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Blood And Roses (Tainted Hearts) by Lylah James (5)













I watched her slowly coming back, her eyes fluttering open. She lost her smile as she gazed up at me with soulless eyes.

I had to bite back a curse, knowing that in some ways I had hurt her already fragile heart. She thought I was no different than those bastards lusting after her body.

The problem? I actually wasn’t better.

Only because I didn’t only want her body. I wanted her everything. Until she had nothing left to give.

I was selfish that way.

Did it matter? No. I wanted her…so I would take her.

This Angel quickly became an obsession that was going to break me in the end. She was both light and darkness.

Me? I was only darkness. Our two worlds were about to clash together in the only way it could, and there was no going back.

The moment I had laid eyes on her, she belonged to me.

She slowly moved from between my legs, her gaze still on mine, silently begging. My finger trailed down her cheek, softly caressing her skin. Her face moved with my hand, like a kitten seeking warmth.

My thumb brushed over her lush lips, and she blinked up at me, the moment broken yet again. Her eyes went to Solonik, and she swallowed in fear.

I tapped her chin, wanting her attention back on me. I was her only concern now. No one else mattered.

I was her everything. Her whole fucking world.

“Go,” I said simply.

Her training finally kicked in at the authority in my voice. Her head bowed down, giving respect like she would give any Master.

I didn’t need her bowing down to me. We would talk about that later.

Right now, I just wanted to get her out of everyone’s sight. Giving her the smallest respect and dignity back. It wasn’t much, but it was the only thing I could give. For now.

The moment she stepped out of this place, her whole fucking world would change. The lines breaking, reversing, and then aligning again. New rules to play by.

She was about to learn what it meant to be mine.

Her hands went to the floor, her ass in the air as she prepared to crawl to one of the bedrooms. My voice stopped her movement.

Actually, it stopped every fucking movement around the room. Dead silence. Nobody moved. No sound. I was pretty sure they stopped fucking breathing too.

“Walk,” I demanded, my voice coming out harsher than I intended.

The red blinding fury was building up every passing second. Seeing her crawling on her knees just made me want to shoot someone and cause a blood bath.

Her legs were slightly shaking as she stood up, her eyes purposely avoiding Solonik. The slow walk to the bedroom was excruciatingly painful. It was too late when I realized that making her walk was the worst decision.

Her bare body was full on display, her blinding beauty for everyone to see.

When the door closed, I released a long, shuddering breath that I hadn’t realize I was holding.

Solonik turned to me, his lips curled in anger. “You’re going to regret this,” he hissed.

“No, I won’t. And you won’t, either. You will be a richer man by the end of the night. It’s time to party, Valentin,” I said, getting off the couch.

After fixing my suit, I winked at him. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”

I know I will.

Keeping those words to myself, I marched toward the room where my Angel had just disappeared.

No seconds were wasted as I opened the door and walked inside, making sure to lock it behind me. Nobody was disturbing us tonight.

This moment…it will only be ours. Away from all the depravity of the world. Away from all the harshness…our reality.

Just us.

My eyes met darkness, and I blinked in confusion. My hand moved blindly across the wall, trying to find the light.

When I finally did, the room was instantly illuminated, and my eyes fell upon the beauty waiting for me in bed.

Our connection was fast. Breathtaking almost. One that left me confused and reeling.

My mind was playing games with my heart.

I had a choice. Fall into her trap or play the game like a master in disguise.

My gaze moved up her body, taking in everything laid out for me. She was on her back, her legs pressed together, with her arms on either side of her.

She was stiff, looking so small and scared. Like an Angel laid out for a sacrifice.

In her mind, this was a sacrifice. I was just the Devil. The one who was going to rob her innocence.

Little did she know.

I took a step forward, finally making my choice. Smiling at myself, I took another step.

With each step, my heart beat just a little faster…harder. With each step, I fought against the urge to claim her.

I watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. Her fingers curled into fists at her sides as I approached. Her eyes stayed on the ceiling, purposely avoiding me.

She was scared.

I wondered if I could get her excited by the end of the night.

My lips tilted up. That wouldn’t be hard to accomplish.

Stopping beside the bed, I only gazed into her face. She swallowed nervously, still not meeting my eyes.

The black mask was covering her real beauty, and I wanted it gone. I felt her suck in a deep breath when I bent forward, my fingers latching around the corner of the mask and slowly removing it.

Slowing uncovering her for my eyes.

The mask fell on the bed beside her hips as her eyes fluttered close. Her long lashes cast shadows on her cheeks.

She was…beautiful.





I was at a loss for words as my eyes caressed her face. Everything was fair in war…and this game was won by me.

Poor Solonik. If only he had realized what he just lost…and what I just gained.

Slowly, not to startle her, I sat on the bed. She stiffened, her eyes pinching closed. Leaning closer, I reached forward, my fingers hovering over her cheeks.

Not touching, not moving…yet it still felt like I was caressing her.

Her warmth called to me as I finally and slowly caressed down her cheek. Unexpectedly, her eyes flew open, and she blinked up at me in surprise.

“Hi,” I whispered, sounding so fucking stupid.

She only stared at me, looking confused. “You are so beautiful; do you know that?” I said softly, still touching her face.

Slowly, her head shook no.

“Well, you are. It pisses me off that nobody ever said that to you, but you are so fucking beautiful,” I continued, still staring into those blue eyes.

While she remained silent, they spoke volumes. They told me everything I needed to know.

It was so hard ignoring the ache that was currently resting between my legs, when all I wanted to do was take what was mine, but tonight was going to be different.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I whispered, leaning just a little closer. “That’s not why we’re in here.”

She cocked her head to the side, waiting. “I want you to speak…say something. I want to hear your voice again,” I finished.

This time it was me waiting…for her.

She opened her mouth and then snapped it shut, her eyes flying to the door in panic. My body moved quickly so that I was between her and the door, so that I was the only thing she was seeing.

“Solonik’s command doesn’t matter anymore. You don’t have to worry about him. Ever,” I growled, the anger fueling again.

A ghost of a smile lit her lips before it was quickly gone and she was staring at me in suspicion.

Great…just great. She didn’t believe me. Of course, she didn’t believe me. I just bought her. Well, not yet…but still.

My hand moved up, moving a few stray strands of hair away from her face. “You have nothing to be scared of.”

It was the truth, and now I just needed her to believe me.

I moved forward so I was lying down beside her. With an arm around her waist, I turned her toward me so we were both lying side by side, facing each other.

Her naked body pressed against my fully clothed one, and I fought back a groan as my dick jumped forward in excitement.

Settle down, junior. Now is not the fucking time!

Her breathing came out harder, her palms now resting against my chest. She stayed frozen, stiff as a board, as I struggled with my own self-control.

Leaning closer, our foreheads now touched—a soft touch that had her eyes widening. I wondered, when was the last time she experienced a gentle touch?

“Will you speak? For me?” I asked, entwining our fingers together, our hands now against my chest.

What was it about her that piqued my interest so much, I didn’t know. She was intriguing, and I wanted to uncover every single layer of her.

An unpredictable connection that was shifting the lines of my world.

It had nothing to do with her beauty, or what was between her legs, and was being offered to me on a silver platter.

It had everything to do with her mind.

Because I knew…she was very much alive. She just needed a little nudge and her wings would open wide, ready to fly.

“What do you want me to say, Master?”

My eyes widened before I quickly got myself under control. “You spoke.”

Confused eyes met mine. “You commanded me to,” she whispered, fear creeping its way into her eyes. “I am sorry, Master. I shouldn’t have spoken. It is my fault.”

“No!” I snapped.

Her body flinched, and I mentally chastised myself. “No,” I continued more softly. “I want you to speak. But only if you want to. It has to be your choice.”

“I am for your pleasure. What you want me to say, I will say.”

Her turbulent eyes told me that was the last thing she wanted…to only be for my pleasure.

“Tonight is different, little Angel,” I started, letting her go. She laid on her back again, and I propped myself on my elbows, still staying close so our warmth was mixed together.

“How so, Master?” she asked quietly, almost shyly.

“First, don’t call me Master,” I ordered, leveling her with a look that held no discussion.

She nodded speechlessly, looking quickly to please me.

“Good girl,” I returned, running a fingertip down her naked side.

Her breathing accelerated again, and my eyes were drawn to her chest. Her nipples were erected with cold air, but now her skin was taking on a rosy color, her whole body blushing in the most beautiful way.

Fuck! My cock throbbed painfully. I could take her right there, and she would let me.

I could fuck her virgin pussy, and she wouldn’t utter a sound. She would be all mine…

So damn tempting. A perfect sight that almost made me come in my pants like a horny teenager.

But I still willed my cock down.

“What’s your name?” I asked, moving my eyes to her face again.

She licked her lips, her gaze shifting away for a small moment. “Master named me Rose. Sometimes I am slave 367.”

My heart stuttered as she spoke about herself for the first time. She didn’t give me the answer I wanted…Instead, she gave me the answer every other fucker out there was given.

Master named me Rose. Sometimes I am slave 367.

How many times had she repeated those words?

“No,” I breathed, leaning forward so she had no choice but to look into my eyes again. “Your real name. What’s your real name?”

She swallowed, while the pain reflecting from those gorgeous blue eyes broke my heart. I was a bastard, a thief, a killer…yet one tiny woman I just met had the power to make me feel…to break me.

“It is forbidden,” she whispered so softly that I almost missed it.

“Will you not grant me this wish?” I asked, my finger trailing up her side again.

With my lips hovering above hers, I whispered, “Please.

She stared at me silently, her luscious lips parting.


A single word with a single breath…so softly spoken. A whisper that made it to my ears.


Fuck, even her name was beautiful. How was that possible?

“Maria,” I breathed, our lips inches apart, yet not touching. “You have a beautiful name. It suits you,” I continued when she stayed strangely quiet.

She ducked her head down shyly but not before I saw her smile.

“From now on, you will only be addressed as Maria.”

Her body stiffened. I could feel her pulling away from me, her mind shutting down quickly. The windows were closing, leaving me outside in the dark.

“It is not allowed. Master will never accept it.”

Her broken whisper made me want to rage. For her sake, I took a deep breath, and I tried to speak as gently as I could.

“Solonik does not matter to you anymore. What he thinks is not your problem anymore. He no longer commands you,” I said through gritted teeth.

Her head snapped up, almost hitting me in the process. With wide eyes, she stared at me in confusion.

My arm went around her waist, pulling her closer, holding her captive. “You should only care what I think now. What I want. Everything else does not matter. From now on, my words will be the only thing that you listen to, not any other fucker out there.”

Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment before her eyes lightened. “You are my…Master now?”

Ah, fuck this shit!

My jaw tightened as I gritted my teeth, but I gave her the answer she wanted. It was part truth anyway.


Her breath was stuck in her throat before she let it out in a loud whoosh.

“You are mine now, Maria.”

I purposely used her name, watching her reaction. She surprised me when her lips tilted up in a small ghost smile.

“I like that,” she breathed gently, our eyes clashing together.

It didn’t matter which part she liked…whether it was her name or the fact that I proclaimed she was mine.

But in a matter of seconds, her quiet, sweet acceptance broke every fucking self-control I fought against. The urge to claim what was mine hit me harder than before.

My fingers dug into her hips, not so hard as to leave pain, but enough to let her know who was in control. Our lips were close, only inches apart.

I stayed above her, not moving. She breathed, watching me through half-lidded eyes. My other hand came up to her cheek, my thumb stroking the softness gently.

“I didn’t plan for this. I didn’t come into this room for this, but I can’t seem to stop myself, little Angel,” I said, my voice huskier than before. I should have been a better man and stopped this.

But every single sensibility was gone. There was no point controlling my body or the fiery lust coursing through my body for this woman.

So I turned off my mind and focused only on what was next to me.

I focused only on her.

No self-control. I let myself go as my lips made a slow descent toward hers.

She stopped breathing as our lips touched. Or was it me who stopped breathing?

It didn’t matter though, because the second our lips touched, a jolt of electrifying desire shot through me.

The connection was fierce and electrifying. Scary yet it felt so…right.

My lips moved over her, tentatively at first, until I wanted more. I pressed harder just a little bit, and she gasped so softly, her lips parting.

It gave me the perfect move. My tongue slipped past her lips, tasting her. She was slow, her hands creeping up to my arms, holding onto me for dear life.

And I let her.

I let myself be her anchor while I drowned in her.

Every touch, every breath…every swirl of my tongue jolted my heart into beating faster. The lust became fiercer until all I felt was her.

When her lips moved against my own, the world slammed to a stop. And then it was spinning wildly, driving me crazy.

She was kissing me back, her lips tentative, slow, inexperienced, gentle but a kiss nonetheless.

I froze, letting her control the kiss. Her mouth feathered over mine. Even through the layer of clothing, I felt her nails biting into my arm.

This felt so much more.

Her touch moved upward slowly, tracing my arm up to my neck. Against my own will, I was moving with her.

My fingers trailed up her naked body as I started kissing her again. Her tongue met mine, dancing together, kissing, mating, loving.

Our bodies fell together, the pieces falling into place. It was strange…my mind refusing to accept it, but my heart welcomed it.

Stupidly, without thinking, I let my heart be in control this time.

My hand slipped behind her neck, pulling her upward, the kiss deeper and harder now.

She moaned.

A soft croaky moan coming from deep within her broke every single control. The beast was unleashed as I pushed her on her back, my body looming over hers.

A predator trapping his prey.

I didn’t give her time to think before I claimed her lips again, wanting more of everything.

I wanted to draw her moans from her throat, wanting to hear her sound of pleasure. Pleasure that I was giving her.

Sucking on her lower lip, I pulled it between my teeth, biting softly. She moaned again, her body moving restlessly underneath mine.

My eyes opened to find hers closed, her head thrown back as she savored our kiss. Maybe her first kiss.

My lips left hers. “I didn’t plan this, Maria. I wasn’t going to touch you, but fuck, I can’t stop myself. I want you so fucking much,” I panted with each breath.

Her eyes snapped open, but I was kissing her again, drinking in her gasps and moans.

“Do you feel it? Do you feel me?” I growled, putting her body closer to mine.

My knees pushed her legs apart, my lower half settling between her parted thighs. I thrust my hardness between her legs, wanting her to feel me.

She pulled back, her body shaking, her red swollen lips parted, yet no sound was made.

Only my clothes separated us…my cock from her pussy. It would be so easy to take her, fuck her right there, have her virgin blood on the white sheet, showing everyone that she was mine.

But this wasn’t about me.

How could it be about me when I had someone as divine and exquisite as Maria underneath my body, her mind and heart willing?

Her breathing came out in harsh pants as my hands moved over her body. My fingers trailed over her right breast, my thumb circling the erect nipple.

Her back bowed, her eyes widening in shock. “You feel it,” I rasped.

With my eyes still on hers, I bent my head down and took her nipple between my lips.

I tongued the tip and then sucked it, watching her every reaction. She didn’t disappoint.

Her lips parted, eliciting another moan. I circled the tip with my tongue, my teeth lightly grazing it.

“Oh,” she whispered, her hands going to my hair.

Her body moved with mine as she pushed her breast into my mouth, demanding more.

I chuckled against her skin, giving her whatever she wanted. My lips moved to the other breast, same attention given.

Cupping her other tit, I squeezed just a little before pinching her nipple, toying with the tip.

It drove her crazy, the mixture of my fingers and lips. Cold and warm. I gave her both.

“Do you like that, sweet Maria? Do you like having someone suck on your tits?” I said, our eyes meeting.

She stared at me with a hooded expression, her mind filled with desire. Her breathing turned into gasps as my fingers trailed down the swell of her breast, cupping it and then moving lower.

I trailed her ribs, my touch featherlight. My touch left her wanting more, and that was exactly what I wanted.

I wanted her to want me…to beg me.

I continued the pattern downward as my lips moved upward to her neck, sucking on the skin, torturing it with my kisses. Biting down on her soft skin, I left my mark.

She screamed…not in pain. Far from it.

“Have you ever had someone finger fuck you?” I asked, my voice sounding harsher even to my own ears. “Have you ever had someone play with your clit, make you gush all over their fingers?”

She moaned in response, her head thrashing to the sides as my fingers moved lower. Down her hips, then her belly button, teasing her gently there.

And then down, right over her pussy. “What about a man’s mouth? Have you ever had a man’s tongue fucking your pussy? Deep and rough…making you come with just a flick of his tongue over your rosy clit?”

“Wh…what?” she gasped, her back leaving the bed again as I continued to torture her nipple.

I pulled away slightly, seeing that it was now a deep red color. Beautiful. Just fucking perfect.

“I’ll take that as a no,” I whispered huskily before meeting her eyes. “But then again, there is always time for firsts.”

She could only stare at me, her chest moving up and down with each harsh breath. I smirked at her beautiful sensual expression, and my body moved lower.

Her fingers dug into my shoulders as my mouth hovered over her pussy. It glistened with wetness. I trailed my finger up her slit and then showed her my wet finger.

“Is this your first time too?”

She gasped, her mouth falling open. “Another first, Maria.” Chuckling, I sucked the finger into my mouth, tasting her.

“Wet and sweet. But not wet enough,” I said with a raised eyebrow. “We will have to rectify that.”

With wide eyes, she watched me dip my finger to her core again. My thumb circled her tiny nub, and she let out a strangled cry, her head falling back against the pillow.

She squirmed under my touch, her hips moving of their own accord. Her body was begging me.

Her moans told me yes.

So I gave her what we both wanted.

She cried out when my mouth covered her core. Her hips bucked upward, her fingers tugging harder at my hair.

I placed a hand over her stomach, pressing down and stopping her movement. Holding her immobile for every torturous swirl of my tongue.

I licked her from top to bottom, tonguing her wetness like a starving man. The sweetest I ever had. I sucked her clit, my teeth slightly grazing.

Her legs opened wider for me, and I smirked against her quivering wetness. I dragged another moan from her, loving her breathless sounds

I traced different patterns, creating a road map with my tongue. She fucking loved it and begged for me.


A soft whisper I almost missed.

Her body was tight as a bow-string, waiting for me to give her the release she desperately wanted.

My fingers spread her lips as my tongue coaxed her hard nub. It hardened under my ruthless attack. She creamed more, and I licked it up.

“Fuck, you taste so good, Angel. I could have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I would be a happy man,” I rasped against her inner thigh.

Her nails dug into my neck, and I returned my lips to where she wanted me.

I slipped a finger inside her, just the tip. My gaze moved upward as I gauged her reaction.

Her head was thrown back in desire, her eyes pinched closed. I pushed just a little deeper as her thighs trembled. She was tight as I slipped my finger out and pushed the tip in again.

She is a virgin.

Well, we were about to find out the truth, Solonik.

I continued to lick her as I pushed a finger in again.

Her thighs locked around my head, moan after moan spilling from her.

Just a little bit deeper…I watched her tight core suck my finger in. I could hear how wet she was, and her scent was fucking intoxicating.

My tongue latched around her clit, sucking hard just as my finger met with the resistance I was looking for.


Maria screamed, her orgasm hitting her by my voiceless command. She gushed into my mouth, and I licked up every last bit of cream she gifted me.

Removing my finger, I pushed my tongue in. Not far, but enough to draw another orgasm from her as I pressed my thumb over her clit.

Her whole body was shaking, and I heard quiet sniffles. My head snapped up, and I realized she was no longer holding onto me.

Her hands were pressed to her face as she sobbed. Pulling away from her spread thighs, I wiped my chin with the back of my hand.

Her legs fell lifelessly on the bed, her body languid. But her crying pulled at my heart strings.

It fucking hurt.

Quickly moving so that I was lying on my back, I pulled her into my arms, her body a blanket over mine.

She curled into my embrace, hiding her face into my neck. Her tears were endless as I soothed her. Sweet words and gentle caresses.

“You were so good, Angel. So beautiful. So perfect. You amaze me,” I whispered in her ear. “You are perfect.”

Time passed, and I didn’t know how long we stayed like that. I had gotten the answers I wanted, but my sweet Angel was left broken in my arms.

When her tears finally diminished, I nudged her chin up. Our eyes met. Her blue ones were filled with tears, looking so fucking beautiful. She took my breath away.

“Did I hurt you?” I asked softly, wiping away her tears. She pressed her cheek into my palm, and I smiled.

“No,” she whispered back, her voice a little croaky.

“Then why are you crying?” I pushed just a little bit.

“Because I have…never felt this way,” Maria answered slowly, gazing up at me with soft eyes.

“And how did you feel?”

She stared silently. I stared back, waiting.

Finally, her lips parted, and she spoke.

And yet again, she knew exactly how to spin my world around.


My throat closed up, but she continued.

“Beautiful. Treasured. Special.”

She touched my cheek gently. “Many men have touched me, yet nobody has ever made me feel this way. They would only take…never give. But you? You gave me something instead of taking.”

Our foreheads touched, our lips millimeters apart. “Thank you,” she whispered.

She was thanking me…yet I was no better than them. What a cruel world this was. Sometimes the monsters are right there in front of our eyes and we don’t see them.

And just like that, Maria was blinded.

I was betraying her. I was feeding her lies, yet I couldn’t bring myself to stop.

I wanted that look in her eyes, the one telling me that I was everything. I wanted that look for however long I could have it.

And I was not ready to lose it yet.

So I let my Angel believe this lie. I let her believe that I was different.

Our lips touched in the softest kiss. It was one that was achingly slow. My hardened cock was still aching and begging for attention, but I refused to focus on it.

“The night is almost coming to an end,” I said as we came apart for air. Her eyes glassed over with pain and sorrow before closing.

“Don’t worry, little Angel. This is not the end. It’s just the beginning. You’re mine now. Tonight is your last night here. I am taking you away.”

My voice got her attention, her eyes opening again. Giving her a small smile, I placed a kiss on her forehead, letting my lips linger there for a moment longer.

“Let’s get out of here,” I muttered, helping her out of bed.

I kept a hold on her wrist. With her behind me, we walked out of the room. All eyes were on us, and Maria moved closer, hiding behind me, using me as her shield.

Solonik came forward, his mouth opening in protest. The anger in his eyes was undeniable.

Raising a hand, I stopped him before he even started. I didn’t have time for his bullshit.

“Two point five. Take it or leave it. I don’t care. But I am leaving here with her. This is your only option,” I stated slowly with a raised eyebrow.

His mouth fell open at the price. “Two point five million?” he sputtered.

That was more than he demanded. But sometimes we had to play their own game to win.

I stayed silent, waiting. Although I was losing patience with each ticking second.

“Fine,” he finally accepted.

Hallelujah, asshole. His acceptance meant nothing to me. I would still take Maria away, even if he hadn’t agreed.

He turned to the audience, raising his wine glass. “My slave has been sold for two point five million dollars. As of now, she is in the keeping of Master Lyov Ivanshov.”

He paused, looking at me from the corner of his eyes. “Well, that is until he decides to sell her off after having his little fun. Who wouldn’t want a virgin pussy?”

There was some laughter. Others snickered.

Isaak looked ready to commit murder. Agron and Gavrikov were just watching the scenes silently, taking everything in like they always did.

I didn’t miss Maria’s small gasp, the way her fingers tightened around my arm. I held her wrist tighter, putting the smallest pressure.

“I’m out. Enjoy the rest of your night, gentlemen,” I announced loudly.

Turning to Solonik, I leveled him with a glare. “The money will be in your bank by sunrise.”

Without waiting for his reply, I was already pushing Maria toward the door. But being the annoying bastard that he was, he stepped in front of me.

“Wait,” he muttered with a small smirk.

He snapped his fingers, and I saw a woman coming forward…with a fucking leash.

“Rules are you can’t leave the building without having the slaves on a leash. It’s for protection, Lyov. I thought you would know better,” he chastised with a small fake frown.

I looked at the leash, my disgust clear as day. There was no point hiding it.

“I don’t need one,” I said loudly, bringing everyone’s attention to us.

“What do you mean? There are rules. The leash is to keep them under control,” he hissed.

“I hate repeating myself, but I will, because you’re probably fucking deaf. I said I don’t need one,” I continued just as calmly.

I released Maria from my tight hold in proof. She stumbled back slightly in shock, and I took a step forward, away from her.

“I don’t need a fucking leash to keep my slave under control,” I said, taking another step away from Maria.

Another step toward the door. Another step away from her.

“My words are enough,” I announced to everyone.

Watch and learn, fuckers.

“I don’t need a leash for her to follow me. I don’t need a leash to command her. Words are enough.”

Without turning around and with my back still to Maria, I placed my hand out, palm up and waiting.

“Come here, Maria.”

Silence. Everyone froze. And they watched.

They watched as I taught them the art of dominance.

Feet shuffled closer, and I felt her warmth coming closer. And finally, she placed her palm in mine.

My fingers intertwined with hers, and I pulled her closer into my embrace.

“And that, gentlemen, is how you command your slaves. If you need a fucking leash to be in control, then you are no fucking Master. To a slave, her Master’s words are law. A real dominant’s words will always be enough.” I talked for the room while holding my Angel closer.

“You just need to know how to be one. Having a leash around their pretty necks doesn’t make you a Master. If that makes you in control, then it makes you a coward. It makes you weak.”

“So, gentlemen, don’t be cowards. Learn the true art of being in control. And that’s the end of the lesson. Enjoy the rest of your night,” I finished.

Without waiting for any reaction, I made my way out. With Maria’s hands in mine, we walked out of the door together.

It closed with a loud bang, leaving us in the cold, dark hallway. Quickly, I removed my suit jacket and draped it over my Angel’s body, hiding her the best I could.

I hated having her parade around naked, but it was the only way. If I had covered her before, it would have been suspicious.

Now, we were alone. Fina-fucking-lly.

“The car is waiting for us outside. It’s going to be a little cold. I’m sorry, you’ll have to bear with it for a few seconds,” I muttered.

She didn’t reply or make a single sound as I swept her up into my arms. Cradling her close, we walked out toward the waiting car.

I made quick work of getting inside and settling Maria on the seat. Taking my seat, facing her, I watched her reaction.

She looked outside the window, staying strangely quiet. Maria pulled the jacket closer to her body, holding it tight like she never wanted to let go.

And I didn’t want her to let go.

“You’re safe,” I muttered in the silent car as it started moving.

She continued watching outside, her eyes moving with each tree, light, and passing car. My little Angel looked entranced, her eyes twinkling in the dark as each light reflected into her blue orbs.

“You saved me,” she said quietly, still not looking at me.

You saved me.

Oh Angel, if only you knew the truth.

I saved her for my own selfish reasons. Yet another monster in the dark, waiting to devour her.

Finally, she turned toward me. Her face soft…everything about her soft. Her shoulders drooped low, like thousands of pains had finally left her.

In her mind, she was free.

With our gazes on each other, her lips parted to speak. “Master…” she started, but I quickly moved forward.

She gasped, reeling back in surprise, but I had already gotten her into my trap. My fingers grasped her chin, a little more roughly than intended.

My touch kept her in place, her wide eyes on mine as I spoke.

“I have told you before, and I will tell you again, little Angel. Don’t call me Master,” I said roughly, my lips close to hers. “Lyov,” I muttered.

She stared at me, confused, her body trembling slightly.

“You are mine. I think it’s time I introduce myself.”

Maria blinked, waiting.

“The name’s Lyov. Lyov Ivanshov.”

“Lyov,” she whispered oh so softly.

Fucking beautiful.

Pretty Angel, I didn’t save you. I just captured you.






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