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Chasing Taz by Khloe Wren (25)



Before Taz could respond, I turned my attention back to Scout. “I was planning on going to see my uncle once we finish here. He told me when I last saw him, that if I wanted to make my life here in Bridgewater, he’d take me on at the shop.”

Scout nodded, but I could see he had other things in mind.

“If you wanted to keep doing a night or two per week at Styxx, I’m sure Nitro would appreciate it. And I believe Mac would love your help with his self-defense for women classes. But, that’s up to you. Just let me know if you want either one.”

At the mention of the classes, I sat up straighter. I’d really liked what Mac was doing with those classes.

“I’d love to help out Mac with the classes, but I would just be assisting him. He’s doing a great job and I have no intention of trying to take over. I’m not sure about the bar. It was fun, but let me talk to Uncle Gus first. This heart attack is going to slow him down for quite a while, and I think he’s going to need me more than he realizes at the moment.”

Scout nodded. “Mac will soon tell you if you piss him off. Well, he’ll probably bitch to Taz about it, then you’ll hear about it from your man. Either way, you’ll know. Do either of you know how long before Gus will be back in the shop?”

“Initially the doctor told me it would be two to four weeks for him to return to work. But since he runs his own business, I’m guessing he’s already trying to get back into the shop.”

I glanced to Taz.

“Yeah, he’s tried to come in to work and I keep sending his ass home. Crazy bastard won’t ever get better if he pushes himself too hard this early on.”

I nodded, not surprised. “Hopefully with me in town helping to look after everything, he can relax and focus on getting better.”

Scout nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Alrighty, you two get going and sort it all out, let me know what the verdict is. Oh, and, Flick, we’re hosting some of the Cowboys this weekend. Including your brother—”

Taz jerked in his seat as though he’d been shot, cutting off Scout. “Why the fuck is this the first I’m hearing about this?”

Scout smirked at him. “Because you’ve been sulking around all fucking week.” Then his expression turned serious. “And your boys told me you’d need this weekend off for personal reasons. So, we let you be. Actually, I need to thank you, Flick. Now you’ve returned, I can get back to tormenting Taz. Every time I’ve tried to mess with him lately, I’m left feeling like I’ve kicked a fucking wounded puppy or some shit. Takes the fun right out of it.”

Taz’s posture had tensed at the mention of needing the weekend off, so I followed Scout’s lead to lighten the mood, and get the conversation away from it.

“Well, considering what, or rather who, my brother is probably doing right now, I think I’d rather leave seeing him until later. Can you tell him to head over to our uncle’s place? I want to spend the afternoon with Uncle Gus, and I’m sure he’d love to see Andrew.”

“Stone. At least here at the clubhouse, you need to call him Stone. None of us go by our given names in the MC world, darlin’.”

I shook my head. “Yeah, of course. Sorry, so used to him being Andrew. That’s gonna take some getting used to.”

Scout stood and Taz and I followed his lead. At the door to his office, he gave me a hug, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

“Thank you for choosing my brother. He needs you more than you know, Flick.”

I smiled and whispered back. “After last night, I think I do know.”

Taz frowned at us, but I wasn’t going to say anything if Scout wasn’t. With a smile, I leaned up and kissed his mouth briefly.

“C’mon, caveman, let’s head out. Uncle Gus will be happy to hear I’m moving back for good, don’t you think?”

“What were you two whispering about?”

“Nothing for you to worry about, brother. I’ll tell Stone to head over when I see him. And talk to Silk or Zara about tonight. Got another club barbecue going on. And don’t worry, it’s a family one, so the club whores will be back in their box for it.”

I cringed at his word choice, but didn’t say anything as I followed Taz out toward the front. The chick from the threesome we’d walked in on, was now kneeling in front of a different biker, sucking his cock. Busy girl. The man seemed to like her skills. His head was thrown back as he held her by her hair, and thrust up into her mouth. As Taz dragged me past, a second man came up behind the chick, and after lifting her so she was on all fours, unzipped his pants and slammed his cock in deep. The chick was clearly into all the attention, considering her moans and grunts, and it was strangely arousing to watch.

“Don’t even think about it, kitty.”

Shaking my attention away from the live porn show, I followed Taz outside.

“Not think what?”

“I’m not ever gonna fucking share you, so no matter how curious you are, it ain’t happening.”

I laughed. “Just because I was a little mesmerized at the sight, doesn’t mean I want to be in her place, Taz. Put your caveman back in his box.”

He growled and backed me up against the side of the building. His lips crashed down over mine as he took me over. With a sigh, I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him have his way. I loved how he kissed me, like he couldn’t get enough and wanted to inhale me.

By the time he pulled back, I was putty in his hands. He’d melted my brain completely.

“See? This is why you need to be wearing a fucking skirt, babe. I want in you so bad right now.”

I leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth before nuzzling in against his throat.

“And that’s why I’m not wearing one. We have things to do, and giving the prospects out front a show, isn’t on that particular to-do list.”

At that, Taz snapped his head to glance over toward the yard, and confirmed that, sure enough, we’d collected a small audience.


Grabbing my hand, he dragged me over to his bike. I tried not to laugh, but he was being adorably possessive. Settling behind his large body felt so natural, like coming home. The vibration of the bike beneath me when he started it was soothing, as was the way he’d pat my hands or thighs as we rode. I rested my cheek against his back with a contented sigh as we rode through town.

All too soon, we stopped outside Uncle Gus’s house and reluctantly, I slid off and stretched out my legs as Taz dismounted. He took my hand again before we made our way toward the house.

“You know, I’m not going to disappear if you let go of me, right?”

With a growl, he tightened his grip but didn’t comment.


Uncle Gus was sitting on an old rocking chair on the porch watching us with a smile. Taz pulled me in front of him after we climbed the stairs, allowing me to go to my uncle first. I moved in to give him a peck on the cheek.

“Hey Uncle Gus, how you feeling?”

“Feeling a little better every day. So, you came back, after all.”

His gaze took in my clothes with a frown. Taz came to stand behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Hey, Gus. So, good news for us. Flick’s moving to Bridgewater for good.”

He nodded in a way that made me think he was deep in thought. “If that’s what you really want, I’m happy to have you closer.”

I leaned back against Taz. “Of course this is what I really want. Although, I am kinda left without a job with my sudden move and all. If you needed a hand with the shop and range, I’d love to help out.”

He laughed, then coughed. “Damn. Don’t make me laugh.” He paused to take a few breaths before continuing. “Ah, that would be great, sweetheart. Taz has been keeping it running for me, since the damn doc won’t clear me to work yet. So you can help him out with it all. I like the idea of making it a family business. I gather you two are together?”

“Damn straight. Never letting her outta my sight again.”

Uncle Gus’s lips twitched, but he held off the laugh this time.

“Son, I told you not to make me laugh. No way in hell you’re gonna be able to lock this one up. Even as a kid, Flick could never be contained, or told what to do.

“Now, that I believe.”

I glared over my shoulder at Taz for agreeing, but couldn’t stay mad. Not when he was watching me like he wanted to devour me. Again. Suddenly, spending time with Gus didn’t seem so important, not when I could be having a lazy Sunday in bed with Taz.

“Right, well, we’ve got some more errands to run today. I’ll come back tomorrow and stay longer. Oh, and Andrew might come to see you later. He’s in town visiting. And apparently we have to call him Stone now. Bikers and their nicknames.”

I rolled my eyes and my uncle shook his head while Taz growled. With a shrug, I gave my uncle another peck on the cheek before I let Taz take my hand and lead me back toward his bike. Once we were standing near his bike, he handed me my helmet.

“Why the sudden urge to leave, babe? I thought you wanted to spend all afternoon here.”

Once I had my helmet on, I moved to press my body up against his, running my palms under his cut, up his torso and over his muscular chest.

“Well, I remembered what I could be doing if we were back at your place.”

“Ah, right. Well, what the lady wants, the lady gets. And it’s not my place, kitty. It’s ours now.”

Warmth spread through my chest as he gave me a fast, hard kiss. He pulled his lips from mine way too soon, in my opinion, and I stood staring up at him for a moment.

“Have you any idea how much I love you?”

His grip on me tightened as a wide grin spread over his face.

“That’s a good thing, babe. Because I’m fucking crazy in love with you, too.”

Then he gave me what I wanted, a nice long, deep kiss that left me squirming for more.


After spending the entire afternoon naked with Flick, I somehow managed to find the will to put clothes back on me, and her, and take her over to the clubhouse for the barbecue. After returning from Gus’ house, I’d grabbed Eagle and Mac to give me a hand bringing in all of Flick’s stuff, and they told me that the Satan’s Cowboys were heading home in the morning, so tonight was a send-off for them.

After finally locating that damn bunker last week, this weekend the Cowboys had sent a small team down to clean it up and get it ready to be used. I wasn’t entirely sure about the hows or whens, but I figured we’d be seeing more of the Cowboys, for a while, at least. Looking over to where Flick stood chatting with Stone, I decided that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I knew what losing a sibling felt like, and I was so fucking happy that Flick had found her brother alive and well. I’d hate for her to have to suffer like I had over the years.

Although, I had to admit that today that pain seemed a little less. As the day had passed, I remembered a few little snippets from last night, and the way Flick had handled my shit was amazing. Thanks to having her curled up next to me all night, I’d had a blissful, dream-free sleep. Now that my hangover was settling down, I was actually feeling pretty fucking good about life.

Because I had an old lady.

Who loved me.

Fuck, I was turning into a sap. Strangely enough, I didn’t really care. Not if it meant I had Flick in my life. I grunted when a large hand smacked my shoulder.

“Good to see you could stop screwing your old lady long enough to make it, brother.”

“Says the man who had to pull a chick off his cock to meet with me and my old lady this morning.”

Scout barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Too true. Like I said, we all gotta step up and fill the void you left, now you’re all settled down and shit.”

Lifting my beer, I took a swig while Scout did the same.

“Gus is good with Flick working with me at the range and shop. I’ve been thinking, instead of just having Flick help out Mac, why don’t we expand the program? Start running a gun class aimed at women too. Flick’s more than capable of teaching it, and I’m sure Gus would give us the go ahead. Might also make his shop more profitable, because I honestly don’t know how he fucking affords to eat at the moment.”

Scout nodded. “Sounds good to me, why don’t you arrange a meeting between Mac, Chip, Flick and yourself. Gus can be involved too, if he wants. If we cross promote between the gym and the gun shop, both will benefit.” He nodded toward where Flick was laughing with her brother. “I’m guessing Viper will put Stone in charge of the bunker, since he has reason to visit us now. You okay with that?”

I gave him a chin lift. “We’re good. Stone knows it wasn’t our fault he got fucked over, we were just following orders when we brought him in that day. It was the brass who decided to ignore the fucking truth and fuck him over. When we realized he was with the Cowboys back when we were dealing with the Iron Hammers bullshit, we were worried he’d come after us. But Flick told me what he said to her about it, and he doesn’t appear to be holding a grudge against us.”

“Good to hear. That’s the last thing any of us need. So, you, Mac and Eagle really do fucking do everything together, huh? All settling down with an old lady within months of each other. You got your girl knocked up yet?”

Because the bastard had waited until I’d taken a mouthful of beer, I coughed and choked on it.

“Fucker.” I paused to cough some more. “She ain’t pregnant. Bloody hell. I’m not ready to share her with a kid yet. I’ve heard what those little poop machines do to a man’s sex life. No way. At least, not yet.”

Scout laughed and walked away, leaving me to watch my woman and think about how cute a little girl with my blue eyes and a thick mane of black hair like her mother’s would look. It lit off an ache inside me that left me wanting to tell her to toss out her pills so we could get to making a baby already. I glanced over toward my best friends. Eagle and Mac both stood with their women, each with a large palm on their unborn child. We really did do all of life’s big milestones together.

I needed to talk with Flick.

Dumping my empty bottle into the trash, I strolled over to Flick. Slipping up behind her, I wrapped my arm over her shoulder. When she tensed I cursed and tightened my grip.

“Don’t you dare fucking throw me, woman.”

Stone started laughing so hard he doubled over, and Flick relaxed back against me with a sigh.

“I really am sorry about that.”

“Yeah, well, so long as you don’t do it again, I can deal.”

“Well, quit sneaking up behind me and grabbing me, then!”

I kissed the side of her head. “I’ll try, but after all that careful training the USMC gave me, I can’t help but walk around the place silently.”

She turned to face me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “And it’s all my careful training that means whenever someone is stupid enough to sneak up behind me and grab me, I throw them.”

Her falsely syrupy-sweet voice had my cock throbbing to be inside her.

“Well, since you two are gonna start being all sweet and disgusting, I’m gonna go find something I can mess with. Flick, I’ll call you when I know when I’ll be back in town. I’ll drop in again on Uncle Gus before we head off in the morning.”

Flick unlatched herself from me and gave her brother a hug, and a peck on the cheek. “I’m sure he’ll love that. I’m so glad I found you, An–ah, Stone. Next time you come down, you can stay with us and we can catch up some more.”

He winced and I couldn’t hold in the chuckle.

“I’ve heard the rumors, sugar. No way in hell am I gonna be staying where I’m gonna be forced to listen to my sister being screwed all night long. There are some things brothers don’t want, or need, to know. Their sibling’s sex lives are one of those things.”

With a shake of her head, she gave him another peck on the cheek, said goodbye then swayed her way back over to me.

“So, caveman, now you’ve successfully scared off my brother–”

“I didn’t scare him off. He was looking for an excuse to go find something wet and willing inside.”

She screwed up her face. “Could you not call them that? I mean, I know they are, but that’s a horrible way of describing them.”

I shrugged as I lowered my face in against her neck. “Club whores are what they are, babe. But I don’t want to talk about them at all. I’d much rather discuss making babies with you.”

She laughed. “Well, you can talk all you want. It’ll be at least another couple of months before we can do anything about it. I don’t take a little pill every morning, Taz. I get the shot every three months.”

“And do you intend to keep getting them?”

She pulled back to stare me in the eye. “You’re seriously asking me to have your baby, aren’t you?”

“Hell, yeah, I am. I never dreamed I’d have a woman of my own, but now that I do, I can’t imagine anything better than creating a family with her. I want kids, and I want to watch those kids grow up surrounded by love and protection.” I turned her around to take in the rear yard of the Charon’s clubhouse. Kids ran around playing, Zara and Silk stood beside Eagle and Mac, with their pregnancies clearly visible. “I want to raise my–our–family here, within the Charon family. Here, none of us will ever be left alone. We’ll always be protected and have people who love us at our backs.”

Pulling free from my grip she turned back to face me with tears in her eyes. I’d be worried if she wasn’t smiling so damn wide.

“Flick, I love you babe, and I can’t wait start our family.”

“Oh, Taz. You’re killing me here. You’re too perfect, you know that, right? Fucking catnip.”

Shaking my head I pulled her in against my front, cupping her face in my palm.


“You’re like my personal brand of catnip. I get a taste and instantly, I lose my mind and do crazy shit.”

He chuckled, before growing serious. “I’ll never be perfect, babe. But I’ll always be your rock. I’ll always love you and put you first. I’d rather cut out my heart than see you hurt. And I’m glad I make you like that, because you do the same to me, my curious little kitty.”

Tears trailed down her cheeks as she pushed up on her toes to hover her mouth near mine. “I love you so much, more than anything else in this world, Donovan Taz Lee.”

With my heart in my throat, I kissed her, taking her mouth with mine over and over again. I’d never get enough of her. Of this woman who’d brought my heart and soul back to life, so she could cherish them.