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Last Call (The Landing Strip Book 1) by Shelley Springfield, Emily Minton (10)

Chapter Nine

Paisley Shares Her Buns

Popping the top closed, I pick up the cinnamon rolls and head to the door. I’ve been up since five this morning baking for Lark. After him cooking for our last three dates, I wanted to do something special for him. Since he had to go in early this morning to meet the delivery truck, I decided to bring him a snack.

I actually started baking late last night. Considering all the food he makes tastes like it comes from a five-star restaurant, I wanted to make something special. After a lot of thought, I made a double layered Italian cream cake, my youngest brother’s favorite dessert. By the time it was done, I realized how hard it would be to eat at the bar. I then made triple chocolate cupcakes with Oreo crumble topping, my dad’s favorite munchie. Only after they were done did I think about how messy they were and realized I needed to start over again.

I thought about it all night long before finally deciding on cream cheese stuffed cinnamon rolls. They are something he will be able to grab and eat, off and on, while he is working. They may be sticky, really sticky, but at least the icing is easy to wipe off. Since it’s still early, they will be the perfect treat. Plus, I got the recipe from my nonna, and they are amazing.

“Hey, you can’t take them all,” Sonia says, walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.

I smile over my shoulder as I open the door. “I left two on the table for you.”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” she shouts as I step outside. “You made like two dozen, and you only gave me two?”

I ignore her tirade and shut the door, walk around the back of the apartment building, and head to the bar. I’ve been to The Landing Strip a lot over the last few weeks. It started out just stopping in for a drink every now and then. Since we’ve been spending more time together, and with our schedules, I spend quite a bit of time there. Normally, I just stop by on the way home. Today, I’ve decided to walk. It’s actually quicker than getting in my car and driving there, which takes me two blocks out of the way.

I’m just past the courtyard of my apartment building when I see Trip and Ripley coming out the back door of the bar. They are with a man in uniform, and he is looking down at a clipboard in his hand. As I get closer, I see the Budweiser logo on the back of his shirt.

By the time I reach them, the other man is back in his truck. I wait until he pulls away before stepping into the alleyway behind the bar. I’ve barely taken a step before both men turn to watch me walk their way.

“Hey, doll,” Trip says, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ripley’s pretty green eyes come to me but quickly move to the container in my hand. “What do you have there?”

I’m surprised to see them here. I knew Lark had to come in early, but he never mentioned they would be coming in, too. I hope I made enough for everyone. There may be nearly two dozen, but the few times I’ve seen these guys eat, they can seriously put down some food.

I smile, walking up to them, and lift the lid. “I made cinnamon rolls.”

“Damn, those smell good,” he says, leaning down to take a whiff.

Trip pushes him out of the way and does the same. “Fuck yeah, they do.”

When he goes to grab one, I snap the container shut, nearly catching his fingers. I laugh at the look of shock on his face and laugh harder when he takes a step back and scowls at me. I don’t care if he eats some, but not until I give them to Lark.

“I promise you can have one, but first…” I start, but am cut off by one arm wrapping around my waist and another coming up to close over my mouth.

The scent of Lark surrounds me as he whispers, “You shouldn’t be making promises you can’t keep.”

“You’ve gotta share,” Ripley pleads, sounding like a little boy.

“Paisley’s buns are all mine.” To emphasize, he reaches down and squeezes my ass. “I don’t like to share.”

We’ve been seeing each other nearly every day for almost a month. In that month, there has been a lot of kissing and touching but nothing more. With the feel of his hand on my ass, I know I’m ready for that to change. I haven’t had sex since I was with Troy, and three years is a long damn time to go without.

When he moves his hand from my mouth, I twirl around in his arms and smile. “They’re all yours, so you don’t have to share unless you want to.”

He sends Trip and Ripley a cocky look and grabs the container from my hand. Placing his free hand on the small of my back, he leads me into the bar. Once we reach the bar top, he sets the cinnamon rolls down and pulls me back into his arms.

He brings his mouth to mine, drawing a strangled moan from somewhere deep inside of me. The kiss is amazing, soft and hard at the same time. His lips devour mine, giving me a taste of him. His flavor hits my tongue, drawing another moan from my lips. The kiss goes on and on, causing my body to heat to boiling. By the time he pulls back, all I can think is that I want more. I want it all.

“I didn’t expect to see you this morning,” he says, a twinkle in his eyes. “I guess you just couldn’t stay away from me.”

It’s true; every minute away from him seems like an eternity. After our first date, there was no turning back for me. I was all in, wanting to see if we could be something special. So far, it’s working. Working so well, I feel as if I am in deeper than I should be. As an adult, I should know better than to fall for someone so fast, but that’s what is happening. I may not love him yet, but I can feel it coming. When it hits me, I know it's going to hit like a freight train.

I smile, leaning into his body. “I wanted to bring you something sweet.”

“You just gave me something sweet,” Lark replies, shooting me a wink. “The sweetest thing I have ever tasted.”

Taking a step back, I shake my head at his words and step up to the bar top. I quickly grab a napkin from the bar and open the container. Grabbing one of the rolls, the biggest of the bunch, I turn around and hand it to him.

“It’s my nonna’s recipe,” I tell him when he takes it from me. “They’re extra messy but really good.”

He looks at it for a second before bringing it to his mouth. He devours half of it with just one bite. I watch as he closes his eyes and lets out a pleasure-filled moan. He quickly finishes it off and grabs another. He downs three without even saying a word.

“Those are fucking awesome,” he states while grabbing a few more napkins and wiping off his hands.

“Now that you’ve had your fill, can we have one?” Trip asks as he and Ripley walk into the bar.

Ripley narrows his eyes and mumbles, “Probably not. He’s always been a stingy motherfucker.”

Since Lark and I started dating, I’ve spent a lot of time with Ripley and Trip. I like them both, like them a lot. Trip is funny, easy going, and always the life of the party. He drinks a bit much, something I know Lark doesn’t like, but I really like being around him. Ripley is completely different, very quiet. He doesn’t seem shy, just reserved. I like him, but I think it is going to take a long time to really get to know him.

Sonia has a massive crush on Ripley. She says he is everything she wants in a man. How she knows that, I have no freaking clue. She is constantly stopping by the bar to see him, and he’ll take a few minutes to talk to her. That’s it, though. He hasn’t asked her out, said no the one time she got the nerve to ask him, and even went as far as to tell her he isn’t interested in dating anyone at this time. She’s not giving up, no matter what he says. Lark says it’s gonna lead to heartbreak on her part. I tend to agree, but there is nothing I can do to stop her.

Where Ripley isn’t interested in her, Trip’s eyes follow her every time she walks into a room. He is interested, way interested in her, but he has never approached her. He will talk to her but nothing more. I haven’t talked to Lark about it, but I think Trip isn’t asking her out because of her interest in Ripley.

“She made them for me,” Lark says, picking up the container and tucking it under his arm, attempting to hide them away. “You two keep your damn hands off them.”

The guys grumble, but Lark ignores them and grabs my hand. He leads me back to the office and shuts the door. Once inside, he takes the cinnamon rolls over to the desk and sets them down. Then he walks back to me and pulls me into his arms.

“Thank you for bringing me breakfast. It was delicious,” he says, brushing his lips over mine. “I wish I could spend the day showing you just how appreciative I am, but I have to drive to Bowling Green and get a new tap for one of the kegs. The place is closed; he’s coming in just for me.”

“That’s okay,” I reply, circling my arms around his neck. “You can think of a way to show me thanks later.”

His eyes flare with the invitation, and he brings his lips to mine again. This time, it isn’t gentle. If anything, this kiss is completely consuming. He runs the tip of his tongue over my lips before sliding it inside. The kiss grows heated quickly, causing me to whimper with need. The sound has Lark grinding into me, giving me a feel of his hard length. With that contact, he seems to realize how fast the kiss has escalated and pulls back.

He places his forehead against mine and takes in a deep breath. “You could ride to Bowling Green with me. We could stop and get some lunch.”

I think of my plans for the day and consider the ramifications of canceling them, knowing they would be harsh. I have to help my sister paint the nursery. Her husband has been pulling double shifts for the last month, so he hasn’t had time to get it done. The baby is due in three weeks, and she says she is going to do it herself if it doesn’t get done this weekend.

I have canceled on her the last three weekends, spending time with Lark instead. The first weekend, she seemed a little ticked off but okay. The second time, she was good and pissed but held it in. If I do the same thing today, she is going to blow a gasket. As much as I want to say yes, I shake my head.

“I wish I could, but I can’t,” I tell him, truly apologetic. “If I don’t show up at my sister’s soon, she is going to kick my ass.”

His hands move down to cup my ass, and he says, “Tell her she better not kick it because this ass is mine.”

Before I can say anything, the door opens and Ripley sticks his head in. “Hate to bother you, man, but you got an hour to get to Bowling Green. If you’re not there, he’s not gonna wait, and we’re not gonna have Sam Adams on tap tonight.”

“Shit,” Lark mumbles, looking down at me. “I’ve gotta go.”

I look up at him, seeing the regret in his eyes. He doesn’t want to go, doesn’t want to be away from me for even a few hours. He has no choice, just like I have no choice but to go to my sister’s. Knowing he feels the same way I do fills my soul with warmth.

I lean in and swipe my lips over his. “See you later.”

After a quick round of goodbyes, I walk out of the bar and head back to my apartment. By the time I reach the courtyard, a huge smile is spread across my face. As much as I want to try to deny it, call it something else, the truth is I am falling in love with Lark.