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Saving Grace by Gigi Aceves (21)



Tyler Oliver arrives the next day, even before the sun peeks from the horizon. Grace hands him a freshly brewed cup of coffee as soon as he crosses the foyer.

“Thanks for coming, man.”

He gives me a chin nod. “Anything for you. Good thing I still live in San Diego. It only took me forty-five minutes on my Harley.”

“Grace, Tyler Oliver. We served together on a mission in Afghanistan.”

“Hi,” Grace says, shaking Tyler’s outstretched hand.

Tyler is a man of many words, but in Grace’s presence, his tongue mysteriously disappears.

I lean closer. “She’s…mine.”

Tyler chuckles while Grace throws a playful glare my way.

“Thank you,” Grace begins, “for doing this for me…for Nix’s family.”

Tyler smiles. “We do what we need to for the people we love.”

Grace smiles shyly.

Tyler takes a step toward her. “Nix loves you. And anyone he loves is mine to protect because I know he’d do the same for me. And, since my mama trained me well”—Tyler’s lips spread into a genuine smile—“you’re welcome, Grace. The pleasure is all mine.”

After the brief introduction Tyler and I discuss the plan while Grace busies herself in the kitchen. At exactly seven, the three of us take the elevator to Mama’s unit for breakfast. Once the introductions are done, everyone gathers around the dining table for breakfast. In true Mama Ada fashion, she’s made a feast fit for not just a king, but also for an entire kingdom. The conversation is wholesome. Not for Grace’s sake, but because Nate’s mouth is stuffed with food.

After, we gather in the living room for a serious conversation. The girls sit on the sofa while Pops and Nate take the love seat. Drake is standing on Papa’s left while I take Nate’s right with Tyler next to me.

“The handover is this Sunday. That means”—Drake gives Mama Ada a pointed look—“no one—and I mean, no one—leaves The Fort starting now. Short of someone having a heart attack, no one sets foot out of this place. Is that understood?”

Grace and Rachel nod while Mama Ada juts her chin upward in defiance.

“So, you’re playing hardball, Ma? Is that what’s happening here?” Drake’s stance widens as he gears up for Mama’s rebuttal.

“This Friday is the first Friday of the month, which means I need to attend mass. Also, I have bingo night on Saturday. I never miss that, too. And, of course, Sunday. I only miss Sunday mass when I am sick. And I mean, really sick.” She stretches her arms in front of her and admires her perfectly painted nails. Then, she rubs her fingernails against her collarbone, as if she’s shining her claws, while she whistles. She actually whistles like she’s on a leisurely walk.

Drake and I blow out a breath in unison. While I rake my fingers through my hair, Drake fists his in frustration. Pops is tight-lipped. Smart man. Nate is speechless, like always when it comes to Mama Ada’s antics.

Tyler jabs my arm with his elbow. “Dude, you need to back up.”

I ignore him, focusing on the sixty-five-year-old rebel before me. “Mama, we’re not playing.”

“I’m not saying you are, Nix. You’ve made your demands, so I’m telling you mine.” She pretends to flick at a nonexistent lint on her tailored pants.

Tyler leans in, whispering, “She’s gonna blow at any minute.”

I give Tyler a pointed look, which he gladly returns.

“There is a high chance that Nero Takahashi is going to order a hit. That is why we need to cut his chances down to nothing. That means, the three of you are safer here than out there.” My very calm voice belies my raging annoyance.

“If you want to keep your balls intact, you need to stand down, my man.” Tyler’s incessant warning is getting on my last nerve. “I know the look. I’ve seen it way too many times from my aunt Roxy. Do you see that fire in her eyes? Watch out for the frothing of her mouth. That might happen any second now. And don’t forget to focus on her nose. It’s gonna flare up like Godzilla’s. Once the crazy eyes turn green and her pupils disappear, expect the claws to come out next.”

Tyler is trying to contain his laughter when Nate turns, glaring at us. He half-whispers, “Will you shut up, man? Are you trying to describe Lucifer or a cross between an alien and a T-Rex? You’re scaring the shit out of me. I can’t even feel my dick!”

Rachel and Grace gawk at us while Mama continues to ignore us.

“Grace, can you please be a doll and explain to Mama that she’ll not go to hell if she misses Sunday mass?” Nate gives Grace a pleading look and throws in his best puppy-dog pout for good measure.

“Mama, I think we should listen to them. When this is over, your life will go back to normal.” Her lips spread to a glorious smile. “Including mine.”

“Wouldn’t that be lovely, my dear?” Mama lovingly pats her hand. “But my boys know how to make me agree without a fuss. All they need to do is ask.”

We return each other’s stare, nodding in agreement.

“Nicely and kindly.”

“Mama,” I start, “please, we need you to do this for us. We’re not controlling you, okay?”

If my Marines could hear me now with the pleading inflection in my tone, they’d think one of two things had happened. Either my balls had mysteriously shrunk or they’d completely disappeared.

Tyler says under his breath, “I told you you’d lose your balls.”

“We are only thinking of your safety along with Rachel’s and Grace’s. We’re not taking away your freedom. Not at all.” The tenderness in Drake’s tone is an outstanding touch.

“We promise to go to church when this is over, all right? I’ll throw in confession time, too.” And Nate takes it home with his heartfelt promise.

“And?” Mama replies, raising her brow.

“And we agree to play a round of bingo,” Drake finishes for us.

Mama Ada smiles, saying, “Well, since you boys insist. That wasn’t hard, was it?” She smiles, looking pleased with herself. Mama walks over to Drake and affectionately pats his cheek. “I know you boys will always do what’s right.” Then, she bends, kissing Nate on top of his head. After, she walks toward me and cups my cheeks. “I’ll be in my study with the girls. You boys can let your inner cavemen out now.”

She stops in front of Tyler. “I’ll let your shenanigans slide this time. But, the next time, I’ll make sure to introduce you to my twin.”

The six-foot hunk of muscle with guts of steel folds.

Once she’s out of sight, Tyler asks, “There are two of her?” The horror in his tone makes Nate holler loudly.

“There’s more where she came from,” Nate answers while controlling his laughter. “She doesn’t only have a twin, but there are also six of her. A sextuplet. My kind of multiples, if you catch my drift.” Nate wiggles his brows. Then, his face turns all serious. “And, trust me, you don’t want to meet all of them.”

“I second that,” Drake whispers.

“Are you guys for real?” Tyler asks. His voice slightly wavering.

“Don’t listen to them, Ty. My wife is perfectly normal, and there’s only one Adelaide in this world.”

I lean forward, eyeing Pops. “You stayed quiet the whole time? I felt like a pussy in front of Grace, Pops.”

He leans back, wearing an easy grin. “I’m sorry to tell you, Nix, that won’t be the last. The best advice I can give you boys is, learn to pick your battles. You’ll live longer.”

“And your balls will stay safe,” Nate says while cupping his.

“What’s your read on Grace?” I ask Tyler while eyeing my brothers retreating backsides.

“Definitely an angel.”

I smirk proudly. “And she’s mine.”

“Does she know it?”

“Trust me, she does.”