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Dirty Lessons (The Clark Brothers Book 2) by Ella Jade (8)








I sat on the park bench overlooking the river, trying to process my morning. It had been interesting for a few reasons. I was glad that Kirsten had agreed to meet me here during her lunch break. My drunken, late night confession wasn’t something I ever thought I’d have to tell her. When Cassandra and I went our separate ways, I thought we were done. If Mila was mine... I didn’t want to go there. Just because I had sex with her around the time she conceived didn’t mean I was responsible.

“Hey.” Kirsten sat down next to me. She set two bottles of water and a take-out bag between us. “Want to share my lunch?”

“I’m not really that hungry.” I stroked her cheek before kissing her. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“You sounded upset on the phone.”

“I wanted to apologize for drinking as much as I did last night. That’s not how I deal with problems.”

“We all have our moments. You don’t have to apologize. No harm was done.”

“You might not think so in a minute.” I took out my phone and brought up Ellie’s article. “I wanted to show you this.”

“Oh.” She took my phone and read the fluffy, nonsense piece. “Ms. Hawk works fast.”

“She usually does.”

 “The sexy pediatrician and the hot AF political consultant heat up the bar scene.” She shook her head after reading the headline. “She’s quick with her camera too.”

“I should have been more aware of my surroundings. I shouldn’t have put you in my lap and kissed you like that in public. I was off my game last night.”

“Understandably so.”

“You’re not mad?”

“This isn’t your fault.” She handed me my phone. “I wasn’t complaining when you were kissing me. I didn’t expect someone to be spying on us for the purpose of an article. Hopefully not too many of my patients’ parents will see this. I try to keep a low profile.”

“You’re extremely professional. I’m sure no one will think anything of this. My mother has already called Ellie to remind her of the rules. She’ll back off for a bit. Once Max comes in for the wedding, we’ll be old news.”

“Max doesn’t care what she writes?”

“I never did until...” Ellie Hawk could write whatever she wanted about me. I didn’t give a shit what people thought. Well, until I started seeing Kirsten. She was smart, sophisticated, and stayed away from men like me for a reason. “Look, in the last twenty-four hours I’ve only proven why you wanted a non-relationship with me. My life isn’t this complicated. Usually. The Clarks save the drama for Jameson and Max. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you from people like Ellie.”

“You don’t have to explain. You don’t owe me anything. We’re not complicated, remember?”

“Can we forget about that for a moment?” I took her hand, hoping she’d understand. “I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have drank that much.”

“You had your reasons.”

“Which brings me to my next point.” I hated to involve her in any of this. “I shouldn’t have blurted out my suspicions about Mila after we were together. It had been on my mind all night but I tried to keep you out of it.”

“This whole situation is a little odd so I can’t blame you for how you handled it.”

“I didn’t handle it well.”

“Cassandra contacted me this morning, so I’m glad you told me. I would have been blindsided.”

“I spoke with her as well. She called my office this morning as I was trying to get in touch with her. She’d gotten a new cell, so I was in the process of having my investigator locate her. In the middle of that and Ellie’s stupid article, Cassandra reached out to me.” I was surprised when my assistant said she was on the line. “She said her husband, Brian, knew there was a possibility that he wasn’t the father. They met, got together, and she ended up pregnant shortly after. They seem like they’re really in love. I don’t want to screw anything up for their little family but I have to do the right thing.”

“I think that’s admirable of you. Some guys would run in the opposite direction and not look back especially if another man was already taking responsibility.”

“I can’t do that.” I didn’t know what the future held, but if I had a daughter, I’d have to be in her life. “I need to know before I can make any decisions.”

“Cassandra has given me permission to discuss the paternity test plans with you,” Kirsten said. “I offered to handle this matter.”

“You have?” I never would have asked her for her help but knowing she would be with me during this process made it a little easier. “Having someone I trust involved makes this bearable.”

“I can do the swabs on all of you. I’ll contact a colleague of mine at a private lab and put a rush on the results. There’s no need to prolong this.”

“I’ll take care of any costs incurred for Cassandra, her husband, and Mila.”

“Cassandra believes that Brian is the father.”

“She expressed that to me and I really hope she’s right. She said she knew there was a possibility with the timing of when we were together but didn’t want to face it. I’m not looking to disrupt their lives but I can’t drop this until I know. If Mila is my responsibility, I have to own up to it.”

“I agree.”

“I’m sorry you have to get in the middle of this.”

“Mila is my patient.”

“Of course.”

“I want to be there for you.”

“You do?” I’d usually confide in Jameson for something like this but we were so busy with the firm and he was in the middle of planning the wedding of the year in D.C. I couldn’t bring myself to burden him. “That’s very kind of you.”

“Miles, I’ve seen what you’ve done for your brothers. You keep the peace and look out for them but as strong as you are, even you need a shoulder to lean on.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t deserve this woman. “I’m trying to be rational but the whole situation is a bit of a shock.”

“I can understand that.”

“How long before we have an answer?”

“Cassandra is bringing Mila in this afternoon with Brian. Stop by my office tonight and I’ll swab you. Because tomorrow is Friday, we probably won’t know until Monday.”

“That’s not too bad, I guess.”

“I’ll get the results back as fast as I can.”

“Thank you.” I kissed her cheek. “You’re amazing.”

“Do me a favor?”


“Split this sandwich with me.” She held out the paper bag. “It’s from Luca’s deli.”

“What is it?” I glanced inside the bag.

“Chicken salad on whole wheat toast.” She took the sandwich out. “It’s too big for just me.”

“I’d love to share your lunch with you.”

“Okay.” She giggled the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

As she separated the sandwich, I gazed at her stunning profile. Did she have any idea just how traditional we were becoming?

“What?” She looked into my eyes, a smile gracing her lips.

“Nothing.”  I took half the sandwich from her. “I have a feeling I’m going to remember this day for a very long time.”






I tossed my phone in my bag as we pulled up to the Clark home. The media circled the gates in front of the estate. Our driver slowly made it through the entrance once the security guard, hired for the evening, verified it was Miles in the car.

“Is everything okay?” Miles asked.


“You got a text. Was it the office? Do you need to call in?”

“No, I’m not on call tonight.” I smiled, feeling a little guilty that I didn’t tell him the lab had messaged me to say they were sending over the paternity results. There wasn’t anything we could do about them now. I couldn’t give him the results without Cassandra and her husband. There was no need to upset his evening. We could go in tomorrow and read them when all the parties were together. “There’s more press here tonight than there was at the actual engagement party.”

“The wedding is getting closer. They’re getting more aggressive. Someone shows up at the firm everyday looking for Jameson to answer questions and reveal the location of the ceremony.”

“I’m guessing your mother is on it?”

“And my father, Jameson, and myself. We’re keeping them in check.”

“CC is so calm through all of this. I would be a wreck.”

“If you were marrying a Clark?” He smirked. “There are a couple more of us.”

“No, I just meant that... well, Cecilia handles all of this with such grace. I’m not sure I could.” How did we get on the subject of me marrying a Clark?

“I’m certain you could.” When the car stopped he took my hand. “I know you had to come here tonight because you’re in the bridal party, but I’m glad you’re with me.”

“Where else would I be?” I was totally taken by him. Even if we weren’t in this wedding together, I’d still want to be by his side.

When the driver opened the door for me, I stepped out of the car. Miles was next to me within a second, taking my hand and walking to the front door. I’d heard the reporters yelling for him, but he didn’t even turn his head.

“I hope you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?” I asked as he opened the front door.

“My mother read Ellie’s article and now she thinks we’re a couple.” He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me into the house. “I couldn’t exactly explain what we are to one another.”

“Well, there are two of us so I suppose that makes us a couple.” I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for the warning.”

“There you are.” Mrs. Clark greeted us in the foyer in a stunning designer gown. I knew fashion. I’d been to Paris and Milan several times when I was with Ross. I grew up in a modest home, so I never would have dreamed that I would one day wear clothes that debuted on the runway.

“Hey, Mom.” Miles kissed his mother’s cheek. “How’s it going?”

“Fabulous.” Her diamond bracelet sparkled in the rays of the setting sun shining in from the windows. “Kirsten, you look incredible.” She hugged me. “But you always do.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Clark. You look beautiful.” There was an elegance that flowed through her and projected wherever she went. I’d seen her do television interviews and read magazine articles when she was representing a high-profile client. Not only was she a classic beauty but she was a fierce attorney.

“This one’s a keeper.” She winked at Miles. “I want to apologize for Ms. Hawk and her unfortunate article. I’m sorry you had to experience that so early on in your relationship with my son. I’d like to say it won’t happen again but I’d be lying.”

“It’s fine.” The piece hadn’t presented a problem. If anyone in my office saw it, no one mentioned it.

“You’re a prominent doctor with a thriving practice. You deserve a private life. If you have any trouble because of that article, please let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

“Mom,” Miles said. “I’ve handled Ms. Hawk.”

“She’ll be back,” his mother said. “She always finds a way to pester us.”

“She isn’t here tonight,” Miles noted. “That’s progress.”

“What did you do?” I asked. “How did you get her to stay away from here?”

“Called in a favor with the owner of the paper. He wants his cousin to be reelected and that can’t happen without me.”

“Miles has been keeping that favor in his back pocket for quite some time.” His mother grinned at me. “You must be really special to him.”

“Mom.” Miles stopped her from saying anything else. “Where’s Jameson?”

“He and CC are out on the patio. Go join them.” She rubbed my shoulder. “My son may be embarrassed to talk about it but I know you’re special. He’s very taken with you.”

“Thank you.” I hugged her. “I think he’s pretty special too.”

“Let’s go.” Miles took my hand and led me through the grand foyer. “I need a drink.” 

“Me too.”


“I don’t want to deceive your mom. She’s so sweet. I haven’t even been honest with CC and Rayne when it comes to us.”

“We’re seeing one another. That’s not a lie. No one has to know the details.”

We stepped out onto the elaborately lit patio. There were tables dressed in soft pink linens and high, glass vases filled with pink and lavender roses. Upon further investigation, I spied roses and white, twinkling lights all over the backyard. The pool was even filled with rose pedals and glowing balloons.

“Oh my...” I couldn’t stop looking around. “This is amazing.”

“My mother is excited to be planning this wedding,” Miles said. “Jameson and CC have given her all the decision making power.”

“It works for me.” CC came up from behind us. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She handed me a glass of champagne. “I love this dress.”

“I do too.” Miles kissed CC’s cheek. “You look lovely.”

“Have I told you how much I adore you?” She laughed. “My future brother-in-law and my best friend?”

“Well, we’re just doing our wedding duties.” I sipped my champagne, hoping to avoid another charade about my relationship with Miles.

“Dating the best man is not part of your duties.” CC squeezed my hand. “But I’m glad you are.”

“I’d have to agree.” Miles leaned against the stone wall. The very wall we’d reconnected over the night of the engagement party. And just like that evening, he looked as charismatic as ever. Tonight he didn’t wear a tie, leaving the first two buttons of his dress shirt undone. His tailored pants fit him with such precision. He’d opted not to shave, his stubble covering his chiseled jaw. He was beyond sexy. Any woman would be proud to call him hers. What was stopping me from taking the next step?

Taking another sip of my drink, I quickly suppressed the images of us in his bedroom the other night. I could recall the moans he’d made when I...

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, why?”

“Your cheeks are flush. Are you hot?”

You have no idea. “I’m fine.” I moved to stand closer to him. “I was just thinking about something.”

“Something good?”

“Real good.”

“Are you going to share?” He ran the back of his hand down my arm.

“No.” I grinned.

“I’m going to find Jameson,” CC said. “You two are sitting at our table tonight. Rayne is too. I only wish Max could be here.”

“Me too,” I said. “The rehearsal dinner. He’ll be back then.”

“I hope so.” CC giggled as she headed off into the yard. “You never know with him.”

Miles took my glass and finished what was left.

“Hey, I was drinking that.”

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I know where we can get more.”

He moved toward the bar, walking behind it he spoke to the bartender. The man nodded and handed Miles another glass and a bottle of champagne.

“Would you like to take a stroll with me, Dr. Dunlap?”

“Where would we go?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Follow me.”

We walked down the path just as we’d done at the engagement party. That night I was skeptical of the man he’d become. I thought he was still that careless kid from high school. Rich and entitled. I had no idea he’d developed into such a caring, sensitive, responsible man. If I had to do this again, I never would have propositioned him. If I hadn’t initiated such a ridiculous arrangement, Miles might have surprised me. Now I’d never know what we might have been.

He popped open the bottle and poured the champagne once we reached the gazebo.

“Thank you.” I took the glass he handed me.

“I’d like to make a toast.”


He sat close enough to me that our thighs touched. The moonlight shimmered off the lake and illuminated the gazebo making his remarkable blue eyes all the more mesmerizing.

“To the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” He raised his glass. “Twelve years ago, you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

“I had good reason.” I smiled. “You were a dog back then.”

“Lesson number, I’ve forgotten where we are, but when a man is toasting you, singing your praises, don’t remind him what an ass he has been in the past.”

“That’s not a dirty lesson.”

“Forgive me, but you need to be schooled in all matters of romance.”

“And you think you’re the man to do it?”

“I know I am.”

“Your confidence is very sexy.” I raised my glass. “Please continue.”

“All I was going to say was spending time with you, no matter how we classify it, has been the best time I’ve ever spent with anyone.”

“Me too.” I clinked my glass to his. “More than you know.”

“I’m glad I’m helping with your mission.” He sipped his drink. “I’d be disappointed if I missed out on you.”


“The one where you find a man just like Jameson.”

“Jameson?” I gulped my champagne. “No, that’s not what I meant when I said...”

“Relax, I know you don’t want my brother.” He poured more of that much needed amber colored liquid into my glass. “I hope I’m helping you find what you’re searching for.” He set his glass down before taking mine and putting them on the floor. “Although, I hope you’re smart enough to realize you don’t have to look that far.”

“Miles, I—”

“Shh...” He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. I could taste the champagne on his tongue as the heat between us intensified. He rested his hand on my shoulder, circling his finger below my ear. My nipples hardened when he lowered his hand, tracing his fingertips down my throat and to the tops of my breasts. He continued to kiss me as he explored my flesh, gliding his hand down my stomach and to my thigh.

“Maybe we should go back to the party,” I suggested but I didn’t want to be around people. I wanted to have his undivided attention. I wanted to be his only focus.

“Dinner won’t be served for another hour.” He slid his hand under my dress. “Lesson number eight.”

“Are you sure it’s eight?” I ran my palm over his stubble. “I forgot to tell you how much I like this.”

“Don’t distract me.” He tugged on my panties. “Let’s take these off so I can continue on with my dirty lesson.”

“Why do we need to take them off?” I didn’t protest when he slipped them down my legs and over my feet.

“Because if they’re off, I’ll have easy access all night.”

“What will you do with that easy access?”

“There are plenty of things I could so.” He kissed my neck as he moved his hand between my legs. “I can do this when no one is watching.” He pushed his fingers inside me. “Maybe even at the dinner table.”

“Miles...” I rocked my pelvis into his hand. “What else?”

“I could take you inside, find a dark corner, maybe a vacant room.” He circled his fingers inside me, spreading my arousal. “Bend you over and fuck you so hard.”

“Yes, please.” I shamelessly pushed against his hand, creating more friction, causing him to go deeper. Arching my back, I thrust my breasts forward.

With his free hand, he lowered my dress, just enough to reveal my nipple. The warmth of his tongue circled it, making my insides pulse with desire. He didn’t stop fingering me as he kissed and fondled my breasts.

“Without your panties I could make you come anytime I want tonight.” He rubbed my slit with his hand before inserting three fingers inside me. “This is just the first time.”

When he bit my nipple, I let out a low moan. I couldn’t take the stimulation.

“Come for me, beautiful.”

“For you, only you.”

He covered my mouth with his, suppressing my moans as I climaxed hard and fast. My body trembled with lust, too aroused to think. Before I knew what I was saying I blurted it out.

“Miles, please. Now.”

“Right here?” He glanced up at the house. “Someone could come down here. It’s too public.”

“I need you inside me.” I didn’t know what came over me but I had to get him to see it my way. “Think of something.” I ran my hand over his erection. “You took my panties. You said you would make me come.”

“Fuck.” He stood, taking my hand. He led me toward the lake. “Back here.”

“What’s back there?”

“A storage shed for our paddle boats and kayaks.”

We approached a small structure, nestled behind some trees. “What are we going to call this lesson?”

“Quick is necessary when my girl is begging for it.” He turned me around so that I was facing the shed. “Are you sure you want to do this out in the woods?”

“I’ve never done anything like this but I know I’ve never been more aroused.”

“Put your hands on the shed,” he instructed. “Arch your back.”

I did as he told me to. I shook with need, praying my knees wouldn’t give out.

“Good girl.” He lowered his zipper. “We’re going to make this fast in case someone comes looking for us.” He lifted my dress, smoothing his hand over my backside. My insides pulsated when he spread me open with his fingers, pushing my legs into a wider stance with his thigh. “Kirsten,” he breathed into my hair as he entered me.

“Oh...” I clawed at the wooden structure as he slammed into me.

He moved quick, treating me to relentless, hurried thrusts. As expected, my orgasm coursed through me within seconds. “Miles...” My legs tensed as I spiraled out of control.

“I know.” He latched onto my hips as his breathing picked up. “I’m almost there.”

With one final thrust, he came inside me. With his climax, serenity surrounded us. The band from the house played in the distance, the crickets chirped in the bushes, and the cool breeze from the lake danced over us in the darkness. I’d never been this connected to him before. How were we so in sync with one another? We were having sex. There was no great love story. But being with him made me see things from a different perspective.

I turned in his arms to face him as he adjusted his pants. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he gently kissed me. “Thank you.”

“I should be thanking you.” He smoothed my hair. “That was really hot.”

“It was the most exhilarating experience of my life.”

“Hmm.” He took my hand as we walked back to the gazebo. “Now that I know that, I have to come up with something more creative.”

“Can I have my panties back?” I arched a brow out him.

“No.” He took them off the bench and shoved them in his pocket. “You won’t be needing them tonight.”




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