always appeared freshly pressed. His hair was never out of place, and when he did grow out his stubble is was perfectly manicured. Absolutely delicious.

“Hi.” Even though I was late for dinner, and he had to come find me, I was still excited to see him.

“Hello.” He came into the room. “Rayne was on her way out but she said you were still here. She let me in.”

“I was on my way to meet you when Ross surprised me with a visit.” I awkwardly stood between the first man I’d ever slept with and the man I was currently sleeping with. I didn’t know how to act as the two of them eyed one another up. “Ross Moore, this is Miles Clark.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miles.” Ross extended his hand as I observed their body language. Miles appeared tense while Ross was at ease. Smug almost.

“Dr. Moore.” After what seemed like an eternity, Miles reciprocated the hand shake, allowing me to release the breath I’d been holding. “I’ve heard so much about you.” He glanced at me before returning his attention to Ross. “What brings you to our town?”

“A job interview.”

“How wonderful.” Miles looked at me again. “How come you didn’t mention your mentor was visiting?”

“I didn’t know until a few minutes ago, hence the surprise visit.” I noted the odd look in his eyes. Was he upset? Jealous? I couldn’t tell what was going on, but it was awfully alpha in here and I didn’t like it.

“I was just telling Kirsten how well the two of you photograph together.” Ross headed for the door. “Kirsten, I’ll call your office tomorrow so we can set up that dinner.”

“Dinner?” Miles asked.

“Yes, I’d like to catch up with Kirsten and see exactly what she’s been up to.”

“I’ve been keeping her busy,” Miles said. “She’d be all work and no play if I let her.”

“That sounds like the determined, aspiring doctor I remember. I’d love to hear all about your life. You’re welcome to join us, Miles.”

“I’ll have to check my schedule but thank you.” Miles took my hand. “Senator Braxton is waiting for us at the restaurant. When you didn’t show, I came to find you.”

“I’m sorry. I was running late. I should have texted you.”

“I won’t keep you,” Ross said. “It was wonderful seeing you again.”

“Thank you, Ross.” This visit got more awkward by the second. “Call me tomorrow.”

“I will.” He smiled at Miles. “Nice meeting you.”

“Likewise.” Miles stepped into the hallway. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes.” I grabbed my bag. “I’m sorry I got held up.”

“It couldn’t be helped.” He walked down the hall and to the main entrance of the building. “I texted you.”

“My phone was in my bag.” I hurried to walk by his side. “I was on my way out when Ross showed up.”

“Why is he here?”

“Job interview. Didn’t we already discuss this?”

“That doesn’t explain why he showed up at your office unannounced.” He stopped about half a block from the restaurant. “Don’t you find that odd?”

“I didn’t have any control over him showing up or when he chose to do it.”

“I’m not going to do this.”

“Do what?”

“Whatever the fuck it is we’re doing because I can’t.”

“You...” What the hell is going on here? “Are you breaking up with me?”

“Am I breaking up with you?” He took my hand and led me into a small alley way, shaking his head in exasperation. “This is my point! How can I break up with you when I don’t even know what we are to one another?”

“Do you really think this is the appropriate place to discuss this?” I glanced around the alley, noting the people who passed by us on the busy street. “And what about Senator Braxton?”

“You weren’t concerned about him when you were reminiscing and making dinner plans with your ex. Where is his wife?”

“He’s getting a divorce.”

“Of course he is.”

“Are you jealous?” I didn’t know how to respond. “That’s what this is about?”

“No!” he yelled as he backed me into the wall, placing his hands against it on either side of my face. “This game is stopping today.”


“Don’t.” He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I am not jealous but you need to be really clear.”

“About what?”

His gaze was far too intense and not in a good way. His agitation was directed at me. That hurt more than I cared to admit.

“I’m not going to step out of the way so you can go back to him. I’m not a placeholder.”

“I’m not going back to him, and why would you say that? I’ve never treated you that way.”

“You’ve never treated me the way I’ve wanted to be treated.”

“You’ve never said anything about the way I’ve treated you before.”

“I’m saying it now.”

“I don’t understand what’s happening here.” I didn’t want to fight with him. “I’m not sure what you want from me?”

“Whatever we agreed to that night when you propositioned me, I don’t want anymore.” He moved his hands from the wall and to my face. My heart pounded hard inside my chest when he dropped his gaze to my lips. “I agreed to play your game because I didn’t think you’d give me a chance any other way. This has been the best summer of my life and not because we’re having no-strings-attached sex. In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of strings attached when it comes to us. You may want to deny that but I can’t. You’re more to me than sex.”

“I am?”

“Woman! You’re infuriating.” His mouth was on mine before I could answer him. His kiss was harsh, controlling, and deliberate. “You infuriate me. Are you really that clueless?”

When he released me from his firm hold, I took in a breath. In that moment, there was only him. He was expressing his feelings. What an unexpected turn of events.

“You’re mine,” he said as he straightened his tie. “This is a relationship and it’s turned into something quite traditional. Whether you like it or not.” He took my hand and stepped out of the alley. “If you’re not willing to accept that then I’m asking you not to accompany me tonight.”

He was giving me an out. One I couldn’t possibly take. I belonged by his side.

We walked a few more feet, my mind a jumbled mess. I tried to say something but there were so many thoughts racing through my head. Ross coming to see me should have been the biggest shock of my day but that was an afterthought. What Miles had confessed was an important revelation. I just didn’t know what to do with it.

“Well?” We stood in front of the place where we were meeting his client. “Are you coming in with me?”

“There’s no other place I’d rather be.”

A smile lit up his face, his jaw relaxed, and the warmth returned to his eyes. He held the door for me as I entered the cozy pub.

“Senator.” Miles greeted him once we were inside.

“Miles.” The tall man put his phone in his pocket and turned to face us. “I see you found your companion.”

“Jacob, this is my girlfriend, Dr. Kirsten Dunlap.”

His girlfriend? Did he mean that or did he not know how to introduce me? Either way, I liked the sound of it. I hated to admit this but I liked his possessive nature a few moments ago too.

Miles stared into my eyes before finishing his introduction. “Kirsten, this is Senator Braxton.”

“Dr. Dunlap,” the senator said. “Nice to meet you. Miles has told me much about you.”

“Please, call me Kirsten. I apologize for keeping you waiting, Senator.” I shook his hand. “I got held up.”

“Jacob and don’t apologize. Miles told me about your thriving practice here in the city.”

“Where is your wife?” Miles asked as he glanced around the crowded bar area.

“We got a table.” He motioned toward the dining room. “I came out to make a quick call. Shall we go in?”

“Of course.” Miles took my hand as we followed Jacob into the quaint dining area. He leaned into my ear and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Acting like a barbarian on the way over here. I was out of line.”

“I liked it.” I winked. “We can talk later.”

“I look forward to it.”






Dinner took much longer than I would have liked. The evening hadn’t started off as I had envisioned. I never expected to find Ross in Kirsten’s office. I’d been playing her game and following her lead these past couple months, but if he was moving in on my territory, I had to make my feelings known. I wouldn’t lose her.

“The senator and his wife are a lovely couple.”

“They were taken with you.” I removed my jacket and loosened my tie. “You were quite dazzling, and I would bet that you were part of the reason he has asked me to represent him in his next senate race.”

“That’s wonderful but you sealed that deal all by yourself.”

“You helped.” I was honored to have her by my side tonight. “Can I get you anything?”

“I’m fine.” She slid off her shoes, placing them in the foyer. “But I’d be better if you took me upstairs.”

“You don’t want to talk first?” I wondered what her thoughts were about my alley confession.

“Not really.” She took my hand and drew me closer to the stairs, kissing my jaw as she undid my tie. “You don’t want to talk either.”

“No, I have to be honest.” I lifted her into my arms and carried her up the steps. “I don’t want to talk.” Our lips on one another the whole way up. Touching, tasting, lusting. “Not now.”

Once we reached my bedroom, I set her by the bed, eager to take her clothes off. I turned her to face the mirror as I kissed her neck, lowering the zipper on the back of her dress.

“Lesson number nine, tell me what you want.”

“I want you.”

“You’re going to get me.” I removed her dress, stepping back to admire her sexy black bra and panty set. “But tell me what you want.” I slipped off my shoes and socks before unbuckling my belt.

She slid the tie from my neck. As she unbuttoned my shirt, she trailed her lips along my throat. “Kiss me.”

I took her face between my hands, leaning into her, but she pressed her fingers to my lips.

“Not there.” A wicked grin graced her lips.

“You dirty girl.” I pushed her onto the bed, spreading her legs as I dropped to my knees. “Do you want to be kissed here?” I ran my lips along her belly as I slipped my hands under her back. “How about here?” I licked her inner thigh. “Maybe here?” I tugged her panties down her legs and tossed them on the floor.

“Ah...” She arched off the bed when I traced the tip of my tongue along her slit. “Miles.” When she ran her fingers through my hair, I rocked my hips into the side of the bed.

“Is this what you wanted?” I opened my mouth and kissed her hot, wet sex. My tongue darting in and out of her, creating a pleasurable pace.


I almost came in my pants when she sat up, keeping her fingers laced in my hair as she lifted her hips, moving in time with me. Taking her leg, I tossed it over my shoulder as I increased the speed of my actions. I had to get inside her but I wanted to bring her to climax first. As her muscles tightened, her breathing turned to long, slow pants. Lifting my gaze, I watched as she dropped back onto the bed.

“Fuck,” she screamed out.

Slithering my way up her naked flesh, I unhooked her bra, revealing those luscious boobs. Swirling my tongue along her nipple, I circled my fingers inside her slick core.

“I need more than your fingers,” she breathed out. “Please.” She clawed at my shirt until I helped her take it off.

“I’m about ready to explode for you.” I pushed my pants down my hips and over my thighs, freeing my erection. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get the image of you pleasing yourself on my face out of my head.” I kicked off my pants. “Ever.”

“What can I say?” She spread her legs when I took her hands and held them above her head. “You inspired me.”

“You inspire me on a daily basis.” I kissed her neck as I slowly entered her. “I’ve never been this inspired.”

When she looked into my eyes, I hoped she believed me. I vowed to myself that I’d keep trying. Whatever it took, I would own this woman’s heart. She already had mine. Releasing her hands, I propped myself onto my forearms, so that I could take in her gorgeous face. Every time I moved inside her, she bit her bottom lip, licking where her teeth had indented.

“You’re so sexy.” I kissed her, biting the corner of her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me closer to her. As she gazed into my eyes, I wanted to tell her how much I wanted her. How much I needed her in my life.

“Miles.” She clenched around my cock, tightening her hold on my hips with her legs. “I...” She moaned softly. “I think I...” She closed her eyes and shook her head.

Say it. What was she trying to tell me? The thoughts were moving too fast inside my head. I wanted her to tell me she loved me. I had no right to expect that. We weren’t there yet. She wasn’t there yet. Was she?

“Oh...” She sat up on the bed, forcing me into a seated position as I lifted her into my lap. Rocking her up and down, our tempo increased. Our bodies moved in perfect unison. Giving, taking. “Mmm...” We were forcing one another over the edge. Spiraling until we tumbled together.

Her climax was quiet, content, and full of desire. I could see it in her eyes as her stare never left mine. It didn’t take me long to follow, releasing everything I had into this encounter. Into her. As we finished, we stayed connected to one another, kissing, touching, and loving. I held her in my arms, waiting for our hearts to stop beating so erratically.

As I stroked her back, she rested her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelled of vanilla. Warm and comforting. Her scent would linger on my pillow when she left, getting me through the rest of the night.


“Yes, sweetheart.”

“I want something.” She kissed the top of my shoulder as her fingers trailed along the back of my arm.

“Anything.” I’ll give you anything.

“I want to spend the night.”




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