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Last Call (The Landing Strip Book 1) by Shelley Springfield, Emily Minton (19)

Chapter Eighteen

Lark Relaxes

Walking over to the window, I lean my forehead against the cool glass and curse Crystal under my breath. I am pissed way the fuck off. I’ve been angry plenty of times in my life, but I’m not sure I have ever been this full of rage before. It's like my anger has taken on a life of its own and I can barely keep it contained.

I have no idea how to handle this shit. If Crystal was a man, it would be so much easier. I would drive to his house and beat his ass, making sure he knew to never threaten my woman again. With her being a woman, I can't do that. It’s like my fucking hands are tied, and there is nothing I can do to stop her crazy ass.

“I can’t believe that bitch came to your work and pulled that kind of shit,” I repeat for what has to be at least the hundredth time. “She had no fucking right to even talk to you, much less to threaten you.”

“I think we should just forget it ever happened,” Paisley says from her spot on the bed. “Let’s not make a big deal out of it.”

“It's a big fucking deal. That shit should have never happened.” My eyes go to her, taking in the long dark hair tumbling down her back.

She was asleep when I got here. Since she gave me my own key after we got back together, I came in and headed straight to the bedroom. Once I saw her curled up on the bed, I stripped down to my boxers and climbed in bed with her. I planned on waking her up with a few kisses, but her eyes popped open as soon as my lips pressed against hers.

Before I could do more than get a quick taste, she started telling me about Crystal’s visit to the gym. Any lingering passion quickly faded away. I made her repeat herself, going over the conversation again and again. I kept asking questions until she told me every detail, even what the bitch was wearing. By the time she was done, the nervous energy pumping through my body had me jumping from the bed and I started pacing.

“I told you, that is just how Crystal is,” she states, crawling out of the bed and walking over to me. “She likes to cause a scene.”

“I’m gonna have to talk to her, let her know this shit can’t happen again,” I growl, pulling her into my arms. “I can’t have her threatening you.”

Paisley looks up to me, chewing her bottom lip. “I can handle her. It isn’t the first time she has tried this crap on me.”

“You shouldn’t have to handle her!” I shout, losing my patience. “She shouldn’t even be fucking talking to you.”

“Evvvv…” she stumbles over her words, but forces herself to continue. “Everything is going to be okay.”

She’s nervous, causing her to stutter, and that kills me. “I know it will be, but that doesn’t change the fact that this should have never happened.”

She has been nervous since she told me about Crystal. Even though she hasn’t come right out and said it, I know she is even a little scared. She told me about some of the crazy shit Crystal did to people in high school, and I think she is worried that the bitch will do the same kind of stuff to her. That is not going to happen; I won’t let it.

Some of the shit she told me about made my skin crawl. Most of it was typical high school bullshit, but some of it was just fucking cruel. I can handle shit like egging someone’s house or toilet papering their trees, and even laugh at it. But when she started telling me about Crystal slashing people’s tires and pouring sugar into some chick’s gas tank, I started to feel a bit sick to my stomach. When she finally told me that the bitch seduced her college professor and threatened to tell the dean if he didn’t give her an A, I knew she would be willing to do anything.

“I know you want to confront her, but I think it's better if we just ignore her,” she states, leaning her cheek against my bare chest. “She thrives off of attention. The best thing we can do is not give it to her.”

“I have to talk to her,” I say, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “If I don’t, she’s going to keep on doing this shit.”

Shaking her head, she looks up and narrows her eyes at me. “If you do, you’ll just be giving her what she wants. Then, this shit is just going to get worse.”

As much as I fucking hate it, she’s probably right. Crystal reminds me a lot of my dad. He’d blow up, throw a fucking fit, over the smallest of things. Any time Mom tried talking him down, he only became more pissed and made sure our lives were a living hell.

When she was about six, my sister dropped a plate on the hard tile floor. The thing shattered, sending shards of sharp glass throughout the room. Mom cleaned it up, doing her best to get every piece of the glass. Still, the next morning, one found its way into my dad’s foot and he threw a fucking fit.

Mom made a big deal of it, apologizing over and over again. She dug the glass out and cleaned his foot, even going so far as to put a Band-Aid on the tiny cut. Through all of that, he kept on screaming. By the time he was done throwing his tantrum, Mom was sporting a black eye and my sister had a red bottom.

On the other hand, I once broke our neighbor’s window, and Dad didn’t even ground me. I deserved that and much more. I’d like to say it was an accident, a childish mistake, but it wasn’t. I was pissed at the neighbor for blowing his leaves in our yard. Dad made me rake the yard every day after school, and I was tired of raking up our neighbor’s leaves, too. When he wouldn’t stop, I got pissed and tossed a rock right through his front window.

That night, Mom made me tell my father what I did. He wasn’t happy, not one damn bit. He ranted and raved, threatened to beat my ass. In the end, he just made me use the money I earned working at the restaurant to pay for the damage. Then, he dropped it. Since Mom didn’t make a big deal out of it, the whole thing was forgotten quickly.

Maybe I should take that as a lesson. She could be doing all this to get a reaction from me. If she gets what she wants, she will keep doing it, expecting the same thing to happen. Hopefully, if I ignore Crystal, she will let this drop.

“If it happens again, if she comes anywhere near you, I want you to go get a restraining order,” I say, taking a step back from her.

“Do you really think that's necessary?” she asks, cocking her head to the side. “It seems like a bit much to me. Plus, how would that work since we work in the same building?”

“That may make it a bit difficult, but if you let them know what has been going on, and that she works in the same building, they will figure out a way for it to work. She should be taking maternity leave soon, so that won’t matter anyway. I want to make sure this shit doesn’t become a regular occurrence. I’m gonna make sure it doesn’t, even if we have to involve the law,” I reply, firm on my decision.

I feel like a pussy, having to call the police to get a woman off my ass. I really don’t have a choice, though. What the fuck else can I do? I’ve tried talking to her, tried explaining how I feel, even resorted to threatening. None of that worked, not one damn bit. I can’t beat her ass; I’m not that kind of man, so the law is my only option.

“Okay,” she agrees, even though she looks unhappy about it. “If that's what you need me to do, then that’s what I will do.”

My eyes scan her face, taking in the love I see there. “You would do anything for me, wouldn’t you, cheri?”

She stares up at me, standing there wearing only a Kentucky Wildcat tank top and a pair of barely-there panties. The sight has me forgetting my troubles. The moonlight, shining through the window, is illuminating every single one of her beautiful curves. My cock takes notice, waking up just a bit.

“Yes, I would,” she states with a nod, not even bothering to hide her complete surrender. “I love you, Lark.”

Reaching out, I drag her back to me and lower my head. I plaster my lips on hers, making sure she knows I love her, too. I quickly deepen the kiss, wanting another taste of her. Her hands come up to circle my arms as her tongue slides across mine. The kiss turns heated, our tongues dueling with each other. By the time we pull apart, Paisley is gasping for breath.

“You’ve had a bad night. You need to relax.” She smiles at me before dropping to her knees. “I know just how to make that happen.”

Without delay, she reaches out and pulls my hard length from my boxers. Running her hand up and down it, she slides her thumb over the top and spreads out the precum beading on the tip. Finally, she leans forward and swipes her tongue over the head. My hands go to her hair, fisting her dark locks, and I force her to take me deeper.

Pulling back, she whispers, “Are you feeling a little more relaxed?”

“Fuck yeah,” I mumble, looking down at her glistening lips. “I love it, love your hot mouth, cheri.”

“Then you’re going to really love this,” she says with a wicked smile before sucking me back into her warm mouth.

She pulls me in deep, closing her throat around the tip. She does this a time or two before backing off and sliding her hand up and down my length. A groan bubbles up from somewhere deep in my throat as her lips hold me firm and her tongue pays special attention to the head of my cock. She works me in and out of her warm mouth, using both her hands and lips to push me over the edge. Each time she draws me into her throat, a tingle shoots down my spine.

My body starts to twitch, and she uses her free hand to cup my balls. Giving them a little squeeze, she locks onto the head of my cock and circles her tongue around it. She slowly pulls me deep again, swallowing half of my length. She bobs her head, moving it back and forth. My hands tighten in her hair, urging her to go faster.

After only a minute or two, I jerk back and drag her off the floor. “I love your mouth, but I need to be in that hot little pussy of yours.”

I don't give her a chance to respond before I pick her up. I carry her over to the bed and toss her down. She bounces twice before landing on her back. Flipping her on her stomach, I drag her panties down her legs and toss them on the floor. I jerk her hips up in the air and slide my hand between her legs.

“Thank fuck, you’re wet for me,” I say, finding her ready.

She pushes her ass back against me, letting me know she wants this as bad as I do. “I’m always wet for you.”

I step between her legs and grab her hips, looking down at her heart-shaped ass. Without preamble, I slam into her. Pulling back, I slam into her over and over again. With each stroke, I go deeper and harder. In and out, I force myself into her depth. My thrusts become erratic after just a minute or two.

Knowing I am close, I lean down and place my chest against her back. Letting go of her hip, I move one arm around her body and find her soaking pussy. My fingers concentrate on her clit, determined to bring her with me over the edge.

“I need you to come for me, cheri,” I order, biting down on her neck just enough to cause a sliver of pain. “I want to feel you come around my cock.”

Her muscles flutter around me, letting me know she is almost there. I continue gliding in and out as my fingers work her clit. The sounds of our flesh slapping together fills the room, and I bottom out and rotate my hips. I give her clit another twist, just as I pull out and slam back in. With that, she screams out her release.

Her entire body goes taut, and her pussy locks down on my cock as her body bucks with pleasure. She squeezes me so fucking hard that I have to work just to slide out to the tip. I thrust into her again, picking up speed. Going to the root once more, I explode.

“Fuck, I love you,” I growl as I lose myself deep inside of her.