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Fighting Mac (Charon MC) by Khloe Wren (9)



Marie had been smirking at me all damn day. It hadn’t taken me long to pack up my few things so I’d only been about an hour late. It had, thankfully, been late enough that the cafe was starting to fill with customers, so Marie hadn’t had time to grill me for gossip. But I’d known she would. It was in her gaze every time she smirked at me.

And now the day was winding down, she had time. Awesome.

“So, you went and spoke to Mac like I suggested? Must have gone well considering we now have Charons guarding the shop all day.”

“Not like you think. And we have what, now?”

She nodded at the front window and I glanced over to see two young guys wearing cuts leaning against their bikes across the road.

“I spoke with Scout this morning. He said we’d have prospects out front for a while.”

I walked to the back of the shop, grateful there were no customers at the moment.

“This is all so crazy. And it’s happening way too fast.”

Marie stopped cleaning and stared at me for a moment. “What happened yesterday after you left here?”

“I wasn’t going to go to the gym. I’d planned on doing what I always do. Go back to my motel room and stay there. But on my way I saw an Iron Hammer riding toward me. Even though he drove straight past me, I still freaked out. Panicked that they’d found me. I drove straight to the gym, but my narcolepsy decided to kick in and by the time I got to the parking lot, I had to lock the doors and sleep for a bit.” I paused to lick my lips before continuing. “I woke up in the gym’s office with Mac fussing over me. Some thug had tried to break into my car.”

Marie came over to me and rested her palm on my upper arm. “Was it one of the Iron Hammers?”

“I don’t know. He at least knows them. They’ve put a bounty on my head, Marie. I don’t know how much. I overheard Taz talking to Mac about it, so I tried to sneak out on them. I, ah, I was going to run again.”

My cheeks heated with shame.

“Oh, sugar, ain’t no one in that club that’ll turn you over for money. And you know after what I told you, I’d certainly never do it to you. You don’t need to keep running, Zara.”

“Yeah, I’m hearing that a lot.” I took a deep breath before I continued. “I made it out to my car, but Taz had done something so it wouldn’t start. Mac came out and basically said the same as you. That I’m safe with him, with the club. Then Taz announced Scout wanted me at the clubhouse, so off we went. I told Scout and Mac both about what happened.”

Marie was back to smirking. “And then, I’m guessing, you spent the night with Mac? He followed you this morning to make sure you were safe, and when he saw the shithole you were staying in, he went caveman on you?”

That had me chuckling as heat raced over my face again. “Yeah, something like that.”

The door swung open and I jerked at Mac’s deep voice.

“Everything okay?”

“Well, good afternoon to you to, Mac. Everything is just peachy. You come to take your girl?”

“Sorry, Marie. Didn’t mean to be rude. You heard about tonight yet?”


“Yeah, Scout’s ordered a barbecue tonight, to welcome Zara.”

Marie’s whole body stiffened a moment before a wide smile broke out across her face. “Oh, I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

“Um, why is that exactly?”

I felt like I was missing something here. Marie didn’t seem like the biker barbecue kind of woman to me.

“Watching you with that many drunk bikers around you? Gonna be more entertaining than anything on television.”

I opened my mouth to respond when Mac plastered himself against my back and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me tight back against me. “Thankfully, Zara has promised me she won’t run off again. But just in case her inner rabbit gets any ideas, I intend to stay very close to her all night.”

He nipped my ear before he nuzzled my neck, melting me and short-circuiting any brain function I may have had prior to him touching me. Marie gave me a knowing look, complete with raised eyebrow and smirk.

“Well, Mac. Now you’ve rendered my best worker completely useless, you might as well take her away. Let Scout know I’ll be over later in the evening.”

He released his hold on me as he spoke. “Thanks, Marie. C’mon bunny, go grab your bag. You’re about to get your first ride on my Harley.”

Like a bucket of cold water, that one sentence washed all the arousal out of my body.

“Oh, no. I’m not riding on a bike. I’ve got my car.”

I turned to face him when he didn’t respond.

“You did bring my car back, right?”

“Your matchbox is back at the clubhouse. I barely fit in that little thing. It’s a short ride from here to the clubhouse, only a few minutes. You’ll be fine. I can’t fucking wait to have you sitting behind me with your arms wrapped around me as we thunder down the road.”

Okay, so that part sounded all right. Well, it sounded hot as hell, actually. But still, it was a bike. A loud, noisy, dangerous bike.

“What if we wreck?”

“Sweetheart, you’re more likely to wreck in that little matchbox of yours than we are on my bike. I’ve been riding since I was a teenager, and never wrecked yet. C’mon, be brave. I know you can.”

Marie, the traitor, had gone and gotten my bag. She handed it to me, and, with a shove, pushed me toward Mac. “Go on, sugar. You’ll love it. Nothing quite like the feel of the wind on your face while you’re wrapped around a warm, hard body on the back of a Harley.”

Mac didn’t give me a chance to respond. He gave Marie a wink, then scooped me up against his chest and strode out of the cafe.

“We’ll see you later, Marie!”

Once outside, Mac sent a nod to the prospects and they hopped on their Harleys and took off.

“You like getting your way, don’t you?”

“Sure do. You can blame the USMC. As a Gunnery Sergeant, I got to tell lots of other big, tough Marines what to do and they had to follow orders.”

I ran a finger under the edge of the neck of his t-shirt, stroking over his warm skin.

“I have a feeling you were all take-charge before you got anywhere near the USMC, babe.”

He shrugged before setting me on my feet next to his bike. “You’re probably right.”

After giving me a quick kiss, he turned to the Harley and opened one of the side bag thingies. I winced. Marie had a point about needing to learn the biker lingo.

“What do you call that?”

He glanced up at me with a quizzical look. “Call what?”

“Mac, I don’t know shit about what you MC guys call everything. I’m about to be thrown in with a whole bunch of you and I’d like to not make a complete ass of myself. So, I’m asking what you call that bag thing.”

He gave me a sweet smile. “It’s a saddle bag, bunny.” He pulled out a helmet and came over to me where he placed it on my head. He sat on the bike’s seat and pulled me closer to him, so I was nestled between his thighs. “Chin up.” I did as instructed and he did up the strap for me. “You’ll pick up a lot by just listening in tonight. If you don’t understand anything, just ask me quietly. Or one of the other old ladies.”

I screwed up my nose. “Old ladies? That’s not very nice.”

He grinned. “Yeah, it took me a little bit to get used to calling them that, too. An old lady is a biker’s wife. Although not all bikers marry their old ladies, the meaning is the same. It’s a serious commitment for a brother to offer his property patch to his woman.”

“Property patch? You’re not making this sound better here, Mac.”

He actually laughed at me, so I gave his chest a light slap. Damn man.

“Settle down, Zara. You’ll see tonight some of the women will be wearing cuts–vests–that say ‘Property of’, then the name of their old man. It’s a respect thing. It doesn’t mean the woman is like a piece of furniture her man owns, it’s more like she’s the most precious thing in his world and he’ll do anything for her. The patch shows everyone else who’ll come after them if they’re dumb enough to fuck with her.”

I ran my palm down the various patches on the front of Mac’s cut. What would it be like for him to claim me like that? To be the most important thing in his world?

“You’re thinking way too hard, bunny.”

Then his lips were on mine and his hands were on my ass, squeezing and stroking me as his kiss erased all my thoughts. Again. When he broke the kiss I was breathing heavily and wanted more.

“You can have more, once we get back to the clubhouse. We’ve been out in the open for too long already.” He gently guided me back as he stood from his bike. After he easily swung his leg over the seat, he patted the leather behind him. “On you get. Put your feet on the pegs, here.” He pointed out the little metal pegs. I put a hand on his shoulder and climbed on. “When we go around a corner, I’ll lean into it. I need you to go with me. Don’t look so scared, bunny. Keep your body pressed against my back, with your arms around me and you’ll naturally follow my movements.”

With a nod, I held his hand and hopped up on the big machine. Mac made quick work of putting his own helmet on before he slid on in front of me. I did as he’d instructed and cuddled in close, my nose pressing against his cut, filling my head with the scent of leather and man. Hmmm. And my hands were against his tight, ribbed abs. Yeah, Marie was right. This did feel damn good.

I tensed when the Harley started. Damn thing was loud! And it throbbed between my thighs. I hadn’t expected that. It wasn’t a bad feeling, actually. Mac went slowly until we were on the road, then he opened it up and took off. With a squeal, I tightened my grip. From the shaking I felt through his stomach, I guessed he was laughing at me. But I didn’t give a shit. I was too worried about falling off the fucking back of the bike.

Damn men.


I took the long way home to give Zara more time to get used to the feel of being on a bike. After about five minutes, she stopped digging her nails into my stomach like she was trying to claw out my liver, which was a nice improvement. I couldn’t hold back the grin when, by the time we pulled into the clubhouse yard, she was wriggling against me. Looked like my girl liked the feel of a motorcycle between her thighs after all. That was a good thing. A very good thing.

I pulled up in line with the other bikes then peeled her hands off my waist so I could help her climb off. I dismounted and snatched her to me. Holding her face so it was tilted up to mine, I slammed my lips down over hers and took her mouth until we were both panting.

“Fuck, I love having you on the back of my bike, babe. You liked it too, didn’t you? I felt how you were squirming against me. That sweet pussy of yours is all hot and wet for me right now, isn’t it?”

Her cheeks pinkened at my words. So sweet and innocent. I wanted to lean her over the seat and take her now. But she wasn’t that kinda girl, and I didn’t want the prospects on guard duty to see her come apart. That was for my eyes only. I tugged at the strap on her helmet, undoing it quickly before taking it from her head. I got mine off in record time, and flipped open the saddlebag to store them away. Before I did, I grabbed the shopping bags from my little field trip earlier.

I saw her open her mouth to ask about it, but I just shook my head, took her hand and headed inside. A few of the guys tried to catch us as we passed through the main downstairs room, but I had other plans. When we were finally inside my room, I tossed the shopping bags on her suitcase, then had her up against the door in a heartbeat.

“That was rude. You didn’t even say hi to any of your friends.”

I nuzzled my face into her neck, and when she tilted her head to give me more room, I kissed the soft skin of her throat. “My brothers understand I have other priorities at the moment.”


Her voice was hoarse with arousal and it made my cock throb with need. Her palms slid up my body, underneath my shirt. She seemed fascinated with all the dips and swells of my abs and pecs, which suited me just fine because I loved having her touch me. I shrugged out of my cut and pulled the shirt over my head. Before she could return to her stroking, I started in on her clothes, not stopping until she was naked in front of me.

“Damn, you’re sexy as fuck, bunny.”

I lifted her against the wall so her tits were at face level. When she wrapped her legs around my waist and I felt her wet pussy against my stomach, I shuddered with a groan. I buried my face between her tits, nuzzling a moment before turning to take a nipple in my mouth. I sucked, licked and bit at first one, then the other. I kept at her until she’d coated my abs with her cream.

When the feel of her grinding against me got too much, I lifted her away from the wall and strode to the bed, where I dropped her on the mattress. That earned me one of her adorable little squeals. I grinned at her as I toed off my boots and stripped out of my jeans. I had one knee on the bed when she twisted over and scrambled to the other side. Thinking she was planning on running, I grabbed for her ankle. I caught her just as she reached for the nightstand. Fuck me, the girl was going for a condom. She was as hot for me as I was for her. Good to know.

The moment the drawer shut, I pulled her across the mattress, so she was back in front of me, one leg on either side. I stared at the feast in front of me. From her bright hazel eyes, her lush tits now marked up from my whiskers and mouth, to her flat belly and smooth pussy. Slowly, like she knew I was on the edge, she sat up and put the foil square to her mouth, tearing it open with her teeth. Damn, even that was sexy as fuck when she did it. She took the rubber out and reached for me. I shuddered as she gave my cock a couple strokes before she pressed the latex to the tip and rolled it down the length.

Looked like she wanted to take some of the control this round. That was fine by me. I could give her that. Maybe. I leaned forward, forcing her to lie down beneath me.

“You wanna ride me, bunny? Because I can’t lie–watching you take your pleasure is gonna be hot as hell. Your tits will bounce and they’ll thrust out when you throw your head back. Not sure I’ll be able to last long, but it’ll be worth it.”

Her eyes closed for a second before she blinked open to reveal her irises had gone that strange green color again. Oh yeah, she liked that idea. A whole lot.

“You want it, you gotta ask me for it, bunny. Use all those dirty words I know you have in there somewhere.”

My sexy bunny reached down and stroked my cock again, and as good as that felt, I stopped her. Pulling both hands up above her head, I pinned them to the bed. “Words, babe. I need you to tell me all the dirty, filthy things you want me to do–or that you want to do to me.”

She huffed out a breath and glared at me, but I just ground the underside of my cock over her mound as I smiled down at her.

“Fine! I want to ride your cock. I want your hands on my breasts while I ride you until you come inside me. Is that filthy enough?”

“It’s a start.”

Releasing her hands, I rolled us both over so she was straddling me. She gasped at the fast movement, then pressed her soft palms against my pecs to lift herself up. Her double Ds were all natural and swayed with each breath, way too much temptation for me to resist. I wrapped a palm around each one, and lifting my head and shoulders, I drew one up so I could suckle on her nipple. I pinched at the other one while I tormented the first with my mouth and it wasn’t long before she was sliding her slick pussy up and down my cock, coating it with her cream. Releasing her nipple I moved my mouth up an inch and sucked hard, making certain she’d be left with my mark on her for at least a couple of days. I made sure to keep it low enough her work shirts shouldn’t show it, but the outfit I bought for her to wear tonight was a different story.


I laid back down and stared up at the beautiful woman above me. “Ride me, bunny. Take my cock inside that sweet, wet pussy of yours.”

Clearly a little nervous, she wrapped a hand around my cock. I was a big man, and her fingers felt small on me. She gave me a couple of strokes before she braced herself with a palm against my shoulder and lifted up so she could press my head against her opening. Little tease held me there, taunting me with her opening.


With a growl, I gripped her hips and pulled her down, impaling myself deep within her. With a gasp she leaned back, her red-blonde hair trailing down her back. The shit was long enough that the tips tickled my thighs as she moved her hips up and down my shaft. I helped her set the rhythm with my hands on her hips. Slow and deep, we moved together.

“Play with your tits for me, bunny. Show me what you like.”

Her movement faltered, but my hands on her hips, never quit working her up and down on my cock. Slowly, she lifted her palms to her chest where she cupped each one, as though her hands were a bra.

“I didn’t say cover ‘em up, Zara. Play with them. Squeeze, tug, roll your nipples. Show me what you like.”

“I like you doing all that.”

“But I have your clit to play with, so you need to occupy those pretty tits of yours.”

I moved my hand so my thumb was over the top of her slit, and as soon as she began to squeeze her tits, I pressed down, rubbing in small circles that had her body shuddering. The hotter she got, the braver she got. Soon she was tugging at her nipples and rolling them between her fingers. When she pulled on both at the same time, stretching them out, I couldn’t take any more.

With a growl, I rolled us over, hitched one of her legs high up on my waist and started to pound into her. With the first thrust, she quit playing and, with a gasp, threw her hands out to take fistfuls of bedding. Her head thrashed as she tilted her hips at me with every thrust. When my balls drew up ready to blow, I slid my hand between us and pinched and flicked at her clit.

“C’mon, bunny. Come apart for me. I’m not going over without you going first.”

One more flick and she tightened down on me with a scream. Her channel rippled and clenched around my dick and that was it. I buried my face against her neck as, calling her name, I jerked and filled her up with my come. Fuck, I wish she was fully mine. That I didn’t need to wear a fucking condom because she’d want to have my seed inside her, would want my kid growing inside her belly. Twisting my head, I left another bite mark on her shoulder. Knowing she would be out of it for a couple minutes, I took my time easing from her body. I feathered kisses over her face and toyed with her nipples and tits some more. Both her tight little points were rosy red now and I was certain they’d be sensitive as hell for at least the next day. I was gonna have fun teasing them every chance I got. She’d feel every little brush against them. Hmmm. Tonight was gonna be so much fun.

“You are so fucking sexy, Zara. I’m not ever gonna get my fill of you.”

I was tempted to say so much more. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully, but she’d proven she heard what was said when she was out with cataplexy. I needed to keep my growing feelings inside for now. She’d run for sure if she knew how much I wanted her to be wearing my fucking property patch already.




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