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Chasing Taz by Khloe Wren (4)



When Flick pressed her palms against my stomach, a groan tore from my throat. Her fingers were soft, yet firm, as she smoothed them up my front, over the bumps of my ribs and pecs. My cock thickened and throbbed for her hands to go south, rather than north. I couldn’t speak at how good it felt to have her touching me like she was.

Next thing I knew, I was on my back.

“Fuck, woman! What was that shit?”

She’d thrust her thumb into a pressure point near my collarbone, then with a leg wrapped around mine, got me down on the ground in seconds. Now I had her on top of me, holding me down. It took a few seconds for the lust to clear from my mind enough for me to think, and when it did, I saw her grinning down at me like she’d won. I smirked up at her for a split second before I quickly had her flipped over, and under me. Moving quickly, I had my legs over hers in a way she couldn’t move, and her hands were locked together above her head with one of my palms wrapped around them. I dropped my face into her throat and inhaled against her neck. Damn, but she smelled so fucking sweet. When I felt her muscles tense, I quickly moved to press the side of my face against hers, giving her no room to move.

“Don’t you dare try ‘n head butt me, hellcat.”

She growled and bucked beneath me, but got nowhere. Damn, but I was loving the fire in this woman.

“Get off me, then and I won’t have to.”

Her voice was husky and considering my rock-hard dick was pressed up against her mound, I could feel exactly how hot she was for me. I nipped at her earlobe before kissing my way along her jaw. When I got to the edge of her lips, I swiveled my hips against hers, loving how her breath caught in her throat. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she reopened them, they held a different kind of fire. In my attempt at seducing her, I’d moved my lower half, releasing her legs a degree. She made use of that before I could recapture them. For the second time tonight, I found myself on my back with her perched above me. But this time she didn’t stay there to gloat. Nope, she jumped back and up to her feet, before moving away. I held her gaze as I slowly rose to my feet.

“Nice move, luv. Guessing the fact you’re all the way over there means this little game of ours is over?”

I wasn’t sure what the fuck she was playing at. She’d been teasing me, hot for me, now she was acting cold and calculated. There was no doubt she was up to something, but what it was, had me stumped. She wasn’t the usual type of woman who went all crazy for a club brother because he was in an MC. But she’d definitely known which bike was mine before she asked me earlier.

For every step I took, she took one away, but this time she was aiming at the door. I wasn’t going to be able to trap her as easily as I had the last time. Mac stepped inside the room, his gaze flicking between us, taking in the body language, before he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You two done playing? Because I’d like to get home to my woman before daybreak, if you feel me?”

The words cracked through the sexual tension in the room and Flick gave a little shake of her head before she spun and bolted from the room. I heard the door chime a few moments later as the little chicken ran away.

Mac held my gaze as I walked toward him.

“What’s with you and this chick? She ain’t a club whore, brother.”

I shrugged. “I’m fully aware of who she isn’t. But I’m not entirely sure who she is, either. She’s up to something, I can feel it.”

“So you’re just playing her, then? Seeing what she wants?”

I broke away from his gaze and looked around the room, at the large mat on the floor, the mirrors along one wall.

“I like her. She’s got some bite and fire in her. I don’t know where it’ll all go, because I’m not fucking joking. She’s up to something but I will figure it out.”

“Best get Keys to look into her then. I’ve got her name and address on her gym application. It’s not strictly ethical, but she doesn’t ever have to know.”

I looked back to Mac. Along with Eagle, he’d been my friend for over a decade, through the Marines, and now in the Charon MC. When our former CO approached the three of us about coming into the Charon MC about a year and a half ago, we’d agreed and stepped up. To begin with, it was with the intention of being undercover agents for the FBI. But they’d screwed us over hard last year after Eagle’s old lady, Silk, had been taken by the L.A. mob. We’d given the feds information on the mob, and the dirty fuckers handed it straight over to the bastards. Since then, all three of us had stepped back from anything to do with our original purpose. Our handler came after Mac a while ago over his old lady, but that shit ended just as badly as the first round. So, Eagle and Mac and told them to fuck off. And I’d stayed silent. The fact the feds seem to be letting my silent treatment of them slide didn’t sit real well with me. Something had to be brewing.

“Not yet. I’ll see what I can get out of her myself, first. What if she’s with the feds? I ask Keys and he finds that out, it could blow wide all three of our covers. Then, what? We both know what the club did to Eagle.”

Silk was the VP’s niece, and Eagle had gone after her before he’d finished prospecting. Of course, Scout, the club president, tried to tell us it was because she’d been taken by the mob while Eagle was guarding her, but that was on them, not him. They’d not told Eagle that anyone specific was after Silk, so he was guarding her from a distance. Either way, it all ended with Eagle getting a beat down from the club that had him laid up for weeks. If they found out the three of us were supposed to be spying on the club for the feds? Yeah, I didn’t think that shit was gonna go over well. Even if we could prove that none of us had handed over a damn thing about the Charon MC to the FBI.

Mac’s expression turned ice cold. “You keep me in the loop on this shit, you understand? We won’t bring the club in yet, but don’t you forget for a fucking second that you, me and Eagle are in this shit together. We’ll have your back and make sure you don’t get stabbed in it because you let your little head do the thinking.”

I rolled my eyes. “When have I ever let my little head do the thinking?”

He just raised an eyebrow at me, and I laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Okay, I hear you. I’ll keep you posted. But right now, I’m going to go take a cold shower. Then maybe head out to the clubhouse for a bit. Get some relief since Flick’s run off like a bloody rabbit.”

Mac growled at me. “You’re not allowed to use that phrase about a chick. Not anymore.”

I punched Mac in the arm. “I’m not gonna start calling her bunny like you do your old lady, so settle down.”

It still cracked me up that Mac called Zara bunny because she’d kept running from him like a scared little bunny. Even fucking funnier that Silk had convinced her to get a Playboy bunny tattooed on her hip. I’m pretty sure that only happened because Zara got drunk as fuck and the girls ganged up on her. By the time she’d sobered up, no way would Silk have let her back out of it, so now she had a little pink and white Playboy bunny on her hip.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, we walked out together. I watched Mac’s back as he locked up, we both jumped on our bikes and with a quick goodbye, went our separate ways. Mac was, no doubt, going home to climb into bed with his pregnant old lady. As I headed toward the clubhouse, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, having someone waiting on me like that.


After going home for a quick shower and change of clothes, I was ready for my next task. If I was going to stay in town for any length of time, I needed to find a job. Conveniently, the club owned the local bar, Styxx, which was looking for staff. Handy, that. I was pretty sure the FBI was somehow responsible for the vacancy, but I was choosing to not think about it.

It had been about an hour since I fled the gym like a coward and I’d had time to rebuild my walls. Taz slammed through them without even trying, which was extremely disturbing. I hoped he stayed at the clubhouse tonight, and didn’t decide to go to the bar. I wasn’t sure I could handle another dose of him today.

It thankfully didn’t take long to drive over there. Bridgewater wasn’t a huge city, so conveniently, the pay-per-the-week hotel room I’d found was close to the bar, and also not too far from the street where Taz lived. I could have probably found something closer to either site, but I didn’t want to be too obvious about my interests.

Making fast work of parking my car, I headed toward the front door. A large man stood beside it, arms folded over his leather vest. He eyed me head to toe and silently nodded me in. Guess I’d dressed slutty enough to be granted access. Go, me.

Once inside, I took a moment to get my bearings. The bar was an older one, and what I’d expect of a biker bar. The furniture was solid and sturdy looking, basically like it could, and had, withstood a beating or two. Most of the men in the place looked the same way, actually. The women were mostly dressed in less clothing than me and were draped over a man. There was a small group of younger looking girls at the bar. At a guess, they were college girls who’d dared each other to see how the wild side lived. Hopefully, they got through the night in one piece. More than a couple of the men were watching them with heated looks, but it didn’t look like any of them were in any hurry to make a move on the coeds.

With a deep breath, I moved over to the bar and waited for the man behind the counter to notice me. I was wearing a short skirt and a white halter top. It showcased my girls nicely and if I leaned over, I knew those behind me would get a peek at the bottom of my ass cheeks. I smirked at the thought of what Taz would do if he saw me like this. The fact he seemed to be as affected by me, as I was by him made me feel better about this situation.

“Hey there, sugar, what can I get you?”

I ordered a local beer and waited until he came back with my order before I got chatty.

“I hear you’ve got a job opening?”

He ran his gaze over me with a smirk. “You think you can handle working in a biker bar, babe? Because it ain’t as easy as it looks. These boys can get rough, especially after they’ve had a few.”

I held his gaze with a cool look. “Guess you won’t know until you give me a go.”

A look of admiration flashed in his gaze as I stood up to him. “You worked a bar before?”

“Yeah, it’s how I got through college.”

That had him frowning. “Since you don’t look young enough to be a dropout, why are you here looking to work in a bar instead of whatever you studied?”

I smiled brightly and got ready to lie my ass off. My fake history wasn’t actually too different from my real one. It was always easier to go with what you know.

“I did finish. I’m an accountant by trade, but I had some trouble at my last job and decided I needed a fresh start. So, here I am in Bridgewater, applying for a job in a bar.”

“Why not another accountant job?”

I shrugged. “I need a break from numbers and if I apply for another accountant job, they’ll contact my past employer for a reference. Let’s just say I’d prefer him not knowing where I’m now living.”

That made the man’s frown deepen. Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have gone so far with my story.

“You’ll need to talk to Scout before I can take you on.”

I knew Scout was their president, but I didn’t want this guy knowing that I knew that.

“He the owner of the bar?”

The guy laughed. “You could say that. Scout’s the president of the Charon MC, the club that owns this bar. He likes to have a chat with anyone new to town. We’ve had a few women come into town recently that had some serious trouble on their tails. So now we like to know what might be coming at us before it gets here. Let me give him a call and see if he can come over here. Because I really do need to get someone working sooner, rather than later. Last chick I had just up and left, no fucking warning.”

While he served a few others, I turned my back to the bar and took in what was happening in the rest of the place as I sipped my beer. While there were a lot of leather vests with the Charon skull and wings on the back, there were even more non-club members. All the men had that same rough look to them, though. I guess the wannabes had to catch the club’s attention somehow. I guessed, logically, a bar owned by the club would be a good start.


I spun back to face the guy behind the bar—I really needed to get his name.


“Scout’s busy tonight but he’ll be in tomorrow night. You able to be here at seven? That way if he clears you, you can start straight away. This place doesn’t get too busy until around nine most nights.”

I nodded, “I can be here then. How many nights will you want me working?”

He gave me a broad smile. “However many you’ll do, sugar. We’re closed Mondays, and trust me, whatever nights you work will be my new busiest, once word gets out you’ll be serving the drinks.”

That had me rolling my eyes. Ultimately, all men were the same. Show them a nice rack and a tight ass, and they all got real thirsty. I’d figured that out working in that bar back in college, too. “I look forward to the tips, then. At this point I can work every night, but I’m sure that’ll change at some point. How casual are you with the hours?”

He chuckled at me. “If you’re happy to work every night most weeks, when you need a night off, just give me forty-eight hours’ notice and we’ll be sweet.”

“Great. Um, what was your name?”

He pointed to the patch on his vest. “I’m Nitro. I run this place, among other things. So, once Scout gives you the nod of approval, I’ll be your boss.” He frowned. “We started the conversation off all wrong didn’t we? I don’t have your name either.”

I held out my hand. “Felicity, but everyone calls me Flick.”

He shook my hand with a firm grip. “Nice to meet you, Flick. You relax and enjoy yourself tonight, then tomorrow night we’ll see how you go keeping this bunch liquored up.”

I tilted my beer at him before I went back to people watching. I’d gained a few curious watchers, but I ignored them all. Taz was the only male attention I wanted. I was here to work, not screw around.