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The Burn List by Jennifer Dawson (9)



“Look, he’s pussy whipped.” Trevor’s amused voice startles me from my Abby-centric thoughts.

I shift in my chair and try to work up some interest in the conversation around the station’s kitchen table. I think Trevor, Danny and Cody are talking about some bar they’d gone to the other night, but I’m not sure. “What?”

“You’re pussy whipped.” Trevor repeats in a slow voice, as though I might be dull-witted.

“No, I’m not.” The rejection is an automatic guy response, but I find the idea doesn’t appall me. Truth is, the statement holds merit. I’ve been with Abby for six weeks now and there’s no sign of our relationship letting up.

We’d progressed to the next level. Tomorrow we’re going to brunch with Abby’s family, and then heading to dinner at my parents’ on Sunday, figuring it’s best to get the stress of meeting the families over in one weekend. My mom, who’s been waiting for this day since I was born, is beyond excited.

To my surprise, I don’t have even a lick of panic about it.

Maybe because my mind isn’t on tomorrow, or the guys’ exploits. No, I’m preoccupied by the phone sex I’d talked Abby into earlier. A horrible idea. I hadn’t meant to, I’d only meant to call and hear her voice. But then one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was sitting in the office, staring through the big, clear window overlooking the main floor, while I talked so dirty I’d surprised even myself.

Of course, because it’s Abby, she ate it up, and my cock had ached listening to her breathy moans and pants as she rubbed her responsive little clit until she came.

I, on the other hand, was left frustrated and had been unable to concentrate on much else since.

“I don’t know.” Cody rubs the dark scruff on his chin and jaw. “How long’s it been since you’ve been out with us?”

I don’t have the heart to tell them I have no desire to go on the prowl with the three musketeers.

“Is Trevor talking about that chick you brought to Bobby’s birthday?” Danny asks.

“That’s right, sweet Abby,” Trevor says, with a grin.

Danny nods his appreciation. “Hmmm…she was sweet. Great tits.”

I tilt my chair back and rock before shooting Danny a warning look. “Not another word.”

“Oh really.” Danny’s tone rings with amusement. “So that’s how it is?”

“Yes, that’s how it is.” Standard station rules, casual lays are open to detailed discussion, wives and girlfriends are not.

To his left, Cody reaches back and dings the gold bell hanging on the wall. “And he’s down for the count.”

Danny laughs. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Does this mean Saturday is off?” Trevor smirks. “Now that you’re officially declaring her girlfriend material.”

I frown. I’ve avoided thinking about the exclusive sex club where Trevor is a member because it’s the last place I want to take Abby. I have no intention of sharing her. I sure as hell don’t want anyone watching us. But it’s on her list, and I want to make her happy.

I’d first told Trevor I wanted to take Abby there when I’d checked three-fourths of the stuff off her list, and I’d been unable to avoid it any longer. Luck smiled on me and our weekends off had conflicted, but the stars had aligned, and now I’m stuck.

I run a hand through my hair. “No, we’re still on.”

“You sure?” Trevor asks. “You don’t look happy about it.”

Because I’m not, but that’s beside the point. I need to take care of her list. I turn my attention to Trevor. Considering the things we’d done together at that club, I don’t want him getting any ideas. I set my jaw. “Don’t think you’re going to touch her.”

Trevor chuckles. “You’ve made yourself perfectly clear on that subject.”

Good. That’s one problem down. The trick is to figure out how to fulfill the fantasy while making sure she doesn’t actually participate in anything. I’m still scratching my head, trying to figure that one out.

I’m running out of time, and tomorrow is half filled with meeting her family, but I’ll have to come up with something soon.

The door to the station opens and the conversation stops. As if I’d conjured her, Abby walks in. Surprised as hell to see her, I blink, before concern rears up and has my heart beating too fast. “Abby, is everything okay?”

She saunters toward me, hips swaying in a black-belted coat. “Sorry to drop in on you, but I was watching Rescue Me on Netflix and saw girls do that sometimes.”

Every guy around the table smiles because it’s not the first time we’ve heard that.

A small hesitant quiver touches her lips and her head tilts. “I really need to talk to you.”

A tickle of alarm creeps up my neck. Abby is not given to impulsive drop bys, so it must be important. “Okay.”

She glances around at the men littered around the table and lowers her voice. “In private?”

Trevor grins at her. “Hey, Abby, how are you?”

Abby’s gaze darts furtively at me before waving at Trevor. “Good, thank you, and yourself?”

“Are you looking forward to tomorrow night?” Trevor asks, amusement clear in his tone.

A faint blush stains her cheeks and she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, her brow furrowing. She clears her throat. “Yeah, um, sure.”

That doesn’t sound sure, and worry burrows in my stomach.

“I think Cody’s the only one you haven’t met,” Trevor says, gesturing at the man in question.

Abby nods at the dark-haired firefighter and clutches her coat. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“We were just talking about you.” Cody gives her a long, slow once-over before meeting her eyes.

“Good things, I hope.” As Cody stares at her, her flush deepens and she instinctively lowers her gaze. The guy has some sort of a sixth sense when it comes to submissive females, and while Abby and I mainly skirt around the edges of domination, she has definite tendencies.

Cody chuckles. “Only the best, little Abby.”

“That’s enough.” I’m impatient and my voice is laced with a distinct undercurrent of menace. I rise from the chair, walk over to her and grip her arm. “Come with me.”

“Yes.” Her lashes flutter up at me.

My heart is still pounding away at an unreasonable rate, like I’m on the threshold of danger, but I calmly walk her down a small corridor. When we reach the tool room, I swing open the door and pull her inside. Not wanting to risk interruption, I click the lock shut and turn to face her.

She blinks as though in a daze. “What were they talking about?”

“Forget them.” I wave a dismissive hand at the door. A million bad reasons for her visit come to mind and I ask, “Is something wrong?”

“Yes.” Her expression gives nothing away.

My body goes cold, alert and ready for disaster. “What is it?”

“I think you should sit down.” She glances at the work stool. “Please?”

What the fuck is going on? I’m not going to lose her, am I? Not now when things are going so well. Stomach tense, I sit and cross my arms over my chest.

Gaze locked on mine, she begins to untie the knot at her waist. “The thing is, Lukas…”

Blood racing, I nod, urging her to continue before I break out in full-blown panic.

The coat drops in a puddle at her feet and my jaw goes slack.


She squares her shoulders and puts her hands on her hips before giving me a sinful smile. “I’ve been a very bad girl.”


I can’t form a sentence.

Relief, followed by lust, rolls through me, and my cock springs to attention. She’s wearing a very skimpy Catholic schoolgirl outfit. Her white shirt is unbuttoned and tied under her breasts to reveal her smooth, flat stomach. The tiny blue-and-gray-plaid skirt is so short, if she turned around, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the curve of her ass. White thigh-high tights and black Mary Janes complete the ensemble.

I might die of desire just looking at her. I want to fall to my knees and worship her.

She licks her lips, tilts her head. “Very bad.”

Somewhere in the back of my scrambled brain I comprehend she’s looking for a response. I have to fight to get my bearings, but I take a deep breath to keep from lunging and steady myself. What she needs isn’t a drooling schoolboy. I raise a brow. “Does someone need a good spanking?”

Before I react, she turns around and bends over the tool bench, flipping up the back of her skirt.

I break out in a sweat, gulping.

She’s naked. Her pussy peeks out from between her legs and perfectly round butt.

I’m not sure I can handle this. My head might explode.

She wiggles her hips a bit. “What are you going to do about it?”

The statement manages to break my trance. I hop from the stool and place an open palm on her bare lower back. “Does someone need to be taught a lesson?”

She sways invitingly. “Yes.”

I run my hands up her thighs. “Open your legs wider.”

Glancing back over her shoulder, she gives me the most carnal smile I’ve ever seen. “Make me.”

Holy mother of god, I’ve died and gone to heaven. I smack her hard on the ass. “So, we’re going to play it that way?”

She tips her ass higher in the air. “Oh yeah.”

The impulse to drive into her eats at me, but I grit my teeth and resist. I send up a silent prayer that no calls come in and slap one smooth cheek before soothing the rapidly heating flesh. She arches higher into my touch.

I kick her legs apart with my foot until she’s open and vulnerable. Fingers playing over her slick, swollen flesh, I ask, “Has someone been having impure thoughts?”

“Yes, I have.” She moans.

I tease over her clit, barely skimming the surface. She arches to deepen the contact.

I don’t deliver. “And what would those be, little girl?”

Shaking her head, she pushes her hips back.

It’s an effort, but I stop. Wait.

Her head whips around and her big brown eyes narrow in a hard glare.

I want to grin, but instead fix a stern expression on my face, haul back and smack her ass hard enough she jerks in pain. I’d be worried about hurting her, but this last six weeks has taught me my little Abby likes it with a bit of a bite. “Tell me.”

“My neighbor,” she says, her voice a breathy tone that drives me wild. “He’s driving me to distraction.”

“And?” I can’t let her get off that easy.

Another scowl, she thrusts back. Testing.

I raise one brow.

She licks her lips. “All I can think about is how good he licks my pussy.”

“I see. Like this?” I dive for her cunt, licking into her, thrusting my tongue in and out before flicking her clit.

“God yes, like that.” She rocks back on her heels.

I suck. Prod. Tempt and torture until she shakes with the need to come.

And then I deny her.

“What else?” I demand, rising to my full height.

Her hips move, swaying, beckoning me. Like a siren’s song luring me into breaking. Despite my overwhelming need to take her, I have no intention of giving in to her silent demands.

A strangled breath escapes her throat. “I think about him fucking me.”

“Hmm…” Jaw aching from the effort of my restraint, I deliver a series of hard, rapid slaps to her ass until we are both panting and she pushes into each blow. “Too bad you’re not ready to be fucked.”

“Oh, I am.”

“I don’t think so.” I circle her clit before plunging two fingers into her hot, wet depths. “You’ve been very naughty.”

I keep my strokes shallow, and when her climax builds, I ease off.

She groans, banging her fist on the wood of the bench.

I yank her up and, standing behind her, I undo the knot at her rib cage, spreading the fabric to reveal her bare breasts. “You came here naked?”


“You are a bad girl.” My bad girl. I run my thumbs over the tips before dragging my knuckles up and down her nipples.

She strains, twists. Rubs her ass along my cock.

I don’t relent, skimming one hand down her stomach, over the curve of her hip before dipping into her pussy. I slide into her wet heat, and I listen to her breathy moans until I can’t take it anymore. Slick with her arousal, I return to her breasts, circling her puckered nipple. Repeating the motion with my other hand.

When the hard buds glisten, I pinch and roll, pulling her nipples until she cries out.

I trail a path down her stomach. “Open those legs wider.”

She complies without hesitation.

“Aren’t you a good girl.” I play with her, stroking until she bows under my hands.

Her head falls back against my chest. “Please, Lukas, I am so, so ready.”

“Look at me.” My voice sounds foreign somehow, as though it belongs to someone else.

Her head tilts up, meeting my gaze. Her eyes are glazed over, her cheeks flushed, full lips parted. Her beautiful face is filled with passion, her expression open and trusting.

I stroke her jaw. “Mine.”

“Yes.” A whispered admission.

And just like that, the game is over.

I spin her around and claim her mouth in a hard, possessive kiss. She plasters herself against the length of my body, wrapping her arms around my neck while she gives back with wild abandon.

So Abby. So addictive. I don’t think I can ever get enough.

Our mouths fuse and I need closer.

I fist her hair to anchor her in place, ravaging her mouth.

She unbuckles the belt of my pants, her fingers no longer hesitant like the first time, but sure and confident. She reaches into my boxer briefs and my cock strains.

I break the kiss, gripping her fingers to stop her.

In confusion, her brown eyes meet mine.

Chest squeezing with unnamed emotions I shake my head. “You can’t touch me right now. Just let me inside.”

* * *


I drop my hand. Lukas’s dark, intense gaze stares down at me, making my heart pound so hard it might burst from my chest. Tucked into the elastic of my stockings, I pull out a condom and press it into his hand.

Everything’s turned silent between us. The air is heavy with desire, and something else I can’t quite name. Without a word, he lifts me up on the tool bench, sheathes himself and drives into me with such force it takes my breath away.

My head drops back as my body clamps around his welcome invasion.

“Don’t come yet.” His voice is strained, hoarse.

Every nerve on fire, my body screams for release. I’ve been on edge so long, and I’m so ready. I promise a meager, “I’ll try.”

He moans. “So, hot and tight and wet.”

My back bows as I meet his thrusts. His strokes are hard and sure, driving me crazy. I cry out when his cock drags along an exquisitely pleasurable spot.

“Do not come, Abby.” His demand only makes me more desperate. More needy.

I fight the impending orgasm.

He slows his rhythm.

The frantic inevitability abates but I tingle all over, poised on the very edge of exploding. It’s the most delicious feeling.

He grinds his hips, catching my clit. I pull him close, wrapping my arms around his waist, digging my nails into his ass.

I tighten around his shaft.

He stills. “Not yet. Jesus, your cunt feels good.”

I throb. Pulse. On the brink of climax, he fills me and I will my body to calm.

The sound of our ragged breathing fills the small room.

I plead, “Lukas.”

Something dark and untamed passes across his face.

He slams into me with one brutal thrust.

A cry rips from my throat. I’m invaded. Possessed. Utterly claimed. And I love every second of it.

He grips the back of my neck. “Watch.”

I shift my attention off his face to stare down at him plunging deep inside me.

In that second something breaks between us, spilling into the air surrounding us.

I’m pushed beyond my control. Beyond reason.

He drives harder. So hard I slide against the table. He yanks me back. “So fucking good, Abby.”

The sounds of our bodies slapping together, the wet suctioning as he fucks me, the smell of sex filling the air is all too much.

Sweat beading my temples, I shake. “I can’t wait.”

“Now.” On a grunt, he quickens his already frenzied pace.

The orgasm coils hot and tight in my belly.

I explode.

Intense waves of pleasure rack through me with such force I scream. His mouth crashes on mine, swallowing my loud groans. The contractions go on and on, and I lose myself in the climax.

He shudders and comes, breaking the kiss with a low, harsh growl against my lips.

Air humid with the sweat of our bodies, I pant for breath. For sanity.

Something indefinable shifts and clicks into place inside me.

Before I can examine it too closely, Lukas lifts his head, his brown eyes assessing. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come,” I say on a puff of air. Maybe showing up at his work hadn’t been the best idea, but he hadn’t seemed to mind in the moment. I’d thought a long time about this particular item on my list and decided this was one fantasy I wanted to take control of. Lukas has done so many great things for me; I’d wanted to give something back, so I concocted my plan. Once decided, I hadn’t been able to wait to act, so I’d impulsively gone shopping and here I was.

His dark brows draw together. “What are you talking about?”

I’m boneless, and content, and can’t work up too much worry. “Aren’t you mad I came to your work?”

“Are you kidding me? Feel free to show up in any costume you want.” He grins, lowering his voice. “Shit, come in a burlap sack, I don’t care.”

“So what am I never supposed to do again?”

“Scare the shit out of me. The way you came in here, I thought something terrible had happened.” He pulls out, tossing the condom in a nearby trashcan.

I slide off the tool bench, smoothing my minuscule skirt back into place. “How about this? I’ll give you a signal. If I show up in a sweat suit, no makeup and my hair in a ponytail, you’re screwed.”

He laughs. “Good plan.”

The tension is gone from his face and he looks relaxed and happy. Eyes bright, his broad smile with its lone dimple makes him almost boyish. Completely adorable. No longer the unobtainable sex god, bad boy—he’s just Lukas. Mine.

He trails one long finger along my jaw.

My chest tightens. The truth hits me like a ton of bricks.

Oh no… I’ve gone and done the unthinkable. After telling myself to keep it simple, do I listen? No, of course not.

Like an idiot, I’ve fallen in love with him.