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Wrecked by Luke Prescott (6)




Trust him. Trust isn’t something you just hand over to someone, it’s something that is built. This is my way of laying down the first brick, so to speak.

Since I don’t know where we’re going, I’m not sure what to wear. Probably somewhere casual, because I don’t think Asher is the kind of guy that will be taking me somewhere fancy. He’s a get down and dirty kind of guy, which isn’t something I thought I’d find attractive. With Asher though, it’s not only attractive, it’s sexy.

I need to shake my head of those thoughts. That kiss probably didn’t mean anything. It could have been anyone on that couch. He’s a flirt, plain and simple. I can’t let myself get confused. Tonight, we are going out as friends, and that’s all this will be. Right? I mean he couldn’t possibly be interested in just me when he’s got women hanging on him all the time.

I decide on a pink, strapless dress with heels, of course, and curl my hair into loose waves before applying a bit more makeup than Asher is used to seeing on me. I smile at myself in the mirror, grab my purse and keys, and make my way through my empty apartment.

As much as I love decorating, and making things around me beautiful, I refuse to do it here. I have what I need. It works.

When I get to Asher’s, I knock on the door and take a breath before it opens. My knees go weak when I see how amazing he looks. Dark green button-down shirt, that not only brings out his eyes, but clings to his muscular body. My throat goes dry, and I need to clear it a few times before I can speak. “You look great,” I say.

“Damn, you look beautiful, Payton,” he says, moving his gaze all over me.

Feeling myself blush, I clutch my small black purse tighter. “Thank you. Are you ready?”

“Definitely,” he says, placing his hand on the small of my back. It’s such a gentle touch, it makes me shiver.

“Where exactly are we going?” I ask, once we are in his truck.

Grinning, he keeps his focus on the road. “We’re going out drinking.”

“Drinking? That’s your plan?” I question, maybe a little disappointed.

“Come on, aren’t you a little curious about where I like to hang out? It will be fun, trust me.”

There it is again. Trust. And do I want to know where he likes to hang out? I’m not so sure. The confident part wants to, but the self-conscious part doesn’t. We are at higher odds of running into more of his ‘friends’ there.

Deciding to hold tight onto the confident me, I smile at him. “Yeah, sure.”

Walking up to the bar, I’m surprised at how busy it is. We had to park two blocks over, and Asher’s had his hand on my back the entire walk, so I’m definitely not complaining. Once we step inside, the crowd is huge. People are everywhere—dancing, standing at the bar, and seated at small wooden tables scattered throughout. The music is deafening, and the only other thing I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears.

Asher grabs my hand, sending a spark up my arm from the contact. His large, rough hand wrapped around my small, delicate one makes me smile. I like the way it feels having my hand in his as he leads me up to the bar. Pulling me in front of him, he traps me in place as he stands behind me.

“There are too many people. I need to keep you close to me. What do you want to drink?” he asks, with his mouth close to my ear.

“I’ll have a Cosmo,” I say back to him.

When the bartender finally makes his way to us, Asher orders my Cosmo and a Jack and Coke for himself. Once we have our drinks, he grabs ahold of my hand and leads me to a nearby empty table and pulls out my chair for me. I smile as I take my seat.

“This isn’t the kind of place you normally hang out in, is it?” Asher asks, sipping his drink.

Looking around, I shake my head. “No, it’s not.”

He laughs, and I can’t help but watch his mouth. His lips are so perfect, full and firm, and I want them on me again. “I didn’t think so. What is it you normally do for fun?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I force a smile. “I shop.”

“Shop? Oh, I need to show you what real fun is, Payton,” he says, with a wink. “How about another drink?”

A few drinks in, and I’m completely relaxed. And a little tipsy. It feels good to let my hair down. Be someone who’s in the moment and truly enjoying it. We’ve been talking, laughing, and flirting. Lots of flirting. Flirting with sexy Asher. His rough hand rests on my thigh while his thumb rubs small circles. It feels so good, just this small amount of contact, and I'm getting turned on which is definitely something new.

“It’s been interesting having you at the garage,” he says, with a half grin.

Lightly pushing on his solid chest, I laugh, keeping my hand there. “You love having me there. I brighten up the place with my personality. Not to mention the fresh flowers and baked goods I’m always bringing in.”

“I can get on board with your personality, even the baking. The decorating and fresh flowers, it’s just not what I enjoy looking at.”

“What do you enjoy looking at, Asher?” I ask, in a seductive voice I didn’t even know existed.

Leaning over closer to me, so close I can feel the heat pouring off of him as he tucks a wild curl behind my ear, he says, “I enjoy looking at you, Payton.”

My heart slams in my chest. That’s not what I meant, and I’m sure he knows it. Yet, he chose to bring it down this path. “I definitely am something good to look at,” I say, flirting back.

Searching my eyes, he doesn’t say a word. It’s as though we are in a world where only the two of us exist. I can feel the air between us getting thick with desire. With a need for something different, something exciting. My skin burns as his gaze runs up and down me. It makes me feel sexy, beautiful, and gives me a confidence I haven’t felt in my lifetime.

“Dance with me,” Asher says, pushing back in his chair to stand.

Still in my haze of lust, I grab onto his outreached hand. He leads us to the small, wooden, dance floor. Finding an empty spot, he turns pulling my body against his. Resting his hands on my lower back, he starts to slowly move to the beat. I’m not a good dancer. No, that’s not true, I used to be, it’s just been so long since I have danced I’m not sure I remember how. Feeling his muscular body against mine is such a turn on. The way he’s moving, with all the confidence in the world, I know right then that he would be incomparable in bed.

The thought makes me flush and of course he notices. “Hey, don’t over think it. Look at me, right into my eyes. Let your body move with mine,” he says, in a deep sexy voice.

Doing exactly what he says, I feel my body start to move with his. My arms are draped over his shoulders, as my hands find their way to the bottom of his thick hair. The faster the beat, the more we move against each other. Rubbing on one another.

“See, my kind of fun isn’t so bad, is it?” he asks, moving his mouth close to my ear.

“No, it isn’t at all,” I admit.

Slowly his hands move down to rest on my ass, and the contact has me pushing my hips forward. Giving me a small grin, he spins me around. My back is now pressed against his front. Pressing his powerful body against mine, I bend slightly, forcing my ass back. Briefly, I close my eyes because I can feel his hard cock against my ass. He’s as turned on as I am.

Suddenly, it’s a flurry of hands and touching. His start at my stomach and moves down to my thighs. Back up to my stomach and down my arms, bringing them behind me to wrap around his neck. My dress hikes up higher, and I don’t even care. Not when he pushes my hair to the side, and begins kissing my neck.

“Payton, you are so damn sexy. The way your body moves against mine...,” he pauses to push his hard dick against me. “Is so fucking hot.”

My body nearly goes up in flames. I’m so turned on, I can feel my panties getting wet. “Oh God,” I moan out when he bites down lightly on my neck. Moving his hands up my body again, he allows his thumbs to brush against my hardened nipples. My head drops back onto his shoulder, as I tug at his hair.

“Fuck,” he breathes out, when I push my ass against him, moving it on his cock. Spinning me around to face him, he’s breathing heavily. His eyes are wild, searching my face. “Payton, come back to my place.”

My overly aroused body, makes this decision simple. “Yes.”

Grabbing my hand, he nearly drags me out of there. This isn’t me. I’m not this girl, but there is something about Asher that I can’t deny. Something wild, something unpredictable, something safe.