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Mad Love (A Nolan Brothers Novel Book 4) by Amy Olle (26)




A blazing orange sun hovered above the horizon. Still dressed in their wedding attire, Leo and his brothers reclined in a row of beach chairs.

Luke gaped at him. “You can’t be serious.”

Relaxed in his chair, Leo smiled. “I am.”

After the long day, his four-year-old nephew, Connor, slept in his arms. His head lolled on Leo’s shoulder, and his little body sprawled across Leo’s torso.

“You’re going to marry her?” Jack said.

“How long have you known her?” Shea wanted to know. “A couple of weeks? A month?”

“Long enough,” Leo said. He would’ve married her that first week if he hadn’t been letting The Fear make his decisions for him.

“Seems kind of sudden,” Luke observed. “Any particular reason?”

Leo’s gaze swiveled to his brother. “None.”

“He isn’t you,” Noah muttered from behind his drink.

“Then you should take some time.” Concern filled Shea’s gravelly voice. “Get to know each other better.”

“Have some fun,” Jack added. “You deserve a little fun.”

Leo gaped at him. “Dude, it’s your wedding day.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Are you really advocating sowing your oats over marital bliss, on your wedding day?”

Jack recoiled. “Not for me, no. Hell no. But we’re not talking about me and Haven. We’re talking about you and Prue. The woman you’ve known two weeks?”

“Two months.”

“Why don’t you give it another two months, then decide?”

“Jesus Christ.” Noah lurched to his feet and spun to face the four men. He jabbed a finger at Shea. “You married your high school sweetheart, for God’s sake.”

“Yeah, and see how that turned out?” Luke said. “She’s not his wife anymore.”

“She’s still my fucking wife,” Shea snarled.

In the awkward silence that descended, a smirk tugged at Luke’s mouth. “So what are you going to do about that?”

Shea dragged a hand through his hair. “This isn’t my therapy session, it’s his.”

“And you two.” Noah pinned Luke and Jack under his gaze. “You married your wives after knowing them, what, three, four months?”



Noah faced Leo. “From the time I met Mina, it took me fifteen years to ask her to marry me. Don't be a dumbass like me. If you want Prue, marry her, and do it now before fate or pride or stupidity comes between you.” Noah shot a look down the row of beach chairs. “Anyone disagree with that?”

Amidst a chorus of consensus, Noah returned his focus to Leo. “Go then. Get yourself a wife.”

Leo’s smile matched Noah’s when he stood and handed Connor off to Shea. He climbed the steep wooden stairway up the side of the bluff and instantly spotted Prue on Jack’s patio, chatting with Shea’s wife-for-now, Isobel.

As if she felt his warm gaze, she looked up and right at him. She smiled.

He loved her smiles. The soft, almost shy smile, and the full-wattage one. The self-satisfied grin that curved her lush mouth after a particularly feverish bout of scribbling in her notebook, and the gentle smile she wore when she was with his family.

Then there was his favorite smile. The one that whipped color into her cheeks when she caught him watching her. When she came to him, and came for him.

With her smiles, the shadows receded. The storm winds calmed. They still blustered from time to time, but he knew all he had to do was wait it out and the sun would rise again. Her smile would reappear to banish the shadows. It always did.

He waited at the edge of the patio, and soon she disengaged from her conversation to move toward him. As he watched her cross the patio, her pace increasing the closer she drew to him, his heart ached with the best kind of pain.

She stopped before him.

“Hi.” She sounded breathless. “You okay?”

“I’m better than okay,” he said, and it was the truth.

She’d tucked a rose behind her ear, and he reached up to finger the pale pink petals nestled in the soft waves of her dark hair. After Rose’s funeral, Lauren’s mom had insisted he take home the plant, but he hadn’t been able to so much as look at it for the devastating reminder of what he’d lost.

Over the past several weeks, the plant had heartened, and when its first buds peeked open, he smiled while tears burned in his eyes to glimpse the miracle.

Somehow, Prue had saved that pitiful, scraggy rose bush.

Just as she’d saved him.





Dear Reader,


Thank you for reading MAD LOVE! I hope you enjoyed Leo and Prue’s story. If you did, and you’d like to help other readers discover this book, please consider leaving a review at and/or Goodreads.


In case you missed it, you can catch up with the other Nolan brothers in the following books available now:


Book 1, , is Noah and Mina’s story,

Book 2, , is Luke and Emily’s story, and

Book 3, , is Jack and Haven’s story.


Book 5 in the series, featuring Shea, is scheduled for release in 2018. If you’d like to be notified when the newest Nolan brother book is available, please and I’ll be sure to let you know when the books are released.

Finally, I love hearing from fellow romance readers! Please feel free to shoot me an email or connect online at or .

Thank you again for taking a chance on MAD LOVE.


Happy reading!
