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Sexy Beast by Ella J (9)

Chapter Nine

“Darcy? Is everything okay?”

I close the door behind me and advance on him with a sly grin.

I was gently but firmly turned away when I first approached his assistant’s desk by the same formidable woman who gave me the once-over the first day I arrived. I had to resort to a little bit of creative phone calling, courtesy of Jillian, to lure the battle-ax away, and then I let myself into James’s office.

Now I saunter to his desk. “Why wouldn’t everything be okay, James?”

He doesn’t answer, just narrows his eyes at me suspiciously. I hold my breath until I see the faint ghost of a smile on his lips. He knows something’s up.

Or it very soon will be, if I have my way.

He makes a move to rise from his desk chair, but I hold my hand up.

“No, no. Stay there, please.” I take a moment to look him up and down like an object. I’m glad he started toward me, but I find I want him to stay seated.

Left to my own devices in his room this morning, the memory of those women from the steam room stayed in my head. And they were right. After this week is over, I will walk out of here. With money, I guess. But without him. I’m not naïve or stupid. I didn’t take this escort job believing one of my clients would be this fairytale savior or lover. I’m here to do a job. But…I’ve let my feelings enter the picture. Attached, emotional, whatever you want to call it, I care about whether he’ll will move on to something good and move past his demons. So if this is all I can do for him, fine. If this is all I’m going to have of him, I’m making it my business to break down this last door.

I circle the massive wood desk and stand right by him, looking down at his handsome face.

“Stay seated,” I command.

James is not a man who’s used to being told what to do. He obeys my firm “request” and relaxes into his chair, but I can see the tension in his body, even feel it when I drop to my knees in front of his chair and rest my hands on his thighs.

“I’m going to make an observation,” I say, still on my knees. While I’m talking, I make sure my movements are brisk and business-like, so he’ll be less likely to protest. I reach for his belt. “Are you ready?”

“Am I ready?” James repeats, bemused.

A brisk tug, and the belt is free. I lower the zipper on his fly. He’s cooperating, but slower now, realizing what I’m doing. He makes a half-hearted attempt to stop me. “We can do this a minute, maybe, but I have a meeting. Many meetings.”

“Excuse me. You’re interrupting my observation.”

“Sorry,” he says, and at my urging, lifts his hips so I can slide his pants and boxer briefs down. I hook his boxer briefs behind his cock and balls, and James grins as he looks down. His half-hard in my hand and thickening fast. A drop of precum pearls atop the tip when I start to stroking it.

“My observation is this. You don’t let yourself come unless I come, too. I wonder why that is?” I lean in low and wrap my mouth around his cock, and then look up at him. We haven’t done this yet.

His mouth falls open a little, but he doesn’t stop me. I suck him deeper as a reward. He exhales hard then, and I tease—playing, nibbling along the head, the shaft, sucking his cock halfway into my mouth again, then easing him out, inch by inch.

He threads his fingers into my hair, leaning his head back. “I’m a gentleman,” he says in answer to my question.

I hum around his cock and then take it all the way in, swallowing carefully before I ease it back out.

“Christ! Darcy.”

“Let me show you what I think about gentlemen.”

I start to suck and lick in earnest. James leans his head against the back of his chair, and his body stiffens as I suck him, shallow so my tongue teases the rim of his head, and then deep into the back of my throat. When his cock stiffens and I can taste him leaking precum, I feel his thighs tense.

“Darcy. Hey. Stop. Let me fuck you now.”


“Now, Darcy.” His hand tightens in my hair. “ Give me your—” he tries to pull at my arms, leaning over to lift me up, but I refuse.

“Fuck, I have to have your

A discrete buzzing noise signals the outer door to his office is opening. With a panicked scramble, James pushes me under the desk. The thing is massive, so I know I’m hidden from view, but James is forced to sit and smile as his assistant ushers guests in. He can’t stand without revealing his big, stiff cock.

I lick along the side of it, because I’m bad and want to feel him squirm. His hand tugs my hair. I wrap my tongue around his thick head, and I smile as I hear his over-hearty greeting. He shifts forward in his chair, likely to shake hands with his visitors, but also to try and dislodge my mouth.

My heart pounds as I suck my cheeks around him. I fist the base of his shaft tightly, twirling my tongue carefully around his head, digging the tip of my tongue into his slit until I feel his hips shake, and he’s forced to sag back.

God, that’s hot.

His hand spreads out on my cheek, and I take pity on him, switching the tempo to a long, languorous lick that keeps him at hard, painful attention, but not too close to blowing. His hand fists in my hair very briefly, but he gives up when I go back to the vicious and fast tempo. He relaxes, so I do, too. But I don’t stop. And neither does his hard-on.

After what feels like half of eternity, his guests get up to leave. I’m impressed by how even he keeps his voice as he says friendly goodbyes. Only when the door shuts does he jerk hard to the left and smack a button that I think must lock the door.

He shoves back from his desk, and I follow, lapping at his rigid dick as my pulse races.

“You. Fucking. Tease,” he growls roughly, and his fists are in my hair again, only this time he’s egging me on, pumping himself into my mouth, working to the back of my throat until my eyes water. I love it. I can feel my pussy drip onto my panties as I stay on my knees, sucking and licking him closer and closer to the edge.

“This is what you wanted? This? This?” His voice is hoarse. With every word he shoves in again, and I’m moaning around him, choking slightly as I feel a rush of precum on my tongue. His cock stiffens and expands in my mouth. I hum around it, feeling victorious. This is exactly what I want. I want him to take and take and take until he comes. Until he’s free and can do whatever he wants. No shields, no ruses.

“Darcy. Take it. I’m going to come in your mouth…and I want you to swallow. All of it.”

I start to fist his shaft again, stroking faster while I run my tongue around his head. A final swirl of my tongue, and then I suck his head between my cheeks. I stroke his balls and feel them draw up underneath my fingertips. Then his cock throbs hard, and it’s time to swallow.

We’re both panting when he pops free of my lips. He hugs me to his chest, where I can feel a sheen of sweat.

After a moment, he pulls me up and takes my face in his hands, brushing the hair from my lips and cheek.

He smiles, looking tired. “What brought that on?”

I nip at him. “I thought you might like something just for you. Since you’re always so focused on me.”

“Huh. I’m not going to complain. Just remember turnabout’s fair play, hmm?”

Unconcerned, I slip out of his arms and over to his private elevator, leaving him to the rest of his meetings.

* * *

I’d tell myself to remember not to goad James without warning next time, if the week weren’t almost over. As it is, I’m enjoying getting teased and prodded by him. The party tonight is even better than the last one, if that’s possible. Drinks are flowing, and things feel a little rowdy for this bunch of billionaires, but everyone’s in good spirits and reporters have been invited in for the penultimate night of festivities.

I make the rounds with James, but this time, I’m the one dancing in and out of his arms, because I can’t help blushing and gasping every time he leans in to whisper something dirty or sweet to me, or sneak a hand into the slit of my dress.

I realize we’re starting to make a spectacle, when I catch more reporters and photogs turning our way. One of them asks my name.

“Darcy,” I reply pleasantly. My first name has sufficed all this week, and James introduces me that way, too.

“Got a last name, doll?”

I hesitate only a moment before I say “Ellis.”

Snap, snap. The flash goes off twice. “Hey, thanks.”

I’m still a little blinded by the flash when I feel James’s hand on the small of my back.

“Do you feel my hand on you?” He’s whispering in my ear, and my knees feel like jelly.


“You know what to do now, don’t you?”


He takes my hand and leads me through the crowd, into the hallway. I think we’re slipping away to his suite, but we don’t make it even ten steps before he’s pulled me into an alcove and shoved me against the wall, his body crushing into mine.

He props me up while we kiss, pushing up my gown, and I feel his hand between my thighs, his fingers delving past the cotton of my thong.

He pulls away, but only from my mouth. His fingers are still stroking. “Allow me to make a counter-observation.”


“Your pussy is already wet and swollen. Sensitive, yes?”

I let my mouth fall open in answer, pressing my head back against the wall.

“And I’m willing to bet that you were just this wet and turned on when you were on your knees for me this morning. Weren’t you.” It’s not a question. And not incorrect. “Sucking me, making me crazy while I was helpless. This sweet little cunt clenched up good and tight, didn’t it? But you didn’t let me service you.”

I open my eyes, but I can barely see. Stars are bursting behind my lids as he trails a fingertip between my puffy lips. His thumb works into the wetness, find my clit.

I whimper, and James presses open-mouth kisses to my cheek, and then my neck.

“Darcy, you should know there are probably fifty reporters in the next room. Any one of them will come running and catch a photo of you with your skirt hitched up over your ass and my face buried in your cunt. I suggest you keep it down when you come.”

James drops to his knees and lifts one of my legs over his left shoulder. I bite my cheek as his mouth closes over my cunt, his hot tongue teasing a slow circle around my swollen clit before delving between my lips. He laps along my dripping slit, and I can’t help my heavy breathing. When I’m worried I might cry out, his tongue finds my core and shoves inside, filling me with slick, exquisite heat that makes my knees wobble.

“Oh.” I’m panting. Must not moan.

The bastard chuckles as he drags his tongue back up, finding my clit and tracing feather-light around it for a blissful moment. Then, with no warning, his fingers plunge inside me.


I bite my lip as I collapse against him, moaning as my brain short-circuits and my pussy clenches hard. His hand finds my mouth, and I sag back against the wall, defeated.