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Blood And Roses (Tainted Hearts) by Lylah James (17)













I went to quickly do as I was told, gripping my nightgown and starting to pull it over my head, but Lyov’s voice stopped me.

“Slowly, Maria. Undress slowly for me.”

His words sent a shiver down my body, all the way to my toes. My thighs clenched. Lyov sat back lazily and watched me intently. Without taking his eyes off me, he took a bottle of scotch from the small table beside him and poured some in a glass.

His head was cocked to the side as he brought the glass to his lips and sipped slowly. The darkness in his eyes didn’t disappear. It was still there and more. Intense. Furious. Dangerous.

There was a fiery need inside of me. My hands trembled as I brought them up to unbutton my nightgown. My fingers fumbled with the buttons, and Lyov watched me with rapt attention, an eyebrow raised mockingly.

Finally, when all six buttons were open, I breathed out a sigh. My hands paused, and my stomach clenched. Slowly, like Lyov wanted me to, I pushed the nightgown down my shoulders and then my arms before it pooled at my feet.

I was left with only my bra and panties. The cold air caressed me, and goosebumps rose on my skin. I shivered even though Lyov’s heat was penetrating into my every pore.

His gaze was filled with danger, brutality…and need.

At the thought of Lyov being in complete control and seeing him exude dominance with just a mere glance, or just a simple word—it had my senses in override. My body was warm, too hot—and I could feel moist sweat dribble down between my ample breasts. My body responded to him, and I almost moaned. He hadn’t even touched me yet.

Master leaned forward, and I stood still, my lungs squeezing and my breath trapped in my throat. His hand reached out, and oh so softly, he touched my stomach. One finger, with just his tip, his touch whispered downward, and I fought against the urge to shudder, fall to my knees, and beg him to touch me more.

Our eyes never wavered from each other as he continued. Down and down, traveling to my thighs and then into the inner part of me. My legs spread just a little wider to give him more space. Now, his finger trailed up, and my lips parted into a silent gasp. Lyov stopped against the edge of my panties, his hand still between my legs. He didn’t touch me there, where I was dripping juices for him.

Master tsked darkly and almost mockingly. “I have barely even touched you and your panties are soaked through, Maria. I guess you like the idea of me taking what I want…and what is about to happen.”

He removed his hand from between my legs and sat up, taking away his warm touch.

My clothing seemed to tighten around my skin, making me itchy. My breasts swelled, and my bra was squeezing me, making it hard to breathe through my clenched lungs. My panties were pulled tight between my thighs, pressing and sticky against my aching pussy. I was becoming wetter, a pool of warmth gathering there. His eyes were dark and fierce, smoldering. His sharp jaw was steeled and intimidating.

Master snapped his fingers at me before speaking in that deep, cold voice of his. “Go on. Finish up your work, Maria. Take off your panties and bra. Show me what you’re hiding underneath.”

My hands traveled up my stomach to my bra. I unclipped it from the back and held the cups to my breasts for a few slow seconds before slowly peeling it away from my skin, watching Master’s reaction. His jaw clenched, and his fingers tightened around his glass.

My nipples were hard and aching for his mouth, his tongue…his teeth. The bra slipped through my fingers and fell to my feet. Lyov swallowed, and I saw him watch the rise and fall of my heaving chest.

Slowly, leisurely, seductively, my fingers whispered over my skin. Down my stomach, below my navel, and I stopped at the edge of my panties. He took a long drink from his glass. I felt like a vixen when I saw the big hardened bulge through his pants.

I slipped my panties down. My heart thumped, my stomach fluttered, and I bit on my lips when it made a small, wet, sticky sound as it pulled away from my clenching heated core. I let it fall at my feet.

Finally, I stood naked in front of Master.

He took in a deep breath, and I saw his bulge twitch. I knew he was taking in my smell that now saturated the air around us. He licked his lips, and I felt myself drip between my legs.

Lyov’s eyes went there, and I saw them flare with hunger as he watched my wetness travel down, coating my inner thighs. He stretched his legs out, pushing his feet between mine, kicking them wider open.

My knees trembled, but I stood there, letting him inspect me with those eyes that promised pain and pleasure. He watched like a predator stalking his prey. His gaze stroked my body, and it felt like a paintbrush spreading liquid fire down every inch of my skin.

When Lyov finally spoke, I shuddered. “Turn around.” I did as I was commanded, turning away from him. I almost whimpered in protest but knew it would get me nowhere.

“On your knees.” I instantly dropped to my knees.

“Good girl,” he whispered in slow appreciation. “Put your hands flat on the floor, a few inches away from your body. Lean over and push your ass in the air. Spread your legs a little.”

My body trembled, and the inside of me grew molten with desire. Taking a deep breath, I got into the position Master told me to. I placed my forehead on the back on my hands and waited.

Cold air feathered over my exposed ass and pussy. It was in that moment that I realized how open I was to Lyov in this position. Oh God.

If it was possible, I grew even wetter. I heard Lyov give out a low groan, and I couldn’t help but smile. Knowing that I affected him the same way he did to me…well, it pleased me more than anything in this world.

“Maria,” he started.

“Yes, Master?”

“Do you understand what is about to happen?” he asked, his voice hard and in control again.

“Yes, Master.”

“Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?”

I clenched when he spoke again. Closing my eyes, I sucked in another deep breath. The scent of me filled my nose, and my legs shook. “Yes, Master. I agree.”

“Why do you think you need to be punished?” he continued in the same cold tone.

This time, I tripped over my words. “Because…because I broke…your…rules, Master. You do everything to protect me, but I was selfish and reckless. I put myself in danger, and in doing so, I…worried you. I hurt you. I need to face the…consequences of breaking your rules.”

“Good girl.” My heart soared at those two words. “How do you think you should be punished?”

Shock jolted through my system at his question. He was asking me to choose my punishment?

“You can decide for me, Master. It is your right.”

The small click of glass against the wood told me he had placed his drink down. “Turn around, Maria.”

My eyes widened. I sat up and turned around, although still kneeling for Lyov. I felt the heat of him as he leaned over me. His fingers went under my chin, and he tipped my face up to his. Our eyes locked. His were still missing any sign of warmth. His stares could cut me and make me bleed. They were still dark and hard, but I could see that his anger had somewhat diminished.

“I am giving you a choice,” he said in a low voice.

Completely enthralled into those deep grey eyes, I whispered, “I don’t want to make a choice. Whatever you choose for me, I accept it, Master.”

I could tell my answer satisfied him. He loved being in control, and my submission had fed his urge to dominate me. I could hardly breathe now. His touch was fire against my jaw, and my eyes almost fluttered close.

“You were gone for eight hours. Without protection. You will receive two spanks for each hour you were gone. That totals sixteen. Do you agree, Maria?”

I nodded without any reflection. I didn’t have to. I trusted Lyov. He knew me, and he knew what I needed and how much I could take.

“Your words,” he pushed with a small, breathy speech.

“Yes, Master. I agree.”

He looked pleased. Oh, how pleased he looked. I made him proud of me.

Lyov released me and sat back against the couch. His hand came up to his neck, and I watched as he tugged at his tie, almost roughly. He pulled it over his head and dropped it on the floor. Slowly, he unbuttoned the first three buttons of his crisp white shirt, and then he rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows.

I watched his mouth take in the breath I was craving to steal from him. My body shuddered when his hands fell down to his lap again. My gaze went to his belt, and then it snapped up again, to look at Lyov’s eyes.

He smirked coldly at my expression. “No. Not the belt. You aren’t ready for that yet. It will be my palm turning your ass red until you can’t sit down, Maria.”

My lungs burned, and I almost passed out right there. Lyov motioned for me to stand up, and I did so on trembling legs. It was a wonder I could still stand up.

His arm reached out, and then I was being pulled into him. It happened fast. I was standing one second and the next, I was over his lap. My stomach pressed against his thighs and my head was hanging down. My ass was perched over and up in the air, right where he wanted me.

“You will count each time my palm comes down on your ass, Maria. Sixteen. If you miss one count, we start over again, and I will add one more for each time you miss a count. Is that understood?” he growled.

“Yes, Master,” I breathed.

“If you want me to stop at any time, you just say the word stop and I will. But Maria, you will use that word only if you feel you can’t take it anymore. You will not use the word just to get out of punishment. Is that understood?”

Everything was in knots as I responded, “Yes, Master.”

His palm caressed my ass cheeks, and I closed my eyes, trying to breathe. I was nervous. I was a wreck with desire and anticipation. There was a touch of fear at the unexpected, but nothing to ruin my need for Lyov.

His wandering touch was gentle and exquisitely soft as he kneaded the softness of my ass. One of his hands came between us, and he cupped my breast. He gave me a small squeeze, and I clenched, more wetness dripping between my thighs. Lyov continued to caress me, and then he pulled my ass cheeks apart.

My cheeks heated in slight embarrassment, but when he hummed in appreciation, a sizzle of excitement went through me. I started to squirm when his fingers trailed between the crack and then down my wet lips.

His touch disappeared from my skin. My heart pounded in anxiety, and anticipation licked its way through my fevered body. I tried to look over my shoulder but stopped when his palm suddenly came down and made contact with my left cheek.

I flinched at the unexpected spank, and my back arched. It was a small sting, didn’t hurt too much, but it was the unexpected that made me gasp.

His palm stayed there, waiting. “One,” I gasped quickly.

He hummed again. Lyov slowly stroked my skin again before his touch disappeared. This time, I knew what was coming. The second spank, this time on my right cheek, wasn’t too bad. The pain intensity was the same as the first.

“Two,” I breathed.

“Such a pretty little ass, Maria. I would say it’s a shame I have to turn it red, but that would be a lie.”

He ran his fingers over my bare skin, his touch intimate and demanding. My awareness was filled with bombarding sensations. It was almost too much. He stroked me between my legs, touching my wetness, spreading it more over my pussy.

The sudden stinging pain took me by surprise, and my head reared up with another gasp. Oh my God. This spank was not gentle. Not like the first two. My left cheek was hot and burning.

I barely got my count out before he was handing out another spank on my left ass cheek, just as hard and fast.

Pain seared my skin. Master had one of his arms curled around my waist, holding me still as he continued to shower his punishment on my ass.

He didn’t go slow. He wasn’t soft. This…this was the punishment. And it hurt.

With each spank, I counted breathlessly. By the tenth, tears were running down my cheeks.

Master stopped, and I choked back a sob. My body was shaking, but I tried to be brave and strong for Lyov.

“You are quite extraordinary,” Master praised, his lips feathering over my ear. His whisper had me calmed, and I relaxed into his hold. “Good girl.”

His fingers were between my legs again, parting them and pushing against the lips begging for him. He pushed a finger inside of me, and I tried to hide my moan. Oh God. I could hear how wet I was. In and out, he moved deliciously inside of me. Slowly and at his leisure.

My ass was on fire and burning, but it was an exquisite ache as Master continued to touch the inside of my pussy. He pushed in another finger and started to massage my inner walls. My thighs clenched, and my eyes fluttered closed.

When he felt that I was coming close to a release, he pulled his fingers out and then…

The sting of pain against my ass took me by surprise again. I whimpered out the count as Lyov continued to deliver the spanking at his same punishing pace as before. Through the pain, I found a sweet, aching pleasure. And through the pleasure came the regret at disappointing him.

“I am sorry,” I whispered as he handed me the last hard spank.

Finally, he was done.

And I was exhausted. My emotions were all over my place. My body was tight and in need, desperate for something.

I was being lifted and then settled on Lyov’s lap. I flinched when my sore buttocks made contact with his thighs. Master held me close, and he brought my head to his shoulders. I buried my face into neck and finally…I took the deepest breath and everything was right again.

I smiled against his skin. I looked up and our eyes met. His gaze was hard but proud, and I reveled in that pride. “You were so good, Maria.”

“Thank you, Master.”

His fingers trailed up my neck, and then he cupped my jaw. Our lips met, and our kiss was unhurried.

When we pulled apart, Lyov gave me a look. I could see a dangerous gleam in there, and I instantly knew he knew the truth. “Maria. Did you purposely break my rule because you wanted me to punish you?”

I looked down, embarrassed, guilt clawing at me. “Maria, look at me.”

My eyes snapped up. “Answer me,” he said with a growl, displeased that I was avoiding his question.

I gave him a small nod in response. “I wanted…I needed…I mean…”

Not being able to say it out loud, I could only stare at Master in desperation, hoping he could hear my unsaid words.

I craved his control on me. I craved Master’s dominance and the need to submit, to surrender, to let him play my body and mind as he pleased. To let him take care of me like I knew he would.

Over the last few months, Lyov spoiled me. I was a good girl, and Lyov was the sweetest and the gentlest. But I was missing his other side. The side I had seen at the auction, our first night together…the first time he touched me…the very first time I pleased him with my mouth and made him come.

I needed that side of Lyov. I needed him to be my Master. And I knew the only way to bring it out was to play with fire.

I knew that Lyov understood me before he even handed out my punishment. He just wanted me to say the words, to admit what I wanted and why I did it.

The menacing look was back on Lyov’s face again. He looked beautiful like this. Before I could think, he had me by the throat again, and I almost smiled.

There you are, my Lyov.

His lips curled back in a dangerous snarl, and his jaw clenched. “You. Played. A. Dangerous. Game. Maria.”

“I’m sorry,” I breathed again.

“No. You aren’t.” To Lyov, I was transparent.

“But don’t worry, little one. You will be very sorry by the time I’m done with you and tonight ends,” he rumbled dangerously, the sound vibrating through his chest.

I gasped, and then an intense heat went through my body. Without waiting for my response or giving me a chance to really think, Lyov was pushing me down on my knees, until I was kneeling between his spread legs.

In front of me, Lyov tugged at his belt and then unzipped his pants agitatedly—almost impatiently. My angry love was back again. A mixture of fear and anticipation slithered its way deep within me.

He pulled out his cock, and his hard length was fisted in his hand. Lyov gripped the back of my neck and pulled me forward. My lips parted instantaneously as he guided his cock past my lips.

I was exhausted and limp, but fire was burning through me. Lyov didn’t waste any time. He didn’t even wait for me to adjust to his girth or length. Instead, he started to thrust repeatedly, hitting the back of my throat each time.

I fought against the urge to gag. My lips were stretched tight over his cock. I couldn’t do anything. I was without control as he used me.

My gaze was seeking his, and when we met, his eyes glittered furiously. Lyov angled my head up and to the side slightly. He pulled me more into him, and his ass left the couch until he was almost straddling my face, forcing himself down my throat.

I squirmed and fought against the invasion, suddenly finding myself out of breath. For the longest moment, he stayed still, rooted deep inside me, and I had to learn to swallow against him. When I struggled, he pressed harder, and then pulled out before pushing back in without giving me time to breathe.

My eyes watered, and he pulled out. The moist head, dripping with cum, rested against my lips. I calmed when his fingers tightened around the base of my nape. His hold let me know that he had me. He was telling me to give him control.

So I did. I opened my mouth wider and waited. He nodded, satisfied. Master withdrew before sliding his engorged cock back past my lips again. My throat was working against me, fighting to reject this big hard length so deep inside of me. It took everything in me to breathe through my nose and focus on his grey eyes.

Tears ran down my cheeks as he continued to thrust in and out, fucking my mouth with abandon. He fucked it as if he were fucking my now clenching, dripping core.

Lyov was making a mess of me as I drooled and allowed him to use me. The sucking sounds filled the room as he continued to move his hips with a punishing rhythm. Pre-cum spilled over my tongue, and I tasted the saltiness of him. I hummed, and he swelled larger.

He thrust one last time inside. His face blurred, and I finally felt him. He erupted into my mouth without warning, and I greedily drank him. Cum spilled past my lips as I continued to suck and lick. Lyov released a long grunt, pushing deeper into my throat and staying there, even after spilling all his essence into the depth of me.

I continued to lazily lick and suck him, moving my mouth against his semi-hard length now.

He twitched, and I could feel him growing impatient with need again. Lyov growled like an enraged beast. Pulling out of my mouth, he stood up and gripped my arms, pulling me into a standing position too.

I wobbled and felt dizzy for a second. My vision was still blurred as I was walked backward. Suddenly, he swiveled me around, my back facing his front. My eyes widened when I saw the grand piano in front of me.

With Master’s hand on my back, he pushed me forward and made me lean over, my bare front pressing into the hard surface. The top of the piano was cold, and my nipples hardened. Lyov’s body pushed against mine, and I was rendered powerless.

My whole body was hyperaware, and the fabric of his clothes pressing into my sensitive skin made me moan.

Lyov bit my ear teasingly. “Horny girl. Desperate for my cock and to have her cunt filled.”

I shuddered and moaned in response. His warmth left me, and I looked over my shoulder.

“Don’t move!” he hissed.

I stayed immobile and breathed. My stomach fluttered, and there was something deep inside of me, waiting to erupt, wanting to erupt. I was shaking with it.

The next time Lyov pressed into my body, he was naked. His skin against mine felt so satisfying. I was primed and ready.

Please,” I begged with a whisper. It was so soft, it was impossible for him to hear it. But this was Lyov. He didn’t miss anything.

“You will be begging me, Maria. Don’t worry. Although we are not sure if you will be begging for me to stop or for more.”

More. More. More. I want it all. Every little thing. I can take it all. Give it to me.

I felt him kneel behind me, and then he forced my legs open and wide. My cheek laid on the closed piano, my chest pressed hard onto its surface as I heaved for each breath.

I felt him near my dripping core. I clenched, and he chuckled. “Look at you, clenching this pretty pink cunt. It’s a sight I want to see all the fucking time. I’ll never get tired of it.”

Slightly shy, I tried to close my legs. His fingers dug into my thighs as he held me open for him. “Oh no. You don’t. You aren’t allowed to move unless I tell you to.”

I let out another moan when he pressed his finger right there. Oh my. It felt so good. And then he pounced. He dove right for my pussy. His face pressed into me, and I felt his tongue poking my entrance, before he was sucking on my clit and biting.

I screamed.

It hurt. It felt good. It…confused…I was so confused.

My mind swirled as he licked and sucked. “I love your taste. But fuck, I want this cunt wrapped around my dick. I am going to enjoy breaking you though, and watch you beg me to stop punishing this pussy,” he hissed and groaned.

As quickly as he was there, he was gone. I was left empty and wanting again. But not for long. His front pressed into my body again, the heaviness of him pushing me more into the piano. I was practically crushed underneath his weight, and I was immobile. I couldn’t fight even if I wanted to.

But I didn’t want to fight. We both knew that.

The tip of his fat cock rested against my wet lips. He rubbed against my wetness, parting my pussy lips and teasing me to the point of complete insanity. I needed to come. I desperately needed release.


Me calling him Master did it. His fist wrapped around my hair, and he tugged my head back. His mouth found my neck as I felt him pressing against me.

“This will hurt.”

That was the only warning I got before he rammed inside of me. So hard. So quickly. At the same time, he bit down on my neck.

It hurt. Oh, did it hurt. So good. So bad.

He glided easily through my wetness. I was stretched tight around him. Master felt even bigger than before. I had taken him inside of me many times, but this…this was different.

Lyov had me pinned into the piano with his cock forced deep inside my pussy and his teeth leaving their mark into my skin.

So deep. I was so full. I couldn’t take any more.

But Master made me take more.

His fingers dug almost painfully into my hips. He leveled himself properly behind me, and then he pulled out before pounding back inside of me, buried to the hilt. This. I had absolutely no words.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

I whimpered when he pulled out, almost fully. And then he thrust back in with the same painful thrust. I arched my back. Lyov released my hair, and his fingers wrapped around my throat. My head was pulled back, and finally, he angled my face until his lips met mine and he devoured me.

He picked up speed, and I could feel myself clenching and unclenching around him. It was building inside of me, that crazy wildlife fire.

I whimpered when Master pulled out and didn’t push back in. But he only laughed mercilessly. “I’m not done with you yet, baby.”

My breath caught, and nervous apprehension raced through every bit of me. His fingers delved between us. So much of my wetness had gathered there. He rubbed his fingers in them and then brought them…up…sliding through the cracks of my ass.

My eyes widened, and I gasped loud. Oh.

Both of his hands gripped my sore ass cheeks, and he pulled them apart. I felt him spit on my hole, and then he used my wetness to coat and lubricate the tightness there. Over the last few weeks, Lyov had used a plug on me. He said he was training me to take his cock.

I didn’t realize that…now

His thumb pressed into my hole, and all thoughts left me. Blank. I couldn’t think.

I could hear our rapid breathing and the thump of our hearts. He massaged my inner walls there with two of his fingers. He spread more wetness and spat once more into my hole. Spreading my cheeks wider, he positioned the blunt head of his cock firmly against me.

His lips feathered over my ear. “Don’t fight it. Don’t fight me,” he said hoarsely, almost begging.

I shook my head. “I won’t. Take me, Master,” I whispered.

Those were the only words he needed. In one thrust, he slowly entered me from behind, sliding deep into my ass. I cried out, my head rearing up from the piano. Lyov wrapped his hand around my neck again. Turning my face to the side, he silenced me with his lips again.

He stretched me impossibly full. The first few thrusts were gentle before he surged forward and slammed into me. I tried to process my emotions and all the sensations taking over my body, but I couldn’t.

It hurt. With a bite and sweet kiss of pleasure. My head swam with ecstasy. He pulled out fully and then flipped me over so my back was against the closed piano now. Lyov hoisted me up until I was lying back, and I stared into his eyes. My arms wrapped around his shoulders.

Master looked feral. A ruthless intensity that had me moaning and whimpering. I was captivated by his dominance.

Lyov spread my legs, and he pushed them up toward my chest and outward. His arms curled around the back of my knees as he kept me there in place. In this position, my hips were tilted upward, both my pussy and ass open for him to use.

I stirred restlessly as Lyov’s hungry lips kissed me into dizziness. His cock rubbed against my wet pussy, coating his length with my juices before he went back to my ass.

He thrust back inside without giving me time to think or adjust. I cried out and bucked upward. His gaze bore into mine as he flexed his hips and continued to thrust in and out of me. I was completely helpless and vulnerable. And it was everything I needed.

With his body over mine, he mounted me possessively. I clenched and then moaned into the pain.

I sobbed.

One of his hands came up to my neck, and there he was…my throat in his grip. “Trust me,” he said in a guttural voice. I do.

His fingers tightened, and my eyes widened. Panic welled inside of me until I remembered his words.

Trust me.

My hand went to his face, and I caressed his cheek. Tears flowed down my cheeks, and he blocked my air. A breath. A gasp. And then breathless.

The room became hazy around me as I slipped beyond the pain and soreness of my body. Pleasure mixed with pain. Pain mixed with pleasure. There was no way to find the difference between the two. Where one ended, the other started. It repeated over and over again. A soft sigh escaped my lips, and I surrendered.

When I dove over the edge of unconsciousness, he let me go and pulled out of my ass before ramming into my pussy. I came back, gulping a long, heaving breath, and my mouth opened in a silent cry as I accepted his cock into me.

His lips desperately found mine, and we kissed. And kissed.

Finally, I came, something erupting inside from within me. A wall that had been built. It came down as I found my release.

Lyov came too, filling me. His thrust became jerky, and he throbbed inside of me.

Our repeated gasps. My moans. His deep groans. With each thrust, his grunts vibrated into my neck. His sharp sweet bite into my skin. His lips leaving wet kisses. The grinding of our bodies together in a perfect rhythm was a beautiful song. The way we fit together, skin to skin, his hardness into my softness, it felt like we had been made for each other.

He wasn’t making love to me.

He wasn’t fucking me.

He was owning me.

And it was perfection for us.






I didn’t stop thrusting inside her cunt, not even after we both found our release. I filled her up, and she milked me. We were wet and made a fucking mess between us. And fuck me, I wanted more of it.

It wasn’t just a desire to fuck my Queen. No. It was a ravenous hunger, to devour every inch of her beautiful body until she was a sobbing limp mess on the floor.

And then I would fix her. Put all the broken pieces back together and start all over again.

She needed this, just as much as I needed it. I’d found my match.

I gazed into her hazy blue eyes. Tears were running down her red cheeks, and she was fucking smiling dreamily at me.

Beautiful. There couldn’t be a more beautiful sight than this.

Maria’s body slid down from the piano, and I pulled her to the floor with me when my legs couldn’t hold us anymore. We both sunk to the ground. She laid on her back and spread her legs for me. I settled on top of her, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I thrust back into her, lazily and sweetly. Just because. I never wanted to leave her warmth. Our lips made love as I stayed rooted deep within her.

“I love you, Master.”

A small hoarse whisper. I opened my eyes and found her staring up at me, a look of love and wonder on her face. For a brief second, I thought I misheard.

But she mouthed it again.

Then I thought maybe she was caught up in the moment. I had brought her into a place where her mind was neither here nor there. But then she smiled shyly and looked at me with the brightest blue eyes…the happiest eyes.

My chest ached, and I buried my face into her neck. Fuck.

I wanted to stop myself, but I couldn’t. The words slipped past my lips before I could pull them back. I couldn’t hide anymore.

“I love you too, Angel.”

Her arms tightened around me, and I held her, silently promising to never let her go.

You and me, Angel. We will never end. We are forever.