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The Broke Billionaires Club (Books 1 - 3): The Broke Billionaire, The Billionaire's Brother, and The Billionairess by Ann Omasta (19)


“Dammit!” Selena Chase screeched as she threw her stapler––the closest thing she could find––across the room.

Her assistant, Todd, poked his head in. He was the only one brave enough to deal with her when she was in a tizzy. The stapler barely missed him as it whizzed past his ear and crashed into the wall. “I’ll come back when you’re done throwing office supplies.” He pursed his lips and raised one perfectly shaped brow at her, knowing his signature look would work.

“No, I’m sorry. I had already thrown it when I saw you. I wasn’t trying to hit you.” Her anger had deflated, so she flopped down into her chair and buried her face in her hands. “How could this happen?” she wailed down at her gleaming mahogany desk.

“How could what happen, Babydoll?” Todd came in and plopped one side of his skinny butt on the edge of her desk. Somehow, he always seemed to know exactly what he could get away with and precisely what she needed to hear. If any other man would have ever dared to call her ‘Babydoll,’ she would have put him in his rightful place, but from Todd it made her feel like he cared.

Besides, he would never call her that in public or when they were working. This was a personal moment, and she liked how he automatically shifted his behavior according to her mood.

“We lost the mall deal,” she spluttered, the tears starting to fall, “to Don… Don… Donovan Enterprises.” She dragged the last word out as her uncontrollable crying began. She had always wished to be one of those dainty criers who could dab at her tears and look fine a few minutes later, but that was not in the cards for her. She rarely broke down in tears, but when she did, there was only one word for it… ugly.

“I’ve always found it’s best to rip the bandage off all at once, so I suppose this is the best time to tell you that Twitter is blowing up with the news that Trevor Donovan is getting a key to the city.”

“What?... Whyyyy?” She knew the last question sounded incredibly whiny, but she wasn’t in control of her emotions at the moment.

“Apparently, he saved a goose, or some such nonsense.” Todd waved his hand, letting her know he thought the accolade was ridiculous.

“A goose?!?” she spluttered. “How the hell does he have time to save a stupid bird when he’s busy stealing deals from me?”

Her assistant didn’t have an answer for her, so he simply shook his head. She hiccup-sobbed at the additional news about her business rival.

Todd pretended not to notice that her face was a crumpled, red mess as he withdrew a monogrammed handkerchief from his tailored, silver pinstriped suit pocket. She had to give him props for only cringing a little when she loudly blew her nose into it. When she tried to hand it back, it was too much for him, though. He held up a hand and jumped back as if it might bite him. “Keep it,” he said with a barely disguised shudder.

She laughed, through her tears. Todd was the biggest germophobe she knew, so his reaction was to be expected. He still cracked her up, though. “I’ll have it washed and return it,” she offered as she swiped the black mascara streaks from under her eyes.

He didn’t even bother to attempt to hide his disgust. “Just throw it out,” he finally suggested before adding on a whim, “It’s dead to me now.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at him. “No one can cheer me up like you can,” she admitted when her laughter subsided.

“That’s because no one else is dumb enough to risk getting a tape dispenser to the head to come in and comfort you.”

She hated it that her temper sometimes got the best of her. It was something she was working to learn to control, but obviously wasn’t yet succeeding. “I’m really sorry I almost hit you,” she told him sincerely before adding, “But it was actually a stapler.” At his shrug, she turned serious again. “You’re my only friend.”

“Well, then, you need to get out more,” her assistant teased her before pulling her in for a warm hug and flouncing out of the room.

“Isn’t that the truth?” She sat back in her chair and looked out over her surroundings to take stock of her situation.

Her office was massive and elegantly furnished. She was one of the most powerful and wealthy women in the world. It was a fact she was very proud of because she had worked damn hard for everything she had. She had earned it. The pesky Donovan brothers had just stolen a deal right out from under her that she had worked for months to secure. She would get even with them for that. Her only friend in the world was her gay assistant. Her love life was non-existent and had been for longer than she cared to admit. Oh, and her cat, Mr. Whiskers, had peed in her favorite pumps this morning.

“Isn’t life grand?” She spun her chair around as she said the words to her empty office. “I’ve worked my entire life for all of this.” She waved her arms out at her surroundings, uncertain who she was talking to, but feeling compelled to continue. “I guess there are some things that money just can’t buy,” she finished sadly before strolling over to her bar to pour a stiff drink.